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Everything posted by Rhetoric

  1. Thanks, I was looking at Concussors too. I appreciate the anecdotal evidence. I am almost done with my Sylvaneth army and have a Durthu to swap in/out for the Drakesworn Templar as well. He was an option. If this plays to its strengths, I’m glad it’s fun like you said. Thanks for the advice!
  2. Been playing around with an idea for a LC list. Drakesworn Templar -General -Spear of the Hunt -Ironoak Artisan Arch-Revenant Nomad Prince Eternal Guard (10) Eternal Guard (10) Eternal Guard (10) Sisters of the Thorn Sisters of Watch (10) Fulminators (2) Kurnoth Hunters (6) Extra Command Point
  3. Whatever is in the Pre-order Preview today releases on Oct. 24th, so we're really getting down to the wire for what’s left in the year for AoS. I’d imagine the floodgates are about to open in regards to Broken Realms. We most likely know all the AoS/AoS tangential releases for the rest of the year... Warcry Catacombs, Shadow and Pain, Direchasm, and most importantly Broken Realms. This is probably what’s slated for the rest of the year, but there’s got to be a preview coming soon, maybe not imminent but soon.
  4. I really don’t think the price of a kit is that ridiculous, as someone who is not independently wealthy. You’re getting a literal fourth of a 2000 point army that can be used in any other army in AoS. Don’t forget, a team of artists make these products possible. The kits are gorgeous, and come with a multitude of extra pieces. I think they are priced realistically, however, I think we are at the threshold of the affordability of cost of kits, right now.
  5. In my first game I sent a Hunter block in with the Dreadwood teleport to delete a unit of Stormvermin, but the rolls were pretty bad and they ended up dieing soon after failing to kill the unit. Game Two I really used my trees to block LoS. But some poor casting meant I was only able to get the one TLA free tree out. All other attempts failed.
  6. I played two games versus a Skryre today. I tried Dreadwood for the CA teleport. My list is below. TLA - General - Paragon of Terror Spirit of Durthu - Jewel of Withering Branchwraith - Spiritsong Stave/Throne of Vines Arch-Revenant 3 Kurnoth Hunters - Scythes 3 Kurnoth Hunters - Scythes 3 Kurnoth Hunters - Scythes 30 Dryads 5 Tree Revenants 5 Tree Revenants Free Spirits Battalion Spiteswarm Hive 1 Command Point I got pretty much hosed by the shooting. I didn’t win one priority roll over both games. I did as much as possible to avoid the Windlaunchers but his Stormfiends were just deleting units. I’m not sure what can be done to mitigate against shooting in Sylvaneth right now. Even the TLA/Spirit of Durthu are so susceptible to shooting. Does anyone have any advice for surviving in the shooting meta?
  7. Hammerhal Herald today referencing Anvilguard! Not that it means anything, but I am glad more of the mortal realms are being referenced and fleshed out as time goes on. “Lose your heart” is the quote on the poster!
  8. Why are the Stoneguard kits the same price as the Dawnriders... I’ll gladly be shelving my box set for awhile. I really like the army, and Teclis, but I wouldn’t want to play him, without him lists feels like a hyper detailed horde army, which is just not something I want to take on right now.
  9. If this is the AoS version of Soulblight, I highly doubt they’re going with a nautical theme. It’s going to be something different. My interest is piqued for sure though.
  10. I got into AoS with Deepkin, and seeing even the moderate levels of female representation in the army was a breath of fresh air after not being involved with GW products for 12 years. I think the Reavers are 50% female, Thralls are 40%, Akhelian Guard are 33.33%. The Tidecaster is an amazing miniature. I think GW is doing a good job of bringing for female representation into AoS, but there is a lot of work to be done.
  11. Does a Lord-Celestant on Stardrake’s Lord of the Heavens ability count as shooting to trigger Strike and Melt Away?
  12. Looks like IDK might be the undercard in the new Broken Realms: Morathi book. The piece of art looks awesome. Here’s to hoping for an Underworlds warband, Endless Spells, or new models and rules soon-ish!
