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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. It's just to be able to keep the units apart. ? I would rate pick axes and shields as the best loadout but they are all ok in practice.
  2. Ok, 3 matches in at 6 Nations. I won two (aganst Nagash and Slaanesh) and lost one against SCE ( Les Martin with his Stardrake list on the mission where I couldnt deepstrike). Fyreslayers are ok I think (in AOS2) on 3-4 scenarios but have problems with the other ones. So I am not sure how they will do at a two day tournament but on the right scenario they are still ace.
  3. I am happy with some success. It's a very though tournament and I have no idea how this list which worked really well in AOS1 will work now in AOS2 ? But I will report back.
  4. I have played them for a long time so I know how to place them not to die. Always behind a screen, never when you could lose a double turn, always within the IP bubble etc. (now when you have spare command points). I lose them maybe 1 out of 5 games or so. I agree that they are not as dangerous when they pop up as they are when they are fully buffed up. But if you get them to survive for a battleround, I am pretty sure there are no longer any enemy units within 15" of them. ?
  5. Ok the lists are submitted. I prefer to run lists were I attack with 30 tunneling Aurics. For that you need 30 Aurics, 30 Vulkites (the body guard for the weak Aurics) and 2 runesmiters. After that I like to have 2 more solid blocks of vulkites and a battlesmith to defend my home objectives and attack the middle. So this is the list we have so far. 2 Runesmiters Battlesmith 3x30 Vulkites 30 Aurics Now I used to have 290pt left but now I only have 80pt so this limits my options a lot. Here I would like a hero/general and I would prefer the runefather on foot but he is 100pt. So what options do I have, I have the runeson on foot with and ok command abillity and the grimwrath who have 6 wounds and a ward save. I go for the grimwrath because he is more durable and I am probably using command points for other stuff than the runesons command abillity anyway. Exemplar of the ancestor is now a bit weeker but still the best command trait IMO so I put it in the grimwrath. Now we have the items, I could go for some magic defense but in the end I just go for something to keep my general alive a bit longer so I take the Ignax scales (4+ save against mortal wounds). So that's is the list. It's a very durable but with no magic defense, and a bit too few (and too slow) units for some missions. I will struggle against some list and in some scenarios but 6 Nations is a team event with a draft system so I am hoping to dodge these matchups. ?
  6. List submission is today so I can post the list tomorrow but in general there were two really strong ways to run fyreslayers in AOS1. Either a full kinband or 30 tunneling Aurics (and vulkites of course). I have played both lists but I think the 30 Aurics list was a bit stronger. In AOS2 we dont really know yet.
  7. I havn't but I am going to play some games with fyreslayers next weekend against the filthiest lists you can think of (at the 6 Nations team tournament in Scotland) so I can report back if they are any good in AOS2. I really don't know, they where one of our (team Sweden) strongest lists in AOS1 but I had to change the list a bit, now it was 2210pt, and they have nerfed some strong aspects of fyreslayers, like examplar of the Ancestors that is now wholly within. But I think the list is still ok, but we will have to see.
  8. If they can fly and moves more than 6" they take the wounds. I assume this battle trait works on all your units (but not allies), i.e. even kdaai or iron daemons ignore the first wound.
  9. I agree with most of the above post. Except Draz but that is mainly due to the new scenarios where you want speed and wizards. So I dont think he got stronger but I think he got more important. To me the daemonsmith looks much stronger with the extra range in the spell and that its both shooting and combat. It's a bit like LoN's dread, I take it. But most of all I think the rules got much cooler and clearer even if they didn't get that much stronger.
  10. Not the same traits. Examplar of the ancestor is now wholly within. This is a really hard blow to us much more than 360pt Vulkites. But it was kind of expected.
  11. Have you noticed that they have changed every abillity to wholly within except the most important one... the battlesmith. I wonder why... but we dodged a bullet there. ?
