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Everything posted by Zanzou

  1. I think this is correct, and the t-pose is just cake icing for some. I’ve seen less savory forums posting this to describe his face expression:
  2. The 9th Age forum also does it, in fact there is a large glossary of gameplay terms linked to it as well and I found it extremely helpful as a new player. When SoB comes out this could be helpful. It is an AoS forum so it makes sense that when in doubt an acronym will refer to the AoS faction, but it would likely still be helpful. That would at least sit more well with me than calling them the exact brand name to the T of an American tea drink 😆
  3. I didn’t enjoy being strong-armed into the preset subfaction builds with pre-determined artefacts and traits. People are saying it is “flexible”, but I feel like there’s surprisingly very few valid ways to customize the army. However this could be an AoS-wide problem these days. Old Gnarlroot players seemed disheartened because it was hard to bolster magic like before within the constrictions of the new gnarlroot. Also we could no longer bring unique order units / order wizards with cool buffs in our allegiance. Instead we are left just with order allies that - if we’re being honest- are relatively useless for us, as abilities simply do not synergize with sylvaneth 9 times out of 10. There are a couple exceptions but not many.
  4. [Cynical Hat] Regardless...if they are "revealing" things this early despite allegedly being 3 years out, I cannot help but think that all of this is just a ruse to persuade old players against buying into competitors' wargames ...
  5. I learned something new today: However, just because you *could* do it doesn't mean it would be realistic or very useful for you, considering the allies PLUS their battalion points would have to be <= 400 points total in a 2000 point game. What sort of battalion were you thinking of using?
  6. I can at least 100% understand where you're coming from on that.
  7. Not true. Talk to people outside your circle. Check social media. The fanbase can still be present as well as unhappy with the balance: Whether the fanbase is happy with the rules or frustrated with bad rules will determine how many pitchforks you will see on facebook and the general mood of the actually-playing community. Why do they stay? No, it's not because they secretly enjoyed getting their butts handed to them by slaanesh last year. People are fans of Warhammer and GW's models. For that reason people can still be fans and be very unhappy with the current rules balance. Sure, some people will be unhappy to the point that they stop playing (I've seen it), but others stay at least semi-active and provide feedback with the hope that GW will one day better balance their book releases (they do start to balance things eventually, but nearly a year too late and not quite enough). Until then, my circle for example would manually ensure our own "balanced" match-ups by avoiding anything that's obviously too broken. Note, it's not as fun to have to avoid anything in the game, but we make the fun that we can make. Personally I don't need Warhammer to be balanced to the point that the highest win rate faction is under 53%. I do however want them to focus on balance until they can at least achieve a range purely in the 41-59% win rate. To me, publishing and leaving a faction at 65-70 percent win rate is just disgustingly inexcusable.
  8. Searched everywhere for the results and can't find anything... Where are these results published?
  9. Seconding that changing thread pages is broken for me. Only ads load when I change pages. Of course the glitch is separate from the topic at hand, but still
  10. It is certainly not fair if one person has to shoulder the cost. Maybe it would make people more comfortable subscribing / accepting the ads to know - Where do the proceeds go if donation + subscription + ad money begins to exceed the operating costs for the month? Also, does the donation goal bar currently exclude subscription and ad revenue? The donation bar could be misleading if the site began to gain significant revenue in other ways. Here are what the ads look like when I'm logged into my account on my mobile phone:
  11. So far opinion is 3 - 3. I kind of understand both sides, it does help to give the subfaction further identity and balance. However, personally I felt my creativity really being killed when trying to build lists.
  12. Poll: Do you like / dislike that subfaction allegiances require you to lock your trait / artefact choices? Is it necessary to you? See other similar thread regarding potential ways to balance subfactions: I know the topic is a little too similar but I was interested in getting a show of hands with a poll
  13. Even as a God it would be very strange to me if Teclis was bigger than Celestant Prime. imo understated can be bad ass. Also I’d prefer the twins on separate bases as it allows for more flexibility in play (you could team them up side by side, flank, or spend fewer points to just take one). However they should obviously have bonuses together.
  14. Personally I think having a mix of the two versions is helpful... but nothing is helpful for transportation
  15. Realistically, all of those mirrors hanging off him I could see as spell reflectors or re-casters. No matter what his buffs are, if he has any less than 4 casts per phase we riot.
  16. My guess is that it may be why they started with showing only Teclis....
  17. Just adding that a lot of people will also stay because they still like Warhammer as an IP, regardless of rules
  18. I also personally find it bizarre that certain rules ever made it past a first pass, let alone published in a battletome, let alone left untouched in a broken state so long despite public outcry. Some of these issues in particular just seem so obvious, that most community members end up immediately noticing them on their first read-through of the book on release day.
  19. Definitely very divided opinions on almost every book here already, but there does seem to be a couple examples that are repeatedly being highlighted as standout favorites. The Gloomspite Gitz faction / battletome treatment for example - despite some grumblings and only having a modest tournament win rate hovering around 45-46% - it is still repeatedly being marked as a favorite here and could be an example of an ideal book to strive for, for many in the community (if books would be arranged/balanced similarly). There are clearly some other factions that are consistently in the okay / good range, and others that are more controversial but it would be really great to get some more opinions.
  20. At least me personally I would welcome these alternative responses as well. This was just my bias showing. In the end I just want to see which recent examples the community holds up as what should be aimed for again in a great battletome vs things that have fallen flat... of course it throw things off if the book with the worst rules has the best lore but that's the way she goes.
  21. The whirlwind that was 2019 came with both a lot of praise and a lot of complaints for Age of Sigmar rules. There has never been as much support for the game as there is now, so I thought some people might be interested in a fresh reflection thread. I realize how we judge good and bad differs greatly, and I don't think one thing alone (such as win rate) can fully judge a book. How do the battletomes (at least the ones that you're semi-familiar with) over the last 2 years compare to you, from best to worst? As a suggested starting point: Absolute "Best" - Great internal balance with a variety of different well-supported builds, can hold its own at least somewhat competitively, is fun to play with suitably thematic rules for the faction, and for tie-breaking perhaps consider things outside the rules (quality stories / lore, quality new artwork, lack of grammar/ spelling errors) Absolute "Worst" - Punishes any attempt at build creativity, and has very few reasonably valid ways to play. The relative power level of the book is too extreme (far worse or far better than the large majority of books). Playing the faction is much more boring than it should be because of the book.
  22. Just me failing basic reading comprehension on Inquisitorz post a page back. Instead I have another question. Out of curiosity has anyone found any possible way to buff the spell casting rolls of Alarielle/Drycha other than just throne of vines? They cannot carry any traits or artefacts, but does anyone know of any alternative buffs they could receive from a third party source that I've missed? Chronomatics cogs can allow additional casts, but I was wondering if there is anything to buff their actual rolls?
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