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Everything posted by Nico

  1. I'm buying certain models instantly if it's Tzeentch Allegiance.
  2. Please make this mean that it will be an Allegiance Pack for Tzeentch!
  3. Vince Venturella of Warhammer Weekly nailed it with his prediction some weeks ago. @Thomas Lyons
  4. Probably right. I hope that it's at least Mortal Tzeentch allegiance (so Chaos Sorceror Lord, Knights of Tzeentch, both Gaunt Summoners can join the party) like the Mortal Nurgle (not Rotbringers) precedent mentioned above. Arcanites would be even more restrictive. Tzeentch allegiance would revitalise the Daemons at a stroke even without a single new Daemon model (since they could use the Lore spells and the new Artefacts etc.).
  5. Looks fantastic. Hoping for Tzeentch Allegiance rather than "Mortal Tzeentch Allegiance". The allegiance pack and Lore and new units would hopefully complement the Tzaangor and Acolytes which hopefully have revised Warscrolls too. Very excited!
  6. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2016/12/16/back-from-the-realm-of-khorne/ Santa likes Chaos! Boom. I may have just ordered one!
  7. Savage Orruk Archers are so broken as they have a unit cap of 40 (should be 20 - problem goes away) and cost 100 points for 20 wounds (should be 140), not 160 points for 10 wounds. Plus exploding attacks command ability that shouldn't work on pew pew; and easy access to reliable +1 to hit buffs whether they choose Destruction or Bonesplitterz Allegiance Pack.
  8. Looks like @Thomas Lyons was right about the Archmage and Swordmasters becoming Swifthawk Agents. That is very interesting. Good news re 120 points for Spireguard. Is the spell for the Archmage new?
  9. Exalted Greater Daemons now have Warscrolls out! https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-GB/Downloads?_requestid=2986332#warhammeraos Hoping for points too!
  10. Also - this army falls apart on Escalation! It is 10 Drops (which is one of the optimal numbers) - so 4, 4, 2, but you've still only got the following on the table: Chaos Marauders (x10) - 60 Mark of Nurgle Putrid Blightkings (x5) - 180 Chaos Warriors (x10) - 180 Mark of Nurgle Chaos Warshrine - 200 You have to deploy 4 units and you have to deploy the first 3 Battleline Units. Probably the Warshrine since it will give off a 6+ Ward just by sitting there and looking pretty. You could put Archaon down for Inspiring Presence (but then you risk him getting killed and that's another autoloss). If you're opponent can do some kind of alpha strike off the bat (e.g. Fyreslayers and 30 Vulkites - inherent battleline), then you've lost the game unless the opponent fails a pretty reliable charge. They will squash all your models and then they can retreat onto the objectives. Similarly if your opponent takes the initiative in Battleround 2 (unlike the other battleplans this is often not the right thing to do since you might be sticking your units onto objectives only for the opponent to bring on the ultimate counter punch), then they can bring on yet more alpha strike or more pew pew and just take off all of these units. Normally this wouldn't be so bad as your follow up would be able to counter punch, but here your second wave is just a load of Defence and a hero who does significantly less damage than Mannderp in melee (unless you get lucky with Slayer of Kings). Another illustration of how amazing the battleplans are in AoS! Incidentally in my really amazing game against Bryan Carmichael @Bryan C at The Warlords with Archaon's Furry Friends (linked the battle reports in post above), I had a similar problem since I was running an offensive buff stack machine using Little Archaon. I deployed 3 units of Clanrats round one and the wrong hero (should have put down the Verminlord who had the Crown of Conquest for making one unit immune to Battleshock - I could have kept him alive). I tried to bait some Prosecutors, but they did rather well being literally the hard counter to Clanrats - 2 damage is horrible! My counterpunch was spectacularly and utterly brutal, but I wasn't quite able to claw it back. Fascinating game. Keen on a rematch one day.
