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Everything posted by Ratcliff

  1. Just digging through my library and found these two here, can take better ones when I'm home but you might get the idea. One is just the army on their trays, the other is the baking tray hanging upside down with the movement trays attached
  2. Yeah, tbh I would advise anyone using a hoard army to get a magnetised setup, because even the process of unloading and arranging the units of your army properly can take ages (was sometimes 30 minutes for me!). I bought standard 25mm movement trays (straight lines) from element games. When it became clear that I needed to magnetize, I bought 200 rare earth magnets and bags of small metal washers. I glued the magnets into the trays and the washers underneath each model and voila! There are pre-magnetised trays I probably would have bought had I known I was going to do it in the first place. The last tournament I was at, I magnetized baking trays into a large case. The magnets on the base of the movement trays were strong enough to cling to the removable baking trays, so I was able to take out 40-50 rats at a time in perfect formation. The case needs a bit of work (the baking trays would slide left to right in the case during bumpy parts of the journey and dislodge some of the movement trays), so I need to put in buffers to keep the trays in a fixed position left to right
  3. I've started using magnetised moving trays, has really helped
  4. I reckon Lord of Blights could be a decent ally choice for anyone running 40 man blobs of monks, but that is based on nothing, have yet to test it out Here's a sample list I was thinking of Allegiance: PestilensMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersPlague Furnace (180)- General- Trait: Master of Rot and Ruin - Artefact: Liber Bubonicus Plague Furnace (180)- Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak Lord of Blights (140)- AlliesBattleline40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Clanrats (200)- Rusty SpearBattalionsCongregation of Filth (170)Congregation of Filth (170)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 340 / 400Wounds: 231 4 drops, 200 rats. Would get first turn most of the time and could use Plague Furnace buffs and LoB command ability to make 1 or 2 blobs of monks an absolute nightmare to deal with. Has no magic though, so alteratively could swap out the clanrats and 10 monks for a Corruptor and give him a relic instead of one of the furnaces
  5. Plague Monks are incredible unit, and possibly one of the hardest hitting in the game, but there's more to aos than just running into things and blending them. Pestilens lack and ability to threaten things at the back of the board, their battallions aren't great and they lack any real ability to do something unpredictable or different that the opponent hasn't factored in. They're not a bad faction but have to be pretty direct which makes it easy for good opponents to defend against them. And, as somebody mentioned, Daughters of Khaine are Pestilens except 20 times better
  6. Played a two-day tournament at the weekend, did okay. Fell short of my 3-win target, with 2 major wins, 1 minor loss and 2 major losses. Should really have won the minor loss, but a bad decision and a lack of experience proved my undoing. Still, learned a couple of things: I would advise people not to max out every unit, it made such a difference for me compared to my last tournament. 40 plague monks suffer debuffs, wound contagion and inflexibility, so the saving you make on having 40 of them isn't worth it. One big blob and loads of units of 10 are the way to go I'm starting to look at Plagueclaws again, really need a way of troubling the back of the board I have yet to find a decent role for the Verminlord Corruptor. Good players are too savvy at protecting their heroes, so Sword of Judgement rarely pays off, giving him prayers and making him a pure buff unit has been my best utilisation of him thus far. I'm still not a very good player, so maybe there's something I'm missing Clanrats are the absolute business, taking 40 more of them from now on Next tournament in January. Hoping for 2 wins out of 3, will consider anything else a failure so gotta get practising
  7. Very unusual list Aiden, fair play. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Trying to add gutter runners to my own list now too. Best of luck!!
  8. Thanks for the advice! I'm investing in 40 more clanrats anyway, might throw them in at the expense of a Furnace. Was also thinking of giving my Verminlord or a Plague Priest the Liber Bubonicus instead of trying to equip my Verminlord for combat. I have found my best games so far have been keeping him behind and using him as a buff. A Verminlord sprinting out and fighting something is the hallmark of a game that has taken a turn for the worst. Killed all his dragons apart from one, which had an artefact that meant I couldn't attack him until he attacked me. That was all sorts of grief that I wasn't ready for. Also, there was a special rule for the entire game where rend didn't count, so his stuff dropped far slower than normal. I also didn't realise you held objectives even if they are abandoned. So I didn't know that he was clocking up points for the objectives he vacated. I really have to get rid of the residual 40k in my head, some of my calculations and moves are still heavily affected by it! Will definitely start retreating more, I don't think I did it once in any of my games.
