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Everything posted by Sinfullyvannila

  1. Honestly the whole "maximum unit size" needs to be clarified. The rules only describe Minimum Unit Sizes and reinforcement limits. Is the maximum size the number you bring at the start? Or is it the number at the reinforcement limit. In conversational English, context would make it the reinforcement limit; but we all seen to intuit it as the size you put on the table.
  2. 1) Bombing = Petty vengeance. Instead of Split and Split you can use Petty Vengeance when a pink dies to deal a Mortal on a 5+ 2) If you have any Pinks you have to allocate wounds to them before Blues; And even if that weren't the case, wounds are applied before models are removed. So you can't apply the wounds to the split models until all the models are removed from that set of attacks. Edit: let me double check how much of #2 still applies in 3e. Yep, still checks out. Most people have a fundamental misunderstanding of how allocating damage, slaying and removing models works. This is because of bad habits they pick up from watching battle reports. People work under the assumption that you apply wounds and remove models many times during the attack sequence. But you dont apply wounds to models until ALL attacks are resolved. And models arent removed until all the damage is applied to the unit.
  3. Bomb half of them, don't half-split. If you split into 1 blue, you will keep having to split them into 1 blue until you lose all your pinks. Meaning you lose out on 20 wound. If you bomb every other(1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19) one you still lose out on 20 wounds per 10 but youre also doing mortals. Also, if you never bomb you can't bring them back with your Icon Bearers. So you're probably better off just bombing the first 3 if you have a 1 on your DD. And yeah, I got them mixed up with the 40k ones so you do have to bomb them unfortunately.
  4. Yeah I was kids surprised at poo-pooing on Gors yet. Aren't they pretty much strictly better than Ungors in MSU now? I really don't agree with the comparison to Bestigors though. Isn't the whole point of them that they don't scale with model count so you can take them or leave them at 10? Also, they actually do quite good damage at 10, and you'd want to be running MSU hammers this edition since the opposition can only All out defence once per round now.
  5. Ive never actually thought of running them in more than 3s for GFTF because I usually activate one of my groups on the unit I used the Taurus on.
  6. Whoever told you hes overcosted is nuts. All I can think of is that maybe after our costs got increased in last GHB he couldnt fit into Changehost as well as Fatemaster. For your list, drop the Thaumaturge for literally anything else.
  7. I actually had a game against Nurgle this weekend. It did not go so well. But it was a 500 point escalation and there's only so much 9 models can do against a summoning army at 500 points. It also doesnt help when my rockguts failed all their saves an 12/14 wards on one turn.
  8. I think perhaps scalpers may not be getting the returns they expect from GW boxes since they started releasing models a lot earlier than people expect after the box set released. The OBR line got a full release like; 2 weeks after Feast of Bones and people were expecting like 3 months for those. Indomitus got the MTO treatment. Cursed City models got released and nobody was expecting that to happen at all. Also I dont think anyone should worry about the popularity of the game. Even though its considerably less popular than 40k, it still absolutely dwarfs most other games.
  9. Unless they're allies or coalition the army doesnt even get Allegiance abilities period.
  10. I flip games with 3 Screamers all the time. Dont underestimate resurrected units.
  11. Keywords have absolutely nothing to do with Faction selection anymore. Your faction is now the pitched profile list you pick at the start of the game, units that you pay for on that list have access to your allegiance abilities. Allies do not. Right now there are references to a mechanic called Coaltitions that needs to be clarified. If you can take the units from BoC they wont benefit from your faction abilities(Destiny Dice, agendas). The Soulblight book is worded the way it is because otherwise it would simply not have functioned in 2e. Dominion warscrolls are irrelevant because literally every single warscroll unit size is overwritten in their matched play profiles.
  12. Enlightened should still trade up against most units even if you lose out on the teeth with half of them as long as you are getting the extra attack from the agenda and are using a Fatemaster. They still just suffer from Flamers simply being the better choice.
  13. There's not really a lot we can do with 40 points anymore since our spells went up, so he should be a fairly safe replacement if we have the extra point. Probably never worth taking a second one though because then youre using up an extra 80 points and then theyre competing with the Madcap shaman who can pump out a rend with his artifact.
  14. I would say dont worry about it, it almost certainly an oversight since neither them nor Raptoryx were added to the Slaves of Darkness unit list. There is a faux pax to model for advantage, but basing a model on the bases that GW currently packages them in does not fall into that. Even in the base size chart it says it only matters in matched play, and from my experience, nobody actually strictly uses all the matched play rules unless they are in a tournament or practicing for one. Also, if someone calls you out for something this minor its going to be a red flag that they arent worth playing with anyway.
  15. I feel like hoppers are our biggest losers unfortunately. 5s and 15s seemed to be best way too run them and they don't have 2"attacks. I'd actually rather use 5 spider riders over 10 hoppers even in a Squig list since Hoppers rarely benefited from synergy anyway. I honestly kinda thought that Squig Herds points increase is pretty fair if you run a Squig General and maxing out their numbers makes a lot of sense.
  16. The spells are covered in the margin note next to the spell lores entry.
  17. If I ran Bestigors I would suicide pile-in to get all the attacks if the unit had more than 9 models. I put them in my list assuming they wont survive the round they get into combat anyway. I do think that footsie enlightened do look pretty good this edition though.
  18. I cant find it, its possible that it was faqed in the old book, or more likely i was just wrong.
  19. Ill double check but I think the scribes got FAQed. Fate Points are an allegiance ability so allies cant do it. Nevermind, I cant be right about Belakor because it affects your opponents wizard too.
  20. Worst case scenario is we only have to bomb one of our Pink Horrors instead of splitting it. Things arent going to be hitting our Horrors as hard as they used to either with coherency and its still 10 bravery and an autopass on 1s for our Icon Bearer. Horrors are so much better off than most 32mil models in this edition its not even funny. The sky is most certainly not falling for them.
  21. Be'lakor doesnt generate Fate Points and TBS doesn't get one from his sigle die-roll spell FYI. I'd still definitley take TBS though.
  22. Dead on arrival is a pretty huge stretch. We can still mob the board with horrors people cant retreat from. I dont think flamers hit as badly seeing as we can unleash hell and in some cases still hit on 3s.
  23. Most unit's points went up so their points deflated. Put those two bad boys on the table and your opponent is either going to lose a lot of models to coherence or lose out on a lot of efficiency to prevent it from happening. Yeah he'd be awesome if he had like 3 more wounds or so. Also, he'd need a warscroll update do get the monster keyword so it's outside of the scope of a GHB release anyway. So yeah, is he worth 50 points less than Angel lady? Absolutely not. Is he worth 40 more points than a Lord Arcanum on Gryph-Charger? Heck yes. All that aside; he was always overcosted to mitigate the efficiency Rockguts and Fellwaters got anyway. They still came out ahead of the efficiency curve too.
  24. Their points deflated and crushing grip got much better.
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