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Lucky Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Lucky Snake Eyes

  1. you only gain access to their respective spell lores if you are their allegiance. If your allegiance is BoC then you don't get the hedonites spell lore, because you are not a hedonites army, even with the depraved drove as you still have to choose your army allegiance at the end of the day.
  2. i want 20... albeit the immune to battleshock spells and warshrine prayer do mitigate that issue, unless the debuff also counts towards bravery tests for spells and abilities like nighthaunt.
  3. It would be pretty cool to see a duality of wizards, one who seeks pleasure through magic and is a healer with some healing bound spell and one who seeks pain through overcharging their magic and risks hurting themselves for better casting or something. See geedubs? Designing slaanesh isn't hard! Instead we get the generic sorcerer lord, but at least he somewhat helps with our poor armour save problem and his spell really helps daemonettes if their losing out on the reroll from the banner.
  4. I mean hey, it's not just getting high and laid that slaanesh is about. Pursuit of martial perfection, the desire to accrue a legend and tales about ones victories, the pursuit of pain through combat, the desire to defeat all opponents and overcome all champions. There are a lot of fluffy hooks as to why slaanesh worshipers would pursue war.
  5. It's a fair point, I do it all the time because their are so many shooting armies in my local area. But by that same logic the same goes for the other gods as well so the disparity for slaanesh in comparison to the other gods doesn't change. I would hope that if soulblight ever get's a full release that they'd incorporate flesh eaters and legions in some way since ghoul kings are technically vampires unless the new book retconned that. As for fyreslayers yeah they're in a bad spot for models but from my brief time playing against the new ones their rules seem to have gotten really solid at least.
  6. I missed the livestream due too work so hopefully someone else in this thread can correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember people quoting them as having said "mortals are not in this book because we haven't figured out how we want to do slaanesh mortals yet" Obviously paraphrasing a secondhand source here so hopefully someone who saw the livestream can confirm the quote. Besides they probably won't do a full book if they do get around to it and do something like a supplement book akin to the shadowspear supplements for 40k with just the new warscrolls and maybe command traits and artifacts specific to mortals. But if it does happen then it would definitely be much later down the line possibly as a foil to one of the major aelves releases for a dual box themed around a slaanesh jailbreak or something. Slaanesh being freed does sound like a good reason for a bunch of mortals to roll up on the aelves doorstep and for the aelves to get off their butts and start doing stuff in the lore so that all the bereaved high elf players can feed their addiction like the rest of us.
  7. I can see your point with the model ranges but I'll also point out that most of your examples are newer armies, meanwhile slaanesh has been around for decades and still ain't got squat for mortals. And yeah the slaanesh rules are disgusting and that's coming from a slaanesh player. Seems to me like they are a surprisingly well themed yet nonetheless reactionary counter to the growing prevalence of FeC and other 'fights first' rules being abused in the meta. If it's any consolation shooting looks like it will be the bane of slaanesh since we're losing the crazy speed buffs godseekers used to have and our low armour saves will leave us defenseless to shooting armies, especially ones with rend like shootcast.
  8. This one hurts me a little, but if we are getting a separate mortals book down the line then I hope we'll get some sweet new named characters and some mortals that can really play with the precedent set by hellstriders and have debuff gimmicks or buff up the more pain is being dished out. I could see flagellant type bdsm freaks that buff up or gain attacks the more of them die in a unit or perfectionist armoured knight type units that get bonuses for fighting other elite units. I'd be real happy if we saw the return of Sigvald or at least mirror guard but the former seems pretty unlikely. Still mirror guard as a bodyguard unit for your lords seems neat. I'd love to see a mechanic where the lord can admire his reflection in the guards shields and not be able to attack but in return the guard can take wounds for him
  9. They'd be great for undivided or khorne chosen, but they're a little too brutish for slaanesh chosen. Hence why "sleeker" looking models like liberators or sisters of silence will probably be my go-to since they fit the slaanesh look with a bit of converting.
