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sious_69 last won the day on January 10 2019

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  1. Thanks for the response! Seems to come back to that same struggle for points for a battalion, because I can't see a 1/3 chance for a CP being better than: Witherstave, Endless Gift, Rustfang, Ethereal Amulet, Ghyrstrike or Carrion Dirge? All feel like they would consistently perform as opposed to the Brooch. The downside of the Sorcerer Lord is simply the fact that he can be unbound, whereas the Warshrine is a 66% chance of working. Not accounting for unbinding Sorcerer Lord is higher chance of working, but does not passively buff the rest of the list, and has the risk of coming up against a list that can unbind easily. But there is definitely a discussion between the two worth having. I can see already how challenging it is leaving the Harbinger out. It seems extremely effective to hand out a 5+ save to most of the models in the list that don't already have one. He is in most that I write!
  2. Hi guys, first post in this thread but I just wanted to ask some general questions as I've not played much but done a lot of research and reading. 1. Lord of Afflictions. I look at his scroll and see a lot of good things, including Plague Vector allowing reroll of all attacks for Rotbringers, which includes the Glottkin, Blightkings and of course, himself. It is also rerolls for ranged attacks, making the Glottkin's shooting attack potentially more relialbe (although the 4+ to wound is still challenging). He seems like a very versatile, supportive piece that is hard to take out and can pump out some decent rend attacks as well, but I never see lists with him. Is it just the 220 pt cost the main reason he isn't taken? 2. Plague Squall. A lot of suggestions to take Plague Squall but it looks like a wildly unreliable spell that has minimal impact on the game to me? What am I missing? Is there a lot of two or three wound characters that are crucial to remove in the game? 3. Generally speaking, the command points seem pretty vital for Nurgle lists but the cost of most of the battalions seems quite prohibitive. Is it better to aim for 1950 and squeeze an extra command point into a list, rather than the battalions? Obviously the battalions come with other benefits but the only two battalions I've managed to make lists I am happy with are Thricefold Befoulment and Blight Cyst. They feel light on bodies but the benefits seem very worthwhile. 4. If you were taking a Warshrine, would you bring it in as an Ally instead of a Nurgle choice, and gain the Undivided ability (reroll hit and wounds of 1). It seems more effective than the Nurgle reroll all wounds, which with the wheel is potentially only rerolling 1s anyway? 5. Pretty much every list that I've written that I like includes a Harbinger of Decay, as it feels like he just adds so much survivability to any list. How often does he get scalpeled out and what are some good ways to prevent that from occuring? 6. Witherstave + Glottkin interaction. I have a list with the Witherstave and the Carrion Dirge and the Glottkin. My understanding of these interactions is - at the start of the Combat Phase I roll 2D6 for each unit within 7" of the Glottkin. If I roll over their Bravery, which is reduced by 2 because of the Carrion Dirge, they are -1 to hit. Assuming I succeed at this Bravery roll, when an enemy makes an attack, firstly if they roll any 6+ those are rerolled. Once all dice have been rerolled, -1 is added to the roll. Is that correct? Or does it work the other way, and the Witherstave not a good choice in that situation? Thanks, appreciate your thoughts!
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