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Everything posted by Scurvydog

  1. Thanks for the input, I have been using that color for my base edges for every single army I guess it is just a habit and not a conscious choice at this point, so opinions are nice to consider new angles. I will stick to my white/grey boys and experiment a bit more with the double highlights at least on the most eye catching parts, combined with a bit of focused extra shading next to the apothecary white and see how I like it
  2. that could also work, takes a bit more time, but at least it is a low model count army
  3. I recently started a Stormcast force focusing on the "old" models. My goal was a slightly darker knights excelsior look, using their scheme except the "white" being a darker. I am kind of torn about my results so far, as I have based my scheme around the grey seer base color. In some ways I like it, but I also find it to almost look "unfinished" although I am not a master painter and my approach is already taking a lot of more spare time (2 toddlers will do that!) , but I would like some opinions and maybe pointers as well, if anyone got ideas for a nicer finish or if I should just entirely redo the armor. My approach for the plain armor is currently grey seer base spray, reapply grey seer paint, apothecary white contrast, edge highlights. My celestant and concussor was done wiht Ulthuan grey highlights while I used white scar for the liberator to get a bit brighter highlights for more "pop". I feel like a middle ground might blend a tad better, so will try with corax white next time, but I just wanted some second opinions before I put time into even more models. Here are some examples:
  4. If facing OBR do not target Mortek guard as long as a nearby harvester is alive if at all possible. Try to kill harvesters and any nearby heroes. Mortek guard can only use a point to reroll saves in the combat phase, so shooting with rend is effective. Aetherwings will come in handy, as OBR has no tricks to teleport and will most likely not being morghasts, so no flying on their part either, so cheap screening will work a charm. Use evocators to take out heroes/harvesters/stalkers, don't throw them into a huge blob of mortek guard, ideally you just want to tie them up with annoying things. Aetherwings, the odd gryph hound etc can all zone out a blob of guards in their tracks. Place key support characters in cover if possible and OBR is bringing catapults, they have no rend so a 2+ SC hero will most likely just make them waste their 200 pts model (a lucky shot still hurts though, but thats dice). Stormcast got some good tools all in all to deal with OBR, so it will not be impossible and while tough it is not the worst matchup SCE has.
  5. Just had a game, lower points of 1350 and just went for it and brought a celestant on drake, 2x2 concussors, castellant and 2x5 liberators + CP. Faced of against a bloodgullet Ogor army with just about twice the wound count, 2 butchers, 12 gluttons, 2x4 ironguts and 4 leadbelchers. In most scenarios I would be hard pressed here, the board presence and model count would be imposible but we rolled 3 places of power. I took turn 1 and placed the dragon right in the center, then chose to bunker up all my other units around it basically, using a unit of 5 liberators from the sky to screen the 12 man glutton unit with 1 unit of concussors behind, my plan being to sacrifice the libs to the MW from the coming ogor charge, then activate my concussors and get some hits in for "free". This worked perfectly, long story short I managed to nearly table him by the bottom of round 2, which I did not expect at all, but the scenario was very much in my favor, especially after I killed 1 of his heroes, even though he managed to snipe my castellant with the d6 mortal wound spell and rolling a 6. Even 12 gluttons with 0 rend does nothing to 2+ reroll 1s saves on the concussors wittled down that unit by themselves loosing only 2 wounds total... The dragon managed to eat 3 ironguts in total, while only dropping 4 wounds from some spells. Being able to bunker up was so effective but I doubt that will work out as well in many other scenarios. While on paper I first thought the dragon was rather meh, and concussors way overpriced, they have managed to pull of some stunts for me over a few games now after getting this army. Although much of this is down to staunch defender and is a bit cheesy perhaps. It also requires some rather conservative play and does not allow for much skirmishing like that. I really do like concussors though and think their blast to ashes is rather underrated, as it helps them be more aggressive, you can do witout staunch defender on the charge as long as you get 1 6 to hit, the opponent cant pile in at all which can be massive. Anyway I am looking at expanding to a 2k list, and considered something like this: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals Mortal Realm: Aqshy Celestant-Prime (340) Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500) - General - Celestine Hammer - Trait: Staunch Defender - Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-winged Lord-Castellant (120) Knight-Incantor (140) 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield 5 x Liberators (100) - Warhammer & Shield 4 x Concussors (480) Everblaze Comet (100) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 85 Very low wound count and model count for objectives, but hopefully enough MW output to really hit where it hurts when it needs to. Might prioritize the castellant for the concussors and I will then have 2 massive threats to cover a bit more ground, they will be missing some stacking save benefits though, but allow the list to center less on 1 point if needed and still be rather tough.
