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Everything posted by Nordrim

  1. Well Chaos lord can make them fight a second time, bloodsecrator ally would give them extra attacks if they have mark of khorne.
  2. I have noticed some trends/interesting things relating to aos and miniature battle report in general on youtube. Getting battlereports on armies that have been just recently updated or released seems to help getting noticed. RULES getting them right is important on battle report, huge rules error can ruin wieving experience especially if it affects the outcome or the game. Personality is really important, people need to enjoy your voice and presentation style. Visual beatiful armies are just sweet for the eyes, also different angles for awesome scenes on the battle field is nice to see mid battle report (striking scorpion does that in their report tho they are 40k)
  3. This one has body of ironblaster gunner, hands from regular ogres, head from beastriders, weapon and loincloth from mawkrusha megaboss. And lots of different meats and bucherlike bling bling from various mawtribe kits. And ofc some greenstuff. Wanted to make it look like he is screaming that dinner is ready.
  4. Heres my conversions of slaughtermaster and butcher since i was not fan of the origonal models. Meats back in the menu!
  5. Use cauldron of blood, cauldron from dok, place the catapults circular part under thr cauldron to make it bit more ogorlike.
  6. Wont you have to take the blood gullet warlord trait instead of the +2w one? Blood gullet warlord trait gives longer pile in moves to unit near you.
  7. Any good artifacts on tyrants? Thinking gryph feather charm will be my go to after the changes on weapon profiles.
  8. Rubbish? Horde of fearless gnoblars would like to disagree.
  9. Insulting and belittling? God forbids anyone use humor with their fair criticism, its 2019 surely we are beyond criticism and humour by now.
  10. I have never seen dwarves portrayed as clumsy. I think that's just his personal view.
  11. I was gona write a story about ogor gutlord/tyrant who was keeping his hold in aqshy, a top of storm vault. He didn't know about the vault. One day nighthaunt started sieging his hold, which was great annoyance to ogors since they could not eat them after beating them. Then ghosts open the vault and managed to take artefact from there. Story would have ended on gutlord matching to a realmgate to Shyis to get the artefact back. The gutlord didn't know what the artefact was or even about its existance before the vault was opened and it was taken. But since inside his hold he rationalised that it was his and he is gona get it back. Got about halfway but ran out time to finish and to submit it.
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