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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. Welcome @TheRadiant

    I think if your initial interest lies with the RPG that you should focus on the faction that will help you enjoy that game system more fully. So if you play the RPG using minis I would actually recommend focusing on a faction that would function as your most common antagonist. So if your games typically see you in the woods fighting off Beasts of Chaos, or in mines staving off attacks from Gloomspite Gitz then selecting said army will give you access to a number of models to help fill out your scenarios. I play Slaves to Darkness and most of my Tabletop RPG's now feature evil armoured knights and the occasional demon. I also argue that under their helmets they could easily be orcs, elves or dwarves or whatever else the narrative dictates.

    Then if you enjoy AOS and expand into a second army choose the faction that best represents your character. My second army is Idoneth Deepkin which worked for my gaming group as many of them like to play as elves but some of them prefer to use my chaos warriors for their heroes. However if your group plays as a variety of heroes from various races then Cities of Sigmar could be an interesting choice as it provides the ability to allow your friends to play as a model that more closely resembles their character. 

    I hope that helps as I am not overtly familiar with the AoS RPG or if you personally use models in your games. I do hope to check it out at some point though as I have heard positive things.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Kurrilino said:

    May i ask why this is even posted in a Age of Sigmar Roumor thread?

    This is neither a rumor or AOS. 

    I think that this thread often takes on a general news/announcement thread as there is not always a good place to post such things. I have seen this crop up on a number of sites as rumours/leaks/speculation often result in news.  

    Returning to actual rumours, with the awesome Weta Workshop army showcased on Warhammer community has there been any recent rumours regarding Kurnothi Aelves? 

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  3. I doubt that this would provide an adequate solution, but I have always wanted to see if a rule about counting half a models wounds (rounding down to a minimum of one) would help with objective control. So a two or three wound model would have the same value of other one wound infantry models. Most elite armies have access to multi-wound units so it would help their armies without making their average one to two wound battleline troops over powered. It would still give hordes a strategic advantage, but it would also make certain cavalry and monster units more effective at contesting objectives. Maybe degenerating profiles would come into effect as well for larger monsters?

    The issue is that the rule is not very intuitive and would bring up a lot of potential debates and further FAQs. For example how would this apply to items, sub-factions, upgrades and spells that gave units access to additional wounds? Also it might be very easy to abuse such a rule in ways I have not considered.

  4. Thanks everyone for the solid advise on where to spend my hundred points. I am also quite happy to see people speak positively about many of the units in this army. I do not mind playing the underdogs but it is refreshing to see positivity regarding the faction as @rosa pointed out.

    Now I have the difficult task of choosing which of the awesome suggestions to follow. Although @Hannibal, pointed out I can also look at allies for the 100 points. Another thing I had not considered is endless spells which had never factored into my list building before.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Salyx said:

    A great addition for this force would be a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, who has a Teleport spell, can give a unit re-roll saves and has an unbind, which your army misses. However, he is at 110 points, so I do not know if you can squeeze him in.  If not, then perhaps some more Warriors? Some Furies? Or some Iron Golems for holding Objectives? These are all quite viable as well, however, I think, a Sorcerer is the best choice, if you ask me. 

    Thanks for the tips :)

    I am currently sitting at exactly 100 free available points, although maybe I can shore up some more points by dropping my kit-bashed Champion or demoting him to a unit champion... 

    Some additional information my group plays Legions of Nagash, Cities of Sigmar (Dispossessed) and Disciples of Tzeentch. I am also collecting Idoneth Deepkin and play against it in friendly matches from time to time.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Salyx said:

    @Neverchosen How does the Rest of your army Look like? Rushing with Knights? Hammer and Anvil with Warriors and Knights? How much Magic? What kind of army do you want to play? 

    I do hammer and anvil style play between my knights and warriors. I essentially built an army around the Slaves to Darkness Battleforce and the Warcry starter set. I added an additional regiment of warriors, a Demon Prince and kit-bashed an Exalted Hero. 

