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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. I honestly don't see any big shifts or whatever coming. Death is just like any other faction and so the future will be the same. They will become stronger and weaker almost randomly depending on how well GW writes their rules and adjust their points.
  2. Hobbits are way too tame to be Irish.
  3. Having a race with such traits is not clumsy writing though. It's simply not your preference.
  4. I don't mind having tons of heroes to choose from. It's not like we are Slaanesh who kinda need to use tons of heroes to use their summoning rule properly. ^^ I agree though that it strikes me as weird to have this few unit sections in AoS. Not sure why GW went with that instead of the tried and tested sections from fantasy and 40k.
  5. Unfortunately GW staff has been about as often wrong and right as other people in the community. So while it's nice that you guys have some clarification in your store it's not really something any of us can or should count on.
  6. Yeah same. Tomb Kings returning is still the dream but dreams aren't reality and I'm not waiting for it to change. I have my issues with the Bonereaper models but nothing I can't fix with a knife and other bitz. I will also set my Death armies in Hysh and make them vaguely desert/egypt themed as a homage to my Tomb Kings but that's as far as I'm willing to go. They are not and will never be a replacement for me and that's perfectly fine. ^^
  7. There was definitely a lot of discussion about whether they're a Tomb Kings replacement or not but mostly because people who have no business with Tomb Kings tried to push that lable on them. I have yet to see actual Tomb Kings players to be actually upset about Bonereapers as an army. Another source of negativity comes from a lot of Death players wanting actual Skeletons for their bone-y Death army (aka Deathrattle) but GW unexpectedly decided to go with bone constructs instead. By far the majority was about the goofy faces though. I understand that GW wanted to go for the characterful creepy approach but for me they aren't creepy at all. Just goofy.
  8. Thanks but no thanks. As I've already said in the beginning of the thread:
  9. It's always a balance act of teasing early so people don't get surprised by it and can save some money beforehand and teasing not too early to keep the hype alive. Imo this time they went too early and most of the initial hype is already disappearing.
  10. Nah that's a weak argument. GW is perfectly fine with creating mortal characters people can use to play scenarios that happened in the past. Or simply ignore age related mortality like they currently do in 40k after the 200 years skip.
  11. A lot more characterful than what we've got so far but imo there's still lots of room to improve. The fact that they think they are nobles and such still doesn't come quite through just yet unfortunately.
  12. I guess I have a very different understanding of "a ton" then.
  13. Why though? Someone who has to use a ton of D6 rolls already gets more reliable results than someone who has to roll only a few D6. The more dice you roll the closer you get to the average result so making it even easier for someone who rolls many dice to get to the average just widens the gap to someone who doesn't get to roll as many dice. Not to mention that there are rules that trigger on 6s and 1s always fail and so on.
  14. It really isn't unless you are a bloody beginner at 40k. ^^
  15. Well unless you count the faceless masses in the background that is. ^^
  16. Warp entities != chaos gods. Chaos gods are a very specific set of warp entities that follow a bit different rules than other warp entities.
  17. I mean back in fantasy the 'run' and charge was just doubling the units move characteristics (and you weren't allowed to premeasure things) instead of rolling a dice, however the movement phase was veeeeery different and much more game deciding back then.
  18. I'd say it was powerful magic cast by him supported by being in the actual realm of death. Spells to turn living into undead existed before. However we have yet to see anything indicating that he could just go wherever and kill whole cities or armies at will by some godly above-magic powers. Otherwise it'd beg the question why he doesn't just send out his shards to do just that with whatever opposes him.
  19. That's the nature of the game. The smaller you make the dice the less relevant the dice roll becomes. At some point you could just leave dice away for good but then you wouldn't get to see many awesome (and unlikely) things happen on the table. Also not everyone is a competetive player. Many casual players love stuff like the Boingrot Bounderz. Ultimately Warhammer is a dice game and the randomness is part of its charm. Not everywhere randomness is a good thing, but for the most part it's not an issue. EDIT: Though it's kinda funny that you suggest something like that when the 40k side is talking about how much better it would be if we'd use 1d10 to cover a bigger range of results instead ... and the 40k community is by far the more competetively minded one compared to AoS. ^^
  20. Being able to overpower others because he's a literal god is compeltely different from *snaps fingers* "Poof, you are dead!" though. He has power over the dead. Not the power to kill the living at will.
  21. ^this He's a god of death (like there used to be many before he ate them btw). He rules over the dead. Bodies and souls. That doesn't mean he can just kill living beings just like that. They are still living and thus outside of his powers. So he needs to create minions and send them to the living to kill them before he can actually use his powers on them. Though there's more about being a god in AoS than it being someone enormously powerful. They are indeed special existences. They gain power the more mortal followers they have and they can give power to their followers. They can also only see into realms where they have a presence, be it because part of them is there or because they have mortal followers there. Sigmar can see into almost every realm because his mortal followers are so widespread across the realms.
  22. Huh, it's not showing up for me. Must be a location thing.
  23. Any word whether Ghoulslayer will be available via audible?
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