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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. It does though 27.3 Enhancements are given to units 27.3.1 Unique units can not be given enhancements unless specified otherwise sidebar beside 27.3.1: If a rule forces you to give an enhancement to a unique unit the unit cannot use it and it has no effect Spell Lores is an enhancement (and therefore given to wizards in the army) Sidebar notes that it lets EVERY wizard in the army know 1 spell from a spell lore (this doesn't contradict 27.3.1 since it isn't specifying unique units can use it) Even if we interpret the sidebar to count as an exception, the sidebar to 27.3.1 means they wouldn't be able to use it anyways I'm certain this wasn't intentional and they just screwed up the rules here.
  2. There's also a rule saying enhancements are given, and a sidebar saying if you are forced to give a unique character an enhancement they can't use it.
  3. Spiderfang are hit bad by coherency since you needed 10 to put out any kind of damage and the spider fangs only have 1" reach on cav bases. They desperately need the banner artifact too which forces their drops up considerably from before. Plus the all out attack change is actually a nerf on spiders. Mystic shield is pretty redundant in bonesplitterz now, they have a +1 to save lore spell, the shields give +1 to save, and the wardokk dance is +1 to save. Plus bonesplitterz did have some good battalions, the loss of kunnin rukk is going to hurt particularly badly for archers.
  4. Per the new rules on triggered abilities if multiple trigger the person rolling the die picks one of them. So if you have two instances of exploding 6s you can only pick one instance of it to trigger.
  5. I collect a bunch of armies: Spiderfang is hard nerfed, they were already weak, but coherency changes, extra taxes on artifacts that they can't go without (3 heroes for every 1 artifact), and being unable to run low drops all hurt. Arachnaroks are slightly better but not nearly enough to make up for it as they weren't even that good beforehand. Also hurt by the change to All out Attack as the rerolls were WAY more useful on spiders than +1 to hit. Gitz in general is much weaker being unable to stack -1 to hit, squigs are probably hurt the least, followed by Troggs then moonclan SoB gets big buffs everyone, less drops, more good artifact options, monster and hero abilities, new command abilities to buff defense, and new coherency rules. Tzeentch probably doesn't get hurt too bad, Flamers can't stack to-hit and changehost is gone, but horrors are still insanely strong and the best chaff in the game. plus they can still keep drops low. The version I usually played (phantasmogoria of fate) is completely dead until further notice Ironjawz are hurt by the lack of ironfist, but the extra CP you get should make up for it somewhat. Probably a wash overall. Mawtribes: Gutbusters get hurt bad except for Ironguts, BCR have access to 1-drop lists now and +1 to save on stonehorns. Plus extra CP all around because they were pretty starved before Bonesplitterz: nerfed. They can't stack exploding 6s anymore and their base sizes suck. They get basically nothing that boosts them either. Beasts of Chaos: lol. I hope gors get bumped up to 20's in a massive race to being the worst unit possible. BoC shields are +1 to save, which is less useful now, terrible attack ranges and base sizes all over, one of the few armies actually hurt by reinforcement limits, lost their good battalions and ability to low drop, their best subfaction (gavespawn) got nerfed bad because the CA can't be stacked anymore. I heard a rumor some unit sizes were going up for BoC in the ghb, probably ungors which will make them worse. So I'm like 2-3/8 in terms of armies that didn't get nerfed comparably to the rest of the meta.
  6. Technically Kairos can't take lore spells.... (pending FAQ, "Unique" units can't take enhancements, and spells are enhancements...) But also artifacts and CT. Kairos certainly seems like the winner to me too though, unless we see kairos go up more than the LoC.
  7. There's a cap on the modifier, not a cap on the bonus, so you add up all the bonuses (including rend) then if it's higher than +1 it hits the cap and only counts as +1.