  11. Things are going that way in AoS - pew pew seemed to peak at The Warlords (using Archaon's Furry Friends, I faced 6 Gunlines out of 6 - including two 90% Prosecutor armies - impossible surely?). Beastclaw Raiders have since emerged from painting tables all over the place, drunk on Battlebrew. I think Les Martin's frankly beautiful execution of Household (no retreat!) plus Ancient plus Gnarled Warrior plus Oaken Armour to kerb stomp the Kunning Rukk - with zero risk (no mystic shield or shield of thorns cast rolls to fail) - is going to swing things again. I cannot wait to hear the Facehammer podcast which is just out I believe @Lez It's far too easy for Destruction to combine BCR plus Moonclan plus Kunning Rukk (optionally plus Spiderfang) - it's very hard to build a counter to all of these together (with an army that's still competitive in a normal game) without a sideboard (and I'm not particularly a fan of sideboards - dual lists are better than sideboards, but mono list is probably my favourite atm). You can still build some insane bunkers (as this post illustrates), but the problem is moving them onto multiple objectives and/or the fact that many buffs require you to have taken a hero phase, so there's a window of opportunity for an alpha strike to cripple you. This seems like a good place for the game to be in. If your opponent clicks and realised how futile trying to attack will be, they are forced to play for the objectives and can often still win. I remember hearing how Terry Pike beat the Kroak Temple Guard bunker (also virtually invincible unless you have mortal wounds on tap or lots of -2 rend) by zipping forward, killing the scoring units (at the time - Kroak couldn't score) and then pulling back and waiting until the clock ran out and he won.
  12. Enjoying reading this so far! Good battle reports. This is astonishingly bad rolling! The maximum is 36 if all 12 dice were 5s and 6s, before one third of them get saved by ward saves. The average pre ward saves is only 24, so you should have taken 16. Ouch!!!! Presumably you mean this loosely - they were blocking off your heroes from the centre objective or protecting his hero as he scored on it. This was Border War right? You were right the first time (I'm 95% sure). You do score from Batteround One (in each player's turn) in Border War (or more correctly in Ghoul Patrol). It's Escalation where you don't score in Battleround One! I think a tick box chart for each battleplan is a good idea.
  13. Definitely think that the Order Draconis army would be more fun to play and probably to paint. Sadly even though the Archaon model is sensational I need a tournament list to motivate myself to build it. You're very welcome. I was starting to feel I was being a bit overly negative on it. There's a good Vince Venturella video about why stacking defence in games can lead to less fun for both players (Warhammer Weekly with@Thomas Lyons) - it was a while ago. AoS has been quite sparing with the ward saves and other defensive combos which is a great thing (and the best ones usually leave you at least the option of retreating and hoping for a double turn or retreat plus run onto an objective). I love a good combo more than most #onlythefilthful. As you say the game does feel like a hard counter/rock paper scissors game (it reminds me of Starcraft I in a good way - meant as a compliment) - Wrathbros beat buffed melee monsters; chaff beat Wrathbros; Gaunt Summoner beats large blocks; artillery beats Gaunt Summoner; Kroak plus Temple Guard beat MSU; Flesh Eater Courts plus avoidance beats that....
  14. We do keep missing each other. Would be good to learn some more about the Sylvaneth. You coming to London's Calling? Firestorm Fours 2017? Otherwise interested in games on a Wednesday in London (maybe a weekend if we plan it and I fix my battleboard to stop #tipgate)?
  15. Perhaps more importantly - would it be fun to play with repeatedly (let alone against)? Does it have replay value? My Big Archaon is still in its box on a shelf.
  16. There was another thread on this combo. It would be better with Little Archaon as you say. It's good in theory. The strongest counter will be a single drop army (or just fewer than you) which comes down and nukes 3-4 of the Harbingers before your first hero phase - whereupon they win almost automatically. They are 7 wound heroes with a 4+ save from memory. Might be able to fit all of them in cover in a bubble, but not necessarily. Things like Kurnoth Hunters and Durthu's shooting attack spring to mind. Ditto artillery. Ditto Judicator or Prosecutor Spam. Even Fyreslayers! You might have the 6+ from the Warshrine. Alternatively they can do the same, but just kill all the bodies (again easy to do with just a 4+ save (or worse) and maybe a 6+ ward before your ward saves go up. You'll also be subject to Battleshock (no Criwn of Conquest yet to save you). Then your invulnerable heroes will struggle to outnumber the enemy on objectives. The point (as always) is to ignore Archaon, never attack him and just retreat away and block him from moving where he wants to. His base is so derpy big that he cannot fly over a line of Grots without running. I've asked for the Chaos Helipad Warscroll to assist matters. If they don't/cannot take first turn, then depending on Battleplan they can try to flood objectives with more bodies and outscore you early (you are slower than virtually any opponent). Other than Take and Hold, you are going to have to split up to get a major. Your melee output is abysmal. Several armies can get a 35/36 save against your entire army or large portions of it. Treelord Ancients can do it against your entire army (subject only to Archaon getting lucky with Slayer of Kings). I would take Warriors of Chaos rather than Blightkings - perhaps with the -1 rend weapon choice. They are a bit faster and you don't need to stack defence any more. Sylvaneth are going to stomp all over this (with abundant -1 to hit debuffs). They can either alpha strike you or just get in place faster and match defence for defence. Ditto Fyreslayers! Plaguetouched only works in the Combat Phase. I've tried really hard to come up with credible lists featuring Big Archaon, Varanguard and/or Plaguetouched, but they all end up being meh. I've got a secret one, but reliant on Compendium units), so not keen on it now. Death stealing the 5+ ward save is like a giant flag saying don't play Nurgle (notwithstanding my own poor record against Nurgle which is down to playing more experienced and better opponents rather than because Nurgle are good). Did you proxy this or have you already got 4 Harbingers? One Harbinger is a very solid choice for a Big Archaon list - I agree with that. I lost to a list like that at Rain of Stars - I forgot that I could kill the Hellcannon Crew with my Magna Dragon turn one - then the Hellcannon did 18 mortal wounds in 2 turns. Despite this, it was a great game. Thanks again Laurie H-W.
