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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Something that could rival the chaos mammoth?
  2. That army looks really great! I'll be honest, I've no clue about the color wheel. Is there any youtube you would recommend to watch to get an understanding of how that works out?
  3. The local retailers where I am all say the same: They are kept in the dark until stuff is officially released. In fact us customers usually know about new stuff in advance of them due to fansites like this where leaks will occasionally happen.
  4. As much as I'd love some new stuff for Ironjawz/Orruks, that shield is nowhear near the current design. It also seems a tad too big. Could fit Ogor/Gargant for sure.
  5. Well the issue is in DoT where you have to get up in their face or you will be overwhelmed by horrors and taken apart by MW/endless spells. It's quite easy for them to throw down multiple endless spells and have loads of casters within 12", especially when Gaunt Summoners basically count as 2. It is beyond me they didn't make a hard cap on the additional MW it will do.
  6. Yeah I don't want them to do an AOS 3.0 already. They have almost updated every faction now bar Seraphon. I hope they use 2020 to focus on some of the less-fortunate armies and especially work on the internal balance on many of the books. GW is obviously a company whos sole purpose is to sell models, but by fixing internal balance in many of the books, they would still sell models (obviously not new ones) that previously were ignored. Many armies are "ok" competitive, but it is really only a few select warscrolls that are being used. Skaven as an example has been proven to be very successful, but their entire Clan Moulder line is pretty much non-exsistent on the tables, even in casual games from my experience.
  7. It was obviously completely bonkers before and anyone caught by surprise that they nerfed it.. Well I don't know what to say. I think it is good that they made a swift nerf to secure people don't purchase and plan their army around it. Then take some more time to figure out a proper spot for it to be in a future FAQ. It is a nobrainer now to make all your DPs Khorne marked.
  8. Played against Grand Host of Nagash yesterday. First time ever seeing Nagash on the table, so wasn't sure what to expect. He had 30 Reapers, 3x10 Chaindudes and a couple of support characters. The 30 Reapers were deployed as a screen in front of Nagash. The Chaindudes spent most of the game trying to zone out his backline due to teleport, and the last unit he tried to sling forward with a gravesite, so he only had 1 layer of screen for Nagash. We played the mission with 4 objectives where you deploy in a triangle at the short edges of the table. Both held back in turn 1, nobody really moved since I didn't want to get into range of spell portal + hand of dust. He wins prioirty in turn 2 and decides to go first - Big mistake imo since we were very far apart. Nothing was really done beside a couple of MWs being thrown around and he moved everything up. With my turn 2 every buff was up and running from Big Waagh and I decided to buff the pigs with warchanter and moved the Orruk Warboss on Boar in position to give them +1 attack and reroll 1s to wound. They charged the Reapers head on and removed every single one of them. My Shaman was outside of 30", so I got a teleport off (sacrificed D6 BW pts for +2 casting and used warchanter buff) with the Ardboyz which killed 10 Chaindudes at his one flank and my Maw Krusha killed another 10 that were slingshotted forward with a gravesite. This left him with 10 Chaindudes that was protecting his other flank, some support characters and of course Nagash himself who now stood around 5" from my hungry piggies. I win priority roll with a solid 2 and decides to take it. We fast forward everything because he's obviously dead. So apparently 73 attacks (37 from riders at rend 1, 36 from pigs with no rend) at 2s/2s (rerolling 1s to wound) at 2 damage a pop is in fact enough to completely remove Nagash from the table. Who would have known. 😄 Games over, he can't summon anything back and 880 pts just crumbled. If he hadn't taken prioirty and decided to go first in turn 2, this wouldn't have happened. I think it was a good game that showcased it isn't always worth it to take prioirty in a new turn, since you set yourself up to being double turned in the following turn. By the end of turn 2 he had lost everything but Nagash, 10 chaindudes and 2 support characters though. Question is if he would've been able to come back anyways. He would have to retreat all his stuff to his backline and spend his single CP on returning the 30 Reapers that would unlikely have been able to charge anything, meanwhile abandoning the 3 other objectives for me to take for at least 2 turns in a row. It is another example of Great Green Hand of Gork being so damn good - I got it off, but even if I hadn't, he had to use 2 potential layers of screens to block his backend of the table. If I didn't have the teleport, he could have used the Chaindudes as additional layers. If there were 3 layers of screens between me and Nagash, I would have had a much tougher time getting to him. Been playing the same list for a couple of games now and really digging it. It generates the needed amount of Big Waagh points if you spend a single CP. You start with 3 with a 4+ every turn to get another, which is nice for the Waagh Banner. I've been toying with a lot more magic but feel like I'm spread too thin instead of focusing what we're best at - Smashing peoples face in. You also have 2 Mighty Destroyers which is great. You can get anywhere if you see a vulnerable spot, or if you manage to get a teleport off on the pigs or Maw Krusha, you can 100% secure the charge by placing them 12,5" away, then MD them just outside of 3".
