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Everything posted by EnixLHQ

  1. A "characteristic" is synonymous with "stat". On your warscroll card, your bravery (for most units) is 10. That means your bravery characteristic is 10. If you were fighting another NH army, their -1 bravery lowers yours to 9. Your bravery characteristic is now 9 when within range. It's written this way because there are two kinds of buffs: buffs to stats and buffs to rolls. There is an important difference. Buffs to stats/characteristics means that the die roll itself, if there is one, isn't affected. A roll of a 3 is still a 3. Buffs to rolls means that the die outcome is modified. +1 to hit means that a roll of a 2 is effectively now a 3.
  2. -1 to be hit by enemy units within 3" if their bravery characteristic is 5 or lower. This combines with NH's natural -1 to bravery aura. So, unless your enemy can buff their bravery or ignore your debuff, if they bring a 6 bravery unit to a fight they will suffer a -1 to hit the DHs.
  3. Grimghast Reapers: units of 10 to 30, 2" range, 2 attacks, 4+/3+/-1/1. Specials: One model is 3+/3+/-1/2 and if it kills a model splashes 1 MW, all scythes reroll failed hits of target unit has 5+ models. One of the few units that can do a ton of damage without any buff support. There are two things to think about with Reapers. First, they are horde killers. That 4+ bothering you? Well, if you charge these guys against any unit with 5 or more targets you get to reroll failures. Chances are you will cut through half of that unit. Second, they have rend (this whole list will), which even with their not-great attack profile when up against 1 through 4 models, that rend lowers enemy saves. That makes these guys elite killers. Back them up with to-hit and to-wound buffs and they will rend through high opponent saves. Makes these guys very versatile. These guys are Batteline in Nighthaunt, as well, which makes them a nice pick to satisfy Pitched battle requirements. Dreadscythe Harridans: units of 5 to 20, 1" range, 3 attacks, 4+/3+/-1/1. Specials: Wound rolls of 6 score 2 dmg instead of 1, -1 to hit if enemy melee unit has 5 or less bravery. Assuming you can buff these guys, at least their to-hit with Knight of Shrouds on foot and a couple CP invested, these guys will likely be your highest damage dealers without much more finagling. With the buffs they will be on par with the Bladegheist Revanants in terms of damage profile, but they retain their 3 attacks no matter the phase or circumstance, and the occasional 2 damage lets these guys swing higher than their weight class. Their built-in aura debuff is also handy to keep them around if you can keep your enemy's bravery low. Also, rend. Myrmourn Banshees: units of 4 to 12, 1" range, 1 attack, 4+/3+/-2/D3. Specials: +1 attack if unbind successful, +1 attack if dispel is successful, +to unbind. At first glance these guys seem underwhelming except maybe as a short-ranged unbind attempt. But, their rend combined with D3 damage means that if they hit, they'll hit the hardest out this entire comparison. In order to do that effectively, though, you will need a lot of things to go your way; namely, unbinding a spell, getting a +1 attack from a KoSoES, +1 or 2 to hit from KoS on foot, +1 to wound from GoS... If set up correctly this unit will do the most damage, hands down. It just takes a lot of planning and luck to get it off. This is much easier to do in Nighthaunt than LoG as you can zone them in with From the Underworlds within their 18" unbind range. Oh, they have the highest rend of this comparison, so you know what that means. Bladegheist Revenants: units 5 to 20, 1" range, 2 attacks, 3+/3+/-1/1. Specials: +1 attack on charge, can retreat and charge in the same turn. These guys will do very respectable damage without much support at all. Charge, get the extra attack, and swing on 3s. Pretty nice. Also means that KoS need only invest 1 CP to give these guys a 2+. GoS near by and it's a 2+ on Wound. In other words: easy to buff, easy to damage, and with their built-in ability to retreat and charge you will never not be charging. What sets these guys aside from being "auto-picks", though, is what this loadout doesn't say, and that is that they lose an attack in all other phases. So, on your opponent's combat phase these guys only have 2 attacks. Not bad, but the whole reason you bring these guys is to swing for 3, right? Basically, it boils down to if you think you can buff these guys or not, or buff some Dreadscythes more reliably. In my opinion you should always run Reapers as close to max as possible. They self-buff against hordes, their 2" range means they can fight in ranks and get all their attacks in, and in a pure NH army they are battleline, giving you freedom of choice for some Chainrasps to fill out the rest of your battlelines. Next come Dreadscythes which, while they work optimally with at least a KoS investing CPs into them, can deal out significant damage for less points than Bladegheists. Then come Bladegheists which are more reliable with their damage if you can't buff them, but come up short if you can. If you are not confident you can keep buffs in the right places, take these. Last are the Banshees. Last only because of the shenanigans you need to pull in order to get them swinging at potential. Consider these guys advanced mode. The payoff of bringing them is another unbind with a bonus, so against armies with a lot of magic you're better protected, and then their up-to-3 damage potential on each swing. Very risk/reward since their unbind is 18" and those attacks don't mean much if not in melee range. At least they keep their +attack until the next round unlike the Bladegheists...
