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Everything posted by dirkdragonslayer

  1. I don't plan on playing Soulbound, but I might just pick this up for the fluff. Would like to see how Troggs fit into Soulbound because their battletome/novel portrayal puts them more like regenerating packs of bears.
  2. I like the Barbarian dude, but I can sorta see why people are disappointed. Spire Tyrants (and sorta Untamed Beasts) already fit the niche of standard looking marauder. Maybe he isn't representative of the rest of the warband and they have some more interesting equipment elsewhere. My big fear is his warband is going to have awful AoS rules like the rest of them...
  3. Also I think if the lumineth got a third Battletome next year the local lumineth players would probably tear their hair out. 3 books in 2 years is a bit nuts, unless the Lumineth are the new face of Order GA. Darn aelf marines.
  4. I sorta like it. Kind of wish the eyes were bigger, a bit further away from the nose, and without a pupil. Mascot plushes are supposed to be cute and all.
  5. It would have been a neat synergy. Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig (the one with the shooting attack) and a blob of shootas, but alas it wasn't meant to be.
  6. If we could get a plastic Scuttleboss as the obligatory hero it would be worth it. He's the only GSG model that I feel is atrociously bad. The rest of the range is either new or aged pretty well.
  7. I don't agree with OP that Kruleboyz are a mistake, but it seems to be a semi-common idea. To play devils advocate, here's what I have seen said about them; * Some folk don't like their aesthetic. Warhammer orcs have a distinct shape (boxy head, bulging muscles, bulky weapons) that Kruleboyz don't fit. Kruleboyz look more like something from LotR, where orc-oid races are misshapen, lanky, or mutant. They really are the Hobgoblin equivalent for Orruks. * Some folk wanted classic greenskins again. Kruleboyz have taken the place of classic Greenskins in the old trinity of Orcs (Normal, Savage, Black Orc), and now it's (Kruleboy, Savage, Ironjawz). Personally I think that's fine, they share a lot of the old GS aesthetics while also being their own distinct AoS thing. * It complicates Orruk lore a bit, due to not being "standard." Both Ardboyz and Bonesplitterz "recruit" from some unseen tribes of standard orruks that is omnipresent in Orruk lore but unplayable. Now instead of standard Orruks to fix that gap, the Kruleboyz are a mutant subspecies like Moonclan Grots are to normal Grots. (Personally I would fix this by just saying Ardboyz are the standard Orruks now). * They break the design of Orruk Warclans and other Destruction tomes. GA:Destruction is very segregated between the various races. This is the Orruk Book, this is the Ogor book, etc, with very little overlap. Now they have hobgob mercenaries, grot servants, and troggoths who aren't Orruks. Some like that, some don't. I really like Kruleboyz though, they have a cool gnarly aesthetic. I like their twisted swamp monsters and the sculpts are awesome. These aren't my opinions on them, just what I have heard online or in the shop. It seems like they are very hit or miss for the community.
  8. Very disappointed. He looks cool, but I was really praying for Spiderfang Gobbos. With the Morathi gang I thought that meant we were going to start seeing more non-chaos warbands to face off against chaos cultists. I was really betting on Grot Scuttlings warband.
  9. More units need to have negative abilities, like the Giants' dying and potentially crushing allies, skaven misfiring, or the fanatics killing themselves. They are fun and underutilised in the game. Most of the ones we have are legacy abilities from WHFB since back then there were those sorts of mishaps. If Ratling Guns were a brand new unit they wouldn't have a misfire property, but they keep it because of the history. More controversially, more armies need to be designed like Gloomspite Gitz, Beastmen, or Skaven. Fluffy unit composition and soft restrictions that make them less competitively focused. Newer armies like Soulblight, OBR or Lumineth seem like they were released with competition in mind when it comes to their rules. May be good for sales, but it can cause factions to lose some flavor. Like Gloomspite have armies able to do a full roster with lower synergy, or a focused roster (like maybe Aralith units only for Lumineth) that makes those units better for restricting your list. Infinity does this with it's Vanilla and Sectorial armies and it's pretty neat.