  9. Hi Aiden, wanted to let you know how I did. Overall, I got one win and two losses. First game against Seraphon, lost by two points. I deployed terribly (more on that later), and almost clawed it back at the end, but it wasn't to be. He was a very good player and had these things that could deep strike within 3" that wrecked my backline. I hadn't played against Seraphon before, so possibly should have done more homework. My opponent went on to win the tournament. Beat Ironjaws in the second round, and it was a hammering. He charged everything into my clan rats first turn and killed them all. Then my Plague Monks proceeded to charge into his units and practically wipe his entire army. He conceded. Third game was against Order Draconis. Not a bad matchup, but the mission wasn't ideal. 3 objectives each in our territories and we had to hold them for as long as possible. He penned me in first turn (everything could just move over 20"!) and I had no opportunity to get up the board to threaten his objectives (I found this to be a general issue with my list). I killed far more points of his stuff, but struggled to play the mission. I'm not too downbeat, as they were only my 4th, 5th and 6th games of Age of Sigmar. Learned a lot and hoping to win at least 2/3 in the next one in January. One of my most enduring enemies of the day was a giant pyramid terrain piece on the table where both my losses took place. My seasoned opponents knew what a pain this would be for me and plonked me in the territory with it, often walling off up to a quarter of my hordes. I completely made a mess of this first game, deploying my clanrats in a way that they couldn't get out of the thing. My opponents, with all of their flying units, took full advantage and it ended up being a deciding factor both games. Really enjoyed myself though and can't wait for the next one! Attached my list and a picture (with that effing pyramid making a cameo ?) WarscrollBuilderList (1).pdf
  10. Oh cool. Why is that? Bear in mind curse of rust is a realm of Chamon spell and the tournament is set in Chamon, so I think I'm okay?
  11. I'm too new to AoS to know tbh, but I know a lot of Plague Monks is a must. This is my list for an upcoming tournament. Prayers are the name of the game according to Aiden Nicol, and he seems to know what he's talking about. Tried to combine that with plenty of tiny paws on the ground, will let you know how it goes. Allegiance: Chaos - Mortal Realm: Hysh LEADERS Verminlord Corruptor (220) - General - Command Trait : Master of Rot and Ruin - Artefact : Blade of Symmetry Spell: -Curse of Rust Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80) Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80) Plague Furnace (180) Plague Furnace (180) UNITS 40 x Plague Monks (240) Foetid Blades Icon of Pestilence Doom Gong Bale chimes Contagion Banner Plague Scroll 40 x Plague Monks (240) Foetid Blades Icon of Pestilence Doom Gong Bale chimes Contagion Banner Plague Scroll 40 x Plague Monks (240) Foetid Blades Icon of Pestilence Doom Gong Bale chimes Contagion Banner Plague Scroll 40 x Plague Monks (240) Foetid Blades Icon of Pestilence Doom Gong Bale chimes Contagion Banner Plague Scroll 40 x Clanrats (200) Rusty Blade, shields, bell chimers, standard bearer Allies TOTAL: 1900/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 246 LEADERS: 5/6 BATTLELINES: 5 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 3/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ALLIES: 200/400
  12. Yeah, looks good. Would probably drop the congregation for more rats and give the Verminlord a realm artefact, but that would do decent enough imo
  13. I have all the faith in you to crush the normies. Will be keeping an eye out on the blog during the run-up to it. I'm taking part in my first AoS tournament myself next weekend. Your blog has been my bible these past few weeks, so hoping to do well
  14. Played a 1500pt battle tonight against overlords, a good win for the rats. Rallied after losing 60 lads in the first turn to shooting, plague monks were utterly ferocious once close combat started. I'm of the opinion that battallions for Pestilens are not worth it, apart from the Plaguesmog, and even then I'm not sure. Better to have more bodies
  15. What about 10, 10, 40? Deploy your small units right on the edge of your dz, making sure nothing can get past, and having the 40 man blob about 6" behind to smash anything that gets caught in your net
  16. Big fan of your blog Aiden all the way from Ireland. When is your next big event?
  17. Plus, blades are far easier to paint, a serious consideration if you're fielding 100+ of them which most lists will be doing. No way am I painting a hundred sticks with little thingies on them
  18. This is my dream. I'm a bit far off though, only 120 painted
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