  17. Cheers. I agree. Sylvaneth and Bonesplitterz would be particularly susceptible to tinkering with deemed phases.
  18. We don't know and there are arguments both ways. I've previously argued that for a deemed combat phase ability (e.g. pile in and attack in the hero phase as if it were the combat phase) - the enemy would get any defensive buffs that work in the combat phase (shields that only work in the combat phase for example). Similarly if the Kunning Rukk were to shoot Moonclan Grots sporting both banners (as they are allowed to do by the FAQ....) in a deemed shooting phase within the hero phase, then they would get their +1 to save against shooting banner. Thusfar - probably not too controversial - these all "make sense" - they're still carrying the same banner, they're still carrying the same shield. Some kind of stand and shoot ability that works in the charge phase - Freeguild trickery? Sisters of the Watch? - would also presumably work in a deemed charge phase. Deploying Fanatics can happen in either player's charge phase, so by creating a deemed charge phase and following the above logic, it does seem possible to argue that the other player can deploy them and make a charge in the start of the deemed charge phase. However, this does seem to be one step removed from the shields and banners examples, so I can foresee some resistance to the idea. The problem is that drawing a line to say that the "deeming" goes this far and no further is what an FAQ should do (or a TO for a given event). Obligatory mini-rant about the Kunning Rukk I personally haven't found any examples that seem imbalanced about the enemy having mitigating ploys in your own deemed phases - the real imbalance in deemed phase land is still unsurprisingly the 40 Arrer Boy (80 wounds) Kunning Rukk (in both the pure Bonesplitter and mixed Destruction Filth variants). Saying that you can kill the Big Boss doesn't really address the fact that even without the extra round of shooting, they still autodelete virtually any monster; likely delete several normal (4+) save units within range; autowin the game/break the clock if they have damned terrain anywhere on their side of the table; combo very well with Thundertusks and Fanatics; and soak up an absurd amount of damage with their 2 wounds for 10 points cost making it very hard to counter them. Counters to Fanatics I have found that just as some of the best hard counters to Stormcast are in the Order Grand Alliance*, so some of the best hard counters to Fanatics are (at least 6) Yhetees ("I don't feel like charging, I'm going to just pile in 6 inches from 6 inches away because that's how I roll") and Nasty Skulkers, see games 3 (up already); and 5 (to come): *One almost asks why Stormcast need the Gryph Hound's rules when they are the ones doing the most teleporting? Then one remembers that Chaos armies used to summon units (i.e. Daemons) and this used to be an actual threat and this triggered Gryph Hounds - I'm not arguing for summoning to be changed btw - Chaos's strength lies elsewhere and they aren't that much weaker than Order and Destruction.
  19. It does seem high for Spireguard. Are they 20 models for 200 points? They would then be same points per wound as Liberators. High Warden Command ability duplicates Reckless Order Command Trait - so not much value in the interim.
  20. From memory, the Dracoths have 4 shots hitting on 3s, which do 2 mortal wounds if they hit from memory (admittedly only at point blank range - half that otherwise) as well as the Crossbows. They also have 3+ saves rerolling ones and can potentially be in cover. I cannot overemphasise how big a deal debuffs to hit are in the land of exploding attacks and mortal wounds etc.. This is why the Mourngul is so widely complained about. If you've already got 2 Fulminators then buff them up to 4 would be my suggestion and run them as a 4! Frankly a LCoD is a good alternative to a unit of 2 Knights (other than the Tempestors), since he has comparable damage output and the lethal shield mechanic (and you might have an artefact to spare). I've considered using two of my Fulminators as LCoDs (with conversions back to the good hammer).
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