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Everything posted by chord

  1. Chaos Warhounds. Seriously just up their bravery some.
  2. You should share your strategy. I'm always looking for new methods to leverage these units. maybe I'm missed something.
  3. I think you misread that. There are standard endless spells and "bound" endless spells
  4. Hmm.I think its the gryph chargers that pack the punch but agreed, underrated
  5. Desolators are .05 wounds per point, where as Palladors are .08 wounds per point. Palladors have a better move and the ride the wind ability to help them get where they are needed. Both are fine units. Desolators are more killy, palladors move better. Just different uses.
  6. I use them for objectives and road blocks. They are 15 wounds and if you use the castellant's lantern they get a 3+ save. Then you get them out in front of enemy units and slow them down so you can score points on objectives.
  7. I moved last summer to a new area, and have not found anyone yet who is not super competitive so I've not played AOS in about a year. But I was lucky to have people who would play in skirmish leagues, narrative games and enjoy it.
  8. Oh, for these style games I just play with people who understand its not a matched style game. Its competitive but not "fair"
  9. Asymmetrical battle plans can be a lot of fun, but you need to redefine the terms of winning. For example maybe you're the rear guard and you just need to survive for x battle rounds, or need to destroy y pieces of terrain.
  10. This is what GW wants, people to put away all the SCE models they bought and buy new models. IMO its better if we just stop buying till they fix SCE.
  11. A shooting unit that just throws rocks or other assorted items.
  12. What if they could summon other endless spells like the SCE ones.
  13. I agree, I expect much of the finecast to be cut (minus a few like the slann, etc)
  14. I picked them in the early days of AOS (pre-GHB) and its just been watching them go down slowly. That is disheartening, of course my other army is Khorne (starter set guy here) is also along the same lines.
  15. Bummer loved the realmgate wars books (have them all and the novels). They need to go back to that style, this newer style seems to appeal to nobody.
  16. This right here! For example HammerStrike force. W T F! They should have just called it a new name as it no longer has any meaning as it did in the original one.
  17. I really enjoyed the Realmgate Wars books and the way it tied into the campaign books. I could read the novel and then read/play the various battles. Really have not enjoyed other non-realmgate books that much. I think they need to go back to tying the novels to campaigns. That would get me back into buying the novels.
  18. I hope they don't discontinue the paladins! I love the look of the models and the lore, I just want them fixed. Discontinuing them means they will never get fixed
  19. Agreed base to base with no other bases/terrain in the way. Except flying units with shooting since they can see over units but not terrain
  20. If it's like the Realmgate Wars campaign books I'm excited. If its like malign portents....yawn....
  21. The lore was/is awesome!! I want to know more about Azyr itself, etc. Love the models, the idea of good guys fighting back evil was what drew me to them.
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