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Everything posted by Rachmani

  1. It's even after Command Points were handed out, so right before the actually game starts. Everything else is decided. So, CA wording is: "You can activate this Command Ability at the start of the shooting phase. It can only be used by "this unit" (aka the Admiral) and must target a friendly Skyvessel. It can shoot (in the shooting phase) even though it ran this turn." Btw. no word on doubling up on the ammunition other than that you can't stack the 3rd one. so multiple Admirals could negate wards multiple turns, or hand out rend to multiple units - or the same in different turns.
  2. The Admiral's Ammunitions work a bit differently according to the screenshot. Right before the first turn begins (so after everything that happens before the game starts) the admiral choses *1* special ammunition that he can use once per game. Also, the first one that ensnares only works against monsters. The second one is triggered during the shooting phase and only works in the shooting phase. Still, it denies all ward saves against wounds and mortal wounds. Third one says: -1 Rend for a KO unit that is *not* a boat. Doesn't say the unit can't be *in* a boat, though! It also states that the same unit can benefit from this buff only once per phase. So no admiral stacking for -4 rend thunderers. =D P.S. a new warscroll is so much more than I expected, I love it!
  3. Upgraded SoB I would probably want to play. At least paint, but probably also play. Right now I can’t get myself to do the painting, as I‘m not keep on playing them.
  4. I expect LRL to be far closer than we think, but then again I do also expect Malerion Elves are not too far off.
  5. But there is a difference. Some things (like spears always being better than hand weapons on Gutrippaz) cannot be changed through costs. Others - Gutrippaz being too expensive for what they do - can. I'm very certain that the whole army will feel and play much differently once you're able to field enough bodies to come with the shooting. That's a price issue. Now, how to make Skullbugs work without a generic monster on the other hand... might just be a case of new units needed.
  6. But most units are not inherently bad just overcosted & carry too much weight on their shoulders. Right now Kruleboys get dominated by a bunch of second edition books that just counter them & are too expensive compared to the third edition books around.
  7. Funnily enough it's not that their units are bad per se. Badly costed maybe, yeah. But in terms of "what they do & how" Kruleboys are okay. No, their problem is that the range plays like the designers stopped 2/3 into the intended miniature (and unit) range. Gutrippa Cavalry, a non-hero monster, *some other unit* need to be released for them to get a push in list diversity. That & enough of a point drop that you can properly layer your units. Screen Gutrippaz with Hobgrots, counter attack with Gutrippaz (and the Kruleboys Whaaagh), all while shooting at stuff with a moderate amount of boltboys.
  8. The biggest Change will be that Morathis Command Ability will be gone, as are all Command Abilities. That alone will change everything. From there on, it'll be all allegiance & subfactions.
  9. Honestly, i think they actually look pretty good. We all knew re-rolls would go away. There are hints of synergy, the Banshees are actually good. I (still) have high hopes for the allegiance abilities and the subfactions.
  10. @Enoby I‘d say it should depict both. Perfectionists honing their craft, summoning demons to do their bidding (for their wims and needs - aka they’d see themselves as masters), and cultists summoning their masters out of desperation or boredom/forbidden excitement. So keep summoning essential, but tweak it like Nurgle‘s got tweaked from a nice bonus to a solid mechanic.
  11. I think the Hedonites biggest problem in that sense is that they’re stuck inbetween DoK & Khorne in the sense of „what abilities would be fitting to express an orgy spiralling out of control“. And those two armies basically cover the ecstasy of bloodshed already. So Slaanesh get that weird - but thematically fitting - we feast, we f*ck, we spill some blood (and food and wine) and kill a bunch and our excitement lures in demons from the warp and it it all goes southways from there. So I don‘t see that going away anytime soon.