  4. Just finished a pre-holiday 1520 point fight between my LoG and my friend's Phoenix Guard from Cities of Sigmar.
  5. Battleplan: Places of Arcane Power Total Points Played: 1520 Terrain: Random per GHB, no terrain with warscroll cards Armies Legion of Grief Heroes Dreadblade Harrow General - Command Trait: Vassal of the Craven King Necromancer Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch Spell Lore: Dread Withering Guardian of Souls Spell Lore: Dread Withering Knight of Shrouds Battlelines Chainrasp Horde x20 Chainrasp Horde x20 Other Grimghast Reapers x30 Dreadscythe Harridans x10 Dreadscythe Harridans x10 Cities of Sigmar Heroes Celestial Huracanum Annointed Freeguild General Non-Heroes Phoenix Guard x20 Phoenix Guard x20 Freeguild Crossbows x20 Freeguild Crossbows x20 Deployment Gravesites: I deployed three of my gravesites in a triangle. The first two went to either side of the center objective, just outside 9" from it. I had to place one fully in my territory, but the other I placed just on the other side of the dividing line. The third point of the triangle was just outside 9" from the center objective on my side of the field. The fourth gravesite I placed in my opponent's deep field, a full 9" from both board edges. This meant that the first turn would be spent outside of any of their auras, but counting on my opponent's traditionally slow speed I wasn't concerned that I couldn't reach them even if he went first. Cities of Sigmar won the roll-off and deployed first. He opted for a tight formation, hugging the offset side of the board in order to keep everything within the various auras available to him. This placed him just opposite the center objective from me, but closer to the one on my left than the one on the right. I decided to split my deployment. In the center I deployed my Grimghast Reapers, bulking them up in front of my Necromancer. To the objective on the right (hidden by the haunted house) I placed both units of my Dreadscythe Harridans and my Knight of Shrouds. That left both of my units of Chainrasp Hordes to deploy as close as I could get them to the far left objective. The terrain there pushed me a bit further out than I'd like. Gameplay CoS finished deployment 4 units before I could, so priority went to him to decide the first round. He opted I move first. This was unusual. He usually moves first, and in half measures to bait you to into range of his crossbows. But, me putting the bulk of my forces directly opposite him, as well as a grave in his backfield, he needed a moment to try to figure just what I was up to. Passing the turn to me I moved normal moves on all my units, making sure to stop just short of where his crossbow range would be after his move, and ran my heroes toward each objective behind their screens. On his move, his slowness meant that even after his move I was out of range of all but a couple spells. He cast them, some mortals were dealt to me that I couldn't shrug successfully, but in the end round 1 passed without much incident. Round two came to me first. I spent my Hero phase giving my Reapers Mystic Shield, which was successful and not unbound. I didn't have anything else defensive to cast, and he was still out of range for Dread Withering, so I spent my round just making sure my heroes could cap each objective and that they were protected by a ton of models for fencing. His half was spent pelting both my Reapers and Chainrasps with his ranged while moving his melee closer. Still, just out of range for a charge. Some easily-passed Battleshock rolls later and the turn was over. End of Round 2 Score: LoG 3 points, CoS 0 Turn 3 was my opponent's. This...did not go well for me. It was a bloodbath. It was a goddamned massacre! Spells ripped through my Reapers, ranged attacks eviscerated both them and my Chainrasps, but only after he focused Guardian of Souls for 4 wounds and melted my Necromancer off the board. My Deathless saves just didn't roll high enough, and after losing my Necro I was losing Reapers by the handful. Heroes were targeted and erased. Reapers were softened. Rasps were mostly intact. My response was swift. Rasps and Reapers charged, but only the Reapers made it. Without my artefact I opted not to spend any CP yet for the charges in case I need them to bring back my units. The Reapers engaged, and after the exchange I wiped out half of one of his Guard units and splashed a few MWs onto the hero parked with them, but on the counter attack my Reapers were no more. My silent wish? To get the top of the next round and bring back my Reapers, either