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Blog Comments posted by FullMetalRPG

  1. 6 hours ago, CyderPirate said:

    I know them feels. Every time I play one I spend half the game looking at the warscroll wondering where all the damage is supposed to come from. Nowhere, apparently.

    Hahahaha! That's my life in a nutshell! A ****** tree spirit with a bow shoots me and it's -2 Rend for D3 Damage. Meanwhile a chariot crashes the lines and it's 1 Damage with rerolls. What?

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Nico said:

    Yeah - Slaves to Darkness units (and heroes) are really underwhelming. They are vaguely tough, but not as tough as Liberators plus Paladins for example.

    When I started this army I guess it was my hope that it would function sort of like my old Death Guard did back in 5th Edition 40k. It was not the strongest Chaos build at the time, but it had it's moments and it won perhaps more than it lost but not so much that anybody called it out for being cheesy or broken. It was just a good time and I could take it to tournaments and not feel like I had just gotten scrapped off of someone's boot. The Plague Marines were really hard to get off of the table and I played with a couple of Chrono Princes that gave people headaches.

    I was really hoping that Rotbringers would bring something similar to the table. Rock hard units that you have to wear down slowly over the course of the entire game. Maybe a couple of hitters to make people pause. As of right now I'm not seeing a lot of synergies that are going to make that come together. 

    Right now it seems to be like the Nurgle plan is field a bunch of big slavering monsters and as many Blightkings as your wallet can afford. Even then I think that's a pretty dicey list. I'm not complaining! It sounds fun! I'd just like to see an army that feels as holistcally interwoven as say Skaven which I think synergize really well with one another.

    I'm devoted to Nurgle though, and I'll see this army through to 2000 points fully painted. I hope that in that time Rotbringers gets a book that makes the faction gel a little bit more.

    Only time will tell.

  3. @Durant Yeah the associated costs are defs keeping me out of airbrushing. Plus, I started painting GW models in the late 90's, and after you take out  the years where I was "out of the game" for one reason or another, I have something like 15 years of painting experience in the 'Eavy Metal style. I just don't know if I'm ready to jump ship on all of that just yet.

  4. @Tk-421 Ah man, I'm living that apartment life! I don't know if I could get away with an airbrush in the house. My girlfriend might have strenuous objections. She is as protective of the two dogs as I am of my models and RPG books! What does it cost to get into an airbrush if you want to do a good job but you don't want to break the bank? A couple of my homies are getting into the airbrush scene and they have each put in like $500! Not to mention you then have to learn an entirely new painting style! What are your thoughts?

  5. That floating plinth in amazing man. I really like the color scheme that you have applied. It gives all the scenery a great feeling. I like the color palette that you've chosen better than the ones GW did! Aside from the Realmgates, I've always thought that the AoS scenery was pretty lame. Now that I've seen it painted in your colors, I'm reconsidering!

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