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Everything posted by Ratcliff

  1. As far as I know, you have to attack if you're in combat. Fighting won't affect FP anyway, only moving or piling in will
  2. LoB is Legion of Blood. Really well painted army by a top bloke called Kevin. Here's my list Allegiance: NurgleLeadersGreat Unclean One (340)- General- Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell- Trait: Grandfather's Blessing - Artefact: The Witherstave - Lore of Virulence: Glorious AfflictionsPoxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120)- Artefact: Tome of a Thousand Poxes - Lore of Virulence: Favoured PoxesLord of Blights (140)Battleline30 x Plaguebearers (320)10 x Plaguebearers (120)10 x Plaguebearers (120)Units3 x Plague Drones (200)40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades- 1x Icon of Pestilence- 1x Contagion Banner- 1x Doom Gongs- 1x Bale ChimesBattalionsTallyband of Nurgle (220)Endless Spells / TerrainUmbral Spellportal (70)Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 133 Bear in mind, this was just before Plague Monks got a points increase. Overall happy with how I played, though I made a fair few mistakes and bad decisions. The main problem I have is remembering everything (contagion points, cycle, hero phase stuff etc.), Nurgle really are an army with a few moving parts. But the first game of the tournament was only my 4th game with them, so steadily improving. I'm aiming for a lofty 4-1 at the GT, will have to play loads before then
  3. Switched up from Skaven to Nurgle recently and loving it. Went 3-2 at the Essex GT in Wayland Games, finishing 14th out of 54, so not bad. Won games against LoB, Gloomspite and Stormcast, with hard fought losses against Sylvaneth and Khorne. Was going to take Skaven to Age of Sigmar GT in Nottingham but think I'm going to go with Nurgle now, I enjoy how weird they are to play
  4. I'm creating a Ghandi army, those Plague Monks are coming out and something that hits like a pillow is coming in. Going to make sure I get zero next time
  5. It's ridiculous that there aren't more combat activations in the shooting phase, Games Workshop really need to get their act together
  6. I've only been playing a year, but it seems to me that Age of Sigmar suffers greatly from a lack of activations. Units can only activate combat in the hero phase, start of the combat phase, during the combat phase, end of the combat phase, straight after they fight, straight after they die, and straight after they fight after they die. Sometimes you even have to spend a command point to do this. This means some units can only fight 4 times in a single turn which just isn't enough. I'd like to see this issue fixed. I was thinking 25" pre-game pile-ins at the start, middle and end of the pre-game setup, with additional counter pile-ins to allow an opponent to respond accordingly. Then at the end of the game, when players are packing away, there could be post-game pile ins into your opponent's case that, if successful, means he can't use the dead unit the next game. This would go in some way to solve the lack of activations in the current game I think What else do people think we need to address? I think Hearthguard Berzerkers are too easy to kill and the Warp Lightning Vortex should be reduced in points by about 60%, but I'm just spitballing
  7. I second this, and I really enjoyed our game Aaron. Was very annoyed to see that you somehow got less kill points than me at the end, I thought for sure I would win the pacifist award -Ciaran
  8. Yep, that's what it looks like. Makes an SoJ Corruptor a real threat that can alter the way your opponent plays
  9. Well a couple of reasons. I run a Pestilens list, so a Deceiver just isn't an option for me. I run a Warpseer as general, but I only use 3 other units apart from that (Corruptor, Furnace and Monks) so my battleline can be Plague Monks. Even if I did want a character killer, I wouldn't go with the Deceiver. His average wound output isn't the best, and he doesn't have anywhere near the same odds of one-shotting a character as a Corruptor with SoJ. And at 300pts, there's very few characters he will be killing that will get his value back. Teleporting within 6" of your opponent seems good at first, but then he's out on his own, with no screen and an average wound count. Could be a decent shout late game, or with a gnawbomb, but he's a lot of points for a niche role. Corruptor with SoJ is cheaper and a better all-rounder. His spell is like an atomic bomb to hordes.
