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Everything posted by Maddpainting

  1. Im actually worried that Be'lakor will now be 410pts or more.
  2. From what I can tell it lacks a lot of the damage compare to being it their own book. I think a Deamon Prince, Be'lakor, or a Chaos Lord on K would be better. About the Fimir, yeah in the past they followed chaos, i'm guessing their lore changed, doesn't really matter as they are no longer being sold and will soon be legends.
  3. Its real, PETA does this just for PR not to be real. They literally don't care about animals, they only care about PR and money.
  4. What a silly topic, many other armies needs it way more. IDK just needs a new book to make the 4-5 or so terrible units not terrible. But if there was a new unit I want Hermit crabs lol.
  5. Then you read Salamanders with their hero support and just cry.
  6. They are basically just an alternative to Bullgors if you want to stay as a Brayherd, Bullgors hit a little harder but the Enlighten are faster. The problem is they are still not as good as Bestigors unless they go second in combat. If they go second and have all 3 alive they actually are better than bestigors in damage, but they are still 9 wounds at 5+ vs 10 wounds with a 4+.
  7. Yeah I have 9 Enlighten on foot i made out of extra bits from Disks boxes (I have 21 models on disks, some Sky, most Enlighten). You just need to buy 1 Tzaangor box and the correct bases.
  8. They FAQ it saying if it is missing a Keyword that it normally could get you can add it to the rule for AoA
  9. Slaangors should have both melee profiles for each model at their point cost, change my mind.
  10. I did the same thing. I hate them holding the Drums so I put it on the back side of the belt too.
  11. Well 40k its all Monsters, Vehicles, pistols, and many units can use CP's to shoot into combat. But also 40k has an insane amount of shooting. Its why it is harder to shoot into combat, there are also many terrain rules to help shooting, 1) You literally count of not being visible to the shooting, 2) You are -1 to hits, 3) You gain +1 to saves. Also in 40k you can shoot when a unit charges you, granted it weaker than normal shooting but for many units/armies that doesn't matter. AoS Shooting is only bad right now b.c many shooting units are under costed. Look at Skyfires for an example (granted they also have a fly+fast movement tax), if Salamanders were another 20pts per (so 130 compare to 110) then taking 9 of them would make their lists 180pts less, doesn't sound like much but it is enough to not have all those extra skinks to body block.
  12. To teach players I use open game all the time. That way they can focus only on their units/army until they at least understand the basics before adding in everything else.
  13. And Malifuax died and had to completely redo their entirety of rules, units, etc.. for 2.0 b.c how unbalanced it was. It was so bad many places just dropped it. My Local was one of the largest groups in the world for it, with 40+ players and we also got a couple early releases to test. Not a single player I know of still plays it. So I would not use Malifaux as an example for balance.....
  14. AoS did do it first, but not an apparent 3 ways in PR. It was kind of brush off to the side. Many players didn't even read or cared about it as AoS at the time was still growing. AoS is the father of it, but 40k nurtured it.
  15. History lesson! As someone that is and has been extremely active in forums, topics, groups, etc.. in 40k, whfb, and aos for the past 20yrs. I can tell you GW really NEEDED the "3 ways to play". Before GW came out with the 3 ways to play there was always, and i mean ALWAYS heated topics/discussions about the "right way to play" Lore nuts, hobbyist, casauly, comp, people just wanting balanced games, etc... all had 100's of pages of fighting as to what the right way is to playa nd why its their way. People would get vigorously angry if you didn't like it their way even if you are not playing with them. You can be at 1 table and them at another and they would get made at you for playing a comp game b.c they are a fluff player and it was even worst online. This was a topic brought up over and over again, and each time was a ****** show. When GW first came out with the 3 ways to play (in 40k first) it completely shifted the mentality of all players, suddenly these insanely abundant toxic topics slow to a crawl, after about 1/2 a year almost all the toxic was gone b.c their was official ways to happily play how you wanted. Match play being showed at first as a way to play "more balanced and farer games" as oppose to "tournament games" was very important, even more so than the 3 ways to play. B.c tournament players were looked down on and players that wanted a match play rules set was through into with the tournament players. People hated tournament players. They were seen as tryhards, WAAC, didn't enjoy the game, etc... it was a nightmare trying to get someone to understand "Hey, i just want a game that we both can try to bring fun, strong lists to see how can win and be equals about it. Like a friendly competition in chess, track, football, etc..." but they still would just hate you. GW put into match play the option to do events but knew it needed to be separated, this is why they always had little extras here and there for events, like Agendas, Aux objectives, etc.. Once you agreed to Agendas back in 2017 or Aux in 2020, etc.. it felt more official. GW IMO has done an extremely good job at seeing the reactions of the players from a windowed position, understanding the problems and fixing them in an actual elegant and meaningful way. Finally, GW always says "ask you opponent for the type of game you want" if you and your opponent can not understand if 1 player wants a balanced game and the other test for a tournament, then that is a communications problem not a GW problem. Remember, this is a social game, be social to your opponents.
