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Everything posted by Dolomyte

  1. It also took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Its all changehost, either conflagration or duplicitous. So it needs to be fixed in the FAQ / Errata
  2. #Tzeentchgate is a tag on twitter. Ben savva, who is a fantastic player and one of the nicest guys you will ever play, posted " Okay so I just played 3 Changehosts in a row at GT Final. I honestly never been so disheartened doing a thing I love. Tzeentch is not even playing Warhammer anymore. It does everything it wants to do at no risk. It is going to ruin the game, that is not Hyperbole" And he won 2 of the 3 games with bonesplitterz. Its a mobile gunline that has 3 times the wounds on the table as its opponents. its wildly broken. Its like slaanesh but much much worse.
  3. Changehost is broken? its dominant against every army. Hey im gonna drop 100 wounds of horrors which are minus 1 to hit in melee into your army, I have an assured charge due to fate dice, and the army is single drop so I always go first. Have fun.
  4. The warhammer world stream top table match yesterday ended when the player conceded against tzeentch. the army is incredibly unfun to play against with changehost as is 95% of armies dont have a chance.. The whole of twitter is melting down over it. Which is why I once again say never let unfaq'd armies in tournaments.
  5. Do people even play warmahordes anymore? That died out so long ago in my area, the new edition came out and made people even angrier. There seemed to be no attempt at balance . Infinity is cool.
  6. My A tier would be Gloomspite, Skaven, Cities, Mawtribes, BoK, And Nurgle not competitively focused but all books with huge variety of way to build armies that can at least stay on the table for a fun game. i really dislike deepkin, fyreslayers, flesh eater courts, slaanesh. fyreslayers have literally one unit hearthguard. They are the most extreme. The other three are also severely limited on options or at least viable ones. Show me the battleline and other unit heavy slaanesh list. I’ll wait. bonereapers, mawtribes, dot, ko, others are all in the middle. Bonereapers would be a tier if petrifex was ignore one rend, but as is they are way too tempting to run, despite the fact I think stalliarch will win more games due to scenario.
  7. I remember the days when everyone was mad that the latest book was always the best book. Now it seems the complaints are why isn’t the latest book the best book. It’s easy to drive in the backseat. GW use to put out the book and then spit in your face if you had the audacity to ask questions. Now we get two to three week faqs, and bi yearly rules and points updates. The game will never be perfectly balanced, and with the breakneck speed they push out content (We don’t want a single new tome every six months right?) stuff is going to get through and be wonky. as to other games, I love malifaux and used to like kings of war until they decided with a rule change In third edition to make my entire $1200 raging heroes scenically based army invalid. Not that anyone plays either of those game’s in person near me (except KoW GT’S) but I like playing weekly or monthly, and I can’t do 2 day GTs four hours away every week.
  8. Kings of war is further out of whack then age of Sigmar balance wise, though the long dark reign of elves appears to be over finally.
  9. No, i don’t think he can be run competitively then. The issue is he costs so many points but gives you next to nothing in relentless discipline, so you won’t have any points to fuel the rest of your incredible small armies mechanics. If he did something like was able to return a stalker or immortis guard per turn maybe, but as it is arkhan is a better option (500 extra points to spend on stuff that gets more RD) and katakros is worlds better (5 RD! Shenanigans aplenty) at 300 less points
  10. Like tournament competitive or good enough to hang with friends?
  11. I agree. Also the most underwhelming unit on the table for me was the catapults. I would say one in three or four games they are world beaters, my opponents fail their saves, damage rains across the table. The other two or three games they don’t make back their points. Skaven for instance with 16 shots on thanquol a grand total of 5 damage dealt. I did expend the special ammo before they died and took out 19 clanrats. against orruks they killed two ardboyz and a Warchanter. im really debating bringing in stalkers or harbingers for objective threatening
  12. So played some very good players today and went 1 and 2. Tabled flesh eater courts in a scenario favorable to us duality of death, lost to skaven running thanquol and four warpfire throwers, and lost to big waagh despite tabling him. couple of universal thoughts from the games will do more detailed stuff later. I probably don’t want to take first turn, I got double turned the first two games and with skaven it cost me the game, flesh eater courts could have if he rolled better. Fast armies with lots of bodies suck. The orruks charged turn one and kept me In combat for four turns, he managed to sneak one objective more then I did and I did not have the speed with only two turns to get two of his to make it up. Not being able to run six or reroll charges is also annoying. Had a chance to kill thanq with the harvester but failed a albeit long charge of 8.
