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Everything posted by Kitsumy

  1. We have plenty of things to use our cps haha. I always spend every cp on inspiring pressence to overcome our absurdly low leadership. Since nothing is worse than losing half unit on a leader check
  2. Because every idoneth player want be able to play with a mixed list with sharks. Turtles. Avatars etc. Not be forced to play only morsar spam if we want to have a chance of winning. Aand sadly this ghb didnt change that. Points reducttions were on rigth direcctions but they are ridiculous since are soooo tiny. Big units neded massive reductions like 60+ points only to start to be playable on friendly games etc. Those changes despite being on lots of units changed nothing. Since mixed lists will have only around 40-80 more freepoints. And we cant do anything with that. Maybe 1 cp? Or a endless spell. And the only competitive build will remain the same. Maybe sitting out the scryer since 130p for a useless hero only to arrive from a border isnt really neded on units that can move 20 and charge.
  3. Yes is nuts. Thats a 30% increase when in contrast totally overpriced units like the turtle got something like a 8% decrease or magic avatar got a 4,5% decrease. Those units were absurdly overcosted before. But now being 1 point cheaper will be autoinclude for sure haha. So a tipical tourney list with 30 baldys and eel spam will have like 100points less. That is 1 unit less. And that list wasnt toping charts. Was 5-6 place tournement wise. So it will go down sligthy. So our top list ( that wasnt so great) will be worse. But my mixed list with things like turtle.40 baldys. Sharks etc ( friendly list that was pretty bad before) only got 40p cheaper. Thats nothing. Only a usseless triumph! Yay I think the points changes should have been bigger. Like bigger nerf on eels and even greater reduction on the others units in order to get a balanced army. Rigth now we totally rely on eels. Since i dont see any reason to get thralls at 130points when swordmasters are better and now will cost 110-120 points.
  4. Yeah this did nothing.. Changes are on rigth track but numbers are waaay small. Even my diverse list. With only 6 morsarrs. Turtle 40 baldys etc got only 40points cheaper. So thats nothing since we cant get nothing with that. Only change for me is ill have a useless triumph on every game if they are called like that. I dont get the 30% increase on soulrender when the turtle only got a 7% decrease per example. And magic avatar?? It is way worse than any skaven verminlord. And still cost the double. Even a 100p decrease wouldnt be enough. But 20??? Thats a joke. And wont change anything. Best change for us in general book is the absurd megabuff on swordmasters. They were allready waaay better than thralls for me ( despite noone uses them). And they said 40 will cost only 380. So my guessing is they will go from 140p to 110p making them a total beast. Since they have a 4+ save rerolleable in shoting!! This works wonders for me with idoneth passive. And into melee they are better than thralls in big numbers since they figth in 2 rows instead only 1 of thralls. Reroll 1s to hit. Have better save and leadership. So. They were allready better than thralls. Heck they were the best elite unit with white lions for me. And they got a crazy drop in points!! Edit: gw failed again on article. Swordmasters are 380 for 30. Not for 40 like they said. So only got a useless max unit disccount.
  5. I dont get the irrational hate people has on eels. And the clearly false statement of them being overpower.... Facts are facts. Idonets are 5-6 thournamentwise. And that is being forced to play with heavy spam on eels.. If those eels are sooo broken as some people thinks with jokes like 40 points increase omg. Why arent idoneths on 1-2 spot???? Easy answer. Eels are perfect. And they only got a sligth increase for people cry about them. At least it wast a kneejerk reaction to those cryes and gw had some common sense there. And where are the huge reductions on avatars?? 40-80 minimun or 20-30 on sharks???? Those unit were unplayable. And faaaar worse than thralls. Thralls were overpriced yes. But they were pretty okish and dont deserve a buff before sharks then avatars , turtle and then thralls. But i have to admit that some nerfs to non codex armys arent ok. I only hope they have get new army rules on general book to make up for that.
  6. Wait for general book. It will come out soon. And im sure eels will be nerfed if only because non idk hates them. But hopefully EVERY other mini on the army get discounts pointswise to make them usables. So rigth now best advice possible would be to get only as much eels as he can. Since that is the only way idk can play competitive. But. I would advice to buy the battleforce. The starter and 1 akhelian king. Soulscryer. Since all this would be pretty cheap and would have every model on the army but some heros.
  7. Im sooo dissapointed by slanesh release I was totally sure that when slanesh would get a release it would be a dual or triple release. Slanesh+ ynnari/eldar renew. Or slanesh+tyrion/high elves massive release . Even with a huge dual box like we have seen lately. Only a simple slanesh release is sooo bland. How did slanesh scaped but we get nothing about his jailors?
  8. Sadly gw dont care about balance or what we say. Most of the people cry about eels being overpower. Everyone hates them. They are used a lot of soo all that means a huge points nerf by GW fir granted. Is the only way gw balance. Something isnt used ... We buff it to make people buy that mini more. Something is overused? Nerf it in order to force people to buy other models.
