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Turin Turambar

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Everything posted by Turin Turambar

  1. somethinhg I think could also be cool to see, is a subfaction of hysh (be it free peoples, or a light aelf subfaction) that are all about cold logic and the math of war. you see i really love the deathkorps of krieg and was reading the siege of vraks the other day (and imperial armor volume 12, can never remember its name) and (other than the cult of sacrifice) the main theme of the deathkorps is cold logic and the math of war. since Hysh is the realm of logic and mathematics (aswell as magic, light and speed [of mind and body]) it would make sence that atleast some in Hysh would view war in this cold logic and mathematical way, aditonaly you could have magical clones (like the soldiers in fate apocrypha, essentially vate born grown with magic), and an attriotion warfare army. if its a light aelf sub faction it could be the chaos cultists to the rest of the armie's chaos space marines. while most of the army is fairly elite aelfs, you can take some of these expendable hysh-deathkorps troops as bubblerap/or what ever. perhapps not my best idea but I still think this could be cool.
  2. but isn't Faerie Queen about arthurian knights? I don't remember actual fae in it (i could be mistaken though). but I still think since Tyrion is called the god of logic in at least one source his aelves are going to be magic/light/speed(a major element of the realm of light)/logic army.
  3. I have been thinking about Hysh recently (partly due to this thread), so I was looking at its lore... Hysh is a realm where reason and symmetry rule, and where purity endures the touch of Chaos. (So obviously reason, symmetry and purity will play a key role in Tyrion's light aelves) Transient Isles: A floating archipelago containing many aelven sanctuaries. The Dawnspire is located in the smallest of these isles. (so light aelves are likely to have lots of units that can fly, be it the aelves themselves or their mounts) Weaveweld Spire over the Dreaming Vales where stands bastion of the Swifthawk Agents. (so you could argue that swifthawk agents are one of the aelven subfactions more likely to be absorbed into light aelves) The realm is notable as being the home to a variety of Aelvish cultures... (there will most likely be a variety of light aelf subfactions like space marine chapters) A realm of symbolism and mind-expanding arithmantic lore (thus light aelves will likely be very mathematical), Hysh's interlocking planes are inhabited by people elevated to higher thought by the very nature of their homelands. The most part of their number have a love for reason and symmetry. Even the wordless tribes of the crystal caves are given to long periods of introspection, and the walls of their artfully sculpted tunnels are covered with intricate images and diagrams. The magical energy of Hysh does not coalesce into realmstone deposits as with the other realms, but travels the lands and skies as beams of pure yellow-white illumination. When the seers of Hysh learned how to harness these beams in magically-translucent prisms, the composite realmstone-equivalent known as aetherquartz was devised. It quickly became a sought-after resource, and gem-like beads, jewels and necklaces strung with that incredible substance took the form of currency across the lands. Those who wore jewellery made from aetherquartz found that they took its light into themselves, the gemstones growing dull as their intellects blossomed at incredible speed. Even their movements became swifter and more dexterous, for the stuff of Hysh lends the speed of thought to body as well as mind. (so light aelves are likely to take that aelven trope of swiftness and dexterity up to 11, and will likely have some mechanics revolving around aetherquatz buffs) Others, however, found their personal weaknesses brought out into the light by the power they held in their hands. The lure of pride and the pursuit of perfection blended together to create a spectrum of unhealthy qualities. These were hidden at first, but as the contest to become the purest and most intelligent grew fiercer, they were soon revealed. At first, the friendly rivalry between two scholars might see them raise the pillars atop which they meditated to ever greater heights, or make their robes grow whiter and more luminous than those of their contemporaries. (GW seems to be going with arrogance and the persuit of beaty as one part of the grimdark side of light aelves) "In Hysh luminous beings and angelic creatures of reason were born." (hence the idea that Tyrion's aelves will be angelic, what ever that means) Sources: http://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Realm_of_Hysh Warhammer Age of Sigmar Rulebook (2nd Edition)