  9. So with the FAQ the Nurlge DP can spend 1 CP to max cause D3 MW back to an opponent fighting your unit?
  10. Yes you may pile in and attack when using the Excess of Violence. Whenever you activate a unit that is within 3" of an enemy unit, you may make a pile-in move as per core rules.
  11. I would recommend Ironjawz - Very strong and straight forward at a base level, with the possibility of neat tricks to outsmart your opponent as you get more familiar with the army.
  12. Yeah that's why I said Metalrippers Klaw. Since other people wont be able to pick Ethereal either, his neg 3 will only be stronger vs heroes. He is a lot of points and 6 pigs will do as good of a job if not better at killing stuff. I've been debating going with 2x6 pigs too. The thing you pay for is fly and threat range though. It is the same reason I bring a Weirdnob and teleport spell - You really mess with the opponent. He constantly has to be aware of screening his backend or risk having a unit teleported in. I personally don't even count on getting the teleport off, but it means he cant just shove everything forward. If you see an opening you can sacrifice points for a +2 and hope for it to go off, but alas I never build around it. Maw Krusha with MD covers a lot of ground, so he has to be careful of this too. I think it is a really strong list. The Wurrgog looks great on paper, but personally I havent had much luck. His warscroll spell is great and the War Cry BS spell looks awesome too. I've just never had them go off where it mattered, so I would personally rather have a Weirdnob with Great Green Visions and Teleport spell. Having the possibility of teleporting a MK/Pigs 12,5" away from something crucial and then MD is just much more devastating than those Wurrgog spells ever can do imo. I would probably fiddle around with the points. Shave off 5 Ardboyz and make it 15/10/10 and then an Ironfist. Mighty Destroyers is just soo good.
  13. @Malakree Even though Ethereal Amulet is amazing, I would still consider running a Maw Krusha, maybe with Metalrippers Klaw. In a meta where high armor becomes more common, neg 3 is honestly really crazy. Who cares about rerolling saves if they have to save on a 6, or they simply dont have any armor. Even big boys like Archaon goes to 6+
  14. @JackStreicher What kind of lists did you play against? Im surprised the Ardboyz can kill a 3+ reroll 1’s Nagash with following FNP saves. I guess he didnt run with the PoN spell?
  15. Yeah I guess it makes sense atm, but alas I dislike that he's such an oppresive front figure of the entire Death faction bar maybe FEC. I find it boring and monotone, and it ruins the Death faction for me. That's why I was hoping for a new Death entity that would be their own, or something/someone would slap him silly and a couple of steps down the power-curve. But hey, each to their own. Maybe it is on purpose to make the Death faction different and stand out compared to the others.
  16. I think Beasts of Chaos fits very well in the Chaos faction from a lore point of view. There's the whole super anti-Order and also mutation thing going on etc. Suddenly changing the faction to Destruction would also mess them up on the table. Atm they are like spice - No good alone, but great when you sprinkle it on food (other chaos factions). Bullgors and stuff isn't too bad in a Khorne based army. Tzaangors etc. are quite strong. Gors, Ungors and Bestigors are quite strong if taken with Slaanesh. They are in dire need of a new book imo and of course it could remove the "need" for the other chaos factions to actually have legs to stand on, but alas I think the lore makes them right at home with the Chaos faction.