  6. I do not see all that much reason to run Stalliarch Lords without deathriders though, traversing the table should be the least of the problems when using that legion, with deathriders being 12"+3+d6+1+2d6+1 charge threat range which means you can roll all snake eyes but still charge 20" and up to 31"! I feel the entire point of that list would be to keep out of range of everything critical, then swoop in with a long bomb charge on all the riders, maybe in 10 man units and also possibly a deathglaive of stalkers/morghast to keep up for a devastating early charge. The command ability to disengage also only works on mounted units, but I am thinking this could be of some worth especially for 10 man rider units, which could really make the opponent sweat, if they manage to break the lines and then keep going in following turns, hunting down vulnerable targets.
  7. It looks like a gutplate for a gargant considering the size of the skulls. It looks to piecemeal and shoddy even by Ogor standard (despite it all). It also does not really fit with Ironjawz either, so the gargant rumor and other large strange objects in the rumor engine lately seems to fit this.
  8. I enjoy his model so much. There is also a passage in the tome about him and his retinue facing a lord of change, which drives home the point how he really does not want to lower himself to menial tasks, but after his entire crew is decimated he calmly just slices of the head of the LoC and proceeds to a new vantage point to command his forces. So many models have scenery on their bases anyway, just imagine he is finding vantage points on the battlefield, commands/fights then proceeds to a new one.
  9. Has anyone tried the Stalliarch lords yet? For a 1200-1600 point campaign I am considering a Stalliarch lords list based on Cavalry, with the 1200 core start looking like this: Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers - Legion: Stalliarch Lords Leaders Liege-Kavalos (200) Mortisan Boneshaper (130) Battleline 10 x Kavalos Deathriders (360) - Nadirite Blade and Shield 5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180) - Nadirite Blade and Shield 10 x Mortek Guard (130) - Nadirite Blade and Shield Units 3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200) Total: 1200 / 1250 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 200 Wounds: 79 Any feedback is welcome on the list, and especially with experiences with Stalliarch lords. My thinking with a unit of 10 Kavaloi is to maximize my RDP, for both +1 attack, retreat and charge etc, which will let most of the list rapidly redeploy and hit where it hurts most. Stalkers also synergise well, as their cmd ability allows both run and charge rerolls I think.
  10. Sounds like a solid enough model base, but the factions you mention do have quite some mortal wound output which hurts a lot, to counter that you could do something like the list below. If you are playing modified vanguard and not battlehost you can potentially replace the Kavalos with a unit of Stalkers. Use guards as screens and then counter attack. Discipline points will be low, might want to go with arcane command spell, which is not so hard to cast either if you got the shrieker up and getting more +1 rend commands, +3 move or reroll shield saves will be worth more than any of the other spells. LeadersLiege-Kavalos (200)Mortisan Boneshaper (130)Battleline20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldBehemothsGothizzar Harvester (200)Gothizzar Harvester (200)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsBone-tithe Shrieker (30)Total: 1460 / 2000
  11. It is the realm spell if you play in Shyish
  12. Morghasts have very little synergy with the main benefits of LoN, at the same time they also compete in a role which there is heavy competetion in Bonereapers, so they end up being the odd one out often. They don't need that much even, but +1 attack baseline would go a long way, or an increase to 12" move, right now hammer units hit harder, and fast units are faster, while they dont really shine anywhere or is at the very least a competetent replacement in the same role.
