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Everything posted by elfhead

  1. Realizing we’re Probably looking at it from the back, I think it is more Likely to be a dwarf. Ont je left we see an arm resting on a sword and it seems to have a cape waving to te right. It doesn’t seem to be fat enough to be a GUO. I think any GUO should be dragging his fat belly on the ground, not standing on a rock with one leg
  2. Do we know what the separate warbands will cost? I might get the sepulchral guard to paint, they look amazing. also still hoping we’ll see an aelf warband...
  3. The hook from the rumour engine looks a lot like the hooks on the tenebreal shard and mistweaver. Allthough they don't have any serated edges. It also looks very similar to some of te weapons from te dark eldar wracks. Could just as well be skaven though. naval Nurgle was a thing in wfb (gutrot spume). I always liked the Nurgle seafaring warriors occupying schifting islands that were in the Malus Darkblade novels. Would be cool to have huge realmgates that could fit ships (in the fluff).
  4. @Davariel Thanks for the comment. This model was one of the first things I bought when I got back into the hobby. It has everything I love about High elves. The sisters of Avelorn should have looked more like her. I toyed around with the idea of copying the handmaidens head and using it with the sisters. maybe someday, if we don't get new elves someday soon... @Tidings thanks for the love, much appreciated! @Kaleb Daark thanks for the comment! You don't have to be able to point out a flaw to leave a comment. I also don't think you have to be more skilled to be able to critique someone. I always loved it when people made suggestions and boosted my creativity. A comment also helps to keep me motivated. I've noticed here on TGA the Plogs of starting painters are very popular and filled with great advice to help them advance. That is a beautiful thing, but for me as a more experienced painter I still need the keen eyes of others and the support to boost my motivation. I finished another model, Korhil. I got this guy for free when I bought the maiden guard. I wasn't really fond of this model, but it has grown on me. I also own the older Korhil model, which I think is better. But this guy was actually really fun and pretty quick to paint. I decided to go for a different color scheme, representing Korhil during the End Times. Korhil dyed his Lion pelt black as a sign of mourning (I think). The pic of his back represents the colors better I think...
  5. holiday is over and painting has become sporadic. to add to the maiden guard this is the more recent handmaiden of the everqueen model. I love the oldskool vibe of this model and it fits perfectly with the older models. when painting I always think about how to improve my skills. On this model I painted eyes, something I rarely bother to do. I also wanted her hair to look shiny and as alway I try to improve my NMM skills.
  6. @Tidings I checked if Warseer was back up and it is... I left a comment on your plog over there, nice stuff! @cb_rex thanks man! the handmaidens were clearly designed to be on squares, they rank up perfectly. But I just really love the look of rounds. I'm currently working on one of my all time favorite units, the dragon princes of Caledor. They were the unit that got me into the hobby made me want to start High elves. The most recent plastic kit is awesome, they look just like the original artwork in my 5th ed. high elves book. I want to paint them using NMM. painting red NMM is proving to be really difficult. highlighting red makes it look very orange or pink. so I figured pure red should pretty much be the lightest color. What do you think? doe sanyone has experience with painting red NMM?
  7. Yeah that's me @Tidings?, I remember. I liked warseer because a relative large group of people gave c&c. And the hobby&painting forum on warseer wasn't as negative as the rest of the forum. I actually started my cult of slaanesh elves on warseer.
  8. Thanks @Tommy! The Nurgle lord got me a nice amount of likes and new folowers on instagram. It seems to me there are a lot more people dedicated to 40k than AoS on Instagram. Posting an AoS-ified 40K mini seems to help to get some interest... Right now I have a few weeks off from work, so I can spend a lot more time painting than I usually can. I Finally finished my unit of Handmaidens of the everqueen. I got them from 'marktplaats' (literally: marketplace, a dutch site like ebay) for a decent price. They are 5th or even 4th ed. models and I've always wanted to get my hands on them. The spears were pretty tricky to paint in NMM as they have a different shape than most blades I've painted. But I think I worked out pretty well. I wanted to use a more muted palette and I think it worked out pretty well. I also wasn't sure if I should put them on squares (all my old elf models are on squares) or round bases, but in the end I decided I simply like rounds better esthetically.
