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Everything posted by Nasrod

  1. Stupid question, but Alarielle's point cost decrease had me looking at her again. I have never been able to convince myself to invest in Sylvaneth due to the steep price investment; Spites, Wildwoods, and limited availability Arch-Revenant all scare me away. It was only today that I learned she can be taken in CoS...free from the baggage I see within Sylvaneth. Is there any list that would be at least casually competitive that utilizes Alarielle + at least one unit of Kurnoth hunters + at least one unit of Sisters of the Thorn? I love each of these sculpts. Not looking for anyone to build a list for me, just more of a yes/no, and if yes, some general ideas of supplementary units that could form the core of the army.
  2. Played a 2k point list with some proxied models to see if I wanted to snag the 2nd Feast of Bones at our LGS. The list was Vokmortian Liege Kavalos Boneshaper 20 Mortek 10 Mortek 10 Mortek 3 Stalker 3 Immortis 4 Morghast Archai Vok's Retinue -- Opposing list was a Stormcast shooty Heldenhammer list with a few mages, but no Meteor. Long story short, I don't think I want to go this route, but 4 Archai with the Petrifex Elite bonus rend absolutely mulch things. Vokmortian trails behind accompanied by 3 Guard; you're now at 920 points for this deathball, which is a lot, but we were playing Border Wars. Ran this and 10 Guard up the right flank and just said hell with it, I'll race you to your objective while keeping 10 Guard and 3 Stalkers in the middle on my territory to prevent deep strike shenanigans. Lost the 10 Guard in middle and lost Boneshaper and 12 Guard on the left flank, but the Stalkers and Liege Kavalos abandoned the flank and crashed into his middle home objective on the top of 3 off a double turn while the Morghast moved from the right flank to the left to strike that middle shooting force from behind. My left flank crumbled but poor stormcast movement meant he had no hope of pivoting over to my own home turf with his remaining Seq + Evos in time to make up for the fact he was losing his, so we called it there. Messed up when I piled in with the Morghast and didn't get to res one. Almost lost a 2nd one, but even 3 strong they chunk things. Rend 3, (PE buff) amd flight... they aren't optimal but they aren't as bad as people claim, so long as you use terrain. Fun list but Petrifex Elite is just so unreal even with "non-optimal" choices. The army crumbles to shooting and magic but most lists are melee based so...yeah. I have a feeling Harvester + Mortek Crematorian is going to be its own flavor of annoying, but at least the opponent can remove models against them (Even if they still ultimately feel like they don't want to, lol)
  3. Bah, knew I was missing something. Thankfully, the Soulmason has 6 wounds, so the Godbone Armor being on the Shaper is fine. I'll update the post to avoid confusing others. Edit: For those asking why Shrieker + Katakros Katakros needs to be within 12 of the Crawlers and you likely want this to be the case for turn 1 and 2. Sometimes you can't do this, but in games where you need the extra shooting the Shrieker can drop on the other side. Against lists with things like Netters, Khailebron, etc. It is just an added bonus to get the two sources of +1 hit. But most of the time, it is just used to keep the aura up across the board.
  4. I present this most boring list I've ever made for Age of Sigmar. Don't drop this against any salty opponents. -- Petrifex Elite Katakros - 500 ☆General Mortisan Soulmason - 140 •Soul Reservoir ¤Arcane Command Mortisan Boneshaper - 130 •Godbone Armor ¤Reinforce Battle-Shields Mortek Guard x 20 - 260 Mortek Guard x 20 - 260 Mortek Guard x 10 - 130 Crawler - 200 Crawler - 200 Mortek Shield-Corps - 120 Soulstealer Carrion - 20 Shrieker - 30 1990/2000, 5 Drops -- Katakros: Positions in a way that he will be able to grant the Crawlers bonus attacks in turn 1 and 2. Does typical Katakros things turn 2+. Bonemason: Uses the Soul Reservoir to get Shrieker onto the field and rerolls Hits of 1 for the Crawlers. Farms RD points in midgame with Arcane Command. Mortisan Boneshaper - Heals Katakros allowing him to regen 6 a turn. Uses Enhance Shields to boost survivability of Guard. Casts Carrion if it has nothing else to do. 2 Mortek Guard x 20 - Moves up to claim objectives. Mortek Guard x 10 - If necessary, screens the Crawlers and Bonemason; usually will be stationed in a block on your home objective. -- Generates a ton of RD but also uses a ton of RD in order to position everything, spam Guard rerollls, AND buffs from Katakros. Godbone Armor goes on the Shaper to make sure both of the HQs aren't able to be one shot in the mirror by Crawlers.