  13. I generally hope 3.0 is ways off yet. I’d love to actually see Cities get the AoS version of freeguild guard and a new Stormcast chamber as the defenders of Azyr VS GA Destruction led by Gordrakk with Godbeast battering ram and Mega-Gargants in tow. that would be a hallmark event!
  14. Make non-hero monster warscrolls valid to bring in lists. No more dropping underperforming units by ten points each GHB/Winter update. If a warscroll needs to be re-worked, do it.
  15. I have not played against new Seraphon. I’ve good success against everything else in my local meta though, including FEC Blisterskin, Skaven Skryre, Ironjawz, etc etc. The one army that is inherently a bad matchup is Nighthaunt with large units of Chainrasp. Losing rend on the charge is absolutely painful. The attrition fights against hordes are not favorable for IDK in competitive lists as well. But I can at least chew through Stabbas with the proper amount of force. Forget trying to get through Pink Horrors as well.
  16. I see, that does make sense to switch the spells. I only have 1500 points of this army done and got two games in on Saturday. Both against a Skryre build of Skaven. Magic was really underwhelming. Maybe looking into different Glades is a good idea. It’s kind of wild there’s no bonus to spell casting in Gnarlroot.
  17. I like Gnarlroot because of the free RR1’s and free D3 Heal in the Hero Phase. I also really like the doing things in the Hero Phase. My main army is IDK and I really only get to play in the Charge and Combat Phase. Gladewyrm is just there for extra healing. I generally like Scythes over Swords to begin with. The 2” reach is hard to give up. Also the three units is to meet the Battalion requirements for Free Spirits
  18. hey all, can I get some feedback on this list? Gnarlroot, no Alarielle! 260 TLA -General -Chalice of Nectar -Regrowth 300 Spirit of Durthu 80 Branchwraith Spiritsong Stave Verduous Harmony 80 Branchwraith Throne of Vines 270 Dryads (30) 80 Tree Revs (5) 80 Tree Revs (5) 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 140 Free Spirits Battalion 50 Spiteswarm Hive 30 Gladewyrm 40 Balewind Vortex
  19. I’ve been working on this Gnarlroot list. No Alarielle. Leaning into magic and healing. Looking for advice or constructive feedback. 5 casts per turn with the Throne of Vines Branchwraith on Balewind. 260 TLA -General -Chalice of Nectar -Regrowth 300 Spirit of Durthu 80 Branchwraith Spiritsong Stave Verduous Harmony 80 Branchwraith Throne of Vines 270 Dryads (30) 80 Tree Revs (5) 80 Tree Revs (5) 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 190 Kurnoth Hunters (3) Scythes 140 Free Spirits Battalion 50 Spiteswarm Hive 30 Gladewyrm 40 Balewind Vortex
  20. Thank you, this looks pretty cool. Thanks for the advice!
  21. Hi everyone, at the end of a project and looking into my next - 1000 points of Gitz! here’s the list I’m looking to build. Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig Fungoid Cave Shaman 10 Boingrot Bounderz 10 Boingrot Bounderz 10 Boingrot Bounderz 6 Sneaky Snufflers 20 Stabbas that makes 1000 points on the dot. I really like the models of the Bounderz, but I could see a big unit of Hoppers being useful as well. I have Looncurse, and some old Battle for Skulls pass Stabbas. The only thing I would need to make this list is two boxes of the Gitz Warcry warband. im not looking to be super competitive, this will be a fun list to play at 1k when not playing IDK, which has been extremely effective in my community, so I just Want to have some fun with the Gitz.