  17. My issue is that Nagash is just way too powerful in the lore. This leaves very little room for fun and rebels within the faction. As stated previously, I had hoped that OBR was their own thing and wouldn't care about Nagash, maybe even wanting to punch him in the face. I would love for some kind of necroquakeV2 where he messes up and a certain amount of power is gone. Leaving the other stuff an option. That or Gordrakk gets souped up sometime by relics and goes about to slap him silly. (Why GW did you have to mess up your chance with the Orruk Warclans tome? You had the chance of making him great again!) Anyways, the point is - If almost all Death factions are the same, I don't see why the way the Destruction faction is built is in any way limiting GW from designing new armies. If they can pull OBR out of nowhere, which is basically just more skellys when we already have plently, surely they can make more brute armies. Gorkamorka isn't a front figure at all unlike Nagash. All the Destruction factions are quite different, even if they worship the same dude(s). Hell, even Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz are thematically very different in nature.
  18. How is it different for Death? Every Death army is Nagashs puppets. I was really disapponted that OBR were yet again his toys, and was hoping for something ala Tomb Kings (not exactly them, Im not a TK fan) that were undead, but their own thing and had nothing to do with Nagash. Feels lame imo they are all one big happy family, and for someone not playing Death, they all feel the same.
  19. How do you guys transport your dudes? I've been using a storage/plast box with a magnetic sheet glued to the bottom of it, but I feel I waste a lot of space. I've been wanting to invest in some magna rack or similar with sliders, but I'm a bit worried a Maw Krusha wont fit in between the layers.
  20. I didn't make any in 2019. For 2020 I have rather simple goals: Paint all of my Ironjawz stuff. I have around 50 Ardboyz, 9 Gore Gruntas and 1 extra Maw Krusha that needs to be painted. Sell off my Beast of Chaos army - I have around 30 Tzaangors and 9-12 dudes on discs that I might keep if I fancy Tzeentch. All the other Ungors, Bullgors, Gors etc. needs to be gone. They just collect dust and I have no interest in the army. I switched to Slaanesh from Beasts of Chaos the moment preorders came up. Oh boy, what a ride. The Keeper of Secrets is such an amazing sculpt, every game my models packed a serious punch, but I started disliking how the army played on the table. Models are super glasscannon, and my games weren't very enjoyable for my opponent due to double pile-ins or Locus of Diversion. You could argue it is just "L2P" issues since there are ways to work around both, but at the end of the day, my goal with the hobby is to throw dice with nice dudes and have a laugh. Result = I need to sell off my Slaanesh too. If Seraphon turns out to be amazing, I migth pick them up a second army. I've promised myself to finish painting my Ironjawz first though. I've had my eye on KO and Tzeentch too, but I'll wait to see how they play before I start investing.
  21. Yeah I wonder how this affects their decisions. Like most Seraphon players have 100+ skinks. Are they hesitant to recreate a new skink model because of this? Maybe in fear of alienating consumers since many will then think "damn all these models are worthless now" even though you could perfectly play with the old version. On the other hand, they did recreate chaos warriors and knights - Maybe this was one-of-a-kind situation since the chaos warrior is a very unique model, and it is the base for the space marine etc. Very iconic model.
  22. Ahh that makes more sense - I thought it was one round of chopping 😉
  23. I was holding off doing it too, but after the recent waves of FAQs/changes to tomes they could very easily have changed Big Waagh to only include Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz. The Greenskinz warscrolls also got changed with our book anyways so the CA ability no longer stacks. I asked around in my local community and a guy had an old Orruk boss on a pig. He didn't have the upperbody or banner, so actually just gave it to me for free. I kitbashed an Ardboyz upperbody by cutting a bit at the bottom which fit somewhat. Then used the banner-arm and pole from the Ardboyz and I had a banner lying around from Bestigors when I played Beasts of Chaos, which slotted onto the pole perfectly. My kitbashed Orruk Warboss on boar looks somewhat like an Ardboyz model, but on a champion pig holding a unique looking banner. He stands out due the pig and smaller base, but at the same time somewhat fits into the army due to the Ardboyz bits. You could easily make a cool Orruk Warboss by getting a normal Greenskinz pig and kitbash a bit.
  24. I guess Nagash wasn't souped up with buffs? A Maw Krusha being able to bring him down in one turn seems crazy to me. I always saw him as kind of immortal.
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