  5. You cannot sadly. Be sure you use the Dolorous Guard battalion only with a pure Nighthaunt army; if you go Legion of Grief, you will not take the battalion. Instead, you will take a Spirit Torment, as he is the same points cost as the Dolorous Guard battalion from Nighthaunt. I would suggest Nighthaunt Guard list first. Olynder is one of our best offensive units but 7 wounds goes fast to modern battletomes, despite our ethereal saves. Once you play a game or two, try swapping to Legion of Grief. The Legion of Grief can return troops far easier and be stickier on the battlefield, but your heroes are going to be easier to dispose of. Even though the Dolorous Guard only protects Olynder, most of your opponents will likely place a lot of attention into her, rather than the Guardian of Souls or Knight of Shrouds. This inadvertently makes them more survivable; in Legion of Grief, the troops are easier to replenish, but their true strength lies in the hands of the heroes who are much easier to kill as there is no major force that sticks out as "Will require a massive investment to kill." Because of this, you're going to feel as though you have far less say in the matter of how your opponent plays when using Legion of Grief. You will need to utilize the entire army and be extremely careful with movement, placement, and screens. The Dolorous Guard offers a very forgiving introduction to these concepts and more importantly, the synergies of Nighthaunt in general. If I was giving you a truly optimal LoG list, I don't think it would even include Olynder. But I love her model, and I bet you do, too. If your goal is to have fun using her on the battlefield for a turn or two, the Nighthaunt+Guard should certainly be your initial choice. EDIT: Sorry, just saw the question regarding Relics. Beacon of Nagashizar seems like a necessity here. In the event you cast Spectral Lure, 4 of your 5 eligible targets have 2+ wounds. The Chainrasps will not survive long in a block of 20 so on the miraculous chance they eat a combat and are still around on your hero phase, you want a successful lure to be big. This also guarantees a Hexwraith unit gets 2 models back (3+1) and you have a 66% chance of getting 2 Spirit Hosts back. Aetherquartz is always good, but the Knight of Shrouds is your only eligible holder. Be aggressive with your Command Point spending if you go this route; play expecting the KoS to be killed on 3rd round, because he probably will be.
  6. Nighthaunt List: Lady Olynder - General - 220 Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed - 120 Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern - 140 Hexwraith x 5 - 140 Hexwraith x 5 - 140 Chainrasp Horde x 20 - 160 Spirit Hosts x 6 - 240 Spirit Hosts x 3 - 120 Glaivewraith Stalker x 4 - 60 Dolorous Guard - 120 1460/1500 points -- Legion of Grief list: See above, but subtract the Dolorous Guard battallion for your Spirit Torment.
  7. You're right. It isn't "Roll 3+ and we auto win." It's "Roll inordinate amounts of 9+ and we win." But no, I'm being cheeky. Nightbaunt is very much a finesse army that has to basically steal wins via smart objective play. Other than Olynder and the 15 Bladegheists, the entire list is designed to tarpit and survive for as long as possible, because trying to out kill a Slaanesh, Skaven, or DoK list is impossible. It is one of the big reasons I view Arkhan as a 150 point character at this point. 12 Banshees are considered auto include because it is our only -2 dispel. May as well upgrade at that point to 3 Mystic Shields, regen, and a +2 to cast wizard... all imo, of course. For the record, I think Dolorous Guard has done one thing: make it so my Olynder can stay on the table for 2 turns instead of 1. Any list not wanting to run her should still probably stick to LoG. That and the murder of Mortality Glass GoS still has me salty even months later. Maybe one day the optimal use of our models will be using them within our own army!
