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Everything posted by SunStorm

  1. And Gordrakk has been told to seek Gobsprakk out. I'm hoping they do a little fusion dance and become a mighty 2 headed avatar of Gorkamorka.
  2. "vulture-wyvern" sounds more fitting than "swamp-hawk" or "bat-scorpion". Lets hope it's a nice big kit to rival the Mawkrusha, in presence, if not in bulk. Nothing tops that bulky-boy.
  3. I hoping we may see "lesser" Gnashtooth riders as the Orruk cavalry, possible play up the slavecatcher, trapper style, give them hooked spears, spiked nets, etc. Hopefully hobgrots get their own wolf/warg style cavalry separate to any Orruk cavalry. Having them sitting apart from the Kruleboyz does mean they don't have to be swamp styled and could instead revisit the wolf riding plains hunters, Rippa Snarlfang style. We may yet see a Warchanter/Priest style hero.
  4. Recently I've been wondering if the original framework of four grand alliances still best represent the way armies/races break down in the mortal realms both in terms of gaming and lore. They were created during the initial AoS 1.0 period when things were in flux and I don't think even GW had settled on what they wanted AoS to become. Now as we enter AoS 3.0 where individual factions have much stronger identity and the realms are being fleshed out more, are they still a useful tool for grouping factions for a game? How often do people play matched play with a grand alliance? Rather than a main faction (with associated allegiance abilities) and maybe some allies or mercenaries, which have their own rules anyway. Could they be updated to have their own unique updated allegiance abilities? Will we get more examples of units like Kragnos that don't fit within a specific army, but instead are part of the overall alliance?
  5. Great work. Love the skin and tattoos. How did you make the banners for them if you don't mind my asking?
  6. I'm glad we saw the multipart kits for the Kruleboyz as it means I don't need to double up on the Dominion push-fit units and cant wait for the multiparts. Love the Skumdrekk, but not as keen on the Troggoth/Sloggoth, which is fine as I'll have enough to be getting on with. As an existing Ironjawz player, I'm really looking forward to the new Warclans book, as it's like getting an update for my existing army, a new book for my new army AND the ability to combine them if I choose. Brutes up front taking the hits, with Boltboyz picking units off from a distance sounds good. Bastian Carthalos might be the best Stormcast sculpt I've seen. The painting on the bare head is fantastic. Even if I don't use the other Stormcast from Dominion right away, I'll want the 3 Annihilators in there painted up to go with Bastian when he's released.
  7. I don't think they do intend to enforce it. They were asked a question and they answered. Plus, to me, it really doesn't sound like they're against proxying, but a specific type of proxying mentioned in the question. To make an analogy with Space Marines, if I have a Space Marine army that's painted up as Ultramarines and turn up to a game without discussing anything before hand and state that today I'm using the Space Wolf rules for it, that would ofcourse be confusing and to avoid that, just speaking to your opponent to check before hand makes total sense. Or I turn up with a chaplain model and say, I'm proxying it as a Judicator for this game, then again it's confusing and all it takes is a quick check before hand to ask if that's ok. Most people I imagine would say yes to allow you to try something out, or if it's a custom kitbashed version then again just a headsup before hand. The sky isn't falling, GW aren't banning proxies, it's just about communication with your opponent at the end of the day.
  8. I have to admit I was in that camp at the beginning. I'd grown up with the Old World and so felt a real attachment to the locations, the races, the stories. AoS 1.0 came along and threw all of that out of the window. I didn't burn my army or anything, but I did avoid anything AoS for some time, focusing on 30k. It wasn't until just after 2.0 that I started following lore videos (shout out to the positivity of 2+ Tough for helping there) and took a fresh look at some of the miniatures. Now as 3.0 is almost with us, most of my focus is on AoS compared to other GW games. I consider it a much fresher and interesting system than 40k for example. So yeah I'm looking forward to Dominion, I love the Kruleboyz, I can't wait to read more about my favorite realm (Ghur) and I also cannot wait to see what else is coming.
  9. Without actual numbers from GW we can never be sure. I feel sorry for GW in this (as much as I can feel sorry for a billion £ company), in that they either don't make enough and suffer the backlash they previously got for Cursed City, etc. Or they make loads and then when they don't all sell out, people say it's been a failure. On the positive side, anybody who does want a copy or 2 will get them and the prices on ebay and bits sites if you just want to pick up an extra unit or hero from it are in a good place.
  10. Late to the party on that short story, but really enjoyed it. Got me wondering if Gordrak being told he needs to compete with gods, tasked to go find the mouth and the 2 heads are better than 1 line, could lead to him being combined with the mouth and turned into a true avatar of Gorkamorka. Can hope can't we.
  11. I wonder if https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ will be updated for 3.0? If not, there is always https://battlescribe.net/
  12. I think we are resourceful with the kits we do have. For example, I made 3 different Megabosses out of the current kit.
  13. Love him. I want two (one to kitbash), so will be subbing and then heading to ebay as well.
  14. Exactly how I plan to start off. 10 Gutrippaz plus the Boltboyz will be a nice addition to my IJ and keep me going while we wait to see what else is coming. I'm happy we got new Orruks at all and I am not quite ready to complain we didn't get enough new Orruks.
  15. EDIT: Apologies, wasn't aware this would come across as something passive aggressive. So just removing it, but you can still see it in the quoted post below. Enjoy the forum guys.
  16. It is weird knowing we still have 2 weeks before the actual stuff is released and people can have seen the entire contents of the box and entire page by page read throughs of the books on line. It must work from a marketing perspective otherwise they wouldn't do it I guess. But I'm old and don't understand the whole thing social media influencer way of doing things. The more likes/subs/followers you have the more free stuff you get, therefore the more likes/subs/followers you can attract and get access to more free stuff? The only person I do watch on Youtube who got the book is 2+ tough and he focuses mainly on the lore side of things.
  17. So if the restriction on Ardboyz needing to be 10s to count as battleline has been removed, then I can now fit Kragnos and 2x Mawkrushas in a 2000pt list.
  18. Got mine painted up. If the leaked points for Ironjawz are correct I can just about squeeze him and 2 Mawkrushas in a 2000pt list. Kragnos Megaboss on Mawkrusha Megaboss on Mawkrusha Ardboyz x 5 Ardboyz x5 Ardboyz x5 Not going for competitive, but could be a fun monsterhammer game.
  19. Just to clarify that this is a hobby which includes more than the competitive/matched play side of things.
  20. Because not all of us care about min/maxing? In my eyes the brutes are the best looking of the battleline units available. Points and rules will change, having a force that makes me feel good when I lay it all out is more important to me.
  21. I'm hoping we get both mounted hobgrots and some kruleboyz cavalry.
  22. Ardboyz are only battleline if a minimum of 10 in the current Warclans book, so unless that stipulation changes, it's 240 to use them as battleline line.
  23. They can take my rules, but they can never take my lovely miniatures. I've got the painted ones on display in my cabinet and that won't be changing for some time.
  24. Harsh, but mostly true. I've had a couple of armies invalidated after a change in previous 40k or Fantasy editions. I'm also fully expecting my Legion of Azgorh force to be invalidated under AoS 3.0 At least my Ironjawz is generic enough that it should be around for some time.
  25. You might be right, I am likely going to go easier this weekend on Dominion stuff if I know there is another full boxed set I'll need to buy later this year.
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