  12. I think they're talking about the Slayer Sword which the Skink won.
  13. Y‘all forgot Sons of Behamat, who got bosses of the stomp!
  14. From the top of my head I like "ignore rend" instead of all modifiers. Anyway, that whole argument that ethereal can't be changed because some future unit might become too good is kinda shallow. Like really shallow. Personally I'm fine with ethereal as is, but I'm not too keen on the reduced interaction that follows in its wake. The NH players can't raise the saves and their opponents can't try to lower them. It's just reduced interaction overall. Now, as save stacking is kinda dumb anyway, I think it not all bad, but interaction means more decisions and that imo is always a plus. So what I hope is for a unique command ability that replaces All-out defense for NH. And maybe other ways of pushing interaction.
  15. Well, it actually works. Not bad. Maybe I was too fixated on 6 morsarr and ionrach.
  16. That would be the dream. 3 Kits - Mancrusher, Brawler (the mini mega) & the mega giant. 9 units. So many options so much flavor.
  17. I would be so ready for a box with a new SoB Giant vs anything really. Like a mini-mega. Smack in the middle of the small ones and the big one. Just a new generic hero, or three to be more precise. One for each tribe.
  18. Good observations! I on the other hand haven’t figured out how i could possibly field king, morsarr, ishlann, sharks, aspect of the storm, sharks & a turtle in one list.
  19. I‘m not sure eels & sharks really compete with each other, but rather they accompany each other nicely. You obviously don’t want more than one unit of morsarr. Same probably goes for Ishlann. But some sharks in between sound not only good but very good. Likewise, an army that focusses ob thralls might want something more flexible than 6 morsarr. Sharks are just incredibly flexible and can fit in almost every build.
  20. Eels will be one of the strong points once the dust settles. I‘m pretty sure of it. Ionrach Eels probably. The book just actually has enough depth that it’ll take a while til someone finds the really good build meaning how much of what and in what combination will be needed.
  21. With the reveal of Awlrach I think it’s a rather save bet that there will be 4 subfactions, each with their own distinct leader (warmaster) & their own playstyle. I agree that the reveals on paper look rather unappealing, but between the lines I get strong (like really strong) SBGL vibes. I mean, Nighthaunt have an incredible range to further diversify through subfactions. So many units. Compare that to FS and what the rules guys had to work with there. 3 units? 4? And a bunch of heroes (and imo that book turned out rather well given the constraints). NH don’t have these constraints. If I were to bet, I‘d bet it‘ll be one of the best if not the best written book of AoS 3. Just because the designers for once can go wild. The foundations are that strong (tons of heroes *and* units!). Maybe it won’t include Fulminators & Dragons, but in terms of playstyles and all the different ways of play, it’ll be awesome, I‘m almost certain. P.S. Remember Nurgle. Everyone was underwhelmed right up to the actual release. Now it’s a very cool, thematically super fitting book with quite a lot of options. Seraphon level of bonkers strong, thank the horned rat, no! But good enough and super fun to play against.
  22. The Incarnate definitely needs some conversion, to look less deathy.
  23. Thinking about the Thondia book a bit more, it came to me, that that’s really what I expect from the AoS team a lot more: Support for their game, in more than just one way. It dawned on me, that I‘m okay with one foot hero releases, as long as the miniature foundation is good (IDK yay, FS nay) - there can always be later updates to the range broken realms style. But support for the actual game is vital. - Up the pace of matched play balancing & fix the outliers. Balanced matched play makes everyone’s playing experience better. I don’t want to feel bad for liking the Sentinel’s models. - Keep the story going, give us narrative incentives to play in different ways (that’s why I‘m so stoked for the thondia book) & keep things fresh. - Support that narrative (PtG, AoA) with miniatures. The two (!) Eldar Autarchs should exist for every army. Give us diversity! Let us build our own heroes - without breaking a sweat, or buying 95 different boxes or sprues. The list goes on… . AoS is such a vibrant, breathing setting, don’t let it go to waste, GW! Use it!
  24. A refreshing amount of good stuff shown. NH look promising, very much so. They already got one of the best ranges of all of AoS and boaty guy certainly doesn’t disappoint! Necromunde was ace, I’m still not sure though whether I‘ll finally find the time for it. The 40i stuff was 40k stuff, but at least it looked cool. That book though, was the best thing shown. Path to glory? Anvil of Apotheosis? More lore? Yes please!
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