  8. A very good catch, tyvm. I'll edit the OP. Hurts this list a bit but doesn't kill it outright; you still want to keep a unit on him to screen from deep strikes or fliers. -- To everyone else, no, Dolorous Guard does NOT let you make Arkhan a tanky nightmare. But I think it speaks volumes to the state Nighthaunt is in when they give us a battalion that adds a potential 20 wounds to a general and the response is "Imagine how insane this would be on Arkhan/any other awesome HQ."
  9. Lady Olynder - 220 ☆General •Soul Cage Arkhan the Black - 360 Spirit Torment - 120 ¤Midnight Tome •Shademist Cairn Wraith - 60 ¤Aetherquartz Pendant Hexwraith x 5 - 140 Hexwraith x 5 - 140 Spirit Hosts x 6 - 240 Chainrasp Horde x 30 - 240 Bladegheist Revenants x 15 - 270 Soulsnare Shackles - 40 Aethervoid Pendulum - 50 Dolorous Guard - 120 --2000/2000 pts, 111 wounds Arkhan is amazing post change. Mystic Shield spam, a 36" range true +2 unbind, guaranteed 3 wounds worth of regen for up to 4 summonables? Crazy. This list just drowns the opponent in mortals while being a regenerating brick. Keep 5 of your Hexwraiths on Arkhan to screen at all times+Look Out Sir,[EDIT: He is a monster so this doesn't work. Thanks, Uvatha!] they fly and keep up with him well enough. Dive Olynder and another 5 Wraiths into one side of the opponent, while leaving the Torment and Bladegheists off the table so that Crawlers or magic spam cannot remove your 5 wound hero + threaten the charge. This unit is where you want to save your command points, as most good players won't let you capitalize on Olynder spam, opting to focus fire. You can drop Pendulum if you want for another Command Point but starting with 2 and having the Aetherquartz on the field seems fine. Pendulum forces awkward movement turn one and is a fantastic use of Arkhan's +2 to cast. Tier 1, nah. New guilty pleasure list, yes.
  10. For those that have 2 Feast of Bones and want to build something, try this: you can easily move into the full list simply by purchasing 1 box of Mortek Guard, a Liege-Kavalos, and a Boneshaper. Vokmortian Morghast Archai x 4 Stalker x 3 Mortek Guard x 20 Vokmortian's Retinue Battalion Mortek Guard x 10 Mortek Guard x 10 Mortisan Boneshaper [General] - [Godbone Armor] Liege-Kavalos [Helm of the Ordained] Immortis Guard x 3 Endless Spell: Bone-Tithe Shrieker 2k on the dot and there is nothing massively egregious or unfun with this list, unlike 2+ Nagash or Crawler lists. Bringing an Archai back with Vokmortian chaperoned by 3 Immortis Guard is really satisfying, while the 20 block guard and the Petrifex Boneshaper are their own block of resilience. Hard for the opponent to complain about a list that has 920 points tied up into recurring a Morghast Archai per turn; clearly won't be sweeping tournaments with this list, but for casual play any excuse to put Stalkers and Morghast on the table I will take.