  13. So I posted this question in the Ogor forum, but I suspect this covers multiple armies and the wording on priests in general. It seems this varies between books currently, with some priests having their rules stated in allegiance abilities, while others are on the warscroll and some even overwrites each other in ways, such as DoK hags who can pray once per their warscroll, but the prayer rules in the tome allows them to pray twice, that is pretty clearly stated though. The Ogor example: A Huskard on Thundertusk is of course a priest, but we have some arguments how he works, as I believe he works like Khorne slaughterpriests for example regarding the prayers he can do per turn. E.g in the hero phase a boulderhead huskard on thundertusk can use pulverizing hailstorm as the everwinter prayer, then he can also do 1 of the prayers stated in his Blizzard Speaker ability. RAW I do not see anything to contradict this, as the allegiance abilities state they know 1 everwinter prayer and can cast 1 everwinter prayer per turn if they are a priest (also rule of 1). Blizzard speaker is an ability and not related to everwinter prayers at all, so as I see it this works entirely seperate from everwinter prayers, so he can also cast 1 of thoe as stated on the warscroll. Is there anything I missed here which would cause him to choose between using an everwinter prayer and using his Blizzard speaker ability?
  14. I would like some input on a peculiar problem caused by an upcoming event in March I am attending. It is a weekend campaign, starting with lists of 1200 points with potential to increase most likely up to around 1600 across games. There are some limitations, such as no artifacts at all being used and no named characters being the most important for list building. There is also a general pointer advocating fun and maybe not taking absolute beast meta lists. Now I want to use my bonereapers, and with the restrictions above, that limits some options as well. My main concern is Petrifex, as obviously that makes a HUGE difference. If I make a mixed list instead of just guard spam as petrifex, would that still be "that guy"? I don't really think so myself, but I would like some opinions on the matter. My idea of an initial 1200 pts list is: Allegiance: Ossiarch BonereapersLiege-Kavalos (200)Mortisan Boneshaper (130)10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and Shield10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and Shield5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and Shield3 x Immortis Guard (200)Gothizzar Harvester (200)Bone-tithe Shrieker (30)Total: 1200 I split the Mortek into 2 to not just make a wall, also taking deathriders and immortis instead of stalkers. This is a funny thing though, as I am knowingly taking suboptimal choices here, but I think running without petrifex especially with the restrictions in place at this point level, there is just no point in using other legions. Thoughts and ideas are appreciated.
  15. Sounds great! Finding people to play with is half the fun too, wargamers are usually easy to approach and talk to and more than happy to share knowledge and ideas. For list building, your first stop should be the builder here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ You can start with a 1000 point list for example, choosing the bonereapers as allegiance and faction as well to draw units from. You will get handy lists with point costs and simply click to add the unit to the list. As you will see for 1000 pts 2+ battleline units are required and 1+ leader is required. With the feast of bones box and a harvester you got a lot of heavy hitters and lack some battleline, as only the 10 mortek guard in the box are battleline. Your only leader from the box is a named character, and while cool he is not really that great, I however proxy his model as a soulmason, which uses the same base size and is much more flexible. Here is an example of a 1000 point list, this requires you get a Liege Kavalos model and a box of Mortek guard: Allegiance: Ossiarch BonereapersLeadersLiege-Kavalos (200)Mortisan Soulmason (140)Battleline10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and Shield10 x Mortek Guard (130)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldUnits3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)BehemothsGothizzar Harvester (200)Total: 1000 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 200Wounds: 54
  16. A Huskard on Thundertusk is of course a priest, but we have some arguments how he works, as I believe he works like Khorne slaughterpriests for example regarding the prayers he can do per turn. E.g in the hero phase a boulderhead huskard on thundertusk can use pulverizing hailstorm as the everwinter prayer, then he can also do 1 of the prayers stated in his Blizzard Speaker ability. RAW I do not see anything to contradict this, as the allegiance abilities state they know 1 everwinter prayer and can cast 1 everwinter prayer per turn if they are a priest (also rule of 1). Blizzard speaker is an ability and not related to everwinter prayers at all, so as I see it this works entirely seperate from everwinter prayers, so he can also cast 1 of thoe as stated on the warscroll. Is there anything I missed here which would cause him to choose between using an everwinter prayer and using his Blizzard speaker ability?