  9. Oh no i didnt miss the 2 rend. But since half the dmg is 0 rend and the other half is -2. Average rend is 1 in everything
  10. I really hope that be totally false since it would do morsar even bad. They are ok right now despite all the hate on them. Since even spaming them idoneths are around 4-6 th tournament wise. Morsars do 10.4 dmg IF they chargue. Around 8 if they dont chargue. People usually forget it and thinks they do his best always. But thing is at best they do 10.4 dmg with 1 rend. At worst 8 dmg without rend. So agerage would be around 9.2 dmg with 0.5 rend. For 160 points i think they arent so great when every elite standar unit do the typical 20 3+ 3+ -1 1 dmg atack for 140-160 points. So 9 -1 dmg average without any charge. So maths says morsar are perfect for 160. U could do a knee ****** reaction and raise it to 180 making his ability usable on every charge not only once. And of course coupled with huge disscounts on turtle. Avatars. Sharks and raise thralls weapons to 2" for god sake. But 200 points would make them totally useless. And waaaay worse than tank eels or even thralls ( that are allready subpar)
  11. Yes thing is morsar spam isnt so great numberwise. Tournament data shows they are around 4th. With flesh eater and skavens coming closer. So even the supossed op unit being spamed is ok. And every other unit are really overpriced. Per example u cant compare the crappy avatar against any verminlord. When he is worse than the verminlord and cost the double? Omg So yeah i dont get the hate everyone have on our eels. Since numbers show them ok. They are nice yes. But there are so many unit better and people dont cry so much about them. Im sure morsar will be nerfed on generals only for people hate. But i hope they do huge reductions on every other unit. So the only viable tournament build get nerfed but our casual lists using sharks. Avatars. Turtle archers etc finally be playable haha
  12. Of course not. Thats the reason i dont sell miniatures. So if i dont do something better i cant say something is badly done?i think it is called opinnion. On the bikiny reply. No i dont want that u have wytches for that. But they dont need to do so hyped abds. Mens can wear the same earrings. Make up and silky long hair as womens but do u see any mini like that ? I would like a normal female armor. Not a muscle men armor with a bump on the torso for the titst only.
  13. Hmmm i really dislike those ultra macho abs on a female and thoset squared ****** armor. Gw news minys are great but they keep showing me they dont have any clue about doing female models Aniway is by far the best stormcast they have released. She have way more detals than the others. More space betwen armor plates. Broken armor. Cloack with fur. Long hair. The shield seems more rounded and with higer details etc. I hate posterboys. But i would be temted to buy a full chamber with this level of detail despite gw could have done a most beautiful lwdy there
  14. My bet is malerion big dragon from base. The vessels are no doubt idoneth yes. But they are in a gold mountain and idoneth not use coins so far we have seen. So a dragon raiding the surface and taking down mountains of golds? Thats unlikely. Dragons have huge treasures since they sleep on treasure rooms or get new items when they kill the adventurers that comes by. But a dragon being underwater makes prety hard to someone comes to atack him. So i will say it is the base of a new shadow dragon like beast of new malerion elfs or even malerion himself.
  15. Oh im not conplaining about idoneths being bad lol. Im conplaining about being forced to play only morsar. And noone can deny this when every top idoneth list have 12+ morsars. Every list with sharks. Avatars or turtle are outside of top position always. So i would love to a sligthy tone down on too units like morsar. With a buff on others units. To keep the same power we have now or even sligthy worse but with more diversity on lists.
  16. Yes i agree. Idoneths are roughly 4-5 on tournaments data. And that is being forced to spam 12+ morsars. I dont know why people demand a nerf on them. When daughters. Nagash or stormcast are allready better than morsars. In fact find morsars are ok.i would even buff his once per game ability to once every turn. Since evocator ability is way better and can be used every turn. Archers must go down 20p. Sharks 40 minimun. Avatars 80-100 points minimun. Turtle 40-60. And maybe change morsar ability to once per turn and 20p increase? Soulscryer could take a 20p increase too since we are using him in every game. But tidecaster and soulrender could go down sligthy. Tidecaster is maybe the worst mage statwise? 1 is ok if u want reverse tides but otherwise she havent any cool rule. And save on 6s do 0 dmg in melee etc. If goblins mage cost 80p or new ratcasting 2 rerolleable spells cost 140 i dont see why our tidecaster can cost 100p. And avatars are waaaaay overpriced. Skavens verminlords and bell are the same bigass monsters with 2 casts. But they are better in everything than the avatar. Tankier. More dmg. Command abilitys great. Better auras etc. And cost 200-300points? Then caster avatar should cost 250p to match those beasts. But ofcourse that would be too drastical. But at least should go down 100points.
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