  10. No I mean despite using the battalion as a means of taking bullgors and bestigors, they will only count as battleline if your armies allegiance is BoC, if you choose hedonites for your allegiance then they wouldn't fulfill battleline requirements.
  11. Fair point, Shagoths also seem like a good investment being a meaty hero that can heal for even more sweet depravity.
  12. I don't think bullgors and bestigor count as battleline outside of boc, just gors and ungors. Still ungor raiders that hit twice on 6's might be nice
  13. Because they always reuse old art and it's cheaper than commissioning new art for everything.
  14. Bite your tongue good sir/madam/incorporeal monstrosity! You defy everything slaanesh is about! And like I said in an earlier post, it's a shame that they're breaking the precedent on god armies, but at least our rules seem really solid out the gate, meanwhile khorne took 3 books to get to a decent state. Something can be said for unit bloat hurting rules coherency.
  15. Yeah, and while a lot of the khorne and nurgle stuff is from wfb, all three of the other gods have significant mortal choices that slaanesh lacks. So GW is kinda going against the precedent they set for chaos. On the bright side khorne took 3 books to get where they are now rules wise, meanwhile we may lack units, but we seem to be getting really solid rules. perhaps unit bloat does hurt the rules coherency of an army, but still having more than hellstriders would be nice.
  16. I feel like maybe they will take the extra attacks for kills mechanic and expand on that with a spear dedicated variant while the whips and debuffs get their own variant that are hopefully independently stronger at the cost of losing the overlap of having both abilities.
  17. They set a precident of not having god keywords on the darkoath specific heroes. Their might be named characters with god keywords but I woudn't expect much else.
  18. I missed the livestream but a friend who was watching told me they where still "thinking about how we will do mortals". Can anyone confirm this? If this is true then we'd be the first army to have two separate books for mortals and daemons which would be kinda neat but might go the way of chaos space marines and daemons of chaos in 40k. Still if they can come up with enough for a whole book that would be cool, especially considering khorne mortals can pretty much make up an entire book on their own.
  19. Being fresh outta college I am glad that is not a concern of mine yet... instead I've got the government breathing down my neck on student debt... yeah that chosen conversion may take a while to happen lol
  20. I mean if you really don't like your wallet you could shill out for 5 exalted deathbringers for big shirtless men to make chosen...
  21. I think the incubi might be a bit on the small side but I do like the idea of using sisters of silence for the basis of my mirror guard, would also help diversify my army with some more female models since the only one I have is the valkia i'm converting into a winged war queen. If i swapped out the shoulderpads and maybe the helmets, then with the right paint job and some bits i could replace the rest of the imperium iconography with a more chaos look.
  22. So I really want to run chosen, but really don't like the current sculpts for them. So now I have the bright idea of kitbashing my own. Problem is I'm stuck between two ideas: The first is to play off the greek theme shown off in some of the slaanesh artwork for mortals, my idea is to take Idoneth helmets and put them on the bodies of kairic acolytes, replacing the shields with marauder round shields and adding some slaanesh iconography here and there. The big axes carried by some of the acolytes already looks good for the chaos greatblades chosen are supposed to have so that's a plus. The second idea was somewhat inspired by Slaanesh's good old boy toy Sigvald and his mirror guard. This idea would involve taking some stormcast bodies, which i'm currently stuck between using liberators or the winged ones (I can't remember their name for the life of me) and replace the shoulders, heads, weapons and shields with leftover bits from my chaos knights, then paint them up to be as shiny and obnoxiously silver and gold as possible. Anyone have any preferences for which I should go with or have any other ideas to pitch in?