  17. Hmm so yea after reading up on the wording of the movement rules for all phases and the fly keyword, it does indeed seem there is nothing stopping a player from doing the things mentioned. A unit without fly can never be within 3" of an enemy unit during any part of the move (not just ending 3" away) but FLY ignores enemy models entirely outside of ending 3" away. Charges moves only states you need to end within 0,5" and the pile in just says you need to end up at least as close to the nearest model as you began. So as I understand it, say you start within 8" of an enemy, you move 8.1 clipping the front of the base of a model of the enemy unit and then go straight back, putting the drake down 3" away. So you effectively only moved 5" forward, but had enough move for a "bombing run". Then when charging, you roll a 5, but then you just move 3,5" forward and then 1" back and sit at 0,5". At pile in you again just move 1" forward and 1" back at the same spot, doing damage (on a 2+) for the third time. Is this all correctly understood? In that case I might reconsider the worth of that trait, but at the same time, I think there will be some groaning about the "gamey" nature of doing these janky moves. Anyone experienced problems with this?
  18. Well possibly if you can move across a model, which is not all that easy with such a huge base and relatively low movement (We are seeing many other big models move 15-18"). So in the move phase it needs to move across a model and still end up 3" away from the unit, it needs to be in a line too, you can't just say it makes a U-turn over it. On the charge it also needs to cross something, again that huge base needs to pass over something. I guess if you are going all RAW it could fx against another behemoth, clip the base edge with the 3" pile in, I'm not sure everyone would say that it was "moved across" though. I am sure trying to min max this will frustrate at least 1 player at the table, but if anyone got some more clear tips and rules etc for this, I would love to hear it.
  19. well the tail has to roll less than the number of models in the enemy unit, so impossible to hit with against 1 model such as a monster. The bite is also useless against anything with 6 or more wounds, so facing a beastrider list is no fun, with 6 wound mournfangs and monsters, the stardrake cant hit with the tail and is unable to bite anything. Stormwinged is rather hard to use on such a big model with "only" 12" move and without a heraldor nearby, which is another 100 pts investment, it is unable to disengage and charge as well. I like the model so much, but jeez that tail and bite attack rules are just janky and really needs a redesign.
  20. A deep strike ability on them could give them a role actually. Looking at the new Karadron overlords with their flyer abilities, having Morghasts being able to "fly high" would be very awesome, but probably too much in combination with the current Harbinger 3d6 charges, so that should maybe be adjusted. Having that for 1 Discipline point as their ability could be fun though. Another cool thing would be to maybe give them more synergy with the Kavaloi. Keep their statline as is, but give them a command ability to match, so impact hits for Harbingers like the Kavaloi but maybe 1d3 mortal wounds on a 4+ per morghast on the charge? Adding on top of the Stalliarch lords command ability to also include units with "fly" would be fun, so that legion would be more based on speed than only the deathriders.
  21. I can see why inspiring presence would be needed on those Liberators, but it makes sense to maximise the use of the Castellant. Brave to charge in the drake on Archaon, I have quite the issue facing Beastclaw lists, as the drakes bite and tail are both useless against single models, so you have a 500 model where the mount attacks only equal the output of the average 100 pts hero with the claws only.
  22. Morghasts are in a tighter spot due to Stalkers basically filling the same role, but incredibly better in pure damage for moderate tradeoffs. I love the stalker models, but I think the model lineup would make more sense without them, with Immortis being just ok damage and tough as nails, and Morghasts being a hammer unit. The Stalkers are just so poorly balanced and out of place, that both Immortis and Morghasts suffer in their roles. Morghasts with halberds has the same base output as 3 rockgut troggoths for 140 points, not counting the potential motal wounds from the Troggoth shooting rocks. There are a lot of differences between those 2 units of course, but a 210 pts hammer unit dealing overall less than a 140 point one will cause some problems. It will be hard to balance these units, with you have some elite guys in the stalkers being a fast elite hammer and then you got Morghast who are also supposed to be an elite hammer unit, usually 1 will be best most of the time. It seems GW was trying to have Morghasts slightly faster and with fly but less output in return, but with only a 3" move difference it is not a huge margin and the -1 bravery is also rather weak. To "fix" this more work than just points adjustments is needed, although it would be nice to get Morghasts to 180 as that opens some more builds, I actually think they should be even costlier and mcuh stronger, to move them further away from Stalkers and closer to a Behemoth role. The stalkers being incredibly poorly balanced is also an issue, as anything but their precision stance is worthless and they deal the least damage per point with the reroll stances and the most by far with precision, over twice the output between stances in fact, which must have been balanced by someone on drugs. So what can Morghasts do right now, well they are sort of better to support some Mortek Guard, they can fly over them and potentially engage in the rear more easily and mess up pile ins. With 2" reach on halberds they can also more easily poke over them if needed, although if I am already paying 200+ points to tag along with Guards, then I want a Harvester... I have also tried having them tag along with Kavalos, as the potential 6" pile in of Kavalos and the big charge range of Harbingers can also help mess up enemy unit pile in potentials and also split some damage, but as their average output is about the same as a Kavalos unit, you might as well just bring more Kavalos to do the same other than rule of cool I guess. I'd like to hear what others have been using them for. Got them nice and painted up, but frankly I just bring them for that reason until I have more painted of my army...
