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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Included on the first post of the thread, the mathammer comming from @swarmofseals
  2. @zilberfrid : "Greywater Fastness Cogsmith Rockets Rockets Volleys Volleys Batallion General 20 Greatswords 40 Guards 30 Crossbows Celestial Hurricanum w wizard 70 points for endless spells" I'm not a fan of old empire artillery in AOS. I found them unreliable damage wise and they can go BOOM. What do you guys thinl about them ? Hellstorm battery could theoretically do 3D6 shots but they could do nothing, even with an engineer nearby! Wouldn't an artillery list be better with some SCE balistas ? They're more reliable when you put in an Hurricanum + LO (hit on 3's, RR 1s if you ve got an azyros) OR, if you've got the points, you could ally some High Elves balistas, which are very reliable 36" range, 12 shots, rend -1, 1D wounds on 3s. 3 OF them would cost 360 points.
  3. @Nasnad Tasty! LEt's not forget Hydras Battleline!
  4. The Anvilguard spell which makes a unit have no save at all on 8+. Combine it with let's say SCE Hurricane raptors and tadaa! What's that , your hero/monster has a 2+save ? Not anymore, here, take those 27 shots.
  5. That's the problem, SCE should be the links between them all. Ah, anyway
  6. Should be fun yeah, unless I'm mistaken though, SCE heroes won't be able to use their abilities on non SCE units, for example, a Lord-Castellan couldn't shine his lantern on a freeguild guards unit. That's a shame, because SCE heroes would open a lot of synergies.
  7. Yeah, there should be no such limitation. The only one we know of is that 1 unit in 4 may be SCE. That's all.
  8. If you cast the Healing Endless spell, Emerald Lifeswarm and you'rein/from Ghyran, then you're raising D6 PG :=
  9. I know, but I was actually hoping there would be something in the book saying that SCE units could give their buffs to COS units Please, tell me there is!
  10. Try a Frostheart phoenix with anointed + Lord Castellan. It will simply never die.
  11. It does indeed. Imagine the face on your opponent, when you raise those PG he just worked very hard to kill :D.
  12. So, after viewing the video review of the COS battletome; I feel like those battalions aren't great, except one or two. The Hammerhalian Lancers for ex is very disapointing. It's not enough mix and match for me. It would have been great for ex to be able to run SCE cavalry inside this battalion.
  13. Gyrocopter/bombers are a steal for all the MW they do!
  14. Ok. Too bad the guy eats his words a bit, I'm not a native english speaker, it's a little bit blurry :).
  15. Did you get the points from the video posted in CoS discussion ?
  16. They always had it, both crossbowmen and handgunners. It was the piper rules who gave them this ability as per Grand Alliance Order Battletome.
  17. And if you're low on CP or want to use it for wound rerolls, you still have the Knight Azyros for 100points.
  18. Yeah, I corrected that already. I started writing after only 5 hours of sleep, my head was in my *** Thanks for keeping an eye out @The Merchant Prince
  19. Thanks guys for your participation, I'll finish later on this afternoon, keep em coming meanwhile!
  20. Unless there's a rule in the core book saying one unti can't be affected multiple times from the same enemy ability, there's nothing preventing it in the Kharybdiss warscroll.
  21. Hey guys, if you want to participate :
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