  11. Petrifex Elite Kavalos Deathriders x 5 - 180 (Blades) Kavalos Deathriders x 15 - 480 (Spears) Liege Kavalos - 200 *Godbone Armor [Kavalos Lance] - 120 Soulmason - 140 (General) *Soul Reservoir (Basically guarantees the Shrieker cast goes off. Hopefully you keep it for a turn or two to offset the -1 soulbind penalty) *Reinforce Battleshields (Again to help weather our weakness to Mortal Wounds) Bone-Tithe Shrieker 30 Mortek Guard x 40 - 440 (Blades) Crawler - 200 Crawler - 200 1990/2000 4 Relentless Discipline per turn 5 Drops 139 Wounds -Why no Helm? Kavalos attack buff and 2 relentless discipline a turn is huge. Things hit on a 3 up already and helm + bone tithe is a waste; bone tithe is way too good to not use so it gets picked up and the Liege gets the wound negation Artifact to pair with his ridiculous +2 save to try and ensure he stays in the thick of it for a turn or two. While the 2+ save is great, at only 7 wounds he dies faster than you would expect; entire army suffers this penalty though so you still have to use him. -Why the big blobs of battleline? Combined savings of 110 points means the Battalion is basically free. I think any list that uses a Battallion should do the same. And since Battallions are the only way we "keep up" with our opponents' natural CP regen...you should include one in non Arkhan/Nagash/Kata lists. Even though it is a colossal points sink, both our battleline options are fantastic enough that investing in them seems worth it. -So why not Mortek Guard spam/battalion if they are good/better than Kavalos Chargers? Because they are S L O W. The Liege is our best model (Attack buff synergy with Petrifex rend bonus, +2 save, 10" movement in a slow army, 2 RD a turn makes him our most efficient discipline generator in the army) and you will probably include one in any list. If you run the 3 Guard Battallion you take a 120 to 140 point hero, and the 120 point battalion, AND the cost of the 3 Guard...then you're adding a 200 point model on top of all of that? Enjoy the 800-1000+ point sink consisting of 4" movement troop blobs in an objective-driven game! If only it was 2-3 Mortek Guard instead of 3... -I don't like Crawlers. Neither do I as they don't encourage a "fun" game. They either whiff and do nothing or you roll hot and wipe their figureheads at no risk. Consider using Arkhan+Nightmare Predator or 6 Necropolis Stalkers for games against opponents that think the Crawlers are cheese; also makes you a 4 drop army which is much better than a 5... but double Crawler + Soulmason is absurd. -But they don't look that great based on damage calculations. You know what else doesn't look great? 40 Stabbas being Hand of Gork'd onto an objective next to a Loonshrine. Less facetious answer? They aren't as efficient points per wound caused compared to Stalkers or Guard, true. But they give us the right to at least show up in the shooting phase, and massively mitigate fight last shenanigans. They also give our Soulmason things to do with his extra casts in turns 1 and 2, and provide damage without costing Relentless Discipline. They're good, and I hate it, because Stalkers are the better sculpt.
  12. I feel like going second should guarantee double turn, at which point the order simply alternates. It may have its problems, but double turning from 2 to 3 with Idoneth Deepkin is always disgusting to me. I would rather the double happen early when there is still a risk of over extension if the opponent full commits, as opposed to the double on turn 3 or 4 where they go "Hey, sweet, my entire army is right where I need it to be and I go twice!"
  13. My entire Nighthaunt army that I've been buying piecemeal for the past 4 months in escalation league revolved around Mortality Glass Chainguard + Nmare Lantern + 2 Vampire Lords forming a core of heroes that regen while supplying various offensive buffs. At this point between Grimghasts getting kneecapped (Which I only use 30 of), Legion of Grief being a joke, and now this? I just want to sell my army. By all means, encourage me to continue playing my Keeper of Secrets spam and Hagg Narr DoK, GW. My playgroup thanks you, truly. Apologies, folks. I'm absolutely livid.