  22. I had two games today. One was a “competitive” game, the other I watered down my list. The new battle plan “The Blade’s Edge” was fun. My competitive list was: Volturnos Soulscryer Eidolon Aspect of the Storm 6 Morrsarr 3 Morrsarr 3 Morrsarr 3 Morsarr 3 Morrsarr 3 Ishlaen versus Blisterskin FEC, Abhorrant GK on Terrorghiest, Abhorrant GK. Abhorrant Arch-Regeant, Courier and 15 Flayers. Battle plan was Total Commitment he went first and summoned on a bunch more Flayers and such. Then crammed 12 Flayers in to charge range down the center with his Courtier and his GKoTG went on his own down the flank. He gets off some Flayer screams and does some MW to my Eels. He fails a bunch of charges and takes the Objective in my territory on the side of the board with the GKoTG. Bottom of Turn 1, I positioned my unit of 6 Morrsarr to take on the TG. Two units of three Morrsarr, Volturnos, the Eidolon, and Ishlaen prepare to charge. The Eidolon fails but everyone else gets in. His 9 blocks of Flayers were Poorly positioned, so I tagged them with the Ishlaen. Sending in Volturnos was a mistake here. After combat, the Morrsarr remove the TG with their biovoltaic blast and spears. One unit of 3 Flayers is dead and I think 5 of 9 Flayers were left in the big block. The Courtier exploded as well. After losing priority again, I lost Volturnos and the Ishlaen over the course of Turn 2. But his blocks of Flayers were all dead after the unit of 6 Morrsarr swept back in and cleared them out with the help of the Eidolon. There was an auxiliary combat happening on the other side of the board, he eventually got through two units of Morrsarr with six Flayers, the Vargulf, and Arch-Regent. I lost priority again, and he made the play for my home objective in the center with three Flayers, the Vargulf, and Arch-Regent. He takes my center home objective which is guarded solely by a useless Soulscryer as he was useless in Total Commitment. Bottom of Turn 3 comes and I wipe the Flayers with some Eels and Eidolon, getting my objective. I send the unit of 6 Morrsarr to clear his center objective with 20 Ghouls. They do enough damage and take his center objective on the charge. that was game. It was a good matchup, I definitely felt losing Volturnos, he definitely whiffed When I sent him in, I don’t think he did any damage besides MW on the charge. I should’ve held him back but his whole army was in my face Turn One. The Eidolon only saw two turns of combat, but I think he’s worth it. I’m trying to decide on an Aspect of the Storm or two Allopex and another 3 Morrsarr, but the re-roll wounds aura for the Eidolon is nice. Then I played the new battle plan “The Blades Edge” versus Skaven. I toned down my list for this game and brought a Tidecaster and Leviadon in for some Eels. I kept the unit of six Morrsarr in the ether sea with the Soulscryer but didn’t even use them. His army kind of melted, his big battalion of 60 rats stood there and did nothing as I removed his center objective Turn 2. I killed off his Stormfiends, Warp Lightning Cannons, and Acolytes. After Turn 3, he had almost nothing left and conceded. The Leviadon had a nice showing and wiped a unit of 20 Stormvermin after being juiced with Supreme Lord of Tides in T3. overall, a good day for the deepkin. I have the core of my list down, I just need to decide what to with those last 350 points. I do really like the Eidolon as it is a big visual threat in the board and carries some serious utility with Cloud of Midnight.
  23. Greenwood Gladius is nice. Am I calrazy for thinking Crown of Fell Bowers is worthwhile on Durthu in Gnarlroot?
  24. Let’s talk about Artefacts and Spirit of Durthu in Gnarlroot. Losing Ghyrstrike hurts bad. Does anyone have an opinion on a good option?
  25. My experience is that one MSU of Ishlaen is mandatory. There’s a lot of utility to being immune to rend, in this case from shooting coupled with Forgotten Nightmares in this meta. Let the Ishlaen get stuck in, and then bring on the Morrsarr in for a charge. I love this army, I really hope the other units get some love soon. My competitive list is 4 Warscrolls right now.
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