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Everything posted by Gotz

  1. I'll go for rule of cool and when the box is out I'll pick the one that looks the coolest at the moment to add to the underworlds one
  2. true! Don't think much about warrior chamber nowadays U_U
  3. as it has been said before, the more "wavy" look of the tails makes me think more of Devoted of Sigmar than Stormcast, as all stormcast tails have always had strong straight shapes. That said, before a new stormcast chamber I would think of an underworlds warband or a new variation of a character. GW seems fond of knight questors and Incantors to release as limited editions
  4. it also could be another knight incantor... you can never have enough of them!
  5. I really like this models, so I'll probably start another warband from here... but this box is about 500 points, how would you expand the rooster? A khinerai box?
  6. Yeah, something around 50wounds and the monster's damage table should make it more playable.
  7. Gotz

    Future Warbands

    not complaining neither, cards are a nice comodity and will get outdated at some point. If the annual collects all the cards (including WD and special ones) I won't complain at all. I usually play with an old tablet to check the AoS warscrolls and I intend to do the same with the fighters cards.
  8. that could be the excuse I need to get the mangler squigs! I love the miniature, but just own a Gloomspite warband and I'm not thinking in upgrading to AoS
  9. Gotz

    Future Warbands

    but are the cards bundled with the magazine or are just printed in the warcry section?
  10. it shouldn't be hard to house rule and allow some kind of "grand alliance" warbands, or at least mix and match splitted factions (chaos gods, stormcast, etc.). I'll start running a campaing this week so i definetely going to test if it's balanced enough
  11. Gotz

    15 New Warbands

    it looks like that the banshees and the snufflers will be exclusive from this boxes. I bet they will be in the next tome of champions. Nevertheless its interesting that they are willing to increase the units for the different warbands.
  12. it was told in an event some time ago by GW staff that we would be getting this year at least 1 new tome per grand alliance. This was some time after the release of FleashEaters, so most people have assumed (and some rumour engines point that way) that since all death factions have been updated to 2nd edition a new death faction should be arriving later this year
  13. being ghur... i wouldn't mind a Stormcast Astral Templars themed warband... not that I play them or anything 🙄
  14. yeah! Didn't realize that before It can't be confirmed until we can see the back of the mini, but looks like it could be
  15. unless is in an unshown mini I don't see the flayed face from the rumor engine here...
  16. it really could be anything from chaos warrior to space marine, or even a stormcast... but new chaos warriors would be nice
  17. ¿how about clockwise: Light Elves, Dark Elves, Ironjawz, Idoneth, Gloomspite, Deathrattle, DoK and Bonesplitters ?
  18. there is an Incantor that is bundled with a magazine for 6€ or something like that and is cool to convert. Also with the evocators box you can make one Incantor that can be easily converted into an Arcanum on foot
  19. Talking about background characters in illustrations... I haven't been that long lurking on the forums, so I don't remember wich was the output about the Shield and spear Stormcast in the Stormcasts 2.0 battletome cover (I'm sure it has been already discussed but...)
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