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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. As long as they don’t take away access to all the warscrolls! It’s one of the things I love about AoS, being able to look up any unit in the game! Fair enough, pay for the extras, allegiance abilities, artefacts, points etc.
  2. One exception I can think of would be an awakened wyldwood, where units with fly can see/be seen over the terrain.
  3. That’s great news. I really hope they rebox them soon with rounds. It sucks that they’re only available from GW direct. Tho I’d settle for them being included in a start collecting box.
  4. How do you think it will work when Tyrion is later released? Will there be a new Lumineth battletome? And all new units rolled in one. Meaning we’re probably looking at 2-3 years away for a tome to be replaced. Or could Tyrion lead his own faction? New units, new separate tome? Not that likely IMO. Or perhaps Tyrion & co could be part of a Psychic Awakening style release? Where new units/models are outside of the main tome release/update cycle.
  5. I picked up the box, partly because I love the models, partly because of FOMO, I love all the gaming extras that won’t be available later. What really made the decision for me was the price. I was expecting it to be higher (around £150) and nearly passed on the box altogether due to finances, but when I saw £82.50 from online retailer (Dark Sphere) I had to get it. Do we know how many boxes were made compared to the SoB box? I know it’s not an exact comparison as Sisters have needed plastic minis for a LOT longer so I’m sure the hype was greater. GW may have just made more Lumineth boxes than they did sisters? I looked just now and Dark Sphere don’t have any available, they don’t even have a listing anymore. On preorder day IIRC it said they 250-300 available, so they’ve shifted quite a few and that’s just one independent retailer, let alone GW direct sales.
  6. Shouldn’t be a problem for me, I’m such a slow painter I probably won’t have gotten round to painting my Lumineth box till Tyrion drops anyway 😂
  7. Thanks, yeah could do. I was hoping to sell it sealed. Maybe I’ll try to sit on it and not open it as long as I can hold out. If anyone was interested in buying it in UK could pm me, if it’s gone I won’t be tempted to open it😂
  8. I’m really mixed! My box should be delivered tomorrow, which is great, but I’d much rather have the electronic version of the battletome. At first I thought I’d sell the Ltd Ed tome but I also really want to read it, and I have no idea when the e-version will be released. Really not sure what to do now.
  9. I wondered if the crab claw was an just extra part of the Kraken eater gargant kit?
  10. I would love more to be added to the range. Personally I think some Akhelian elite infantry and king on foot would be very cool. Or more undersea beasties. But the cynic in me just thinks that other armies need attention way more than idoneth. I hope I’m wrong tho.
  11. The model range for idoneth is in a pretty great place. I think we’ll probably just get one new hero (likely available only in a dual army set at first), plus endless spells and tome.
  12. I think it would stay in effect for the timing stated in the spell description, ie next hero phase etc. One exception to this would be if it’s an aura effect measuring the distance from the wizard. In that case, if the wizard dies aura buffs/debuffs would end. Can’t specifically think of any examples but think this would be the case.
  13. I wondered the exact same thing. I even went back and watched the video again. Edit, I suppose it does explain the price being so reasonable. I’m not too bothered. I’m happy with the reference cards and tokens.
  14. There are 2 spell lores pictured above. One of them is for Teclis and Alarith wizards. The other is for Teclis, Light of Eltharion, Cathallars AND vanari wizards. Units must be able to as there are no other "vanari" wizards.
  15. Vanari units seem to count as a wizard if unit numbers 5 models or more.
  16. From the spell lores it does seem that the different Vanari units will be able to choose a spell, not just warscroll spell only. Top image, lore of Hysh? seems to say can be taken by Teclis, Light of Eltharion, Cathallars and Vanari wizards.
  17. Woah, if £110 is correct that’s a very good deal. I had pretty much talked myself out of the army box Due to finances but I may have to look again. Might be too good an offer to pass up.
  18. Also forgot to account for the magic card deck, which is a first so nothing to compare it to price wise.
  19. I think it will definitely be more expensive than this. The limited ed battletomes are usually £50, dice approx £12, warscroll cards £20. There’s over £100 of stuff right there and doesn’t include any models yet. Guesses on mini costs, Eltharion - £25? Cavalry - £35? Infantry - £30? Total that’s around £190 of stuff. More likely to be priced around the £150 mark. (apologies, not sure on conversion to $)
  20. For a total nostalgia fix, Greenskinz 😉😂
  21. I would love to see Orruk vs Freeguild/CoS box. Would be a cool homage to the 5th? edition box set (Orcs vs Empire). Probably never happen for stormcast not to be in a starter set but would be so cool. Maybe a 2 army battle box?
  22. Just like your technology, that’ so Skaven😉
  23. No, it does not say add 1 to bravery for each standard. It says for any, so you only ever get +1 no matter how many standard bearers you have in a unit.
  24. Doesn’t really make a difference which order you do them in as the second result couldn’t be rerolled again. Easiest to just reroll all the 6’s and 1’s at the same time.
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