  14. So, minimum sized units idea is to take, say, 3 groups of 5 Bladegheist Revenants instead of 1 group of 20. The idea is to deploy them in the same exact vicinity; most armies this is an awful idea. For Nighthaunt, our buffs are wholly within 12" aoe from a hero. Separating our units into minimum sized blocks like this means you don't have to choose between losing attacks on a suboptimal pile in vs getting your GoS/Spirit Torment buff. You also get to make 3 charge rolls with 3 groups of 5 instead of 1 charge roll with a group of 20. Certain lists benefit greatly from this but there are downsides; any aoe attack, especially Endless Spells, become terrifying. Suddenly, Geminids is 3d3 mortals. Aethervoid Pendulum would be 3d6. Regenerating models to a unit becomes less likely as minimum size units are prone to focus fire and being wiped out before you can cycle around to your next hero phase. More drops means less chance of turn priority, but Nighthaunt is offensively bad with efficient battalions so I don't see this as a problem; the only Nighthaunt lists that can threaten outdropping your opponent are ones that aren't going to make good use of Underworlds deep strike, which is one of the only gimmicks that justify using pure Nighthaunt instead of Legions of Nagash. Chainrasp Horde and Myrmourn Banshees should never be taken at minimum size, imo. Grimghast Reapers are debatable but imo taking minimum size on Reapers is actually a points LOSS because you almost guaranteed aren't making full use of their 2" attack range, which they most certainly "pay" for. Spirit Hosts entirely depend on what you want to do; are you trying to abuse Black Coach or Ruler of the Spirit Host? You want a block of 6 or even 9, as your concern isn't efficient or opportunistic attacking here, it is to park a group of obnoxious models on an objective and keep them there the entire game while taking advantage of returning multiple models with a single trigger. Are you using Olynder Command Trait? You want 3 groups of 3 Hosts all in range of her ability, stacked in 3 x 3 lines so that opposing tar pits crash against 1 model from each unit; the opponent now has to spread his damage/attacks to each of the units instead of just one, and Olynder is almost guaranteed to return multiple models. If Hexwraiths get a points cost reduction I think they would make excellent candidates for min sized. Tl;dr Try it, but be sure you try it with units that aren't weakened by it, and not against an AoE spam list.
  15. Leaders Dreadblade Harrow [General, RotSH, Aetherquartz Brooch] Guardian of Souls - Nightmare Lantern [Wychlight] Guardian of Souls - Mortality Glass [Chainguard] Vampire Lord Spirit Torment Battleline Chainrasp x 30 [Chainguard] Chainrasp x 20 [Chainguard] Grimghast Reaper x 30 Other Bladegheist Revenant x 20 Chainguard Battalion Endless Spells Chronomatic Cogs Aethervoid Pendulum 1940/2000 points, 2 extra CP -Mort Glass sits in the block with the 30 Chainrasp; sometimes opponents brick the charge to try and move your tarpit off an objective. Other times it just regens dudes and lets you fish for Wave or reposition to get more guys piled in. I like him but don't expect him to turn your guys into offensive power houses, Rasps are better suited at being literal pointmen. Boring but wins games. -Nightmare lantern sits with the Grimghast. Really powerful if the opponent doesn't snipe the GoS. -Spirit Torment rolls with the Bladegheist. Also really powerful obviously. Everything else in terms of deployment and grouping depends on game type, etc. I know Nighthaunt are in a bad spot at the moment competitively but this list has been performing well. Ethereal is just really, really good at letting us pile a lot of guys on an objective and sometimes Wave just pops off and gives me a win I never deserved.
  16. -Hag Queens increase to 80 points (May honestly need to be 90 in a vacuum but alongside other point increases that may be too steep) -Hag Queen on Cauldron increase to 330 -Slaughter Queen on Cauldron increase to 350 -Witch Elves increase to 110, 30 discount 300 (In line with Daemonettes) -SoS remain 120, 30 discount 320 -Avatar of Khaine decrease to 160 (I don't feel like players that take a Hag queen and a foot slogging Avatar should be penalized with a points increase) -Blood Stalkers decrease to 140, gain 20 discount of 480 (So same price as the Halberds) -Morathi as General unlocks Melusai as battleline (From both a thematic and financial standpoint it is absurd that this isn't already the case...let her lead a snekk army please!) That's the gut changes I would make for points. Would probably increase the aura of Blood Shield by 6" but add Wholly Within clause, move the Hagg Narr trait of 5+ to be a targeted prayer wholly within 12" and move the reroll faith saves to the Hagg Narr passive as all units wholly within 18". With these changes, may also need to make Khailebron be a -1 to hit bubble around the general to match the 18" wholly within; feels like there should be a penalty for warping a unit away. I love my DoK but my opponents undeniably have more fun against my Nighthaunt and even new Slaanesh.
