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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. This has been discussed in multiple threads already so I feel like it is beating a dead horse at this point. Yes, there are outliners, but there is a pretty clear trend that new books are invading the meta and tournament players chasing the ladders are often selling their old army and investing in the new. New rules are being printed, allowing new armies to beat the activation wars and now the DPR craze etc. I dont see it "killing their business" at all. It is a pretty common business practice in many games. This is the same in card games where new cards are slowly being printed better. It makes sense that they want you to invest in new stuff rather than sitting on your old army for years on end. There is obviously a fine line between directly pay-to-win and getting a small advantage from playing a recently released army. A new army should never be so powerful that any army that is more than half a year old has no chance. But to claim that there is ZERO power creep happening is rather silly imo.
  2. I think it is to simplify things. The Maw Krusha had a bunch of attack profiles, so it makes sense to squish some of them. This applies to Ardboyz too - It was kinda annoying having to figure out how many had X, Y and Z equipment (if you mixed them).
  3. DoK is an extreme example of an old tome still being good, but that is due to extremely silly written rules. My point is not that EVERY new book is objectively better than the previous book, but there is a pretty clear trend that new books are stronger than older ones. Just because you find an outliner doesn't mean it isn't true. It makes sense from a business point of view, and it also makes sense from a player perspective.
  4. If you really don't believe in it, then compare the new Ironjawz/Bonesplitterz (once they are out) with their old version. They will 100% be stronger. Slaanesh is also significantly stronger than before their recent tome. To say otherwise is flat out silly.
  5. If you don't believe in power creep, I think you should go back and look at some of the first AoS books and compare the rules to freshly released armies.
  6. True about the tail and fists. But imagine the +1 wound and +1 damage on the Big G/ordinary MawKrusha. That's a lot of damage those fists are gonna pump out quite easily.
  7. Tail and fists are 1 profile now. I believe they said 9 attacks, +2/+3/-2/2 damage (down from 3 on the fists). The weapon choices should also be only 1 attack profile.
  8. Warchanter is now +1 damage to each model in the unit! So according to the twitch preview, we still have the Waaagh bomb (unless they make it once per round), it is just an alligiance ability and no longer Megaboss ability. This couple with Warchanter seems crazy. Granted they have squished weapon profiles for at least the MawKrusha and Megaboss.
  9. I think you might be overestimating the power. We haven't even seen the full release yet, but you are going bunkers at 1 ability. Bonesplitterz have never been good, yet they get a facelift and people ****** their pants. Wait and see exactly how good they will be. Factions are (assumed) balanced around having these abilities, so what happens when Bonesplitterz fight an army without those to counter? Maybe Bonesplitterz rely on these abilities to even kill enemy units. Personally I think units having feel-no-paint saves is a big design fail in AoS, especially when you can add additional layers or rerolls. It is just no fun to see your 20 wounds turn into 2 damage.
  10. In the case of the Hearthguard Berzerkers, even if you attacked first it honestly would matter. It is one of those units you just don't engage at all and rather go for their support heroes. I don't think S&B is only good against bad enemies - You need to plan your own charges and sometimes ensure you overkill a unit/hero. Big G is already in some tournaments @Malakree has used him to great effect. I don't think he needs *that* many buffs, but he is rather costly for what he does. It looks like they are buffing the warscrolls all around so IJ is more of a grindy force than wet noodles unless you Waagh-bomb the enemy. If the Mighty Waaagh is gone, I could see Big G keeping his command ability, which would be super useful.
  11. But smashing and bashing is sort of our way in the activation wars. It overwrites Locus of Diversion. Sure we have no way of dealing with units that immediately pile in and attack (sometimes twice) at the start of combat phase, but otherwise we do have tools that nobody else got. I'm really hyped on the updated warscroll for Gordrakk and the bossman on MawKrusha. I loved running both boys in my list previously.
  12. Honestly those Gotrek armies aren't much different than people using the old Khorne dragon costing like 70% of your army. Anyways it is just 1 army at the moment that got this ability, there is currently loads of rock-paper-scissor in the game.