at the gravesite where my Dreadblade was already parked, or at the gravesite in my opponent's backfield. End of Round 3 Score: LoG 7 points, CoS 0 My wish was denied. CoS got the top of turn 4. Woe was my poor Guardian of Souls. Woe was another handful of Chainrasps. Worse than that, his magic and his advancing ranged line brought woe to my Dreadblade. Say a silent prayer for him, because he did all of nothing this entire game and on the verge of his entire worth being paid for in the form of Endless Legions, he popped like a Nurgle pustule, unable to move out of the way before they came gunning for him. (He's in the picture near that far gravesite because I was talking out what my next move was going to be to my friend, and now he's taunting me.) After his cloud of bolts was over, he was able to advance onto the center objective and claim it. Meanwhile, his other Phoenix Guard split off to head for the next nearest objective, engaging my Chainrasps and removing them from the board. Mid-Round 4 Score: LoG 7 points, CoS 1 On my half of the turn, I took stock of my situation. My only hero left was my KoS. My only units left were my Dreadscythes. It looked pretty bleak. But then I started counting. Despite losing almost everything, all I needed to do was hold my last objective. My Dreadscythes finally moved (represented here by some Glaivewraith proxies). 2 CPs on their runs to net a full 14" movement, they barreled into the bottleneck of the terrain to deny my opponent movement toward my KoS. The KoS himself moved back just enough to still cap the objective at the edge of the 3" this battleplan demands. I formed the Hot Gates from 300 (not really) using my Dreadscythes as the doors and the terrain as the walls. Now, the ball was in my opponent's court. End of Round 4 Score: LoG 10 points, CoS 1 He won the roll off for turn 5. He capped his second objective. He engaged my Dreadscythes, who despite their lack of buffs and lack of Deathless managed to hold their own with minimal losses. They swung back hard, those 2 damages on nat 6 wounds hurting his melee line. The turn passed quickly. Mid-Round 5 Score: LoG 10 points, CoS 3 At the top of my turn, all I could do was laugh. I had cinched the game. All I had to do was pass the turn and take my 4 points. But first, I had to press my attack with the Dreadscythes just for fun. I had never fielded them before, and while my original plan was to spend some CP on them and get them close to a GoS and see just what they could do at full tilt, I was very surprised how they performed without all that. I'm so used to my Bladegheists only having 3 attacks on a charge, but now that I have used my Dreadscythes I think their -1 hit bubble is way more powerful a buff than a 3's-across-the-board attack profile by a mile. My opponent, my friend, is used to seeing the same from me, so he was eager to see how they performed as well. They piled in to attack his ranged line and managed, at 6 or 7 models, wipe half of his unit. Their counter-attack was nerfed to near-ineffectiveness. The other unit came at his Guard which took the beating much better, but I rolled well enough on the wounds and he not so well on the saves that even a number of them fell. We both were very happy to see these guys swing for the fences, and they will be a staple in my games to come. Final Score: LoG 14 points, CoS 3 What went well Battleplan Not only did I have more heroes on the table with which I could grab an objective, their even distribution meant that the battles themselves were fairly easy to predict. Deployments alone were enough to know where the pain points were going to be. Terrain Terrain will almost always favor Nighthaunt units, and here was no different. Being able to fly meant that I could ignore most of it, where my opponent could not. I was able to make use of the pinch points on the sides (again, these were determined randomly via GHB, and he chose the side of the table we started on) and force the battles to occur on my terms. Speed Once again, Nighthaunt's speed is one of our stellar qualities. Being able to cover the distance to the objectives so quickly meant I had the early advantage on points. This speed also meant that I could take the fight to him further out away from those objectives in case I needed to recoup before he could cap them. Gravesites Placing three of my graves so close to each other proved a game-changer in terms of keeping my opponents occupied longer than he wanted to be. He had to eat up 3 turns just getting through my regenerating Reapers, which while that went by fast