  23. If you can get just 3 stalkers in and hit at full manpower they will of course do a lot of damage. Getting a unit of 6 however makes them more of a threat in various ways. Pros: - Command abilities affect more models/discipline efficiency - Makes them far more dangerous to charge. 3 You can cripple and more "safely" charge, but 6 will probably result in a costly trade - Activation wars, with reapers having no access to first or last strikes, being efficient about unit activation is important, so larger units makes each activation count for more. Cons: - Harder to maneuver a large unit of big guys - More vulnerable to getting tied down (although Stalkers rarely will be for long...) - debuffs/spells etc. will as with the pro, also affect a larger amount of models if the enemy has a lot of tools to hinder or target entire units
  24. Katakros landing a 2nd place even when being from the less played game and also from a faction with very polarizing opinions on aestethics in general, goes to prove how great this particular model is, while Abbaddon is carried mostly in popularity and nostalgia being an update and not an entirely new thing. Katakros does a series of things that makes it stand out: - It is the first of an entirely new way of miniatures by GW being a diorama in itself, with Sisters following the trend in 2020. - It tells a story very well. Being a mini diorama obviously helps here too, but few models explains so much about their personality, how they operate and fight all in one. The mangler squig is up there in that regard too I think, but the pose of Katakros not only explains much about him compared to his legions, but also reflects real work art like the statue of David, which also reflects on Nagash who sculpted this form to him and the faction as a whole. His companions also display how the faction fight and operates, showing espionage, battle plans and inspiration all being relevant and setting the Bonereapers apart from all other death factions. How many models tell you this much about the army they belong to all by itself? - This is not entirely based just on the appearance, but the model does something new not only in being a diorama unit, but also functioning quite different than what we are used to from big models. As such it represents a lot of interesting new aspects of GW model making and design and rules implementation all in one and deserves a top spot.
  25. It is quite clearly shown for the format on page 72 of GHB19 that army compoition is entirely unique for this game mode. Only the main body of the force having a 1+ requirement of battleline, while spearhead is 0-1 and rearguard is 0-2. Playing it any different is plain wrong and against the rules, although house rules can certainly happen, it is just poor form to enforce that on people, especially from a GW store. Some armies also suffer from the MSU rules, as GW is very inconsistent with unit sizes, making it nearly impossible to capture objectives from armies with access to MSU units with 20 models, like marauders for example. Many ME battleplans quickly end in bloody battles for few objetives on limited space and time. Getting to those fast and hitting hard is paramount. With the pts reduction Evos on Dracolines are really good, as Stormcast will lack model count no matter what, getting to objectives first and blowing up enemy units is the way to go, shooting will not help with capping and usually have too little time to do enough, as they are pointless in a brawl, while solid melee units can chip away in 2 phases per battleround. I might even consider something like this: Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsSpearhead2 x Concussors (240)Main BodyLord-Celestant on Dracoth (220)- General- Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield- Trait: Staunch Defender5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)Rearguard3 x Vanguard-Palladors (180)- Boltstorm Pistols and Shock HandaxesTotal: 1000 / 1000Extra Command Points: 0Wounds: 57 This is based on getting "there" first and being hard to remove. The Liberators being the only ones in the heavens, the rest has the speed to get in decently fast and the Palladors as rearguard can get in and go whereever required at the end, also ensuring the opponent can not safely leave any objective unguarded.
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