  10. More than well. Have only suffered one loss out of 15+ since the tome dropped. In my list, its a toss up between SoJ on my Corruptor and Liber on my Furnace. The extra prayers and possibility of a great plague are nice, and can deal some damage at range, but the reliability of the SoJ and it's sheer character killing potential is nice to have, especially for cutting through ethereal ZDs and such. And because he's not my general, and his 5++ makes him deceptively durable, I can afford to be a little careless with him when I stomp him up the board. He kegged an FEC general the other day, was nice
  11. I run both. Corruptor as a horde and hero killer (Sword of Judgement) and a Warpseer as my unkillable general with command point farming skillz and battleshock immunity bubble
  12. There's plenty of ways to skin a cat. A net list will win nothing if you don't know what you're doing, so just experiment and see what works. I run a pure Pestilens list that rarely lets me down
  13. Buy 60 clanrats, a Verminlord Warpseer, Warp Lightning cannon, Engineers and some Jezzails. Put whatever you want in after that
  14. 1. Pick 160 Skaven 2. Move Skaven up the board 3. Hope you have enough Skaven left to win at the end of the game Subscribe to my Skaven Tactical blog pls
  15. It works well in your head, but in practice, running Monks up the board en masse will lose you a lot of games. They can only move 6" and work better as a counter-punch army. Going second is actually better for them in a lot of scenarios, especially against a heavy hitting army that can lay waste to you with one double turn. Not to mention missions like Places of Arcane Power that are reliant on heroes and wizards for pointscoring. Plague Monks are an unbelievable, heavy hitting unit but, as I mentioned, taking them in the numbers you suggest means they will be fulfilling other roles they are unsuited to and their area of efficiency is wasted in most cases. As with any good footslogging army, it's about balanced unit selection, good screening and zoning, picking your charges wisely and retreating at the right times. A good player would wreck 5 blobs of 40
  16. Tbf, I can see their utility at 1000pts, but I'm not convinced of their usefulness after that. 80pts for a character that doesn't have any way of buffing your own army and only a 13" threat range. I'm going to to throw one or two into my list and see if I'm terribly wrong!
  17. I play pure Pestilens and, while they are powerful, I don't think they are OP and won't be troubling the podiums any time soon (though you will see a lot of Plague Monks podium in mixed Skaven lists). They are efficient at what they do, which is put out a load of pain from up close in large numbers for a very low cost. However, if you are running them in their hundreds, you won't get anywhere close to optimising that function. You will have to screen with at least 40 of them and set aside a few more to protect your own objectives. Clanrats are far better and more points efficient for those 2 latter roles. Some people seem to make the mistake of seeing Sigmar as a purely output driven game, in which case you would consider Plague Monks pretty close to perfect. But you lose all sorts of flexibility. No WLCs or jezzails to take out characters, no tough chaff to hold fiercely contested objectives, v little speed or ability to get around the board and, in reality, we only have 3 good units now. And of them, even the Corruptor is just an amazing spell in an average unit, and the Furnace needs rats to push it around. The Plagueclaw is probably the biggest waste of 160pts you'll find in the game, and Plague Priests have become useless overnight. Wither and rabid fever are gone as we knew them and Plague Monks put out, on average, a fair bit less damage now, particularly in low model units. We're still very good, but far from overpowered
  18. It's also quite pointless. What do you need to wound 183 times?
  19. Yep, spellportal for dreaded plague, it was a really useful combo for me. The most trouble I had was in my draw against another Skaven army. It was Starstrike, so it was a cagey game waiting for the objectives to drop. I had no way of hurting him at range, while he had guns and WLCs. The game I lost was against Stormcast. It was actually my first ever game against a Stormcast army, and I think I would have done a lot better had I known more about their units and synergies. But he was a v good player, and punished my errors well The only reason I had blades was because they were already built that way. Blades used to be better and far easier to batch paint. I'm also still not convinced staves are better anyway. They definitely are in completely optimised situations, but I have yet to find myself in such a situation. Blades are better all rounders imo
  20. Allegiance: PestilensLeadersPlague Priest on Plague Furnace(180)- Artefact: Liber Bubonicus Verminlord Corruptor (260)Verminlord Warpseer (260)- General- Trait: Master of Magic - Artefact: Suspicious Stone BattlelineUnits40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades40 x Plague Monks (240)- Foetid Blades20 x Plague Monks (140)- Foetid Blades20 x Plague Monks (140)- Foetid Blades20 x Plague Monks (140)- Foetid Blades20 x Plague Monks (140)- Foetid BladesBattalionsCongregation of Filth (160)Endless SpellsGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)Umbral Spellportal (60)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 197
  21. Played in heat 1 at the weekend, came 26th (yes-yes) with a 3-1-1 record. Slightly disappointed not to finish higher but had a great weekend and learned a lot. Got to play Gary Percival's Skaven and delighted that he nabbed second place with his rats. Roll on September!
  22. He likes writing weird lists and seeing how far he can take them. Genuinely reckon he would podium if he was in any way interested in taking a top tier faction. Which he's not
  23. He took Huskard on Stonehorn, Fungoid Shaman, 3 units of 4 mournfang, Stonehorn, Joralbad battallion and geminids. He's a very good player
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