and I couldn't stand up to the sheer amount of wounds he could put out, it didn't matter in the end. That bought me all the time in the world. My fourth gravesite? He eyed it every turn, every move. He had to factor it in with every choice he made. The only time he was ever confident with a choice he was making was after he realized he had my general dead-to-rights and knew he could kill him. Deployment For the first time I felt solid about my deployment strategy. This is in part due to the battleplan and partly the gravesite locations. I felt confident that I could meet his challenge head on instead of an uphill battle. And it helped that I put so much pressure on my opponent from turn 1 that a whole detachment on the right side of the board was ignored until it was too late. What went wrong Hero placement? I should have either turfed my Necromancer to the left side and the GoS center, or some other mix similar to that. The Necromancer got a Danse off, and while it was nice I was throwing attacks against a battleline that was saving on 4s with a save-after-save of 4s, who could strike back with 2+s or 3+s with lots of attacks. Perhaps with a GoS backing my Reapers more of my own wounds would have gotten through instead of buffing my Chainrasps that saw no real action. In addition, I was afraid of advancing my Dreadscythes because I knew they would go in buffless. Dreadscythes They took too long to do anything. If I had parked my Necro where the KoS was I could have had them swinging for 3A/2+/2+/-1/1 and sometimes 2 damage, assuming my GoS was nearby as well. Instead, I benched some of my best ghosts on the sidelines to watch the whole battle. In the end that was probably the better move, but I'm thinking not. OMG DAT DAMBLAGE Since getting the Cities book I have not won a game against them until now. Hallowheart, Hammerhal, and now Phoenix Guard, my friend is really good at finding unit synergies that this book offers and bringing out the pain. He regularly can put together a kill team that can swing with the best damage profiles, save with the best protections, and toss in the right buffs at the right time to make it all just an overwhelming force. I am saying this is something that went wrong because we're capable of this, too, albeit in a more focused manner, and I didn't pull that off. But, this proves a point that Nighthaunt are an objective-game army. I tried to meet him in the middle and take on his entire army with 30 Reapers. That didn't go so well. We're ethereal, and we're already dead, but that doesn't stop us from being sent back to the grave.
  6. Yeah, Forbidden Power errata in July "Page 70 – Battle Traits, Invigorating Aura Change the rules text to: ‘Gravesites have the following ability: At the start of your hero phase, pick 1 friendly Summonable unit within 9" of this gravesite (see ‘The Unquiet Dead’). You can either heal D3 wounds that have been allocated to models in that unit or, if no wounds are currently allocated to any models in the unit, you can return a number of slain models to the unit that have a combined Wounds characteristics equal to or less than the roll of a D3.’"
  7. Would these 3 be close to a main objective? Or the big ol' unit will be? I'm imagining a triangle where the point is on your side. The rule is "within 9" so a large blob need only have enough models inside each grave's buff zone to trigger (taking into account losing a few models and not shrinking too much to be outside one). That center is close to a major objective, or at an area one you know a lot of fighting will take place. The two away from you will be used for healing more than resurrections. The third one, the point that's close to you, is your resurrection pool. Screen off that triangle point so that it's not easily overrun from a flank. Throw everything else at the enemy and other objectives like a mad person. Meanwhile the 4th grave in the opponent's back yard will make them paranoid not to move too far into the field lest you teleport for the flank. Sound about right?
  8. Mind....🤯 It's things like this that I don't know from never having played a Legions army before. I honestly have no idea what I don't know or am not taking advantage of when it comes to playing LoG.
  9. Great write up, thank you. -Could you post a picture highlighting your gravesites? I'd love to see how you deployed them, but it's hard to see. -When you say you conga-lined your Dreadscythes, how exactly did you do that? It might be because I can't see your graves, but I'm guessing you returned D3 from one grave and D3 from another?