  13. I’m going off of rough memory here but there was an interaction where with an artifact and a character that made vehicles near unkillable. The iron hands player Would have a leviathan dreads two repulsor executioner and a daradeo, all of them would have a 5++ invuln and all would reduce damage received by 1 or in half? I saw one guy run it it was sick, his murder bubble literally just tabled a guy while the hero healed the small damage that made it in.
  14. Rush painting Ossiarch for an event this weekend, 50 mortek in 20 hours, katakros the harvester and shaper in 10. Need to get two catapults done over night and ready to go. thank god for low model count armies and contrast.
  15. I agree with most people that the healthy win rate for armies is in. The 45 to 55 percent range. The issue is in a miniature game this big there are bound to be hits and misses Battletome wise. It has happened in every edition of Kings of war, malifaux, warmahordes, flames of war, 40k, warhammer fantasy and age of Sigmar. Even d&d has haves and have nots. Unless you are playing chess you won’t get perfectly balanced, and if you don’t get perfectly balanced the more variation the likelier for something to break the game. My change that I would love to see made is a more ala carte starting box. So you pick two start collectings and get the rule book for free.
  16. Someone else explained skaven and slaanesh, iron hands was a part of the two week faq and errata, so the time anything that is extremely game breaking gets fixed when it slips through The repulsor was a part of the summer faq if i remember correctly, which is the bi yearly time all that stuff gets updated, it’s also when bolter drill went from beta rule to in effect
  17. Yeah the faq and errata are spelled out super clearly, two weeks after book and twice a year updates of everything
  18. It’s not at all. People were losing their minds about slaanesh but they let it play out and now only did a few minor adjustments. People have been yelling frantically about OBR and they seem to be letting them go till June update. I think unless it’s an obvious interaction that’s broken they will wait and see if something seem overpowered or underpowered.
  19. As someone who plays rats I agree. It’s nice to not have to let my opponent go get lunch while I divide the four different kinds of armor saves he will need to make
  20. This is every armies issue with crawlers at the moment, your going to need to entirely screen heroes. Fyrewall should be auto include in lists now and you need to get it off. the typical OBR lists I’m seeing are 5 drops. So you want to be under that to make sure you go first
  21. I would figure with the impending swarm of Ossiarch armies poleaxes would still stay relevant, as it’s way more reliable then axes versus petrifex .
  22. Every GT that I have seen them do well in which granted it’s not a ton, has been poleaxes. So I’m going off anecdotal evidence as opposed to mathematical. The other lists don’t seem to be performing as well? Not sure why.
  23. Your arrogance is an unappealing trait. Don’t be dismissive of people try to learn from them. Kindness gets further in life. as for your comment about my 800 pts I did not say a battalion. I specifically just said the warriors and DP, and i was wrong, The most common zerker build is pole arms so figure of your 40 attacks 6 sixes doing 12 mw to warriors and 12 back to hearthguard. Four get shrugged by warriors and six get shrugged by hearthguard. Warriors then get to save rest of wounds on reroll able 4 up and hearthguard on a 5up 4up (yes can be much better depending on buffs but slaves have other buffs as well if we want to truly play it out) so warriors have the advantage there. It would come down to dice and the game up to that point. +++ MOD EDIT +++ You know why - don't do it again...
  24. My point was more that your not comparing hearthguard to warriors, your comparing 1000 pts of hearthguard a battalion and hero’s to 400 points of warriors. Army composition matters. Kill off the three dwarf hero’s and suddenly the hearthguard are just ok. Warriors are not far off from hearthguard when buffed with 600 points of heroes .
  25. They are tough when they are part of the lords of the lodge battalion with three hero’s buffing them for sure. But your looking at 600 points of models buffing them. So you can’t compare them apples to apples against another 400 point unit. Until nerfed the 20 warriors destroy them then in combat when supported by a nurgle demon prince since every roll of 6 to hit is going to bounce back d3 mortal wounds at them (or 3d3 if three demon princes which is roughly the same as the support the fyreslayers have)
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