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Everything posted by Beastmaster

  1. Why not, if it fits the army’s or unit‘s style. But isn‘t it already quite diverse? Daughters, of course, all female. Other elves mostly mixed 50/50. Slaanesh mostly female. Rest Male. I think it fits.
  2. Ogors work in all settings, as long as there is enough to eat. I‘m lucky. 😁
  3. Intelligent giants were also an important part of the old Ogre lore. It is completely missing so far in Mawtribes, but there is still the Sky-Titan Cannon and Scatter Pistol which points in this direction.
  4. I further guess it’s the weapon option called Skullcolumn Foestomper 😄
  5. If those are human skulls, it’s quite big. Looks a bit like a column, adorned in destruction style and floating in the air. My guess: Giant weapon. 😁
  6. I just really hope they don’t reinvent Mordheim in that new specialist game style, with thousands of addon boxes, cards, fixed terrain and stuff. 😬 Yes, I know, no one forces you to play the new version. But people will be naturally drawn to new and shiny, even if it’s ( in my eyes, or even objectively) worse ☹️
  7. It’s actually quite astonishing that they put in the extra effort to layout, print and control what instruction goes in which box, if the kits for the big beast are all the same 😳
  8. Different sorts of giants could be tied to the different realms: Fire giants from Aqshy, Metal golems from Chamon, Cloud giants from Azyr etc. Either as a nomadic giant Realmswalker army, drawn from all corners of the world, or as an ally option for all armies to represent/support the home realm of each army.
  9. You’re right, especially for those who want to build their own land, situation and setting, fitting the armies of the people who take part in the campaign, the realms offer a lot more freedom. A blank slate, basically. I just don’t know how many will be willing / able to put in the extra effort to make their part of the world rich and evocative. May be easier for many to use some part of a more developed background to build on. AoS may get that, but it’s still a long way and, I must say, I don’t see much development in that direction. Still, the fan-made maps here in the forum are much more specific and interesting than anything GW came up with for at least parts of the Realms. Makes it quite difficult for less experienced world builders to actually get some traction in their sandbox. Which may be another reason why the narrative gaming is still lagging behind. Few people seem to feel at home in the Realms yet, myself included.
  10. The much-talked about return of the Old World may actually be helpful for the narrative side of the game. Regardless of what rules one uses, the Old World does have a world of fluffy history to use in narratives that grew over decades. What do you think?
  11. How would it be possible to keep the style of the lines distinct? I don’t think they are that different, even most of the newer releases could actually fit into the old world. Would also be a bit unfair for those who started collecting a more distinctly AoSified army, only to find to be excluded from half of the games in their local community.
  12. What the.... is happening here? 😳 I really love the Old World. But will this not completely divide the player base? Even I, myself, am divided at the moment. If that overall feeling stays for the next 3 years, with many potential players not really knowing what to invest in, maybe many will choose to stay with computer games. Which is even literally encouraged. 😬
  13. So, classic armies + long neglected =popular? Aelves and Dwarves, I see you coming 😎
  14. I would just buy a base of the right size, then fill it with a cooking device big enough that the base doesn’t look too empty. 😊
  15. Thank you for motivating me to finish painting the model 😄 Maybe with some yhetees he should be a reasonable objective holder in smaller games. I’ll try and see 😎
  16. Aw, man. So it’s back to basics. Tyrant not worth it, single HoTT not worth it. Hunter&.Sabers yes, Gluttons only if 12. Butcher rebasing. And I thought I almost had an army. 😅
  17. Something like this, with a stonehorn Horn as arm, should be relatively easy to build as cauldron:
  18. I use the app for reading through warscrolls of armies I am not playing. Of course, warscroll builder for experimenting with possible builds. Everything else has to be paper for me. Just personal preference.
  19. Maybe there is another way: Diversify possible builds for each army. If, say, a pure Stonehorn force becomes viable, people will be interested to buy more of the existing models. When hordes became a thing, people had to buy more basic troops etc. That’s one reason why I think artillery is coming. I‘d also be very interested in the number of sales for old and new armies. I can imagine that for someone new to the hobby it doesn’t matter, since everything is equally new to them. Many veterans may be more interested in adding to their existing armies. And those who come back after a pause may still like the old armies more. Thus, I wouldn’t be so sure that new armies necessarily sell better than new-made classics.
  20. Maybe more like anti-horde artillery? It’s the direction they recently took with the Thundertusk changes.
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