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Murder Pancake

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Everything posted by Murder Pancake

  1. I mostly want to know more bout the beasts. Looks like new plastic furies, or at least models that I will absolutely use as plastic furies.
  2. Played in my first tournament (it was a doubles tournament) setting yesterday and took 2nd place with my partner. I have to admit that I've been very leery about playing DoT at lower points values and am surprised it went as well as it did. With the game being small and objective based and only having minimum Enlightened, I brought the Ogroid instead of the Tzaangor Shaman to use his spell in the hope of spawning Brimstone Horrors. I used the screamers to screen him from the front and followed up with the enlightened behind. Thermalrider Cloak was quite nice in that regard. I used the Chaos Warriors for Arcane Sacrifice targets since they have the 5-6 up save vs. Mortal Wounds.
  3. It would be fantastic if these images have some merit as to specific armies getting updated. Though I think I must have initially misinterpreted as each grand alliance getting a new "Grand Alliance" Battletome.
  4. I was pulled back into the hobby after a roughly twelve year absence, so i have no prior resolutions. Being overly ambitious and picking up far too much has resulted in an extensive collection of unpainted plastic that I desperately need to work through before looking at new models again. I have everything I need to play the armies I want at the moment, so hopefully the allure of new plastic stays at bay. Pledge: 100 dollar budget per monthfor picking up necessities for finishing an army; mostly paint, basing materials, magnets, maybe endless spells if absolutely necessary. I might reward myself if I reach various milestones, but I'll figure those out elsewhere in more detail. Expand my GW paint collection. I actually quite like them now, even if I wish they were in dripper bottles, and my old Vallejo game colors seem to be separating after being inert for several years. I have that obnoxious, overarching goal of finishing all of my unpainted models, but I am not going to hold my breath on this one just yet. I can however, focus on a large chunk of my collection and finish my Tzeentch. I play DoT/Thousand Sons, and already have plans and parts for working my way back into Beasts of Chaos (where my interest in Warhammer started way back when). Finishing these models would take out a large chunk of the workload I have made for myself. Outside of everything Tzaangor flavored; I have almost 3k points of Nighthaunt if I count all of my multiple characters from the starter sets, about 1500 points of Khorne Daemons, and a good 1500 points of Admech received for the holidays. There's a lot to go through. There's a lot to paint. I'm (hopefully) going to be busy.
  5. So, between my SO and our local Warhammer store doing a secret gift exchange sort of thing, I have suddenly found myself in the possession of two LOC. GW hosed the thing with the point cost though, and I am unsure if it's worth it to use one to build Kairos, keep two plain LOCs, or see if it's possible to exchange one to finish off an army. Is it at all possible to magnetize Kairos? Has anyone tried?
  6. I would quite happily play an army of nothing but carnivorous mushrooms and squigs. Why isn't this a thing yet?
  7. Has anyone picked up a Herdstone yet? I'm curious about how wide the base is as I would prefer to make my own flux cairn.
  8. Really like the warscroll for Tuskor Chariots, but the models are ancient, and I'm playing about 95% Tzaangor. The Enlightened are pinned to burning chariot disks, and I am in the process of getting my Screamers magnetized so that I can separate everything once I sort out the basing. Should be able to do Tuskor Chariot, Enlightened on Disk, Enlightened on Foot, and eight Screamers of Tzeentch by the time I'm done.
  9. Thank you. I didn't realize that AoS was that relaxed with it.
  10. I have a modeling question that I was hoping fellow beast players could help me with. When it comes to putting shields on Tzaangors, how do saving throws work if you're only putting say, two shields in a unit?
  11. I was waiting to see if we were going to get chaos marks back. I am preordering for sure now. Eleven years of waiting to play Beasts again. I am ecstatic.
  12. Delighted to see that Beasts of Chaos are finally getting some love. They were my first army in WFB and I dropped them when they split everyone up way back when. Might be time to get back into them.
  13. That would be unfortunate. The Ogroid is my favorite model outside of the LoC.
  14. So if it works by RAI, is it just a matter of Azyr being finicky? In that case, are the familiars compatible with the Balewind Vortex? Or does the GS and Vortex being the same model disrup coherency?
  15. Yeah, it seems really arbitrary, but I also suppose it answers what would have been my next question with regard to the balewind vortex. The rules changes for 2.0 have me looking at using my Tzeentch stuff for AoS instead of just 40k and I picked up the GS on a whim. Means I don't need familiars anymore, so it all works.
  16. Yeah, I have it set to Gaunt Summoner and Chaos Familiars as my General. Switched it back to regular GS and the trait is available. Shame, would have preferred the latter. Thank you!
  17. Is Arcane Sacrifice a valid option on the Gaunt Summoner? I've tried applying it in Azyr but the option is not available. I do not have the battletome on the app as I have the physical copy, but can obtain it if needed.
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