  9. It has been a while since I posted something new. I feel my Cult of Slaanesh army is pretty much done for now and I thought it would be a good idea to paint all those models I have lying around before purchasing something new. I know there are a lot of hobbyists out there who have spent a lot of money on models, but never came around to painting them. This is my attempt to get a large portion of my unpainted or stripped models sitting on the shelf painted. Hopefully I'll get enough done to be able to buy new stuff guilt-free when Slaanesh or ealves will finally be released for AoS. This thread will mostly be (high) elves, with the occasional model from other ranges. To start this thread of with a little irony, I'll first show my Lord of contagion I converted to fit into AoS. I wasn't intending to buy new models, but I simply loved this model and thought it would be fun to try something different. This Nurgle Lord meant a different color scheme from what I usually paint and also enabled me to try some new techniques. I tried to add a lot of texture to the model, with lots of scratches and battle damage to the armour. Comments and critique are very much appreciated, as it helps me to improve and stay motivated.
  10. Is it to be expected we'llsee a kit for poxwalkers that could also be used in AoS? The poxwalkers in the new 40k box are a little to techy, but I could see a kit that works for both systems. Plague-zombies were a thing way back in Warhammer fantasy...
  11. I was hoping my guest-article would get me some new followers:) feel free to nag as much as you want.
  12. I think I saw some of these before? I always love an army filled with lots of conversions, really nice!
  13. Today my army is featured in a guest-article on @Mengel Miniatures' excellent blog. Go check it out (and maybe leave a comment) here.
  14. Lovely plog, great to see Someone work on one of those big frigates. I guess the scale of a model like this puts a painter in all kinds of new challenging situations. Since you want to improve Yourself I have some minor notes. The freehand runes are good, you could make them even tighter by using black on the outlines. Pthe Windows might look better with a small white line on the top, as you would do with gems. Finally, the figurehead is so large I think you can go a little heavier on the shading to make it stand out more. Good luck!
  15. This thread continues to be filled with more and more awesome models backed up by imaginative backstories. 2 weeks of free time gave me the time to be pretty productive. I finished one of the most important characters for my Slaaneshi army but I also got to work on an AoS28 warband. For the Eclipse contest @Bruticus is running I created a 'witch hunter' and 2 of his followers. I allowed myself to do something a bit controversial, elves with blackpowder weapons and technology you might expect with dwarfs (or Skaven)... I've had a lot of fun with the conversions and painting a totally different color scheme. so pics first, and some fluff to finish it off. "Jaeson awoke from dreamless sleep on the floor of his mother’s house of pleasure. Such was the extent of her love she rather reserved the beds for paying customers. Jaeson imagined he was a living reminder of the many humiliating things she had to do to get to where she was now. It had been decades since she had to sell her body to wealthy patrons who could afford to spend a night with a beautiful elven maiden. But it still pained her to look at her son's face. Jaeson did not know it was because he looked like his father or that she was simply disgusted by the more human features in his face. Outside Jaeson could just make out the hulking realmgate that dominated the skyline of this part of the city. A thick, oily fog rolled out of the gate into the streets. The district of Nohr had always been shrouded in darkness, but with the eclipse it had somehow gotten even darker. Jaeson chuckled as he imagined that for once even the richest noble in the highest part of the city experienced what it was to live in darkness, a very rare sensation for the inhabitants of Hysh. A loud shrieking sound wiped the smile of his face as dark winged creatures emerged from the realmgate. Never before had the rift that led to the realm of Ulgu been so active. As he grabbed his helmet and sword, Jaeson prayed the eclipse would soon be over."
  16. thanks for leaving a reply and your kind words everybody, the feedback and responses really are an important part of the hobby for me. I always get a little extra excited when I can share my finished work on here. @Davariel glad you noticed the continuation of the character, I really wanted the daemon prince to look like an amped up version of the elven prince he once was. @Gorthor21 I a way it is a little sad Thalion's story is kind off finished, because I had so much fun with him. But I have enough ideas and stuff lying around to add to the army. I actually just finished the last three devoted to get the unit up to 12 girls (so it is a multiple of six). And offcourse at some point Slaanesh will get some love in AoS, hopefully with some spectaculair models... Also, I'm working on some models for AoS28 and I'm tying their story in with Thalions story. I've made a group shot, but it feels to crowded... Maybe I'll do some better army shots in the future.
  17. I finished Thalion, daemon prince of Slaanesh! He was really fun to work on, I really feel the feedback on here helped me improve the model. He was a joy to paint as well. I'd love to hear what you think of the finished model. In a way this completes Thalion's saga, but I think I will continue to add units to the army. side-by-side Of Thalion as elven prince and daemon prince
  18. just a crappy phone shot of the work in progress. I'm pretty happy with the NMM, I don't think it comes across right in this shot. I'm having some doubts about the color of the wings. I'm considering building it up more towards white wings. But I could also wash them with golden-brown tones. The question is do the wings look better in a color similar to the armor or do they look better in a lighter tone, closer to the cloth?
  19. Just a quick 'work in progress' shot. I got Thalion some new wings and he is ready for painting.
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