  13. This is why you shouldnt put all your eggs into 1 basket. People are already coming up with absurd lists where Gotrek got his normal save, 3++, 6++, 6++, 6++ and loads of heals. This isn't fun to play against either when you have no way of countering it. "Just dont engage him" isn't a viable strategy in every single game, and in your average casual games (which is the vast majority of warhammer play, lets be fair) people don't play like pros at tournaments.
  14. But loads of armies have monsters. Slaanesh usually uses 1-3 Keepers, Skaven often got Verminlords etc. All in all, Bonesplitterz look great, they offer a lot to combat the current top dogs like damage ignoring "negating abilities" like Gortrek, potentially Morathi and Hearthguard Berzerkers etc.
  15. This could be a really cool system. I'm expecting fight twice rather than extra attacks - Seems to be the trend with armies moving forward. Cities of Sigmar got a CA to pile in and attack as well.
  16. I was hoping for the Waaagh mechanic to be gone. It felt like ****** - Hit like a wet noodle without it and destroy anything with it. Honestly I'm so surprised by how much they have put into this looking at Cities of Sigmar. I was pretty much just expecting minor updates and a quick soup book of Ironjawz + Bonesplitterz, but it really looks like they gave them a proper update. I'm hoping Gordrakk will become a beast.
  17. I'll be damned. They mentioned that the alligiance abilities are updated for both IJ and BS too, and intentionally teased that warscrolls are updated as well. 😍
  18. Tbh I think it is better to be realistic at this point. The radio silence is a pretty clear indicator imo that nothing new will come, and I would honestly be very surprised if we get a single new model - I am not even sure what this would be, a megaboss on a pig? In which case the megaboss on foot is dead pretty much. All I'm expecting is a band-aid fix to bring the Orruks up-to-date with the recent battletomes and maybe a rewrite of Gordrakk to have him match some of the other quite powerful characters. With the stuff we got from the GHB19 I think it is also very unlikely we will get any real rule rewrites. They probably just copypasted their ideas for the new tome into the GHB19. I would rather not expect too much and be happily surprised, than have insane hype and be gutted.
  19. Well at least S&B is sort of a counter to Slaanesh's ability if you can plan your charges and wipe out a weak unit first. Their army is generally made of paper and rely heavily on the LoD, so if you can wipe out a small unit of Daemonettes and activate your LoD' unit, then you should be ok. Their fight twice is still nasty, but it isn't as bad as units that have the rule of being able to fight twice immediately without any real counter to it.
  20. Honestly I don't think it is an arguement that "this is much better communication compared to when I was a kid". It's 2019 afterall, I don't think it is unreasonable to expect something as a consumer.
  21. You are crazy. Slaanesh got CPs coming out their butt, so the KoS will fight twice every single time. KoS can almost kill any monster in the game.
  22. I agree. I don't expect much at all, but the hype is slowly dying down. I'm starting to realize the release will be nothing but just a band-aid fix to bring certain factions together, nothing new or fancy at all, otherwise there would have been more info. I would much have prefered not to know about the books honestly, than them teasing it and then be completely silent for months.
  23. If you aren't a super big fan of the lore, why would you know who this semi naked Dwarf is? Even worse if your opponent is playing Fyreslayers, then they pretty much all look the same if you aren't super familiar with the faction. I'm just saying that typically the size of a model indicates the power, not at all the case here. I don't play 40k at all and don't care about the game, so I would have no idea who Abaddon is.
  24. This is true, however it is one single tiny half-naked Dwarf, where as 3 Keepers or Terrorgheists are of significant size that are appropriate to their power. You don't need to be very experienced to realize that 3 huge giants are gonna crush your puny and tiny chaff models. I personally find it a bit problematic that they release cases like this where a model is extremely broken at lower skill-levels, but easily dealt with at high skill-levels. Maybe you can't get around it, I don't know.
  25. They have two completely different rules. Morathi can only suffer 3 wounds pr. turn, but Gotrek can only suffer 1 wound pr. attack. Gortek can die in 1 round of combat, where as Morathi can not.
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