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Everything posted by Zanzou

  1. Probably because the familiar fantasy level of the old world allowed for innate understanding on the basics of how the world would generally operate. For many of us, that’s why it was a simple feat to get immersed. It’s quite analogous to the quote: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” The more outlandish and hand-wavy the factions and worlds of AoS are, the more details are required for us to find it to be believable.
  2. yeah... Can anyone explain why these guys need to specifically dump on Nighthaunt? I know the negating wounds thing counters a wide variety, but ethereal is nighthaunt's one and only strength... This makes no sense to me.
  3. Unfortunately for seraphon, if GW facebook's wording matters at all, it is destruction😅
  4. True - it's not so much the individual, but the company culture that causes his response.
  5. May be another serious case of lack of communication/ understanding between corporate, rule writers, designers, artists.
  6. True that they probably don't. I just hope that gw and fw stop skipping the "last chance to buy" warning on certain things...
  7. ^The most toxic, lazy approach to business out there. Do not panic buy unless you want to be played like a fiddle...
  8. Although this would be FANTASTIC NEWS if true, sadly being included in a battletome picture does not mean anything any more... For all who have already forgotten, this year GW included the Skaven unit Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team in pictures in the new Skaven battletome, even though the warscroll and the model were both completely axed from the game WITH THAT BATTLETOME. This is not the only time that has happened btw. Corporate GW and the designers (love those guys) are not at all on the same page. HOWEVER, I am very excited to hear that the battlemages MIGHT stay! Also @Tonhel, whoever you are at GW who saved the old models, you are a saint!!! What a legend!
  9. First is that we also live in a world where your remaining 1500 points can make vastly different team compositions to complement him among the very different factions, and the remaining 1500 points should still be enough to make higher body counts in the right composition. Second is that movement buffs paired with running is nothing to scoff at when he is set up near where he should actually be. Third would be ofc as you know to specifically use him where he shines defensively, defending critical points single-handedly where you can rush your 1500 points elsewhere as needed (built specifically to fulfill the needed ranged attacks or mobility)
  10. Leaked through a low-resolution image that was originally uploaded to warhammer community. If you click on it, everything on the warscroll is legible:
  11. As an elf/ sylvaneth owner, please not another new elf faction right now. It is 100% Slaves to Darkness turn for a battletome... All this warcry stuff yet StD are still broken!
  12. So for sylvaneth you can pick between: 180 points Ylthari with Guardians: A plain d3 damage spell equivalent to the old arcane bolt, meh ranged bow attack, squishy melee. Ylthari has 5 wounds. 120 points Skaeth's Wild Hunt: Spell to buff any sylvaneth melee unit with +1 wound roll, 1 crappy bow attack, 1 ok 9 inch javelin attack, squishy melee, Skaeth has 2 wounds
  13. To be fair, a reveal does not really communicate any sort of release schedule. (Not that this is personally my issue with GW. If I could actually trust them for product support, I wouldn't feel like I would need long forewarnings)
  14. The only concern about that is- would corporate GW actually understand why people didn't buy in if sales flop, that the blame is on themselves? Or would they just wrongly assume that it's because "mortals and old world" things don't sell? I don't think that corporate GW is as connected with the designers and community as we might hope...
  15. Understandable, but many of us are new to the game WITH AoS. When we bought in, there were no warning labels on these products indicating that they were “too old”, they were simply models for AoS. To us, it was not pining for the old, they were all valid new things for us to purchase to get into for AoS. Only as time went on did it become clear that GW never had that intention. Hence why many of us feel baited and switched.
  16. If you think that’s the actual reason most people are upset, you haven’t been reading all of these posts. GW purposely allowed people to be strung along into thinking that armies they sold in AoS boxes would get properly supported by -guess- AoS. They instead waited years with them being in a sorry state only to abruptly axe everything with very little said. That’s why people feel like they are at least owed a better explanation, but, tbh, no explanation would make up for their lack of organization skills and communication that led people to waste money on their half-baked product support. New players now have learned their lesson to only play this game if they are willing to always only buy the newest shinies- but even then I personally don’t trust them anymore. Even with newer releases you have to be ready for them to go back on what they’ve previously provided. Ppl will hate on me for this one but->Every1 please buy gotrek now cause he totally breaks all Ally rules we have established up until now! NOT ENOUGH ALLY POINTS? DONT MATTER. Don’t play a dwarf faction? DONT MATTER! Buy your way into relevance! (If they actually supported the AoS models they’ve sold up until now, I wouldn’t roll my eyes so hard at them pushing Gotrek)
  17. Wait, so GW only following up their book announcement by axing 90 percent of your range didn’t help you to get hype for it?!?
  18. If I were playing with som1 who had to use a ton of D6 rolls, I would definitely let them "narrow" the roll a bit. That would be up to them if they wanted to, though... For some people RNG is fun. "narrowing" example: all d6 rolls of 1 would be treated as a roll of 2, but to the same effect all d6 rolls of 6 would be treated as 5. and so on.
  19. Sadly GW purged two of the units you just listed from their stores (among countless others this year)
  20. Keeping in mind that I do not think having some variety of races like goblins and trolls excludes the possibility of it being lower-ish fantasy: Are they 'regular' mortals that follow the same basic physical rules of our universe, without having 'crazy' off-the-wall powers? How are they born, do they bleed when they are cut, do they have proportionate/ realistic strength to their stature (if not, why?), what happens when they "die", where do their commonfolk live, what do they do for a living, what do they eat? If all of those questions can be answered clearly, I think it adds up to give me a better picture of what kind of fantasy I am dealing with.
  21. Always here to chime in with my jaded unpopular opinions. When even base-line foot soldiers are all 100% fantastical super-powered beings, living in impermanent dimensional realm settings, that's when immersion starts breaking for me. ACTUAL super-beings like Archaon and Alarielle have less impact to me when there is less contrast between the super beings and the ways of regular mortals/elves. At least having some consistent, lower fantasy elements woven throughout the story and throughout the factions helps to ground things and sets the importance of things that transcend from the mortal. At a certain point, with certain factions (at the risk of sounding elitist), the miniatures can begin to look less like representations of troops in a "real" conflict, and more like toy action figurines.
  22. "Only" 48 wounds 😏 People are forgetting that Gotrek doesn't have to fight alone by any means; he's not Vorgaroth's 1200 points to play, he's 520 points. You still have about 75% of your points left in a 2000 point game- you can still afford your own chaff and elites.
  23. True, he is not near as broken as FEC was this year. In AoS now though, there are plenty of ways to haul ass across the board. Perhaps a bigger issue is probably the fact that he can ally with literally any1 in grand alliance Order for some reason, no matter the point limit.. That does not seem like balance was the deciding factor in his design....
  24. Shoulder Plate of Edassa means that his Wound count is actually the equivalent of 24.... 24 wounds of which you can only ever do at most 1 dmg per spell/ ability attack to... 24 effective wounds, can activate twice a turn, re-roll hit and wounds (of which, hit rolls of 6 inflict bonus d6 immediate mortal wounds). Power creep not toxic at all for this game. People on this forum will always just say to run away and throw away chaff for free every turn and that somehow makes the gameplay balanced and fun.
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