  12. Yes DoK are great but your comparison is a bit biased IMO, you should compare it to average battleline units, then you will realize that vulkites is a great battleline unit. If you compare them to the best units you can think of, they will of course look average. They are still top 5 best battleline units IMO but they have never been OP, no battleline units have really. Vulkites for 360pt are not the problem but I agree that 5 HB for 100pt are more problematic, it should be 80pt. And Aurics could stay at 100pt IMO. And they could lower all Magmas to 200pt. And change the warscroll for the Runemaster to do something (maybe be able to dispell). Then it would be perfect IMO. Not one of the tier 1 armies that you see on every top table but an army that will constantly place well at tournaments (top third maybe).
  13. I don't think the points increase had anything to do with the (presumly) increased impact of magic, it had all to do with that you could buy 30 vulkites for 330pt!! and a runesmiters for 80pt!? ? And we have magic protection, 100+ naked duardin with 4+ ward save. But what I think can be very tricky going forward are the new scenarios. One where we can not tunnel, one where we can only cap with the (weak) hero that got the artifact. Two where the objective moves around so we have to run after it with our small legs. It will be interesting how this will affect us but my guess is that it will have a much bigger impact than the points change. 4 magma maybe? ?
  14. I have worked om this project on and off for such a long time but other projects has allways come in the way. But AOS2 has really got me excited again to finish painting a playable 2000pt LoA list.
  15. There is a rumour circulating that you click on the BLOGS button on the front page and then click on "Create a new blog".
  16. Same effect. Only one (for some boring) way to run the Rukk until you cant run it. I dont believe that was their (the rules writers) intention, they just did not see it when they wrote the rules. And points cant fix that (the rules unintended consequence), if you like me believe that was the case. They need to tweak the rules. Or I am wrong and they intended for the savage gunline all along, we might never know.
  17. Yes but is it fun? I know fun is subjectiv but I think it would be fun so see arrowboys outside a 40man cunning ruk unit but if they just raise the points it will only reinforce that this is the only way to run them. Until you can not run them at all.
  18. I have to reply. Sorry off topic again. ? The corruptor deals mortal wounds, that was probably a typo. Please name one abillity outside the spiteshield that deals wounds. The reason for that you wont find any is because you determine the number of wounds after the save roll, before that there are no wounds here lays the ambiguity of the wound roll that actually is a damage roll. There is no RAW way to solve this, you have to go to the most important rule or TO if that is the case and get some arbitrary ruling. But in practice it woun't really impact the game other than create minor disagreement and one wound or two taken or not taken. The reason I gave you this example was just to point out that this part of the core rules are not as cristal clear as you might think, I think it could be improved. It took (some) people like a year to figure out if you save damage or wounds ie when to do the save roll. But that is probably not for the GH to do if they dont use the opportunity the update the core rules.
  19. Probably true. But if they revise the core rules one suggestion could be to change wound roll to damage roll to make it clearer. But that might create to much complications for existing warscrolls so it is what it is. Sorry back to topic. ?
  20. Of topic but then maybe you can help me with something I have been thinking about. The wound roll cause damage right, that can be saved and then the damage specify the number of wounds. So read the ironsworn spiteshield, it causes wounds on the opponent. Can he make a save roll, despite that wounds are calculated after the save roll? If not what's the difference in this case between wounds and mortal wounds? I think they should just change a few lines to make this cristal clear.
  21. That could potentially make some behemoth crazy hard to kill. Might be a simpler (and therefore better) solution just to give behemoth that are considered a little bit to weak more wounds. They gave for example the Ghorgon 2 more wounds when they released the grand alliance chaos book (And if we want behemonths to hit harder than grots you give them higher damage, also a simpler solution IMO.) So I dont like this suggestion. My favorite suggestion is adding secondary objectives (or other win condition modifications) that make kill points irrelevant. I dont like the idea of hiding wounded heroes, wounded behemoths or depleated units to conserv points to get a minor victory.
