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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. I feel one of the weakpoints of AoS is reinventing the wheel every time. Instead of wasted design space, I see opportunities to unify in-game results in the rules. Not everything about every faction needs to be unique. No reason why other rank and file units can't use the exact same mechanics as Lumineth.
  2. Kairic Acolytes and Tsaangors are new sculpts and unconditional battleline if that helps you a bit. You could also do a bit of proxying: Ogroid Myrmidon => Ogroid Thaumaturge (though that model is brilliant) A few warbands => Kairic Acolytes Raptoryx => Screamer, or put a person on top and make Tzeenchy Marauder Horsemen Furies => With some effort Tsaangor skyfires The warbands can also proxy to Marouders quite well, and the Godsworn Hunt can easily fit in the Splintered Fang
  3. I think the attitude comes with the pointy ears. As for the popularity, I think the Loremasters of Hoeth were some of the last remaining boxes across the world in the culling of 2019, with their greatsword infantry around the last non-hero.
  4. GW sells a whole ecosystem. It sells rules, models, paints terrain and a gaming location. The combination makes it work. If you take away rules, models or gaming location, they lose their edge. This means that say, a box of Dwarf Thunderers would just be on even ground with other vendors, and I don't think they'd do well in that comparison. There's a reason the models that no longer have rules are not sold anymore (at least for AoS). GW seems to price an army roughly to the same price, regardless of the price to produce. Whether or not an army has a good start collecting box does change this a bit. They price heroes at the price of 30 Warlord historicals, which they only can do because you need it in the game. Heroes are sometimes quite elaborate sculpts, but that would make them worth, say, 3 infantry models. Not 10 of their own.
  5. At this point, I feel that removing the bravery mechanic alltogether isn't a bad idea for AoS 3. I don't make lists where I don't have immunity to it for at least a good part of the game, because I think it's awful.
  6. I agree completely. I just hope more people look beyond GW to other companies that could really use the clients.
  7. The cost of molds and designers would be a much better point if their pricing was on par with other mini companies who also need molds and designers (and GW's profit margin was lower).
  8. It may be a bias by small sample, but I think that there has been a shift from the comically fascist empire in Rogue Trader to a more understandable one more recently. Though on the other hand, just today I read a few Regimental Standards, and they are quite funny in that "your lives don't matter" kind of way. The one equating grots and guardsmen while encouraging them to still think of themselves as better had me laughing out loud. I like that depiction, but it's a challenging one to write long form fiction in.
  9. I would very much doubt it. The asassin gives no bonus to any Shadowblades units, and to use them as their own faction would mean lifting them out of Cities.
  10. FEC that better embodies the delusion would be really nice.
  11. I have my Oathmark book, and I like it. I'll give my impression specifically about the kingdom building soonish, because I think it would be possible to make an awesome AoS campaign implementation from this.
  12. Oh, I do like the progression and do display the models, but I can get paralized by choices if I think about them too much. Not thinking about what's a good thing to put on the model, or even what metal the flintlocks of some other guns were is just easier. Pick up a model, paint it, and then pick up a new model. Thinking is for work. EDIT: There is one exception where I tried for the website colour scheme for once (which didn't work because this isn't the FW model):
  13. Mostly agree, but these two points. I don't think about the permanence of my models. I wouldn't get anything done if I did. That social interaction can be really cool. EvE online can be seen as a somewhat hostile environment, and I have travelled a lot in places that were not safe. At one point, I cut it very close and I just managed to dock back into the station when ambushed by pirates (My character was a few weeks old at that point). We ended up talking while I was cowering inside. Sometimes, pirates will extort you to let you pass (and really, you're at their mercy). I ended up getting an escort to safe space (with that ship still flashing really red because it had almost destroyed me just before), and was reimbursed the estimated cost the repairs had been. By every ship in the ambush. Without asking for it. They didn't even let me return it when I noticed it was way too much. I had that a few more times (though not that extreme). It only went wrong when I wasn't paying attention, or when it was so quick I had no time to make contact (but even then, I had someone gift me a ship of equal value to the one that was lost). People just want an enjoyable experience in a game. If you're a nice person, you'll encounter nice persons, because you infect them with oozing niceness. Online people can be really nice. To the detriment of any gaming computer: You're still at the computer, which is something I already do all day. It's a major reason why I don't have a 3d printer.
  14. I get that it is described as satire originally, but the tone has become too serious. And too many of its players take it too seriously as well. It reads a bit too much as Schrödinger's jokes used by the utter right. If people agree, it wasn't a joke, if people disagree, it was a joke and you're judging it too hashly.
  15. I don't think that'll grip easier. I see a smooth handle instead of a more grippy surface, slimmer with a widening at the top, and longer so it has less versatility in the hand.