  23. So I've finally tried taking my hosts of slaanesh to a tournament and pulled a pretty significant win streak of 3-0 with an 87 point total. You may ask what my secret to victory is, what crazy kill list I brought or how many daemonettes I threw at my opponent. But honestly my list was sub par and built around a joke strat that worked way better than it had any right to. I ran a single 30 stack of our favourite daemon ladies along with 2 units of hellstriders, a KoS, enrapturess, exalted chariot herald and had the bright idea of running a gaodsworn champions of ruin battalion consisting of 15 warriors with greatblades, a unit of 5 knights, exalted hero and a lord of chaos on foot. By taking advantage of the gryph feather charm, realm walker greaves and the allure of slaanesh I was able to use seeker host shenanigans to almost consistently turn 1 charge my opponents locking them in their own deployment zone for most of the game. Pair this with hellstriders and other means of ****** with my opponents hit rolls and spells I managed to hold down my opponents for the majority of each game and have my cheap heroes hold objectives. The godsworn battalion also helped deal with big threats such as when an ironjaws player brought a rogue idol to "inspire" his orruks. I had a real stroke of luck going against 3 armies that all have multi-wound models having faced ironjaws, stormcasts and gutbusters. The ironjaws put up a good fight and neither of us had much left on the table by the end, the gutbusters player had smashed his way clean through the left side of the table only to have lost due to my surprising survivability due to the near constant -1s and -2s to hit. The stormcast player I miraculously had managed to table thanks to sniping out some key pieces such as his lord ordinator early on. In a way I kind of hope hedonites fully embrace the theme of ****** with their opponents dice as a sort of mirror of tzeench's ability to mess with their own dice. Anyone else managed to pull wins recently in ways they hadn't expected to work out?
  24. Hey all, Back in January I started collecting a hosts of slaanesh army, and by collecting I mean converting my slaves to darkness as I was losing interest in our decisively indecisive chaos worshipers. Now that the newly renamed Hedonites and Darkoath are on their way, I'm all in on chaos this year (sorry nagash, looks like my LoN will be collecting dust for a bit) Being a recent college graduate money is still tight, so in a bout to save cash on some units that are overpriced or slaanesh forbid still cast in metal, I'm doing some kitbashing. To start I've made a base for my Lord of chaos so that I can run him as a mounted slaanesh lord. Unlike regular mounted lords who can be easily kitbashed from chaos knights, slaanesh lords like to be special and ride snakes on 60mm round bases. So after taking a spare horse and some bits leftover from a gorebeast, and a banner from a seekers kit, I whipped up a base and magnetized it so that I can slot my lord of chaos into it. It's nothing special or extravagant, but it get's the job done. My next project is going to be a warqueen. I do love the official model, but man is it overpriced for it's size and warscroll stats. I have similar feelings with the anniversary noise marine for 40k, gorgeous but doesn't justify it's price. So I've decided to make my own while including a twist that i wish was more common with slaves/darkoath by making her a Valkyrie. I intend to use Valkia as the base for the conversion for obvious reasons and having already had her for when I thought she'd make for a neat ally. I've already repainted her armour from red and brass to the steel and gold I'm using in my slaanesh/darkoath colour scheme, but I can't decide on what to do for the weapon or whether to keep slaupnir. I also intend to replace the head for one with hair but don't own many helmetless female models having a collection consisting of daemons, tin cans and corpses. So I'm looking for ideas on what would make for a good head if anyone has any suggestions. One of my local stores collects peoples loose bits so I may be able to find something worth using. I'm also considering a future conversion involving the shrinemaster from the chaos warshrine, I already have him based separately so I may convert him into a warchief or maybe some new priest if darkoath or slaanesh get new priest rules. Anyone else been doing any recent kitbashing? And what's been your reason/inspiration to attempt it?
  25. I'd love to have more daemons but I'm working with all the daemons i got outside of some seekers. I do have 3 fiends that i will likely be summoning in, but I only own 30 daemonettes. I'm hoping the fiends and enrapturess get released in their own kits soon because I'd run more of them in a heartbeat. I know my warriors lack mobility which is why I'm running a pretender host to try to mitigate their low speed with some reroll potential and the warshrine for the 6+ after save, battleshock immunity and the charge rerolls.
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