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Everything posted by AverageBoss

  1. You are ignoring an ENTIRE line of text. You can't just look at a single piece of a rule out of context, you have to read all of it. The LoN allegiances have this line of text "Gravesites have the following abilities:". That little line is absolutely critical, as it applies one instance of the listed abilities per gravesite on the table. So if you have 4 gravesites, you have 4 separate instances of IA, 1 applied to each. LoG is missing that line of text, which means the ability is applied to the allegiance. Since you only have one allegiance, you only have 1 (single) instance of that ability. And like EVERY OTHER ability in the game, it can only be used once per turn per instance (unless stated directly otherwise) in the ways its specifically says. And it says that you may once per turn select A gravesite. For LoG gravesites to function like the LoN gravesites, that line of text will need to be erratad back in, or they wound need to change A to EACH, or they would need to add in an extra line allowing you to use the ability once per gravesite.
  2. In the LoN it says EACH gravesite has invigorating aura. And that Each gravesite may use invigorating aura. In LoG it says that the Allegiance has Invigorating Aura. And that Invigorating Aura lets you select A (singular) gravesite each turn. Those two changes together make it RAW 1 heal per turn from gravesites.
  3. I might try out this list. Have not picked traits, artifacts, or spells yet though. Allegiance: Death Dreadblade Harrow (100) Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (140) Spirit Torment (120) Necromancer (110) Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140) 20 x Chainrasp Horde (160) 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Spears 10 x Dire Wolves (120) 20 x Grimghast Reapers (280) 15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270) Black Coach (280) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 153
  4. Tzaangors are not worth running in 10s, as they lose their extra attack far too soon. 20 or 30 is the way to go. There is not really a reason to run a horde of pinks imo. In fact I don't think I would run more than 10 in a unit. The horde discount is not exactly huge, and if split up, each is a wizard that can go for a different spell, provide an extra dispell, and give an extra potential mortal wound to that Tzaangor banner. On the numbers front, Tzeentch is a pretty elite army all in all. Acolytes are the only real cheap unit we have access to. Worth noting that each Pink is technically 5 bodies, though only a max of three of those will be present at one time.
  5. That would be because NH is a very low powerlevel book. It not only fairs poorly against Grand Host and Sacrament, but almost every other 2.0 and several 1.0 battletomes as well. And if we strip all NH out of Legions just to make NH on its own seem stronger (seems like a very backwards way of doing things imo), then by that logic we would have to strip the others out of Legions as they get their own books until Legions simply does not exist any more.
  6. Morghast Harbingers with halberds probably. They are far from points efficient, but they are probably our best ambush option by far.
  7. That would get me to quit Death honestly. It gets really old really quick seeing my army being split apart, then stitched back together, only to see it split apart again. I like having my vampires leading an undead army that includes ghosts. Can't do that with LoG. Even then its mostly Grand Host and Sacrament. Night and Blood perform nowhere near as well. The 2 former are simply stronger allegiances (in both rules, traits, and artifacts), and Nagash and Arkhan are also both magnitudes better than Neferata and Manfred. And once realm spells became a things, both of them got that much stronger.
  8. Its in the FAQ/Errata https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/age_of_sigmar_legions_of_nagash_errata_en-1.pdf There is also the brand new Legion of Grief in the new box set that just came out.
  9. FAQ states that all battalions have the keyword of their battletome and their GA. So the battalions in the NH book have the NH and Death keywords.
  10. Nope, there are two wording differences which I outlined above.
  11. That is incorrect. The battalions keyword also matters. If the battalions keyword is not your allegiances keyword but a viable ally keyword, then it and all units within it count as allies (even if those units would normally not be allies). If the battalion lacks your allegiances keyword and any viable ally keyword, it can't be taken at all. This is why the mortal Everchosen battalions have stopped functioning in god armies in 2.0 and why the BoC battalions had to receive errata to function properly. As for Gravesites, yes there are 2 differences between the LoN and LoG text that I see. Firstly, the line stating that "Gravesites have the following abilities" is completely absent in LoG. And 2nd is a single word difference, LoN states ..."while within 9" of THIS gravesite...", while LoG states "...while within 9" of A gravesite...".
  12. No allies listing for them? Guess we will have to wait on the GHB for that.
  13. We have seen the full rules and there are no battleline changes. Your options are Skeletons, wolves, zombies, and chainghasts.
  14. Neferata as well. I think I would be done at that point. It gets real old seeing your army split apart, stitched back together, then split apart again constantly.
  15. Remember that rerolls happen before modifiers. So an ability that states "reroll failed hit rolls" will never take modifiers into account, it just cares about your base numbers. But with an ability that simply states "reroll hit rolls" you as the player can take modifiers into account, rerolling dice that will count as a miss after modifiers are applied. Short answer, they are different.
  16. Lots of things could also change with the GHB, both with NH and LoN units.
  17. Only if they repoint all the armies that were made with thier free terrain in mind.
  18. Actually, only Grand Host gets extra battleline options. So its unlikely LoG will get any.
  19. I think it would be odd if they got everything other than Soulblight, one of their primary allies. If anything, I think they are the only for sure one.
  20. Prayers are abilities. And a model can always make use of any and all abilities it knows, unless specified otherwise.
  21. Greatblade. You want that extra swing with the rend -1 2 damage weapon.
  22. Tomb Kings have not had summoning since their 2017 update.
  23. Would rather have Abhorash leading the vampires personally. He could very well be "The Dragon" that was mentioned in one of the early AoS books.
  24. LoN heals also do not spill over. You can either heal an injured model, OR bring back a number of models with a combined wounds characteristic equal to your heal. You can't do both at once. So most of the NH and Legions healing is the same functionally, even though they are worded differently. Ruler of the Spirit Hosts and Nimbus of Power are unique though in that they bring back whole models regardless of wounds.
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