  16. I know who I'm reacting to, but that's not the case. AoS has been played less this year, sure. Everything has. I have two wargames ready for review that came out this year but I haven't played yet (Frostgrave 2 and Oathmark) because I've been in lockdown since I received them. That doesn't say anything about its popularity. In the shops I go to, the amount of 40k has been decreased and AoS increased, and I've also seen this on the table. There's also demand for old models from people that are activating their WHFB collections to go to AoS. I've heard from two friends that have gone to AoS from 40k, or at least have taken steps. That might even draw me back in (they could never convince me to play 40k, but AoS is better). I'll be the first to say that I don't like the AoS lore, but the 40k lore (and what I later read from Old World lore) is a lot worse. Barely veiled fascism and xenophobia are virtues, the scale is blown up to such an extent that it's just a few kids shouting whose imaginary spaceship is bigger, writers portraying a female character do so through the eyes of a teenager and heroes have thicker plot armour than planets. All the while AoS lore is just a bit over the top for me and I don't like the religeous tones (which are worse in 40k). Yes, Lumineth and Brodd's Buddies are overpriced, but the rulebook structure of 40k is still more predatory. And, while the point of entry has jumped for Warcry, Necromunda is still 40% higher.
  17. I'm first going to cover the dwarves. I know most about them. I think Cities works best for them: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics/Order/Cities_of_Sigmar warriors, Can be Guard with sword and shield, or Ironbreakers if you want. longbeards, Longbeards are still in (Cities of Sigmar) ironbreakers, Ironbreakers are still in (Cities of Sigmar) slayers, Probably usable as Fyreslayers canon, Cannon is sadly no longer in the game, though you can use them as other artillery if you want, but if it was a double set, just put the Organ gun on the carriage organ gun, Organ guns are almost exactly Helblaster volley guns. Easy proxy stone thrower, Stone throwers would fit well as Rockets, if you load them with a grenade scattershot, but it maybe more interesting to build one as a Celestial Hurricanum bolt thrower, There is a Stormcast artillery piece, which are easy to include in Cities. heroes, Dwarven Engineer, Runelord and Thane are still heroes, Gotrek is a big dude hero nowadays miners, Longbeards with great weapons. They are old enough by now. Plus, I really like the candles on their heads. Alternative: build a mine entrance and exit for a Soulscream Bridge As for the Greenskins: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Age_of_Sigmar/Tactics/Destruction/Gloomspite_Gitz Goblins are all Night goblins now, and you still need loads of them Giants are their own faction, unsure about the size of old giant models vs newer (would be Aleguzzler gargants), but should work, or maybe they are just trolls in your army Spider Riders are still in Wolf riders are not, though they might reappear Snotlings are in Ogre Mawtribes, but could also just be goblins (think they can't be allied) Q : do these "armies" are stand alone armies ? Honestly, they are bad. Less options, no further support, no interaction with new stuff. I'd just proxy. Q : can i mix the armies with AOS new armies (of the same 'race') ? A bit. Every faction has allies it can take. They are (almost) never outside the "Grand Alliance" for the moment, but if you keep something as its legacy unit, you can't take it in a new army (except for very specific edge cases) Q : if i won't mix of convert them, what can i play in AOS...narative play? open play?... Theoretically, you can play anything, but the rules did not keep up, and something like the Ironbreakers can no longer be in the same army as a unit of Warriors. Open and Narrative can have more houderules, but I'd just proxy a lot. Q : AOS has several ways to play... I understand the 'points' value games... But I don't understand the games where you can just put on some mini's and game on!... It seems not fair...for example, my wife has daughters of khain and in the beginning we tried a game like that...it was NOT fair cause in my understanding i could take much heavier and more troops...( it IS possible that I made a mistake in understanding the correct rules of that kind of playmodus...🤨) I am entirely unfamiliar with AoS 1, where this was the way to play but from what I've read, it was wildly unbalanced. I'd suggest the points value thing. Listbuilding is easy at https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/
  18. I, for one, welcome GW's initiative to help other miniature artists and rulemakers. They'd be happy to take their market share.
  19. This fits with Necromunda. The second starter box of that is €230, which can hardly be described as a starter price. Though that does come with better terrain than the original. Yeah! Raptoryxes would function as a feathered dromeosaur for Dinoriders as well. Still haven't purchased a box, but maybe I should.
  20. It's just GW caring about distancing. By pricing starter sets ever higher, fewer people enter the game and you can keep your 6 ft distance, because the other side of the table is empty.
  21. Correct, starter warbands are not sold separately.
  22. Yeah, Barak Thryng is a bit weird. Somehow that doesn't work right, but Tempest's Eye and Living City works. I think the Cities book also has a different description of the mechanism than Kharadron for some reason.
  23. It works in the warscroll builder. Battlescribe isn't good at AoS.
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