  10. Love the vampiress, she looks awesome. I might give her some spare Escher hair I have in my bits box, to make her more punk rock though. Or tattoos on her shaved head.
  11. My one wish for an Updated Underworlds warscrolls going ahead is treating them more like how named characters get treated. With command abilities and subfactions. Let's take Mollog for example, since he is 90% done. Keep him exactly the same, give him a fun unique command ability for Troggs, and maybe throw him in with Glogg's Megamob. Easy named character, don't even need to spend money on a new sculpt. For someone with a proper retinue like Zarbag, just give them rules (or for some warbands better rules) for shirking off damage to their bodyguards. A named wizard with a built in meat shield is awesome. Or just give the leader solo rules and pretend the warband is bonus alternative sculpts, since most of these warbands have a similar price to buying their respective hero solo (like the KO warband being the same price as the Chemist). I just want to bring Mollog more often. He's adorable.
  12. What a beautiful, perfect boy. It's funny that Rat Ogors can't catch a new AoS model, but has two for Blood Bowl (3 if you count the massive Glart Smashrip, even if he is just a regular Skaven the size of a rat ogre).
  13. That handsome boy is making me want to play Skaven. Like someone else said, a Rat Ogor anvil character like old school Ghoritch.. But I shouldn't collect so many horde armies..
  14. Despite my gripes about some changes and how they affect my army (RIP buff stacking), I do think it's good for the health of the game in the long run. I also like the change to generic formations, because the disparity between some factions available ones were nuts. Sometimes you would get good ones like Brass Despoilers, and sometimes you would get bad ones like the Troggherd. Also can I just say the 3rd edition generic relics and spells are fantastic? The Arcane Tome, while maybe not the best relic ever made, offers so much for conversion potential due to how keywords work (at least in Gloomspite). Miss the WHFB days where you could mount your Shamans? Give a Loonboss on GCS the Arcane Tome, and he has all the keywords to take Moonclan spells. Want a Troggoth Hag without buying the FW model? Dankhold Troggboss with Tome and the cauldron spell gets you a similar unit (albeit smaller and weaker). I just love the versatility of this relic, and it makes for fun conversion fodder for armored mounted wizards.
  15. I would say yes, but with a huge asterisk. The miniature space is getting so big that it's hard to qualify, especially with different people liking different things (Detail, theming, price, customizability, etc). Definitely the premium brand in terms of plastic quality and accessibility. Some companies do amazing work in other mediums. I think GW is the best in terms of multipart hard plastic, but there are some companies that do amazing things in metal. Corvus Belli does great in metal (though I have other gripes), privateer is OK. Some like Wargames Atlantic do good Imperial Guard, and meh everything else. With the advancements in 3D modeling and printing there are some extremely impressive sculpts out there. There are some amazing models for entire armies out there (like one I saw of a full Cities of Sigmar roster based on FF5, with Chocobo outriders and everything). It can be prohibitively expensive and labor intensive though. A good resin printer is expensive and takes a lot of trial and error to tune. Then you need the time for it to print every model, minimizing errors. Buying 3D prints can work in small batches for heroes, but large batches I have looked at tend to be just about as expensive as the real kit. North Star Miniatures I really like. They aren't as good as any mentioned previously, but they are downright decent and extremely customizable in their plastic kits. While not good for wargames, their Frostgrave line is perfect for Skirmish games or RPGs because they are so cheap, customizable, and decently made (about on par with GW older plastics, like Freeguild Swordsmen or Stabbas). Just massive amount of options, and quantity can be quality at times. If I was a GM for Pathfinder or D&D I would probably own a hundred of them between the different themed kits just for NPC purposes. Their Sci-Fi Stargrave miniatures suck though, they just don't know how to sculpt guns and the helmets look... off.
  16. I was on the fence, but this has devolved into youtuber drama of the worst degree, and with Arch and NQA throwing themselves into the center it's making me skeptical of it's validity. The channels of those two thrive off of fake outrage and hobby drama, getting their base all riled up over nothing. Maybe it's real, but I don't want to be trusting anything that comes out of Arch. I still remember him using Warhammer 40k lore to platform a Swedish white nationalist, or his failed politics channel. I am going to wait until someone more reliable has something substantial to show.
