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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. I don't want to restart this stupid edgeshooting argument, but if this edition and faq has shown us anything it's that "slain" triggers were never intended to work when a model flees. They went through hoops to make this explicitly clear, to the point where they went too far and wrote the rules in a way that we needed to count slain and fled models separately and we're still trying to argue slain triggers activate when a model flees. "Models that have fled are treated as having been slain" is not the same thing as "they are slain". Interpret it how you want, but it will 100% come down on the side of it doesn't trigger when they flee when we get an FAQ, if we even need one for this.
  2. Honestly mournfang should've counted as 4 and gotten the better ogor charge at 4 models from the start.
  3. Squig gobba gunshrine! 30" range out of the shrine, and with their LoS sounds cool (might be awful but its a fun strat)
  4. The ranges on the webspinner and gobbapalooza are a bit low I think. If we're lucky squig gobba might lose its monster keyword so we can jam a few in there
  5. Cauldron switching to rerolls is interesting. I think it statistically maps out to around a +2 so its a bit of a buff. Putting skraggy or a loonboss general into the loonshrine might work out for us?
  6. Horrors can still go over max size with split and it looks like they can still be healed based on the current wording, models that flee count as having been slain (just like in aos 2) so rally isn't a pain anymore, although they've been VERY explicit about horrors not splitting when they flee. Horrors look to be in a pretty good spot. Cult of the transient form got it's teeth kicked in again though. They have no such exception, so now you need to roll a 6 on a kairic that dies within 9" of a unit of tzaangors that has suffered a casualty.
  7. Grimscuttle CT lets you turn on the moon once a game, which would work with the alpha. As written I don't think the drums stack with the new on the double, since it's not worded as a run roll. It just says you move an extra 6" but we'll need to wait for the FAQ I guess. In AoS2 it would stack since you treat the roll as being a 6.
  8. The cauldron is also a great spell, especially on a webspinner on arachnarok since it gives an extra +1 to cast
  9. If I had to guess hoppers are 10s now because they're supposed to be a standard battleline option for squig armies. The problem is they're overcosted for their bulk and damage if that's the case. They should've had a few points shaved off if they weren't increasing the costs of everything else enough. They could probably be priced the same as herds without forcing either out. Hoppers are faster, but herds have better output thanks to their 25mm bases. Herds arent necessarily slow either, 8" move with the loonboss CA, reroll run and charge, and easy access to run and charge.
  10. Got a game in with a trogg list against nurgle, we got a few rules wrong and didn't have the full ghb or secondary rules. I ran Dankhold with loonskin and glowy howzit Hag with amulet of destiny Madcap shaman with itchy nuisance Webspinner shaman with sneaky distraction 9 rockguts 6 fellwaters 3 fellwaters 10 hoppers 5 spider riders I ended up losing by 1 point at the end but it was very close even though I nearly tabled my opponent. My thoughts: Hoppers are still super weak and don't get mortals when retreating now (faq pending) Fellwaters still underperform for me, and in the new edition rend 1 just isn't enough. Unleash hell is cool on them but the damage is very swingy on the vomits. Rockguts are huge winners, rend 2, you can stack +1 to hit and the troggboss CA (since the boss is the target of his own CA) and they take +1 save super well. Troggboss is just as inconsistent in combat as ever, you could do a combat build but loonskin's extra CP is super valuable. Hag is phenomenal with amulet of destiny, she's just unmoveable without a significant amount of burst damage. 5 strong spider riders are useful as screens, fast objective grabbers, and backline objective holders but still do nothing in combat/shooting.
  11. Mournfang can be used well, but their big problem comes from our allegiance abilities. They only count as 2 models each on objectives, which is the same as any other cheaper ogor, and they were never worth running in big units to get the better ogor charge off of (and now we can't). The point increase didn't help either, as now 4 mournfang are the exact same cost as stonehorn beastriders, who do get the better ogor charge, and count as 10 models on an objective. If they counted as 2 models for ogor charge, and 3-4 for might makes right, I think they'd be in a really good spot.
  12. An extra artifact for the gruesome trophy rack on the tyrant could help, but you need to run 3 heroes in a single battalion to get access to it, which is a pretty heavy tax for ogors since our heroes are pretty expensive.
  13. Yeah one of our lore spells is run & charge, spider riders get a +2 to run rolls from the drummer though, not sure if that stacks with on the double, would be pretty cool tech if it does.
  14. Kraken-eater's damage has gotten much better in the new edition. He can grab up to 3 models out of a unit, which can definitely break coherency in a lot of units.
  15. I have no idea why the mushroom costs what it does. Scuttletide is better, and used to be only 30 points, even after the change its still cheaper (and weaker since it can be walked through now). Moon stocks are definitely up though, throwing a -1 or -2 on an enemy wizard is huge.
  16. Yeah enlightened on disc can be in coherency and still all hit, but the ones in the back will only get spear attacks. The disc attacks are still 1" Enlightened get a bonus if you're attacked first too, and as soon as you lose one they get the relaxed coherency rules so you can pile them all in.
  17. It used to, but FW would always release their version of updated points after the ghb anyways and they weren't always the same. The issue with dankhold's internal balance issues is they they're only about as effective as 3 rockguts/fellwaters but cost a chunk more. Maybe the new coherency helps with it thanks to their grabs but I'm skeptical. Unleash hell fellwaters is great, and rockguts with all out defense and maybe a webspinner behind to give -1 to hit is going to be a nasty anvil.
  18. Actually both should. We get a point whenever a spell is cast and not unbound, it doesn't need to be a tzeentch wizard to do it. We generate them from our opponents spellcasts so theres no reason we wouldnt get them from an ally. The description for the blue scribes says on a roll of 2+ the spell is automatically cast, which means it should also generate a FP unless i'm missing something. With the new coherency rules I would avoid skyfires in 6s, I used them like that in aos2 and it was fine, but you end up losing out on a lot of melee output in 6s now because of the new coherency rules.
  19. In terms of spells per point you'll want to be looking at stuff like gaunt summoners, curseling, kairics, and blue scribes. I posted a list earlier which wasn't too heavily optimized, but I had an extra hero slot and had like 13-14 spellcasts with plenty of points to play around with. Obviously models like kairos and be'lakor have a lot to offer that isn't just spellcasts though.
  20. Cogs might single handedly carry guild of summoners up a bit. You could probably get enough spells to get a second LoC on t2 now. Slaanesh was already dead.
  21. Yeah, exactly. If you read the ability it asks you to pick a Butcher as a target, and the effect is reroll wounds for gluttons within 12 of the butcher. Most aura command abilities function this way too, like the Frostlord's Bellowing Voice
  22. The recipient of the Bloodbath command is the butcher, who then has an aura. The new rules still allow stacking command abilities, but you need to have command abilities written for different phases and/or auras.
  23. Both of these are true. Tzaangors went up to 195 in Tzeentch, but down to 175 in BoC. They never really saw play in Tzeentch though, and are on 32mm bases with 1" reach.
  24. Looks like it, but maybe they'll be worked into the cohorts system mentioned in the GHB but we'll need to wait for the erratas since the GHB mentioned it would be in the battletomes.
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