  4. actually its very likely that 'bretonians' as we know them are coming back, as in an army who's focus is fast shock cavalry. knights are just too popular an image for GW not to make their own version of it. GW even left plenty of options open for it. either as a free people subfaction separate to freeguild (a feudal knights subfaction) or an equivelent to a imperial guard regiment of freeguild (either mainly aethetics like catachans to regular guard, or with actual rules and new units like deathkorps to regular guard). Aditionally we have events in the end times which can easily justifie 'bretonian' faction completely separate from freeguild (louen becomeing a god, plus although we know chaos new of the realm of haven it was never actually stated to have been destroyed and even hinted that it survived). in adition the lady is even mentioned in the lore in AOS (by deranged chaos troops, but still) which could simply be a nod, but it also means that technically bretonians were 100% squated. also they never said that bretonians were too generic (as far as i remember), that is what fans argued to justifie them being squated. however i have heard that GW admitted they actualy squated bretonia by accident (the gies converting empire to freeguild, etc forgot about bretonians). this makes more sence as the bretonian range was just as unique as the empire one. so actually i would argue that 'bretonians' (as in army style not necessarily lore) returning in some form is basically guaranteed, they may even decide to make order draconis into 'bretonian' elves (currently their stuff is too focused on their dragons and not enough on their 'knights' to be a 'bretonian' army). also you can easily argue that with very minor model modifications you can make bretonian models very unique. Additionally I think its very pretentious for ignorant fans to deside what GW can and will do. If GW decided to they could bring back any faction they wanted (and if they were too generic adding just enough to capture the old flavor while adding enough to make it trademarkable). afterall stormcast are basically just generic fantasy buff paladins with relatively minor unique features. If GW feel it will sell they will add it eventually, which combined with both bretonia's internet popularity and the popularity of knights in general, a knightly faction or subfaction with clear references to bretonia, is very likely. even if its a forgeworld army.
  5. who says bigger is better, massive and big is not something aelves should be. they should be graceful and tall yes, but not big. who says bigger is better if you can make your aelves just as strong but smaller, that is infact an advantage. why make your aelves bigger (and thus rewuire more resources) if it adds nothing but some thing that impresses (some) humans? none. its we already know teclis thinks the perfect aelves would be indoneth sized, so why wouldn't his brother? also large models are far too spacemariney. why play massive order troops with an anglic look when you already have storm cast (massive troops with an arguably angelic look). I predict the hysh aelves will be shorter and (much) more lithe compared to stormcast. and who said anything about tyrion or teclis wanting to control everything (that sounds more malerion to me), so I doubt your mindless aelves thing. no i think tyrion's aelves are going to be an attempt at making the aelves from the world that was, but better. mindless would make them like animals or undead, which is literally the opposite of superior and aelfishness, it would destroy any alefishness about the faction and you might aswell have them not aelves. If they give them major character flaws it will be that they lack emotions (at the most extreme) but more likely that they are super arrogant and racist and quick to anger (after all age of sigmar is about taking a theme/idea and turning it up to 11, and then to 11 again) their grimdark is that because they are superior in most ways to all other order members they are both extremely arrogant and racist. they can also inherit Tyrion's temper. and ofcaurse they will have mounts. every army needs centre piece models, that means big warmachines or big monsters/mounts.
  6. thats because aelven cities got taken over by humans, it was more wise to let friendly mayflies hold them so you can trade, rather then over stretch like silly dwarves. besides elves still control all our other colonies outside the old world.
  7. same, i have also been hoping for namarti with shields.
