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Everything posted by Bayul

  1. More pirates. Dead or fat, I don't care.
  2. I do not speak of all Nighthaunt / Legion of Grief players but I would happily give away two pages of rules in Broken Realms to another faction if we finally get a new Battletome this year. Relying on White Dwarf battalions and meager rules from just another story expansion feels worse then the prospect for an imminent Battletome release.
  3. Psst, don't tell anyone, but I secretly wish that Nighthaunt will be broken for a couple of months after the release of a new battletome to make up for the last 2 years.
  4. I hope that at one point this year we will be just enthusatic about new rules as about* those new sculpts. * how do you heathen Anglo-Saxons phrase this properly?!
  5. We already have two of those for Lumineth Realm-Lords...
  6. So how does Boulderhead / Eurlbad actually beat IDK? I played against a Dhom-hain list with reroll hit rolls after charges and reroll all wound rolls against Monsters. All units have -1 to hit because they count as covered in round 1. Except for my Frostlords on Stonehorn nothing in my army matches multiple charged eels (Akhelian Ishlaen Guard). They are hard to hit and ignore rend. Do I have to accept that their alpha strike with eels is stronger then our charges and deploy for a counter charge? Should I use my Mournfang Packs as screen?
  7. I am not sure about that. Do you really see any Destruction army being a part of starter boxes that appeal to Newcomers? Soulblight Gravelords are a saver bet even for veterans because they will buy up those boxes aswell. That scheme already worked with new Necron units in 40K.
  8. Nothing changed. Legion of Grief are undisputable legal since the latest GH. We can't take any OBR units. The new Warhammer Quest zombies might get relevant keywords for LOG though.
  9. Thanks, I thought it was only limited to nearby Spirit Torments. I might replace in this case. He was always very passive in my list.
  10. There's an upcoming team event in Australia in March with 3 LoG lists and only 2 Nighthaunt lists. Two LoG list run 2x Chainghasts but no Spirit Torment. What's the point of that? Are the Ghastflails so strong? Link to the announcement:
  11. This is something for a General's Handbook or a small supplement, you don't need a new edition for this kind of ideas. It also shouldn't be exclusive to one allegiance. If you want Great Game rules for CHAOS, then ORDER should have rules for a tournament, DESTRUCTION for a Royal Rumble-style brawl and DEATH for summoning duel between two necromancers. Each with different ressources and mechanics. But speaking of ressources: GW shouldn't waste much time on something like this to be frank.
  12. Could be a new Beastmen sculpt. I don't want to imagine the pose though...
  13. Does he really look like a summoner to you? He has the tools of a torturer and seems to either gather information or another useful extract like Illuminor Szeras in 40K. The extract's color is explicitly not like the usual ethereal energy, so I doubt that the summons a ghost from this skull.
  14. Most of the undead Cursed City will probably have the Deadwalkers, Deathlords, Deathmages or Deathrattle keyword. We can add them to our Legion of Grief army and run them with Nighthaunt units.
  15. You might be joking, but Gravelords could be a candidate for the AoS 3.0 starter boxes if we see a summer(ish) release. The next edition could be their initial launch with a 3.0 battletome from the get-go. The Soul Wars are over and there's no need for Nighthaunt to stay prominent.
  16. I didn't know that they are only 80 points for 7 models, interesting. I could imagine to replace them with one chainrasp horde unit to escort a hero. It's to much micromanagment with the weapons for my taste though.
  17. Lord-Celestant Gardus Steelsoul could be one of our announced lords on saturday.
  18. Nagash: *shuffles some bones* Settra: *appears* *Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays*
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