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Everything posted by Thorsten

  1. HEy, looking for an army trade of even value. If you have any interested PM me for pics.
  2. HEy, pls pm me if you have seraphon you want to get rid of!
  3. Hey mates, I have a fully painted FEC army consisting of: 2 Therrogheist + 2 not attached ghoul kings Arch Regent Varghulf 100 + Ghouls 15 Horrors 6 Flayer Corpse Cart Endless Spells Battletome Chanel Throne I am looking for Seraphon in a good condition. I dont mind painted. If you are interested, let me know and I will send you detail pictures. I am lcoated in Germany.
  4. Hey guys, i am looking for some trades , since i cant afford to by more models. I have a lot of chaos units for trade and crypt horrors. Fell free to pm me !
  5. Hey guys, I have the following units (primed if not stated otherwise): 2 GkonTG 1 Varghulf Courtier 2 Abhorrant Archregent roughly 80 ghouls 2 Crypt Courtiers 10 Horrors 3 Flayers (painted) Throne (sealed in box) All endless spells (sealed in box) I am looking for a mostly painted AOS army . Preferably Khorne, Gitz, Skaven or Idoneth. But I am open for inspiration. Pictures will be send if you are interested. My location is in Belgium, Europe. Kind regards, Thorsten
  6. The pre set up rules for the pre set up woods. And for all other woods only the restrictions on the warscrolls.
  7. Hey, I have the following mostly unpainted units: 3 Flayer4 HorrorsAbhorrant Archregent2 GKonTG~ 50 ghouls2 crypt ghoul courtier Varghulf Battletome Interested in Nurgle and sylvaneth spite revenats. Ask for pics if you are interested! Kind regards, Thorsten
  8. Hey guys. With the recent point changes, how do your Thricefold lists look like? Do you still take the Umbral Spellportal? For me it is and will always be an auto-include. I was thinking of: Melee GUO Support GUO Rotigus 30 Pb 30 Pb 5 chaos warrior Spellportal Geminids
  9. my take on them_: use them for small, horde battleline armies and add some extra highlight and shade and you will have a great mini for the average painter. For your big models still use your regular technique imo. cant speak for pro painting but i guess a good painter can make every colour and mini look amazing.
  10. Nurgle because of the amazing and huge model range. And as a bad painter they are also quite forgiving. Painting ugly models ugly fits =D
  11. Hey guys and girls, I have the following models: FEC Battletome 30+ Ghouls (primed, few painted) 9 Flayers (3 painted, rest primed) Abhorrant Archregnet (primed) Ghoul King (painted) Therrorghiest (primed) I am looking for the following (preferably unpainted) units: 5 Spite revenants (sylvaneth) Beasts of Nurgle Glottkin (nurgle) Gutrot Spume (nurgle) Maggoth lords (nurgle) For pictures and prices just pm me please! Prefer to sell/ trade everything as a whole. I am located in Belgium, will ship within Europe, buyer pays for it of course. Thanks for your time!
  12. What is the best FEC list at the moment? Still running Therrorgheist?
  13. Hey, I have the following units for sale/trade: Nurgle Exalted Great Unclean One 80€Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle 15€1 Unit Nurglings 20€Horticluous Slimux (Horti panted, Slimux primed) 30€Feldheer Nurgle Transportbox Foam 60€ FEC Partly assembled Therrorgeist/ Zombie Dragon 35€ 36 Ghouls (10 build, 26 painted) 25€ for 18 9 Flayers (3 build and magnetized wings, 6 build without wings/arms glued on yet) 30€ per 3 Abhorrant_Archregent (build and black primed) 30€ New FEC battletome 25€ Gitz Gitz half of Looncurse I am located in Belgium. the price is negotiable if seller buys several units. Pictures will be send after request. Please only request when you are SERIOUSLY interested. Kind regards, TR
  14. So this means you draw the line from the closest spellportal? or can you also draw a straight line from the spellportal further away (which would make sense imo)? Do you try to disspell it in round 2 when playing the thricefold?
  15. Could you explain me how the spellportal works I dont rly understand it.
  16. Hey guys, I just orderd a Start Collecting Box =D Is there a general consensus on which units are good? I rly only like the deamons are they a strong force? Cheers
  17. Hey, I am relatively new to Death. I plan on building a legions of sacrament army. Do you use wolves and skellis as battleline or only the grimghast reaper? I am rly not into ghosts but they seem to be core. Are skellis that bad in comparison? What are the pros and cons? Thanks in advance. Cheers
  18. Hey all, I would like to put my army for trade in this forum. But I cant choose the option to start a new thread. What do I need to do? Cheers
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