  17. Tl;dr, you can but only the Archregent can cast it. If they errata this I would not be surprised but for now you apparantly can.
  18. Nope. The regent summons them with his Command Trait. Regent and 3 Crypt Flayers = 370/400 allied allotment. So yeah, potentially 6 Flayers and 2 Banshees.
  19. General idea is to use Flesheater Court mercenaried to make up for the fact we cannot have Terrorgheists. Archregent gives us access to 3 "free" Crypt Flayers if they are good (For only 30 points more than 3 Flayers) or 20 dudes to pseudo deep strike onto objectives if the enemy has a strong Bravery game. Add Cadaverous Barricade and the idea is to use this endless spells to funnel enemies into a position to be bravery bombed. Necromancer sits in the blob of Skellies, Guardian sits with the Reapers. Lord Executioner is technically our tankiest hero so he holds the Brooch to try and recoup spent command points and also becomes an important-to-kill support hero with the bravery debuff aura. If you want to lean harder into bravery and don't like Pallisade, you can drop the wolves for another 10 skeletons, but I think the extra wall + utility of a fast moving, expendable objective holder is superior. Leaders ●Abhorrent Archregent - 200 pts ●Guardian of Souls, Nightmare Lantern - 140 ●Necromancer - 110 pts ●Tomb Banshee - 80 pts ●Tomb Banshee - 80 pts ●Lord Executioner - 80 pts (Aetherquartz Brooch, General, Tragic Emanations) Leaders Battleline ■Skeleton Warriors x 40 - 280 pts ■Skeleton Warriors x 10 - 80 pts ■Dire Wolf x 5 - 60 pts Battleline Other □Dreadscythe Harridan x 15 - 270 pts □Grimghast Reaper x 20 - 280 pts □Crypt Flayers x 3 - 170 pts Endless Spells ◇Horrorghast - 60 pts ◇Cadaverous Barricade - 30 pts ◇Prismatic Pallisade - 30 pts 1,950/2,000 pts, 1 extra CP
  20. Probably bad time to post since the LoG is all the rage, but I would like an opinion on this list for 2k points. Heroes Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern Wychlight, Soul Cage Guardian of Souls with Mortality Glass Shademist, Chainguard Spirit Torment General, Ruler of the Spirit Hosts, Aetherquartz Pendant Vampire Lord Battleline Chainrasp Horde x 30 Chainguard Chainrasp Horde x 20 Chainguard Grimghast Reapers x 30 Other Myrmourn Banshee x 12 Bladegheist Revenant x 15 Battalion Chainguard Endless Spells Soulsnare Shackles Prismatic Pallisade 1950/2000, 2 Command Points The idea for this came during discussion of the merits of a 2nd Guardian of Souls. "If only they could both return models." Oh wait...they can! Everything after is a hard focus on that theme; all 3 of the Nighthaunt Heroes form up around a group and try their best to keep them rolling as long as possible. I can drop the endless spells to get 60 chainrasp instead of 50, but I like the movement shenanigans subtheme to support the Chainrasps; it should more or less guarantee they pile in and fight far more efficiently than opposing chaffe or tarpits. Spirit Torment is chosen as the General simply because he is versatile; he obviously works best with the Gheists, but any unit he pulls toward him in this list will benefit from his abilities. Wychlight on Guardian of Souls opposed to Beacon as letting the Grimghasts "also fight first" should almost always save the unit more models than it would trying to heal them up after the fact with Beacon of Nagashizar. Vampire Lord goes wherever I want more attacks, Myrmourn Deep Strike next to a caster, protecting my hordes from magic in addition to being a good distraction carnifex. That's my thought process for the list as a whole. Let me know if it can be made better in any way, other than spamming Necromancers in Legion of Grief, lol.
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