  16. Shooting into combat is not a bad idea and was placed their to help range units in a combat game. But it has gotten way out of control. They just need to put in some restrictions, like -1 to hit, only hit on 6's, can't melee if you shoot, etc...
  17. This HIGHLY depends on the army, the units, the lists, etc.... If I am playing a 200+ model count army, well I know many will die, if I am playing a 5 model count army then I better not lose more than 1 turn 1 otherwise its most likely game over instantly. Now if you said "What percent of your force is an acceptable amount to lose for you at different turns of the game" then the answer is Less turn 1, more turn 2 and 3, turn 4 less than turns 2 and 3, and 5th should be the least amount. Now with that said, going back to the first thing I said, some armies are turn priority heavy lists, where others are slow and want to score more later in the turns. My BoC lists wants to score all the points as soon as I can and I make my lists doing so. But my CoS literally doesn't care about turn 1 and will position the best I can turn 1 to finish you off by turn 3 and get the objectives turn 2+ mostly 3+ and hold them for the rest of the game. My BoC I will lose a lot turn 1 and 2, my CoS i will not lose much at all turn 1 and 2.
  18. Yeah it was a thing right before the DP nerf. But it was also a Major GT, so you take what you think can win.
  19. Yeah they can summon her. Also Seraphon, Lum, and KO shooting is out of this world. Lum can do 20+ MW's each turn from 30" away Seraphon has 2-3 units of guys with lots of attacks that are -2 for D3 that also can be buffed many times (re-rolls, run and shoot, +atks, + to hits, + to saves, etc...) KO is KO.
  20. Yeah it works i do it time to time actually. My 2 main Battalions for now are Depraved and Desolation. I went to a major GT with Desolating, almost every player loved the Raiders and said they were my MVP's, the problem with Desolation is the 1 Gor/Chariot unit and only up to 3 Bestigor units. I did only go 2-3 but that was also b.c FeC/HoS still had their insane first first mechanics and HoS has summoning like crazy. My list was BL Shaman Shaman Shaman Bestigor x30 Bestigor x10 Bestigor x10 Raiders x30 Raiders x30 Raiders x30 Ungors x10 Ungors x10 Gors x10 Desolating 2000 (was 2k at the time) One of the HoS had a terrible OP list that he took 2nd in the full event with, only b.c he spent like $800 on the 15 of the Harp hero that shoots, gains points, is cheap, etc.. if it wasn't for that 1 unit and OPness that should have been faq right away I would have won that game as I actually almost did win. (He cost something like 6 DP but it always gave you 5? something silly like that and then b.c it dealt wounds it also gave you DP's as well. I can't fully remember but I do remember it was basically free to get and you can get 2-3 a turn easily. He had 12 on turn 2). But remember 4 of the missions has small DZ's and will be hard to use that battalions ability. You also can not really take the 2nd turn and hold objectives, you either give up turn 1 objectives completely for a chance at double turn, or you take turn 1 and zone them out enough so if you get double turn its ok. Its still only 4's to wound with no Rend, you will 100% kill 1 or 2 key units, but don't expect to kill much more than that. PS: I would be careful with shooting armies for the future, GW might end up nerfing them in some way as they are extremely strong right now.
  21. Here is a quick and dirty picture, I primed black and Zenith white from top down, then just Contrast over it, the silver is just silver. I had 15 Chariots and 40 Shadow warriors I had to paint in 2 months, it worked great.
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