  10. Update from the weekend. Had more people show up than expected, so it was a 1k game instead of 1.5k. Long story short; I lost. By one point. Not bad for my third serious attempt at LoG. Long story longer, here's my strat and my musing as to where I did well and where I didn't. Summary: Deployment - I am very inexperienced when it comes to Legions of anything, so I am still getting over feeling over-extended or over-exposed for basic setup and deployment. That being said, playing Nighthaunt models I am used to, so once the game starts I do well enough that I think my true area of improvement is deployment. Once I figure out how I will finally be able to fight level instead of uphill. Edge to NH until I learn how to deploy as LoG. Healing/Resurrection - Using most of my gravesites to be overlapping healing pools where combat was sure to take place, or where I was going to take ranged damage, was a real win. Leaving just one gravesite back for unit resurrection and protecting my general there was a better strategy than giving myself several graves I could run away to. This allowed me to keep the focus on the board's center instead of the edges, and kept my opponent focused on trying to remove my units with no way to slip in. This is a clear win for LoG. Buffs/Debuffs - Overlapping synergies is very powerful. If I hadn't mucked my deployment, I think I would have been roving death on the board. This is possible for both NH and LoG, but becomes necessary in LoG while there are no battalions available. Battalions are a chance or bandaid for a bad start. LoG's Dread Withering spell helps, but a spell can never replace an always-on buff. Point, NH. Wound Output - I felt the loss of not having Wave of Terror. Twice, maybe three times I noticed getting 10 or more on a charge. That vs the one time Danse was successful shows a very big loss of damage potential. The chance to land WoT is 16.67% on any given roll. You can spend CP to reroll a charge, and if you take an Aetherquartz it's a 33.34% chance to get the CP back, and it's debatable if CP available to NH is best spent on this or not. Meanwhile Danse is 72.23% to cast successfully, with only one chance at it, less up to 55.56% chance to have it unbound, for a total of *drumroll* roughly 16.67% chance of having it actually take. Once. The real chances are probably higher, but I lack the math. And even when it does go off the second attack is likely going to be less powerful than the first, because why wouldn't your opponent counter-attack the unit that's going to fight again? Unless someone can point out a way LoG can match that kind of damage/chances at damage, I think the point is clearly in the NH camp. Total: NH 3/LoG 2 Are gravesites really why LoG is considered better than NH? Enough for some people to say NH is C tier and LoG is A?
  11. Looks like we might need a judge ruling on this, with citation. The FAQ I sourced says the ability can be used more than once, but not that the effect can overlap. And the ability itself does not specifically say, nor contain words like "any", that would prevent the effect stacking. However, both the raging wars over similar abilities on this very forum in other threads, as well as my own local GW's certified judge, all cite that the current "Rules of One" prevent the stacking. Specifically, "a unique named ability cannot affect a unit more than once". But, that judge couldn't find the specific passage. He thinks it's in the GHB. I'm currently trying to find it.
  12. Q: Can I spend 2 or more command points to allow the same model to use the same command ability more than once in the same phase? A: Yes, unless specifically noted otherwise. Per the most updated FAQs, you're right. That changes things a bit. I think I need to buy more Harridans.