  17. My dream for another Gitz warband would be a Scuttleboss. Just a single plastic Scuttleboss on Giant Spider, with a few small spider minions. Make him one of those "one big guy" warbands like Hrothgar or Mollog. He's on some venom-induced vision quest for his shaman. That way they can use him as a WHU warband and an update to the atrocious resin kit, makes him multi-purpose. Like Hrothgar and the Icebrow Hunter. Also to the rest of the thread, of course there is baseless pirate rumors. There have been for years. Nothing gets this site all worked up like the word "pirate." Pirate grots, pirate zombies, pirate ogors, pirate aelves, you say the word pirate and the thread explodes.
  18. I only buy the models to paint so I am not sure, but I think any "phased out" warbands are still legal. Their personal cards are fine, but I think the universal cards are removed?
  19. Recently I have been quick to complain about some of the anti-consumer practices that GW has been doing (like the double book releases), but this doesn't seem like one of them. This seems like cracking down on the trend of 3rd party sellers listing every game imaginable in their title or description. Like I was looking for Gloomspite stuff months back and getting results of 3d printed goblins titled something like "Goblin Grot Loonboss Warboss Warlord AoS LotR D&D Pathfinder" etc. Some of these sellers even lie about who the manufacturer is (labeling Wizkids or GW for some file they got off Thingiverse). Not saying GW doesn't do anything sketchy, but this doesn't seem like a sketchy thing cracking down on people mislabelling products.
  20. Love the house. Looks very old school goblin-y, like Bakshi Lord of the Rings or Labyrinth, Are you making an entire display board of that?
  21. That's nice. I got worried when I saw the Ork codex in my Beast Snagga box because it feels kind of... empty compared to the last one. The 8th edition codex had full lore pages for all the different units (from Boyz to Bonebreakas), named characters, klans, and then a timeline of short fun events (like a Mek looting a Necron Tomb while the Phaeron sleeps). The new codex feels a lot shorter: Here is what an Ork is, here is what a Beast Snagga is, here are what Speed Freeks and Meks are, and here are the Klanz. Then rules. Half of the Klan pages lost a lot of the art (such as what their Boyz look like, and alternate glyphs) and some of the entries are significantly shorter. Here are some rushed comparison photos, left is 9th and right is 8th. Goffs got the least text despite being the "face" of our army. On the old codex the lore pages end at page 68, while the new codex the lore ends on Page 36. I am the guy who cares about fluff more than crunch, so it's been bothering me a little. I guess they had to make space for the Crusade rules, but it still feels oddly empty.
  22. I am going to reserve judgment for a few weeks/months and see what they do with this change. Are they going to crack down hard like Disney/Nintendo, or is this toothless legal posturing like most companies do with their fan content? It's not a good look to someone like me who is ignorant to legal documentation, but it also doesn't look much different than similar IP guidelines. This has the potential to be really bad, or a complete non-factor, depending on actual enforcement.
  23. GW's priority of phasing out resin/metal in AoS seems to favor major "face" characters and keystone heroes. Using the BoC example, I could see them replacing the Beastlord since he is necessary to how the army functions, or giving someone like Ghosteater or Morghur a model, but I don't see the Shaggoth or Cockatrice being replaced since the aren't important (relative to the scope of the whole army).
  24. Kruleboy Crossbows and/or Ballista seems to be the most tempting. Most of the other units don't really appeal since we have our own units that fill a similar role. Maybe Goregruntas for a durable cavalry unit or Big Stabbas for a monster hunting unit, but I am feeling meh on that. My biggest wish for GS is an artillery unit so I love the idea of the beastskewer ballista.
  25. I like the shield, since it sets his save to 3+ and isn't a "+1 to save", so it stacks with other sources of +1. The flail is only 2 attacks on a 3+/3+ with 1 rend and 1 damage. Averages out to be less than 1 wound most of the time.
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