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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Or they could just stop amending every warscroll shield to only work against melee attacks. Why do 90% of AoS shields not work against arrows? Does no one in the mortal realms know how they work?
  2. Stats are incredibly useful in the hands of the designers themselves. Quite necessary, even. However, I also think the obsession with stats is poison to the wider player community. The knowledge is given with the intent to do good; but in reality, it's only ever used as a vehicle for senseless outrage and vitriol. You have players complaining about lists that don't really exist outside of tournament top tables, about armies they never play against, and about scenarios that have been literally concocted in a statistical laboratory. It's all meaningless to the average dude or dudette playing games at the local store--except as an excuse to carp about things they heard on the internet.
  3. Ah yes, the reliable rumor source of "Spain." Thank you, the country of Spain.
  4. They tease us by putting all of the ogre models into other factions.
  5. Not saying it's likely. But if it was going to be a surprise, CA wouldn't announce anything obviously. As soon as they mention it, people would know exactly what it was.
  6. Saturday could be Old World or Total War stuff. It'd be weird if it was new edition AoS and they didn't just say it was AoS. Then again, they might just want to trick 40k players into watching it too.
  7. The Rumor Thread actually discussing rumors? A massive victory for everyone.
  8. I was also extremely skeptical, however, after doing some minor research, the dude was apparently a guest on TheHonestWargamer's show, and is a somewhat well-known player. I'm now less likely to believe he would make such brash claims without some degree of certainty. After all, he's risking his entire reputation on them.
  9. They clearly need to hire a specialist who can exclusively write rules for combat-focused foot heroes.
  10. Is there a reason people are taking any stock in this "leak" video? The Youtube channel only has five videos going back a few weeks. Is the dude some famous leaker I've never heard of? I just don't see where people are digging their feet into it. I want someone to tell me why I should believe any of it, because I really like what he's describing for 3.0.
  11. Mortal wounds as a mechanic is fine. The number and extent of attacks/abilities that have them is not. We're at a place where heroes and units are considered lackluster if they don't have mortal wound protection. So now everyone and their grandmother gets a ward save, even if it doesn't make much narrative sense. And the ones who don't have saves? Woe betide them and watch the avalanche of mortals crush them beneath the earth.
  12. I'm wondering if the 3.0 box for Destruction is just going to be a conglomerate of the different races, gobbos, orcs, ogres, etc.
  13. I'd also like to remind people of the very first BR piece of fiction. An orc is filled with energy and has visions of Kragnos, a primal god they clearly revere. I don't think an orc would be empowered and have visions of some random elf or chaos god.
  14. Not particularly. Despite all of the new releases none of it has piqued my interest. I just want Kragnos. I want new Destruction in my veins, TODAY.
  15. We're already there. Plenty of units have ridiculous armor/ward saves with rerolling dice. Almost every game you can expect to be against some kind of -1 to hit, some armies easily getting to -2 or -3 to hit. It's why so many warscrolls deal mortal wounds now, they have to in order to get past all of these stacking fortress armies like Lum, IDK, Seraphon, etc. We've had a crazy escalation of defensive power since the beginning of 2.0, and it needs to go. Give us a cap on debuffs and stop letting units get 2+ armor saves.
  16. Grungni is the ancestor god of mining and smithing. Belakor sees the dwarf with a pick and hammer. It's Grungni's return.
  17. I would love a more viable way to bring GA Destruction to the table. Half my armies are destruction, and I feel out of all of the grand alliances, Destruction is the one most at home in a messy soup of different races/factions.
  18. The Fyreslayer's battletome. Here's the reference from Lexicanum. "Rumours of Grungni’s return spread throughout the Mortal Realms. It is said that the Forge God has returned from his self-imposed exile and founded a new stronghold hidden beneath Chamon’s the mountains. Some whisper that, in solitude, Grungni is crafting something wondrous that will reunify the Dispossessed."
  19. It says in the Teclis book one of Neferata's agents is Jelsen. No assumptions, it says it quite clearly in the text.
  20. Not unwitting. This is what was hinted at in regards to his "lack of morals" and expulsion from the Order. He's a double agent of Neferata. Which is pretty awesome.
  21. Content creators who have contacts within GW have said it's happening.
  22. This stuff is the easy, generic, boring answer. I'm talking about what I want to see from the narrative pushing forward into AoS. There's literally nothing stopping them from making a new model for Arkhan as a sun spirit or whatever. They don't even have to stop selling the old model, you'd just consider it a battle during his time as a Mortarch. I can't predict what GW will or won't be willing to do, but anything is possible. Fortunately, as fans, we don't always have to look at things from the cynical, corporate point of view. I can tell you what though, bringing him back as the same old Mortarch, but merely calling him "enlightened" with a few fancy keywords...THAT would be the worst of all worlds---because who cares. Now we're getting into 40k lore where nothing ever really changes, and the same ****** wads are floating around doing the same ****** wad things for 20 years. In that situation I'd rather he just not exist.
  23. What if he shows up as a sun spirit to aid Tyrion's return. Redemption is a theme we don't often see among the main cast of Warhammer that I think could be deeper explored.
  24. The biggest problem with the narrative is Warhammer books is that a majority of it focuses around the battles. It is a wargame, but when reading fiction, you need strong characters you can relate to, love, hate, or simply understand. You don't get much of that in Teclis. Morathi BR definitely had more interesting characters who you understood and rooted for. Teclis is the "protagonist" of the latest BR book, but he's not relatable at all---whether intentionally or not, it makes for someone we don't particularly care about. He's too infallible; too "godly" with no personality to make up for it. The other main characters in the book are given brief histories and descriptions, but other than their grand war plans, we experience nothing, and learn nothing from them. Alarielle is probably the most interesting character in the story, and she's not even really in it, only appearing in side-blurbs with Teclis. There are a handful of fun excerpts: The Archregent who ruined everything, Alarielle's fight against Nurgle, the lands at the edge of Hysh... Overall, it was alright. Nagash clearly isn't actually dead, so the whole thing does feel a bit like the end of an Inspector Gadget cartoon, "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME GADGET!" Too much of it revolved around venerating the Elf-lads, even if it was their book. Not much else happens other than Lumineth v. Undead. The outcome is difficult to gauge; it's more ambiguous than the direct consequences of Morathi's ascension. The most intriguing tidbit - What is Tyrion fighting against that's worse than Nagash?
  25. So are the heroes exclusive allies to CoS and Order?
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