  8. yeah it ruined the dwarves so much they never recovered the only thing mayflies are good for is dying so an elf may live
  9. @Aelfric I hope not, I would hate if their entire range was large models, I wouldn't mind if some were larger but I would want and prefure them to be smaller then stormcaste I like my standard battleline soldiers to be roughly human sized (hence why I'll never play 100% [primaris] space marine or stormcaste or wraithguard armies) although I would prefure them to be tall, I don't own Alarielle but she is a god and thus should be bigger then non-diety elves (if you ask me) but i also don't have an idea how big she is ( i also can't find good pictures with another model for scale) as long as they look good though i will be happy (although perhaps disappointed if they are too big)
  10. gold coins would hold value because it is backed by the government that minted it which is backed by literal gods (like Sigmar) justt because massive amounts of gold are found doesn't mean gold coins won't be used, we after all use worthless paper as our money. gold has good advantages as a currency, its prity, it does not rust/decay and you can recycle it easily (meaning you can change the print to keep ahead of the counterfeit money) its only disadvantage over paper would be weight and (IRL rareity)
  11. didn't KO steal aether-gold from everyone basically, i feel gold and other stolen stuff would suite the Kharadron overlords the best, but remember we can probably only see a small part of the model and it could really end up being anything. also personally, i agree with @Nos
  12. @kenshin620 I still think pikes could work, they don't have to be true scale pikes they just have to be longer then regular spears... from this cartoon-thing if regular spears are the length of this gie's halberd you can still have models with pikes which are noticabley longer but potentially still short enough to be convenient...
  13. Is this still a thing, if so how soon till V1? some lore question-things: 1- if in your lore the Lady is still Lileath, is her daughter (who was sent to the pocket realm) around and doing stuff in your lore, I think she should be (she doesn't need a model but in her lore you could include that some think she has disguised herself as one of the top handmaidens sometimes) 2-Louen... "So it was that, courteous to the last, Louen Leoncoeur died in the precincts of the Temple of Shallya, far from home, ringed by the living and the dead. Even the Vampire Lord had a look of sadness as he stood over the Bretonnian's ravaged body, before finally retreating from the field. Louen was found hours after the battle had finally ended. Collected by his grieving knights, he was borne away like a hero, silently and in reverence. His body later melted into a pool of holy water as he ascended to godhood, part of Lileath's plan for a new world. Later, as Lileath held a meeting with the other Gods of the Old World, she turned to the Golden Paladin at her side, inspired by the loyal sacrifice he had made..."- https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Louen_Leoncoeur since many of the other gods servived (like sigmar and nagash) it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have Louen as a god in AOS
  14. also does anybody know/think freeguild will take a page from dog's of book and release A) pikemen (i think AOS's range for melee weapons always for pike) and B)pavises...
  15. I know, I mean if you look at the man in the last 2 pictures he has some roman groin things (cingulum militare). Idealy I would want 3 new types of freeguild (sort of like how the imperial guard get 3 types of plastic guard [even if 1 is technically scions]). 1 late medeival/renaissance style: one kit could come with moderised poses of humans in brestplates, and empire-esk clothes but has options for more heads (empire helmets, plus maybe conquesttidor or some other Tilean inspired helmet, possibly even imperial roman to channel that Luccini flavour) aswell as other accesories like various shoulder guards, knives and swords and leg armor, etc. another could be more knightly with full plate armor, but with options in the kit for different styles and accerories and the third could be more 'eastern', with options inside to make late roman/byzantine themed, eastern european and even chinese/asian styled armies (like haveing lamenar chest armor). then you could also have (perhapps forgeworld) expansions for even more variation...
