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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. I think it’s a mixed bag really. 75% of posts are “buy this new thing”. But for the rest there are some interesting features. The periodic painting tutorials with Mengel are very useful. I also enjoy occasional army showcases. There are the regular comics (my favourite is Neverchosen, some of the others I just don’t find that funny (Roll models, battle brothers I’m looking at you)). There have also been the character battle royale type articles, which were quite a fun read. I’m quite interested in the upcoming meta watch series as well. Overall, I’d rather have WarCom there than not. Yes, it will show me what GW is selling, but I’ve rarely gone and bought something solely because of it being featured on WarCom. It may not be the true “community“ that people seem to want from it but that’s why we have forums.
  2. I’ve not bought an Ironclad yet, but was thinking of using a 40k flight stand for extra height https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Flying-Stem-and-Base
  3. I’ve heard the stormcast’s everblaze comet is a pretty good choice. I’m also tempted to give the burning head a try for reroll 1’s to hit buff.
  4. @Badlander86 This is correct how you’re playing spell in a bottle/warp lighting vortex. Can be used from garrison, measure from ship etc. I don’t use battlescribe so not sure on how to add it to a list. I know with warscroll builder you have to change the grand alliance drop down menu to chaos, and the allegiance to Skaventide for it to show as an option that can be chosen. Might be similar?
  5. GrimDork


    I think (I’m not 100% as I don’t have the tome) with the named Stormhosts, like Hammers of Sigmar, you are forced to take their unique command trait and artefact. A second artefact (from having a battalion) could be the realm artefact or a general stormcast one.
  6. Wonder if the Smash Down rule affects KO garrisoned in a ship? RAW I would say yes, as it doesn't specify garrisoned in a terrain feature, just says "part of a garrison".
  7. I recently picked up the Aether War box, mainly for the KO. But, I’m thinking of hanging onto the DoT half for a future project. Any advice on what to get next to take it up to 1K? Will likely be meeting engagement format. Also any advice on assembly?Enlightened or skyfires or a mix? Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks, I had completely missed the Collector command trait! No, the forced command trait for Zilphin is only if the general is an Admiral. If I put chemist as general then I can choose the Collector. Off to play with some list options, thanks guys (or girls)!
  9. Was just playing around with another meeting engagement list. Basically I was wondering if it would be possible to fit a spell in a bottle in zilphin for hero phase move, drop spell, move again in move phase at 1K. It’s just possible As zilphin has a forced artefact you have to take a battalion to be able to take the spell in a bottle. I doubt I’ll ever try this as it would be buying a lot if models I don’t have for one gimmick, but here’s the list. Spearhead 1 x Khemist- zilphin artefact 10x Arkanaut company Main Body 1 x Khemist - spell in a bottle 1 x Frigate 10 x Arkanaut company Rearguard 1 x Frigate Iron Sky attack squadron battalion warp lightning vortex Total 980 Could swap the first Khemist for another leader? Endrinmaster or Navigator for +10points (Whilst looking at this list it occurs to me that the Endrinworks available to Frigates are pretty rubbish )
  10. Thanks, that had totally slipped my notice. Easy fix tho, like you say. I was actually wondering if it was worth assembling some Skywardens from the models I’m getting, just for variety. This has made the decision easier. Any thoughts on the lists effectiveness?
  11. I'm not sure it's either. From GW's perspective, Morgwaeth's blade coven has a warscroll if you want to use its models in AoS. Just because they are witch aelves/sis of slaughter doesn't mean that all witch aelves/sis of slaughter should match their base size, as they are in effect a unit of named characters. WA/SoS were already reboxed for Aos so doubt we'll see a change.
  12. So, I mentioned planning a 1K list for meeting engagement. I’m getting into AoS and my plan is to have a few smaller forces. I have the Aether War set and will be getting a start collecting box soon so my KO list is based around that. Thanks on the heads up on the latest point costs! Barak Zilphin Spearhead; 3 x Endrinriggers, volley gun & drill launcher 1 x Gunhauler with MW on the charge endrinwork (Can’t remember name) Main Body; 6 x Endrinriggers, skyhook. 1 x Endrinmaster with dirigible suit and Zilphin artefact 1 x Gunhauler with compartments 5 x Thunderers Rearguard; 3 x Endrinriggers, volley gun & drill launcher Total 970 My thinking is spearhead rush onto objectives with zilphin auto 6 run or chip damage with longer range weapons. Then the main body can be a mini deathstar flying high and hitching to take on any threats. Lastly the rearguard to rush onto objectives late game. One drawback I can see is it doesn’t really making the most of Aether gold as the units are too small, but I think that’s just one of the quirks of meeting engagement. Any thoughts? Also, any else have much experience playing KO in meeting engagement? Any fun lists you’ve come up with?
  13. Wow! They've changed again since GHB 2020? That's good news. I've been struggling with 1K lists.
  14. @Ciotola & @Rahxephon I think your points are out. Frigate is 250, Gunhaulers are 150, Endrinmaster with dirigible suit is 220 in GHB 2020. Also escort wing is 140. Not sure if you're using warscroll builder but it's not been updated yet. I too am looking at 1K point lists, though I will probably be giving meeting engagement format a try so won't quite translate the same to standard 1K list building.
  15. Yes, this is the way it works.
  16. Very interesting! Thanks. My plans for hitching Fly High Endrinriggers (with Skyhook) +3” to charge is not dead yet then 😉
  17. Was there any verdict yet on whether using soulscream bridge to teleport wardens would keep shining company formation activated? Technically it is a setup.
  18. Could Chronomatic Cogs be picked as a spell in a bottle? Ok, I know it could be picked, but could any of the KO characters actually manipulate it? Seems impossible RAW.
  19. Yes, they can. It was confirmed in the KO designers commentary. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/3agNbxKLGLQrAC29.pdf
  20. RRP is £110. Think I paid £85ish new from Dark Sphere. £70 is a very good price!
  21. Personally, I think it's fair to give your opponent the kind of information found on an AoS reminders printout (maybe even have a copy for them along with your list). Yes, they can look up the warscrolls but, unless they have the tome, they will not know allegiance abilities, artefacts etc. Giving them a printout wouldn't give away your tactics, just all the rules that apply to your army.
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