  13. Pretty sure you can't stack two of KoS's +1 hit auras, even if from two Knights. A unit can only receive a buff with a unique name from one source at a time unless specifically noted. But yes, Harridans hit hard and are great models. The only reason to choose Bladegheists over them, really, is the attack profile. In terms of Mathhammering it, # attacks > extra damage/MW on 6 = to hit > to wound, and I think people generally feel the more certain 3+/3+ profile, and the KoS/GoS ability to make those into 2+/2+ is worth the extra points. I'm in that boat, myself. Do that same math with +1 attacks, +1 hit, and +1 wound and you'll see why. And then add in the reroll factor; Bladegeists get to reroll everything in the aura of a Chainghast even without a Spirit Torment on the board, where as the Harridans would need a Spirit Torment just to get reroll 1s. It's a difference of 40 points less to set this up with the Bladegheists. But math alone doesn't win games, sadly. @AidenNicol has a point that a blob of 30 Reapers is hard to erase from the board. And, if your opponents have units with 5 or more in them then I agree that this is very attractive, since those Reapers will be dishing out the hurt for several combats. Paired with the Necromancer and/or another healer and it might be enough sustain. Points-wise, 420 points for 30 reapers also costs less than 500 for 20+10 Bladegheists (though I'd never run that kind of split) or 540 for 15+15. My argument is only about the size of the units. Is a maxed blob of X unit is better than smaller blobs of Y unit for various reasons. Depending on what you put on the table and if you're sending them in with the units, how much healing can you do to a unit per turn vs popping a CP to bring a smaller one back again and again? So far I have noticed two real big issues with gravesites and unit size. The first is zoning. You've got a 9" aura, less the amount your general is taking up, to put a resurrected unit back. If it's a clean site, great, but as soon as an enemy unit starts getting in close you also have the 9" rule against setting up near them to worry about. If you're fighting an opponent who can deep strike or brings in small objective camper units, you'll have a hard time here. Second, once a unit goes down if you don't have something else to screen the oncoming units your heroes are next. When I've ran full units against the more spiky brick walls like Hammerhal this was lethal for me. I have a spawn, move, run in order to get close and if your opponent is playing for space that won't be enough. Basically, I'm arguing that if you bring 2+x10s to a fight, your opponent now has to make the tactical choice of committing their entire attack/counter on one unit, or risk splitting attacks and not wiping them both out. And since that puts the pressure on them it's more stressful for them when you bring a unit back and can get it into combat again before they could finish off the other one. This weekend I plan on trying exactly this strategy at 1500 points.
  14. I don't quite agree with the Bladegheist assessment. I'm still playing around with different compositions, but I'm finding that smaller multiple groups, like 2x10, with heroes that bubble buff, like GoS and KoSof, not only allows you to still deal impressive damage but also protects the unit from being completely wiped on the counter. With their 8" move and thinking ahead you'll probably have a gravesite and your general not too far away to replenish either unit that's lost.
  15. In Nighthaunt taking The Condemned battalion makes them one of our best battlelines. In LoG you can still get a good punch out of them by pairing them with a Spirit Torment, a Guardian of Souls, a Necromancer, or any combination of these.
  16. Bravery Bomb is fun, but it's not competitive since any army can ignore battleshock for a CP, and a lot of armies have other built-in protections against bravery mattering at all. It can be a devastating method of play, but only if your opponent has no answer for it. The Vassals+Aetherquartz is just a tactic among several, but it seems the most popular. This is because per the wording of both abilities you can potentially gain 2 CP every time you spend 1. CP = grave resurrections. CP = KoS buff. CP = auto-pass battleshock. Reroll charges, All Out Attack/Defense. Your options just open up. But, it's still a gamble, 4+s and all. Cogs, yes, but remember that your opponent also benefits from the speed. 1K points feels stronger to me as Nighthaunt, but I haven't played LoG at that level. At 1500 I really like LoG. Wave of Terror is a Nighthaunt allegiance ability = any charge roll of a natural 10 (or 9 in the Deathriders battalion) and that unit gets to fight immediately (in the charge phase). This fight cannot be countered. They can still fight in the combat phase. About a 16% chance. 26% in the battalion. Necromancers, who are full-fledged members of LoG have the spell Manhel's Danse Macabre. For a cast value of 6 a selected unit can be picked to pile in and fight again in the combat phase. This can be countered as it just means you didn't exhaust the unit that fought and has this buff. It's not as powerful, but slightly more reliable. It's a spell, so you can for sure cast it, but you have about a 70% chance to get it off, followed by an unbind attempt. And then, once buffed, that unit could take a lot of damage before you'd want it to attack again. If your LoG opponent was using any NH allegiance abilities, including battalions, it was illegal.