  22. Welcome to my Legion of Azgorh blog. I have chosen Legion of Azgorh for my next army project mainly because I like the models but I would also like to try to make it competitive so I can take the army to tournaments and win some games. In this blog I will post VIP of my painting, battle reports and some random thoughts on Legion of Azgorh strategy and tactics. This will be a slow blog, I might play my first battle with painted models next autumn. But if you like Legion of Azgorh click follow and bear with me. I like to start with building a list and then build the army. Then I play it and that probably leads me to change the list and build and new army and then I repeat. So here in my first post I will try to explain my thoughts around the list I am currently building. Please leave some comments that you think of it, but keep in mind that my goal is not to win at all cost. I am trying to make a competitive list that feels and plays like a Legion of Azgorh army and can win some games, so comments like keep the war machines and switch the core for Blood Bound or Skaven and add Kairos will not help me. Here is my break down of the Legion of Azgorh: On the plus side · They have great Forgeworld models. · They have good survivable war machines that are competitive prices compared to similar war machines, the Magma Cannon compared to the Warp Lightning Cannon and the Dreadquake Mortar compared to the Plagueclaw Catapult. · Their battle line units are strong compared to similarly priced battle line units, for example I think Infernal Guard Ironsworn > Duardin Warriors and Infernal Guard Fireglaves > Freeguild Handgunners etc. On the minus side · They have expensive Forgeworld models. · They have almost no synergy and the ones they got are weak. · To unlock their battle line units you have to play a pure Legion of Azgorh army. · Most of the army is slow and you don’t have much to mitigate this, like for example Fyreslayer magmic tunneling. This leads me to want to build and army: · that have at least 3 war machines. · that tries to make use of the Legion of Azgorh battle line units. · that tries to include some fast Legion of Azgorh units. I think the best war machine in the army is the Magma Cannon by far. I also like the Dreadquake Mortar model so I would like to include it. Even if the Dreadquake isn’t as good as the Magma Cannon I think the price is ok compared to a Plagueclaw and I think the threat of landing 4D6 wounds on the opponent’s death star unit might be very useful in game even if it never happens. My hope is that it will disrupt his plans and make him put too much effort in trying to destroy the Dreadquake hiding in my backfield. Regarding the Legion of Azgorh battle line I think the more the better but mainly because it is the most boring part to paint and I would like to try some different stuff and play a bit more aggressive I will start with 20 Ironsworns and 30 Fireglaves (probably in two units, 20 and 10). Next part is to try to make the army a bit faster. I am not a fan of neither the Bull Centaur models nor their rules so I will focus on other options. I kind of like the K’adaai Fireborns on paper (and I love their models), they are very situational but they can fly and they only cost 100pt. I think they have good value in this army to try to threaten objectives in the opponent’s deployment zone and get rid of shaft units. I don’t really think the Iron Daemon is worth 200pt but for me it composes the essence of a Legion of Azgorh army so I really would like to try to make it work in the army. I will try it and I am thinking of using it aggressively since it can be fast and it does have 11 wounds and 4+ save. The last part is Drazhoath. I can’t really justify that he costs 380pt! but his speed and that he is a semi-survivable hero might fill some gaps in a Legion of Azgorh army when it comes to the General’s handbook matched play missions. He can fly and try to grab some late game objectives and he is useful in three places of power. I will start with using him and maybe later switching him for more troops if it doesn’t work out. So here is the army list planning to build: 1 Drazhoath the Ashen 380 1 Infernal Guard Castellan 120 1 Daemonsmith 100 1 Daemonsmith 100 20 Infernal Guard Ironsworn 200 20 Infernal Guard Fireglaives 200 10 Infernal Guard Fireglaives 100 3 K'Daai Fireborn 100 1 Dreadquake Mortar 200 1 Magma Cannon 140 1 Magma Cannon 140 1 Iron Daemon 200 61 1980 And later if I skip Drazhoath it will probably look like this: 1 Infernal Guard Castellan 120 1 Bull Centaur Taur'uk 180 1 Daemonsmith 100 1 Daemonsmith 100 20 Infernal Guard Ironsworn 200 20 Infernal Guard Fireglaives 200 20 Infernal Guard Fireglaives 200 3 K'Daai Fireborn 100 1 Dreadquake Mortar 200 1 Magma Cannon 140 1 Magma Cannon 140 1 Deathshrieker 120 1 Iron Daemon 200 72 2000 So what do you think of my lists? In my next post I will post some VIP pictures for my Infernal Guard Ironsworn so you can see the color scheme I am planning to use and tell me what you think of it.
  23. Autoinclude, not auto use. You might never use it but your list will always improve if you include the option to do so.
  24. Are all the battalions from the realmgate wars books in there?
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