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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. I'm not going to complain about +1 bravery in 12" of something with such a large base. My Ironjawz will benefit from that. Especially as it's a single snippet and we haven't seen any other rules or indeed if the rumored AoS 3.0 changes morale rules or the way bravery works.
  2. This. I think the AoS preview on Monday, plus the stuff that had been previewed in the weeks before, like Kroak, Witchunters, etc was good. Anything else AoS is a bonus as far as I'm concerned. The amount of speculation and hype being built around an AoS 3.0 reveal is only going to lead to disappointment when Saturday turns out to be a new animation trailer and another new mobile game.
  3. I noticed an interesting call back to the Bonesplitterz in the reveal video. He talks about breaking the bones of monsters and absorbing their power, before saying the green ones understand. The picture even has him breaking a bone surrounding by Orruks. Could this herald new Bonesplitterz that have absorbed different powers from monsters?
  4. I see Kragnos in a way a bit like Black Panther in Civil War, he's introduced as an isolated character, it's only later on when the Black Panther movie comes out that we see him in context and get a better picture of what he's about. You'd have thought GW has to have something big planned for his followers. As other people pointed out, it's like the Mortarchs previewing future OBR stuff, Fungoid shaman previewing future Gloomspite stuff, etc
  5. I am very excited by both the model and the lore behind him. He will be added to my existing Ironjawz force to start with, then hopefully in the future he'll get an army of his own that fits with his aesthetic. Will be interesting to see how many people paint him green to match Orruk forces.
  6. Some people can't be pleased and will always bemoan what they miss rather than celebrate what they have.
  7. Blown away by Kragnos, both the model and the lore we've seen. Plus the potential he opens up for the future of a new destruction force built of his new followers. I love his shield, both the design and how it's painted with the heavy Verdigris. I just need to decide if I paint him with green skin to match my Ironjaws.
  8. I suspect we'll eventually see him having his own destruction force of followers with new kits, but for now I'll be adding him to my Ironjawz. Just need to decide if I paint him with greenskin or not 🤔
  9. If that makes it into plastic, there is so much to like. Squig skull power fist? Count me I .
  10. Am I the only one nervous about them showing off so much stuff while still having a large backlog of stuff already previewed but not released? I can only speak for myself, but there are things I'd likely have gotten if it wasn't for other stuff I want a bit more coming down the line. Like Belakor, I would have got him, but then they previewed Kroak and the Ork stuff (to make into Ironjawz). Ofcourse I'd want to get everything, but to misquote Thanos: "Little one, it's a simple calculus. This bank account is finite, its resources, finite. If GW releases are left unchecked, money will cease to exist. It needs correcting."
  11. So the newborn has become twin greater daemons?
  12. I think in the future he'll possibly get an army of his own, but for the BR book he'll need an existing army to fit with, unless they do surprise us and drop an entirely new army with that book.
  13. Kragnos will be interesting, he's fully new for AoS right? Not like Teclis, Belakor or Morathi who have existing lore from both the Old World and AoS? The other Broken Realm folks, Teclis, Belakor or Morathi all had existing armies they can fit into, so which faction/army will be able to take Kragnos do we think?
  14. This! if they have a refresh of the older kits in the range, then it's going to be too tempting to start a Serephon force.
  15. Bring back Grom the Paunch on a giant chariot pulled by all of the wolfs.
  16. I'll try my best to answer from the Orruk Warclans book: 1. Azyr is mentioned as not having Ironjaws, in a section of Orruk Warclans (pg 10) in that Ironjaws have "conquered great swathes of all the realms, except Azyr". 2. In the Bonesplitterz section in Orruk Warclans (pg 17) it talks about how the Bonesplitterz belive each realm has a great World Spirit and depending on the realm this influences the Bonesplitterz there. It specifically mentions the Krakkskulls of Ashqy paying ho mage to a great lava trillipede. 3. There is some background in Orruk Warclans (pg 22) that talks about different clans from different realms, including the Drakkfoot which are from Ashqy and have their own rules/abilities.
  17. Agree on the mounted heroes. Some of the best characters GW do are on those larger cavalry bases (90mm oval?)
  18. Looking at the animation in the video, it looks like that the other variants of the Squig Hog (love that name btw) will have bionic parts, legs, etc that may make them trickier to convert to AoS, so hoping it's a full multipart kit with options. Very excited to see the other new models hinted at in the animation: Larger Squiggoth pulling a trailer thing and more traditional pipedal squig rider New Warboss/Megaboss kit with a squig skull power fist?! Shut up and take my money.
  19. New Ironjawz! (Well not quite, bit 40k orks can easily be kitbashed into AoS)
  20. @Backbreaker Oh yes I like those! Did you use a file to wear the armour down to get that beaten look? I guess we are somewhat lucky in that the Orcy aesthetic does lend itself to being able to use other kits, especially with such a large back catalogue of orc parts we can use.
  21. So here are my current Ardboyz, 6 blood bowl plastic orcs given random orc weapons I had lying around: Plus the 4 Ironskull's boyz makes 10 in total. I have plans for another 5, including a banner bearer to bring it up to a unit of 15.
  22. As a Chaos Dwarf fan, the lore behind Black is amazing. My beef is just the look of the Ardboyz kit compared to the rest of the IJ range. @PlasticCraic Good call, I hadn't considered the head swaps, i'm sure I've got spare brute/grunta heads to try this.
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