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Koradrel of Chrace

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Posts posted by Koradrel of Chrace

  1. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    I forgot but isn’t Tyrion the actual incarnate of light (Hysh) and Teclis is just a regular god that helps me be his eyes?

    or are they sharing the spot.

    because there’s a power difference between incarnate and regular god 

    Tyrion was the one bonded to the Wind of Light in the End Times.  That said, it was trying to contain three of the Winds and once that caused Teclis to go Boom!  I think Tyrion is officially the Lord of Lumination, but Teclis is very definitively linked to Tyrion, and I've seen a couple references to them as the Twin Lords of Light.

  2. It was Teclis' obsession in the world that was, and he was on par with Caledor Dragontamer, the greatest mage of all time, and Nagash himself when Nagash had already basically made himself the demigod of undeath.  All of this was while Teclis was still mortal.  I guess I just extrapolated from there.  He is, at least, the aelven god of magic, much as his twin would embody aelven martial excellence.

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  3. Interesting.  I have to agree that it sounds like the spirits of Hysh, rather than actual aelves.  Also, they're referred to as "eidolons," which so far in AOS has been a being that is a gestalt of either beings or concepts.  Much as I like the concept, I think that may be something for potential later releases.

    In the mean time, I have bought a thing!


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  4. Admittedly I'm kind of wrapped up in the upcoming Lumineth release, but do we really have any clue what's coming after besides the Sons of Behemat?  The reason I ask is because while we don't know that Nurgle, IDK, and DoK aren't getting updates, we don't know that they aren't getting said updates.  Although honestly, I think SCE are the mostly likely faction to get a revision this year.

  5. I have to agree with @CommissarRotke, just because something is discribed as angelic doesn't automatically mean they have wings.  The actual line says "angelic creatures of reason."  That actually has a really broad potential of interpretations, and I think what we seen of the Lumineth so far could definitely fit that description.

    I do hope we get a robust miniature range.  My wallet won't like it, but my paint brushes will!

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  6. Sadly I think that might be too many models.  It really depends on how they do the kits.  I could see them having maybe the 4 types of mages, with tiny little things you could hang off of them that would differentiate which caste their from.  As for the spirits, they could maybe make one dual kit, with the different pieces maybe making one of two castes.  

    What we don't know is if Celennar is all castes at once, or if there is maybe a hierarchy to the castes, and he/she/it is at the top.  If that's the case, maybe Celennar is the only one from the highest caste, the dual kit I speculated on are secondary and tertiary, and the final caste are basically little menial helper spirits.

    All of this is just my own spitballing, what does every one else think?

  7. That would be awesome actually.  One of my long term plans is to do an army from each Grand Alliance and have them all based in Hysh.  Light Vampires might even give the perfect force to mock Twilight fans (still bitter at an ex who forced me to read those Nagash damned books).

  8. This is one of those topics that is kind of painful for High Elf fans.  The problem is that High Elf armies of old were always tremendously popular, and were also on the higher end of the power scale.  Is this because they were popular that they were powerful, or vice versa?  I'm not saying GW intentionally makes popular armies slightly better, buuuutttt.....

    So the interesting question to ask, in light of this history, is if the Lumineth will be inheriting this particular facet of the old High Elves as well.  I mean, we've done 30 pages of conversation with only toothpicks and rubberbands to talk about, so I'm assuming a descent amount of people are interested in them.

    And @Acid_Nine, I'm going to assume that, at least with Teclis, we will be able to cause horrendous amounts of magical damage.  Now this might just be me channelling my inner Teclis arrogance as @willange pointed out!

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