    I am essentially looking for whatever choice adds the most fun in terms of play style. 

  7. I am playing a non-competitive Warrior/Knight heavy army and with the current points changes I have an additional 100 points to spend and I am looking for recommendations:

    I am thinking of going with one of these 3 options:
    Adding two spawn to my army to grab objectives and sponge some attacks.
    Adding an additional hero and warcry warband for rally the tribes.
    A Mindstealer Sphiranx which pairs well with my knights for some bravery shenanigans.

    Which of these options would be the most fun to build, paint, or play? Or is there something else I should spend the points on instead?

  8. I feel that Sons will release with the appropriate amount of fan fair but being a smaller release window (so far a single new release), so I feel it will have a shorter dedicated period than Lumineth had. 

    I am curious what GW's intended release schedule would have been. Would we have Sons by now and be waiting on the next army... or would we even know what the next army would be in light of 9th ed. releasing. Clearly 40K takes priority right now and considering how good last year was for AOS releases I feel that is fair.

    Clearly something deathly is coming soon but as people have already posited it could be Warcry/Underworld/Quest related. This lull is a little dull but I have truly enjoyed the combination of speculation and wish listing that this community has been developing over this pandemic. 

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  9. @Lich KingI can only speak for myself but I do enjoy the mechanic for the reasons I listed earlier. I will say that you are correct that introducing such an important mechanic in a new edition would of course raise ire as it would rework fundamental strategies. But for that exact same reason, I would not want to see the mechanic abandoned as it would alter a core mechanic of the game and change my own personal strategies. 

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  10. I have never seen the double turn as severely detrimental as other players. I am not particularly competitive so it is possible that I am missing some of the nuances as well. Personally I see it as an additional part of the strategy,  I would argue that positioning your cavalry in a position in which they might get charged is a fundamental misunderstanding of a core game mechanic. I personally feel it also makes the game more dynamic as it is not purely one person than the other taking turns. In fantasy, and the few 40k games I have played, I feel I can almost walk away for the opponents turn but in AOS I have to be mindful of all the choices both players make during their turn as an unlucky dice roll can drastically alter tactics.

    There are also rules that effect endless spells and one of Archaon's special rules is premised on predicting player turns. 

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    • Thanks 3
  11. I am still on board with the idea of giving Aelves their own Grand Alliance. It reduces the order bloat and would make most of the alliances similar sizes. Also Order could still field elves through Cities which would work independently from this hypothetical alliance. 

    As for Destruction proper. I think it is really interesting that there is little in the way of rumoured factions beyond two possible Goblin armies. Grotbag Scuttlers have a lot of dedicated fans who have already made custom armies. Ever since Rippa's Snarlfangs release I have seen folks clamouring for a dedicated Gitmob release. I would normally expect these to be enfolded into a single army or released as expansions of Gloomspite in the future but something about these armies seem like they could work as stand-alones.

    I have stated many times that the aesthetic and play style of Idoneth and Fyreslayers would have made them interesting additions to destruction but their current lore does not make either of them the best fit. I also think an army of classical witches would make a cool destruction army and I would love an army of riderless wild dragons. I feel a lot of people want Fimir but I feel that they are somewhat underdeveloped conceptually and might feature as part of a larger swamp themed army (might work with my idea for a classical witch army). 

  12. 17 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I think after the Siege groundwork laid in Wrath of the Everchosen, the next campaign book will almost certainly be the Siege that Gordrakk has been planning  wether that be Azyr or Excelsis. 

    The Sons are coming at the perfect time for this as living battering rams, we cannot say how they will play just yet but I cannot wait to find out, there were rumours that they would be able to kick objectives so that could combat them not having the same abilities as Mawtribes.

    Yeah, I have a very strong feeling that there are going to be siege rules that are going to be pretty well tailored to large monsters. The Sons will be fantastic for siege battles. I just love the idea of a giant's head visible over the ramparts as a bunch of Stormcast freak out loading a ballista only to have a separate wall breached. I am curious to know if the new 40k scenery rules would be adaptable to AOS in a siege like scenario?