  17. Ran two games with this list. Game one I ended up gaining 8 CP in addition to the 1 per turn. The DH as a general was a superstar, able to blink away at the slightest sign of danger. In the early game that was to another gravesite, but later it was just "away". My opponent (Hammerhal) was able to zone out my gravesites eventually by sitting small units right on top of them and as a result I lost, but this was due to me making some very dumb mistakes that left them open. Still, even without my graves being able to buff the attacks on all my units without worry of being CP starved I wrecked shop. I lost, but it was because often found myself rushing into a fight and coming up short. If I had played more tactically I would have easily won. My opponent told me how scared he was. The second game was very short. Stormcast with an uber elite squad tactic. I set up by putting my Reapers as a screen to protect my general (it was moving objective battle plan) and he placed that squad right across from them. He was able to move, charge, and destroy my Reapers at the end of turn one and got the double turn to kill my general at the top of turn 2. We kept playing just to see how tough I was without him, but the game was basically over. 4 turns, got him down to his last legs, but he won overwhelmingly on points. Lessons learned: Vassal and Aetherquartz on an unnamed general is no gimmick. In an army that has multiple ways of spending CP sitting on a mound of them is tasty. I'm not sold on large unit sizes. Zoning your Gravesites aside, smaller units protect against a ton of wounds routing out your entire protective line. I'll be trying a smaller numerous unit approach next time. I played against opponents who know that NH/LoG need their heroes to be effective and they targeted them relentlessly. The DH as the general was by far the best way to keep him out of danger. But, you have to think a turn ahead on his movements or you will put him in a corner. Put a couple units in the grave. I didn't do that in either game and both opponents told me afterwards that they were terrified of me doing it. They said that when a unit is in the grave they feel forced to spread out wider and in a more vulnerable way just to make sure you don't zone in behind them. That coupled with the graves themselves made them think they were playing a 7-objective game. They both said they had to wait for my mistakes to make their moves, and if I had units in reserve I would have been able to "undo" a mistake by reenforcing a weak area.
  18. Rate My LoG I'm going to be taking this up against either Stormcast or Cities Hammerhal or Hallowheart. Depends on who shows up, really. The plan is to have a unit of Chainrasps tucked in tight with the Spirit Torment as my anvil. The other Chainrasps will be cozy with the Necromancer, hopefully able to camp an objective as well as be in range to cast Danse whenever I need it. The Chainghasts will stick to the Bladegheists even if the ST is out of range, and keep the KoS with them, to be a hammer. The Reapers will push forward against any horde enemies, but otherwise will act as support for the Chainrasps.
  19. LoG is a thematic, narrative faction that was made for the story told in Forbidden Power. The bravery manipulation fits that, as does forcing Olynder to be a general. However, I'm sure GW knew when they released it that LoG was going to see some use, maybe even competitively, since it gives NH players pretty much their only other way to play unless they have a ton of other Death units already. I think that's why there are some truly useful other traits and abilities to use. If they expected bravery to be the primary method to play they would have included ways to force battleshock or extending Dreadscythe's/Tomb Banshee/or some other bravery mechanic across more of the army. Lacking that, I think they expected LoG to be testing ground for a NH-centric legion and is unfinished, but surprisingly strong when thinking outside of the box. (Feel free to skip all this, it's just my opinion)
  20. I think doing anything that works is worth looking at. Imean, let's not fall back into the "Bravery Bomb" situation, where any LoG list that didn't include trying to make -8 Bravery was "wrong". Build how you like and let's hear the results!
  21. Totally agree with your assessment. If you're going full tilt then you're probably better off spending those 90 points in another place. We've been choosing the Harrow because as long as he's not in combat at the start of the moment phase you have a teleport to a gravesite, which is quite powerful on the face of it. Putting your command trait and artifact on a model that can play the best game of "catch me if you can" just makes him a pretty top-tier pick in most lists. Just pointing out that you don't need KoS, either on foot or steed, as your general to use his warscroll ability. But, if you plan on also leveraging all your CP on attack power instead of resurrections, then I think you have the right idea. Though, I will point out that the command abilities you are referencing, like All Out Attack, don't need to come from a general either, they just get a larger range if they do. The realm-specific ones might, I never looked, but for the GHB ones it's an extra 6".
  22. Don't need him as general for that.
  23. The wording sure seems to suggest a two-for-one deal if you're lucky with your rolls. Is there a rule elsewhere that affects this?
  24. As far as I understand it it's two chances at getting the 1 point back. If the first chance gets it back, then the second chance doesn't fire. If I'm wrong, though, and you can get potentially two back for every one spent then I wouldn't bring Kurdoss at all!
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