  8. The rules on enhancements pretty clearly state that enhancements are given to specific units. This whole section is a mess if half of the enhancements aren't "given" after stating that they are. There's also a sidebar stating if you're forced to give a unique character an enhancement they can't use it. Roar is only combat phase so it doesn't stop inspiring presence.
  9. It depends on the army a bit, but enhancements have a HUGE hero tax. these are useful if you need a second enhancement or just don't care about minimizing drops for some reason. The most common numbers of drops will be 2 and 4, so I guess if you want a second enhancement, or can't fit into battle regiment after getting one these come into play
  10. New article is up with some of the GHB stuff, the two new battalions aren't that great. Alpha-beast pack is a step in the right direction for sure, as its got a somewhat unique effect, and these both actually have narrative, but they're still a significant step below battle regiment or an enhancement in terms of power.
  11. You get 1 of each kind of enhancement for free, including spell lores. Spell Lores lets each wizard take a spell from any of the lores they have access to. The generic enhancements can be used by any army so any wizard could take one of them with their spell choice. You don't need to spend an extra enhancement to get one of the generic ones, they're just available as an option to anyone. Edit: Also gargants aren't locked into an artifact with their subfactions so they can choose to take generic ones.
  12. Yeah, what its actually cheeky for is comboing with the tome artifact, to turn anything into a wizard that can cast flaming sword, like Mega-Gargants (that aren't kraken eaters, they could already become wizards) and bloodthirsters.
  13. Bonesplitterz "thing" was being able to stack exploding hits, they even put the designer's commentary in the book explaining how it works. Luckily warclans will be one of the first tomes.
  14. Closest I saw was no more than half your points on a single unit. (So no nagash until 2k for example)
  15. Yeah that artifact is really cool but getting access to it is a bit of a pain. I'm not fond of the way enhancements are taxed so badly in comparison to every other battalion. That said troggboss wizard is super cool, squig mounted wizard is probably the best though? You get 5 attacks and can use the mushroom once per game to reroll all hit and wound rolls, which combos nicely with flaming weapon.
  16. Actually frostlord on thundertusk is an interesting pick, bit of a hassle to get an artifact, but he can have a 3+ save, a 5+ ward, -1 to be hit, and reduce rend targetting him by 1
  17. the spell lores enhancement lets each wizard in your army pick a spell from any of the lores available to them. you can pick them from different lores. If you were to spend an enhancement to take Spell Lores again each wizard could pick a second spell from any of the spell lores available to them.
  18. Don't forget Ironguts are big winners, come in 4s and have 2" range on those big weapons with easy access to +1 to hit/save. Something to keep in mind about the yetis 6" pile in is that regroup counters it at least 50% of the time. Although that costs a CP so maybe its a win.
  19. That part is being replaced with the Enhancement rules, if it isn't (for some reason) every wizard gets 2 spells, you'll get 2 free mount traits (or whatever else), every priest will get 2 prayers, etc... Basically they're moving that bit of text saying each wizard can get one into the core rules. We'll probably see that when the 3.0 battletome erratas come out
  20. Enhancements are given to specific units in an army. Enhancements cannot be given to Unique units unless noted otherwise. There is no note under the spell lores enhancement that marks it as an exception. This is very clear RAW. (Which should be errata'd ASAP)
  21. Its an enhancement that can't be chosen since you always get one anyways. If for some reason you didn't get a command trait you could take it, as far as I can tell there is no scenario where you don't get a command trait. I think they just wanted command traits to be included with the rest of the enhancements as a reference, so they can refer to these things collectively. It would also be a bit strange if command trait was the only thing left out.
  22. I think the aura targets the unit that is emanating it. So a Tzeentch fatemaster would target himself as an example. I'm certain they just screwed up the rules here.
  23. 1 enhancement of each type, and additional based on battalions. Unique characters don't get anything, not even spells.(Pending errata, or a wierd ruling that lets you get 2 of everything for some reason)
  24. Colossal squig doesn't fly! It's finally his day to get the zoomies!
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