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Everything posted by GrimDork

  1. Actually, they would get +1 from the void drum. The Leviadon warscroll was updated in BR:Morathi so the void drum now gives +1 to save (not cover) to friendly units with a wounds characteristic of 8 or less. So, a charging Ishlaen guard near a Leviadon will be at 2+ to save.
  2. On the second part of the question, yes on a 2D6 re-roll, both dice have to rolled again. You cannot choose to re-roll only one die. This is found in the core rules under the heading Re-rolls.
  3. No, it would only work on 3's with a 4+ save. Not the best target for this spell.
  4. I’m not aware of any such universal rule. Maybe they are thinking of rules for Sentinels, which is clearly stated, and applying to all? As an older tome perhaps the reavers warscroll will be rewritten to match the newer wording when the book gets an update, but until then RAW you’re correct. Unless I’ve missed something?
  5. Thinking about this more, is there any difference between this scenario and a unit having two (or more) missile weapon profiles? An example would be a unit of KO thunderers, aethershot rifles have a different range to some of the special weapons in the unit. There is no restriction on choosing different targets for the different weapon profiles to best suit ranges. Namarti reavers effectively have 2 missile weapon profiles in the unit.
  6. From looking at the core rules and the description on the warscroll I agree with your interpretation. Nowhere does it mention that the choice is made for the entire unit.
  7. Yes, all of a unit’s attacks are resolved before models are removed.
  8. I can't speak for the Maggotkin battletome, but that is exactly the same cover image for the current Idoneth tome.
  9. No, void drum description says "add 1 to save rolls....wholly with 12" of any friendly Leviadons." Not "add 1 for each friendly Leviadon". Tho the +1 for cover from tides of death in battle round 1 does stack with the +1 from Leviadon, so you would get +2 to save in the first battle round.
  10. You can’t really go wrong with a start collecting box, thunderers & gunhaulers are useful in most lists and a good starting point for the escort wing battalion. I started KO fairly recently. I picked up aether war (found it reasonably priced on eBay), a start collecting box and Thundriks profiteers (mainly for a cheap alt Khemist). That’s a roughly 1K balloon boy list right there. Picked that up for around £100. My wife bought me a Frigate and I got the Bugman mini to count as something (possibly admiral?). Next steps for me will be Ironclad, more thuderers and maybe arkanauts. I’ve not fully worked out what I want for 2k.
  11. GrimDork

    Aether gold

    Aether gold basically gives you free triumphs so the normal rules for them would apply. Page 75 of GHB 2020, for inspired & bloodthirsty it says when a unit is picked to fight, and indomitable says before you make your save rolls. So, use of aether gold is declared before dice rolls in all cases.
  12. Unless unit C made a charge move that turn, in which case it can still make a pile in move, even if there are no enemies within 3”.
  13. Thinking about Tyrionic models I’d like to see when the time comes.... an updated Tyrionic chariot would be epic!
  14. For the second Q, yes there are 3 additional generic command abilities found in the General’s Handbook. Page 74/5 of the GHB 2020 (digital edition). All-out attack, RR 1’s to hit in combat phase. All-out defence, RR 1’s to save in combat phase. Volley fire, RR 1’s to hit in shooting phase. These may get rolled in to AoS 3 core rules as they’ve been in the GHB for the last few years, seems like they’re here to stay.
  15. Me too! Just think, with the advances in plastic miniature production, the glory of those hats!!
  16. Anyone considered using the Lumineth’s Sanctum of Amyntok as the spell in a bottle choice? For only 30pts, would give a Khemist a bit more durability, -2 to hit, 3+ save. Would also extend the -1 to hit ability bubble from the base of the spell, covering a slightly larger area plus the mortal wound bounce back. Thought it could be very useful in a scenario where heroes hold objectives? Anyone ever tried this? What are your thoughts?
  17. I have mixed feelings on this. I wouldn’t go as far as saying I feel cheated, slightly irked maybe. On the one hand I’m really happy with Lumineth getting more models, I love what’s been revealed and can’t wait to see the rest. The thing that bugs me, is having picked up the battle box, the beautiful ltd Ed battletome now feels somehow incomplete. Feels like a strange choice for players to have to buy 2 books to use an army that will have all been released with the space of a single year. I will definitely be getting BR:Teclis anyway as I loved Morathi. I just hope they don’t do an updated Lumineth battletome too soon.
  18. Bound Chrono cogs is worded slightly differently to standard cogs. It says “the caster” can manipulate the cogs rather than “a wizard”. RAW the Khemist is the caster so is able to manipulate bound cogs.
  19. From a rules point of view, the Stone mage's Gravitic Redirection does stop the target from flying. Another rules based option for preventing fly could be Idoneth Deepkin, Isharann Ritual of the Tempest. Would need a Soulscryer, Soulrender, Tidecaster or Lotann. I'm sure there are other models which can prevent fly, but generally speaking for a diorama the only rule that matters is rule of cool so go for it!
  20. Ah, ok thanks for the info. I’ve not really read much of the lore up to now (just snippets). Just from the way those passages are written, Morathi doesn’t want to kill any Stormcast so orders the use of toxins to paralyse so they don’t die and get help? From what you’ve described seems like it wouldn’t be much of an issue.
  21. Sorry for the thread necro. So, I’m a bit late to the party but I downloaded the Broken Realms book to read over the Xmas period. Got to say I thoroughly enjoyed it, really can’t wait for the second book. Had a few thoughts/ questions? Firstly, what are people’s thoughts on the newborn? With the recent Sigvald reveal do you now think he is likely to be the newborn?Reading the WarCom Sigvald origin article didn’t seem to link but could be somehow? One thing that bugged me, why did the stormcast not just kill one of their own to send message back to Azyr? Or one of them kill themself? Or would that be a no no in Stormcast lore? I think/hope Ven Brecht’s rescuer is a vampiric relative.
  22. Whilst not WYSIWYG, I doubt most opponents would have any issue with proxying one for the other, as long as it's clearly explained to them before the game. You may have trouble doing this at a tournament tho.
  23. Thanks! That’s what I must’ve remembered reading.
  24. I had felt pretty sure it’s just the dice rolled, not +2, but now not so much. I thought I’d read it somewhere but can’t seem to find it now? Looking at RAW it could be argued that you do add the +2. I’m curious to know the correct answer now too.
  25. I just noticed Teclis is on a Black Friday offer. £69.99 seems pretty reasonable so I just ordered one. Not sure how long offer will last?
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