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  13. 31 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Having seen mounts like the Deathriders for Ossiarchs I think that classic mounted horses would still look good for AoS. Just fully done with thick barding, long mail coats flapping in the wind as they charge forward. Heck the new elf riders are basically that. 

    Give them regular knights on horseback backed up with elite fantasy mounts and go for a pure classic style. So griffins, horses, pegasus, unicorns, dragon etc... Nothing "new" just go for pure classic fantasy tropes and thrust them into the single army of knights and kings and queens. 

    I hope I didn't give the impression that I would get rid of the aesthetic of Brettonians, I just like the embellishment of a horn or some wings to tie the faction into AOS. I always loved the mixture of the fantastic and mundane for Brettonians in Fantasy and think it could be explored further in AOS. The Green Knight in particular was a nice reference to Arthurian myth while blending historical and fantastic aesthetics. 

  14. I would love a reimagining of Bretonnian Knights to place an emphasis on Gryphons, Hippogriffs, Pegasi* and Unicorns  and other mythical mounts. 

    I love the idea of a chivalric order that makes use of noble mythical mounts. Unlike Stormcast's strange chimeric cavalry the new Bretonnians would make use of better established mythological creatures. 

    *The plural for Pegasus seems to be a fairly contentious topic online. 

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  15. I had not checked out GW for many years and was completely unaware of the system change. Initially I was a little displeased with the change particularly the lose of regiments. Then I watched a few Battle-reports and immediately saw how improved the system was over Fantasy. I also have never liked the focus on shooting that is so pernicious in 40k, so AOS appeals much more to me personally and it is also much more streamlined. 

    As for the lore side of things, I found it a touch confusing at first but was instantly enamoured by the open nature of the mortal realms. I realized that the Old World could even hypothetically exist within one of the realms. I constantly see people want the realms mapped out but I enjoy creating maps within my own narrative and like to imagine which realm they would belong to. 

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:

    100% agree. It could be so awesome to see a new SCE hero (or elite unit) and a lot of crazy dudes swinging sigmarite ornaments!!

    I think that would be amazing, I also really enjoy the 1/4 units being from a separate army mechanic and think that Devoted and Stromcast would obviously have such a synergy. I just find GW seems pretty dedicated to having the armies represent single factions and Stormcast are the poster boys so it is an extremely high chance they will take half the box again.

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  17. I know it wouldn't happen in a million years but I really would love if the new edition was a Devoted of Sigmar or Cities vs Ironjawz. That way they can include some stormcast while also not having the new edition repeats the last few and also help prevent Stormcast fatigue and still give their poster boys some presence.


    Again, it won't happen but it would be cool.

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  18. 52 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

    Do we have anything to go on with regard to a new edition release date? I remember GW bandying on about 4 year life cycle for editions. Three years for a young game is certainly plausible which would be next year. I still feel like this edition is still fresh so 2022 also seems very possible.

    I assume you will probably have to adjust for an additional few months for COVID and the possibility of an other wave so 2022 seems likely.

  19. 48 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    Stormcast should be the premier "elite" army, space marine analogues after all. So yeah, just dropping points it unappealing and it pushes other stuff to need to get cheaper to maintain cost relation to Stormcast.

    I think that is the interesting drawback to powercreep. If they update the premier faction at the beginning of each new edition and then have the other armies incrementally improve over them they get left behind. It is possible that this is by design as new players will buy into the star faction and then may want to move on as the edition progresses. But then it wraps around and they get the first round of updates in the following edition. 

  20. @ZamikThe scions of the flame look so cool. I currently have just the two from the starter set and I was waiting to see all the warbands before deciding on my third. Now it is a toss up between Corvus Cabal and Scions of Flame, I will see how they play before I decide.

    @KingBrodd I assume you are correct and I am truly hoping that Sons of Behemat get some fun Warcry scenarios. 

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