  16. @Nos I agree, Asa Bretonian Fan I still hope Bretonian themed stuff will return (be it a sub-faction, like catachans or deathkorps for IG, of freeguild or [prefurably] as the survivors of Haven with a mixed elf-human roster) but I do not and will not get angry if it never happens. @Belakor these imply that the empire aethetic will remain... edit: if with some minor modifications
  17. Since I think the weld are supposed to be fairly well-educated members of a city, in that the Ironweld has spent a fair bit of resources teaching them duardin, and most like how to read and write, as well as how to make and operate their relatively expensive equipment. I, therefore, think Ironweld should not get any real chaff units (middling units at worst), why would the Ironweld use their relatively expensive members as chaff when free guild is both cheaper and more willing (and free guild are already a gunpowder armed chaff army anyway). However I do think there is a possibility for Outriders and a new unit which are basically dismounted outriders to have both Free guild and Ironweld keywords, the fluff being they are free guild members given the necessary training to use more complex weapons and thus are honorary Ironweld members and are more likely to fight alongside Ironweld. Pure Ironweld… For Battlelines; the first should be ‘Ironweld sappers’ (or perhaps called ‘combat engineers/pioneers’), armed with repeater handguns, regular blunderbuss, and grenade launching crossbows (like in ww1), as well as sachel/demolition charges (which could be thrown in the hero phase) and entrenching tools (sharpened shovels and pick-axes). Armor should be decent but not too good (5+ at best), standard battle line if Ironweld. These gies are a mixture of humans and duardin, though mostly human. These gies are young Ironweld members deployed to build defencive works and blow up obstacles (includeing the enemy). A ‘caster’ type unit, it could use casting type mechanics to summon/build terrian features (in a similar way to wild woods), but its not magic so it can’t be blocked, but had to be placed very close to the unit. The sprue can also be made into the Ironweld’s other infantry unit (which I’ll call Ironweld grenadiers). Terrain they can ‘build’ can be trenches/gun pits which add cover to friendly units (adding to any existing cover they may also be useing), aswell as laying ‘minefields’ (can blow up any units/etc that enter it, even friendlys [unless an engineer or sapper is within x inches])and ‘barbwire and cowtrop fields’ (which just slow the enemy a lot, but can give them a wound per model on 6/5+/-/1), this unit’s main benefitt is the ability to possibly change the battlefield, aswell as an ok (if a bit slow due to the weight of equipment and short range) infantry unit. Basically fantasy version of this gie. The second should be ‘light gun sections’, basically 1-3 light artillery pieces. A new kit, allowing for a Gatling gun type, a light mortar type (or perhaps light rocket), a infantry cannon type and velocity cannon. Small crews and overall low wounds, these gies allow a player to make a true gunline/artillery park army. The gattling gun will basically be a handgun with more shots (16” range, 3+ to wound, -1 rend, 1 damage), rocker/mortar will be a weaker hellstorm (2 shots instead of 3, and 4+ to wound, D3 max wounds), infantry cannon will be hellblaster stats but less shots (as its more like a small organ gun, D3 shots, rather than D6, also 4+ to wound), the velocity cannon meanwhile will a low caliber high-velocity cannon, designed to kill monsters, 1 shot, 3+ to hit (high velocity guns are generally quite acurate), 3+ to wound with -2 rend (designed to pen the armor of monsters and dragons) 2 damage (as its a small shell). The unit (well crew) will be combined with the gun (in the stats like modern artillery) and be armed with pistols (both for regular shooting an melee) can be ungraded for crew to be armed with repeating pistols or handguns. Conditional battle line: ‘Light steam tanks’, i have always been a fan of 1930s to early 40s light tanks and armored cars, this is basically it. Not normally battleline but if you take a steam tank hero it becomes battle line. Units of 1-4. For a description its basically a sentinel sized (as it will allow some nice 40k kitbashing) steam tank with only the turret (which is the same turret as the normal steam tank), sort of like a steam C&C scorpion tank. 7 wounds (as its small enough to get cover in terrian) and 4+ save. Weapons can be steam cannon, gattling gun (for mass rend -1), infantry cannon (or high explosives), or velocity cannon (for monster killing) the regular steam tank will also have these options (but gains the rule, large ammo racks, which allows it to re-roll ones), tank commander will be armed the same as current tank but also has the option to get a lance (as its turret is closer to the ground). This is probably small behemoth scale. Can add front mounted blade (for extra melee attacks) Tracks or wheels options (tracks are