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Everything posted by zilberfrid

  1. Check in every once in a while. The models work perfectly for other games, and GW is good at making beautiful and creative designs (though they also make space marines). Maybe they learn how to make a good game next edition, but I think the models and people are worth sticking around in TGA.
  2. The problem is that GW seems to value high rend higher than mortal wounds somehow. High rend also really doesn't do what it used to. I agree that rend -1 is still as useful as it was, but -2 and -3 have lost quite a bit of value.
  3. Look at their cold ones. Now look at those of the Dark Elves. Then look at Lost Kingdoms Also, the chameleon skinks Vs Lost Kingdoms Feathers! Proper looking dino! Chameleon doing a handstand and shootingbwith their feet!
  4. The problem with save stacking is that mortal wounds are not equally distributed. Rend is almost dead this edition, so they could just call it the "era of the mortal wound" and be more accurate.
  5. As above, the ogre Blood Bowl team gives another few dynamic options if you replace hands, but they don't have that many poses.
  6. I think the volume of sales of webstore only boxes is a lot lower than distributed boxes. But it's mostly that they don't want to waste a marketing opportunity on it. I have no insider knowledge of GW, but have been told Renedra molds are a lot cheaper than I thought, and the work for a 3d print model isn't that much either. I do not know the arcane magic of translating a 3d model to a sprue though. I can't imagine there is no return on investment if companies like Wargames Atlantic, Northstar, Warlord and such manage. It must be something else, and a marketing and logistics seems logical.
  7. I think it's because of marketing and logistics mostly. If a faction gets a refresh, they might want to do it more completely than just the one kit. They need to have display space in their shops, get enough hype to get it in player's minds, and get boxes there. Many things that need replacement are webstore only. I think exceptions like Kroak just skipped the queue because it replaced a finecast kit that was still selling, and that mold may have worn out, or maybe it was to sell their battletome because they realized the realmshaper engine doesn't have enoigh visual appeal. Speaking of finecast, the salamander and it's spiky cousin's kit need replacement quite badly. Look at the models in TW: Warhammer II, and then at the minis...
  8. Freeguild Handgunners Saurus Knights Gutter runners For rich people, Handgunners and Pistoleers can be sourced from Admech, but especially Pistoleers/Outriders are triple the cost per model.
  9. NPE is also felt different for different people. I played a pre-CoS Free Peoples army (a regiment with Great Companies), and the player that curbstomped me with a double or triple Keeper list was really complaining about the defensive shots from my skirmish guards and handgunners. For me, it's mostly not playing the same game. Things like Psionics in early D&D editions that had a whole different combat system not everyone could participate in, would fit, but for AoS there are a few things that come to mind: Being able to almost guarantee your own magic while shutting down that of the opponent, Shooting mortal wounds that need no line of sight with ridiculous range, Starting out controlling an objective and greatly hindering the chances of opponents getting it Offloading your battleshock to another player's Straight up take the ability to take actions from units Unkillable heroes or units Taking command points and/or increasing the cost of command point usage Ridiculous balance problems Excessive summoning or raising It doesn't mean an army that does one of these things is automatically bad, but if your list has most of these things, I won't even care if I win if I'm not having a good time doing it. In the first example, I wouldn't be bothered by losing (it was my first game after all) but the whining and the lack of any chance I had made it annoying, with him taking ages and piling a lot of units on the battlefield while complaining that I was cheating by shooting things that came near to me (I had the GHB open and bookmarked, there was nothing fishy about it).
  10. But removed from site and box. Can't print them either afaik. They are also only free until GW decides to monetize that as well. Fair's fair, I did forget the app.
  11. Do also note that increased gating by GW makes that NPE worse. Previously, the (in this case LRL) faction abilities were gated behind a paywall, which was annoying Locking the warscrolls away as well increases the "Gotcha" effect because only people that pirate or fork over hundreds of euros in books they don't need have any idea what an opponent is capable of doing. This is a reason why I won't return to GW games.
  12. If we would have Lumineth (with all their crescents) with Gloomspite, we could have "Moon Moon"
  13. For a company that is plagued by favouritism towards space marines, it also brands the entire product line with the god of the fantasy marines (since we now know GW absolutely wanted them to be just that from mr Reynolds). Branding it to the leader of two of its factions is a bad idea.
  14. I will absolutely get those Torments. Kitbash the human bits to be more generic, and I can use them for all sorts or roleplaying shenanigans. They are brutally horrible, and I love them. I would also love to see the ideas in the old metal horrors reviewed with GW's current sculpting ability (and in plastic).
  15. These are nice models. Would be an excellent Pistoleer/Outrider standin if not for their cost. Riders even have double pistols or carbines and sabers. Sorry for the bad glazing, They could be Demi standins if you give the riders lances, swords or halberds but they would be small. I'm just getting to grips with that technique and haven't quite found it. Still need to edge highlight the leather and give it some texture, and this is a pic from before I highlighted all the blue bits.
  16. I have done my duty, and slain many gelatos. With summer only two days away, I must once again rise to the challenge...
  17. Does anyone else really dislike the term Gallatian Veterans? It sounds super specific, not at all a general term across almost all factions.
  18. If you lower point costs across the board, people will buy more models to fill their armies.
  19. It's probably no longer relevant, but with a Ghur battlemage, you can speed Gotrek up. With a Chamon one, you can slow enemies down.
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