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Everything posted by PaniuBraniu

  1. As to pre-orders, black library has re-relised the Orion series as a trilogy. That normally would be meaningless, but given all these Beastgrave/Ghur teasers and rumours...
  2. There may be other masters apart from Nagash. It would be boring if a brand new death faction was just another chamber of LoN. Maybe they all will in time.
  3. That face does not belong to any existing Death faction, while it is certainly a face of death (glowing eyes). On that promo image they have included only new items - covers of the two battletomes for Order and Destruction, Warcry dude for Chaos and this face for Death. Moreover, the face matches 100% all the Shadespire aesthetics. So it can not mean anything. It means one of two things (or both): - it is a personification of Katophranes' curse that followed all the existing Shadespire bands into Ghur or - it is somehow connected to the Tithe video and foreshadows a new Death faction.
  4. Do we know how Shadespire was founded? Who was the original founder and inventor of the whole death cheating phenomena? Maybe Katophanes were just beneficiaries of Sigmar sending the founder to Lake Lethis Stormvault for being too potent?
  5. Summing up recent clues and reveals: - In these promo images there are usually four pictures representing four grand alliances, therefore, the new face belongs almost certainly to someone from the GA Death; - The face has got some bony jaws underneath which scream GHUR (compare: Untamed Beasts); - Narrator in the WU: Beastgrave promo said that they (Stormcasts?) escaped Shadespire (to Ghur), but the Katophranes' curse have followed; - Narrator (probably new death lider) in the Tithe video said, that he had returned to his homeland; - The Tithe video smells of some eastern empires, be it music, architecture, etc. (can it be how Ghur feels like?) There is only one explanation - we will have a new beasty death faction, led by a former Katophrane who originally was born and raised in Ghur, than perfomed some shenanigans in Shadespire and when finally ****** hit the fan returned home to collect the due tithe.
  6. The last one is probably the Warcry Unmade leader's cloak
  7. Only conceivable punishment for leaving out beastmen is an axe to the head I suppose. There is also a Fordgeworld Chaos Dwarfs army.
  8. They escaped Shadespire, but the Katophranes' curse have followed them. There is something in the air. Moreover, the guy from the tithe said, that he had returned to his homeland, meaning, that he comes from somewhere within the Mortal Realms, not the World That Was.
  9. I didn't know. In that case only the results for T 3, 4 and 5 are valid.
  10. On average they both score 4 wounds vs T4 guy (taking crits in account) However, this is a special case, in general axe is marginally better against bigger tanks, whereas sword is better against swarms/chaff. Below average wounds for any opponent's T Toughness of opponent 1 2 3 4 5 6 Axe - average wounds 7 6 5 4 3 2 Sword - average wounds 8 6.67 5.33 4.00 2.67 2.67
  11. New Underworlds starter will include new death faction (Katophranes), therefore, the announcement of said faction will take place during the same seminar.
  12. I always thought that it's the other way around. Customers always demand new stuff (Where is my update, battletome, new plastic minis, etc.??!) and all the GW employees work 24/7, as some sort of modern slaves, in order to meet unrealistic expectations of those everhungry, whimsical, whining group of plast abusers.
  13. Imagine an eel climbing those steep stairs..
  14. That may be a reason why you are not a consultant. In general the boardgames market is worth much much much more than the niche wargames market. A small piece in the former may be worth more than a monopoly in the latter.
  15. Looking at the Iron golems' card and sprues, it seems that all heroes and special characters are mono-pose, while the rank and file guys can be customized a bit - two hammers vs mace and shield in case of Iron golems.
  16. They said, that from a single unit of non-chaos guys you would get sufficient points to create a warband. That means that you will construct your lists a'la Kill Team within a certain points limit.
  17. So the starter set price is at the battleforce price level, slightly more than Soul Wars?
  18. These are retail or distributor prices?
  19. I didn't mean to insult anyone, wood elves are my army to go, I would give a lot to get a new wanderers battletome along with new behemoth/cavalry. However, I am disillusioned. My previous post is how I believe the GW saw things.
  20. Sorry guys but we all know, that you are lying to yourself. GW are selling these models, cause they are relatively new. However, wanderers are way too generic to be maintained within the AOS settings, and will follow the Greenskinz route in the long run. AoS is about underwater soulless elves and steampunk dwarves, not generic wood elves. If they release another elfish battletome, it will be similarly avant-garde. They will not follow a classic fantasy clishe. Heck, they don't even design real world animals like horses anymore.
  21. We had evocators last time, so season 3 - no Stormcasts sadly. As for chaos gods Slanesh is more fitting to Shadespire setting. Previously, we had one Chaos god each time, however, there were two Chaos warbands released each season, so maybe we will get both? My bet on the starter set is new death (Katophranes) vs beasty elves.
  22. I found contrast paints to be great at two things: 1. Basecoating SMALL details of organic nature such as leather accessories, mushroom heads, flowers, small areas of skin, etc. However, it is not such a time saver, as due to the nature of the paints, I have a significantly lower control over it, thus, there is a lot of cleaning up afterwards. 2. Airbrushing over zenithal - they work great as colour filters, but only with airbrush. Great substitute for Vallejo inks and discontinued GW glazes. Brushing larger areas with them is pointless, the final effect is sloppy, it looks dirty. I prefer classical methods. Even a single basecoat with regular paint looks better than a contrast version.
  23. Deepkin were the first elves designed wholly within the new AOS aesthetics, probably other new elves model will share similar concepts. Rumour engine says "Does it seek to illuminate us or to erode our sanity? " which may be a reference to the duality (light/shadow) of the new elven (elfish?) faction. Shadows in Ulgu are also associated with mysteries, riddles etc., which put sanity in jeopardy.
  24. As the new Death faction will probably be released around the same time as the new Underworlds starter, I think we have good reasons to believe, that it will be focused around the Katophranes. If so, we will have totally new approach toward death - POSTHUMANS instead of necromancy, ghosts and all that jazz. I think this is very in line with the whole AoS concept.
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