slower but get more melee attacks and can run in terrian, wheels can’t run in terrian but otherwise faster) orginal steam tank gets upgrade sprue added (for general mount, new weapons and track options) Scorpion tank for referance, imagine something roughly like this, but with steam tank turret and a steam engine in the bask... Steam tank tracks can look like this... Gyrocopter, same as is but with upgrade sprue for more weapons options (rockets), becomes battleline if general’s mount is a gyrocopter. So you can be like... Units Gun section (compiling existing 4 artillery into 1 unit same gun stats, crew now have pistols and upgrades), each section gets 1-2 guns of the same type) can add extra crew (5+ to shoot again, battalions that have 6 to shoot twice, become 4+), still counts as artillery so limited 4 units (but now can have 8 guns) Gyrobomber, same as before but now gets more weapon options Steam tank, changes already detailed in ‘light steam tank’ for turret, and tracks/wheels. Also more options for hull cannon, new upgrade sprue also adds option for assault tank. mining/siege drill, new steam tank kit. siege drill tank, which allows units to undermine and pop up anywhere (with restrictions) Steam powered version of this Assault tank, steam tank but no turret and a larger hull gun. Duel kit with light tank, Ironwld carrier transport (10 passengers), can take in units (so a unit of 3 can carry a unit of 30 infantry, or tow 3 guns). New duel kit, builds machanical beast cavalry, 1 shooter and 1 charger. Heavier then outriders, not as tough as the steam tanks (but faster) and not as dangerous as demigryph (can’t think of good stats right now) Lastly the 2nd part of the sapper’s kit, Ironweld grenadiers. Smaller backpacks and perhaps different heads. They are armed with the same weapons (but can also take long rifles [all models], blunderbuss grenade launchers, steamthrowers (like flame throwers but steam). Also have pistols and all have swords for melee. Still have demolition packs. Basically more elite sappers with less kit to lug around but no terrain abilities. Slightly more duardin then sappers. Last unit, behemoth ‘artillery’ see picture below... 4 heros, all have engineer keyword, and thus all give buffs to all the war machines (entire army save for the infantry), can ‘generals’ also give buffs to all units Human engineer (gunmaster) Duardin engineer (cogsmith) Human ‘general’ (Ironmaster), can mount in steam tank (or mechanized beast?) Duardin ‘general’ (runesmith?), can mount in gyrocopter (or light steam tank?) this allows for mass tank, mass helicopter and mass artillery builds, aswell as mixed forces.
  18. I can see that a lot of thought and effort has gone into this, but it doesn't feel anything like what Ironweld are like as depicted in current lore. for example, you make there quite clear class divisions, and the laborers seem expendable. while in the book Spear of Shadows by Josh Reynolds, all Ironweld are taught the language of the duardin, which implies a certain level of additional learning, which combined with the fact that they are supposed to be master crafters and smiths, who are never expendable, I doubt 'laborers' would be considered expendable. While nepotism and advancing due to family ties also seems to be seen as a bad thing in the Ironweld. In addition, they seem to recruit from the regular populous rather than interal families, that being said there are families that have a tradition of joining the weld. Further more those soldier’s who die maning cannons have their name enscribed upon that gun, which implies a certain level of importance and honor of being a gun crewman. As for look, it seems the Ironweld is going to be the ones keeping the empire look (while free guild change) as the cover art has the Ironweld character in very empire-looking clothes while the freeguild character has a new look. Based on both spear of shadows and war claw. In addition, I personally dislike mechs, but if Ironweld gets them then I would hope its more a walking tank then a strap-on exco-suit closer to this gie from Iron harvest... I also feel your cavalry striders are too close to Admech dragoons. The lore calls their non-tank/copter mounts are gear-driven beasts, which i think means that they will look more like mechanical animals, likely with metal jaws and claws, then simply legged machines. I also doubt Ironweld will be anything more then a sub-faction within the free peoples warscroll thus new (Ironweld) stuff will likely be limited. That being said I would love and hope they are expanded more upon to the point they can be played as pure Ironweld and do decently. I personally think the Idea of big guns (and artillery), (steam/clockwork)tanks and (steam/clockwork)helicopters should remain the focus of the faction, everything else should be support troops (even if they are battle line) I think. I also think the Idea of mixed human-duardin should be important. I'll go into detail in another post.
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