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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. Ok *cracks knuckles* let's do this... Firstly whilst not an army I have collected I have to say the combined forces of Archaon should be the setting's big bad and get the treatment they deserve, more than any idividual Chaos god, more than even my beloved Death or Grotz. So we're talking big release, decent amount of new models and lots of stuff combined and folded in... To be honest probably too much, but ****** it, they should be on a par with Stormcast so that's the kind of size tome I'm looking at... HERALDS OF THE APOCALYPSE 3 sub-factions, Everchosen (super-elite), StD (elite) & Darkoath (normal'ish), different battline depending on general but can mix and match beyond that. Different spell lores and allegiance abilities for all 3, but same Terrain and Endless Spells. Everchosen Archaon (Ld, U, B, W) Balatos Kurgan von Mazdruk (or smoother dumb name) - Castellan of the Varanspire on Winged Chaos Beast* (Ld, U, B, W) / also builds - Varanguard Lieutenant on Winged Chaos Beast* (Ld, U, B) Belakor (Ld, W, B) Daemon Prince (Ld, W, B) Gaunt Summoner (Ld, W) Lord of Injustice* (Ld) Varanguard (BL if General Everchosen) Varanguard on Foot* (BL if General Everchosen) Damned Priestess of the 8 Fold Path* (P, Ld) Handmaidens of the Apocalypse* (BL) - essentially chaos Cultists/Monks/Nuns, think Black Legion Dark Apostles with wimples & whips. Notes: Everything here except the monks essentially hits like a ****** tank and costs it too so stat increases all round, Lord of Injustice is basically an executioner/dedicated hero killer, Varanguard on foot 5-10 models but beefy as ******, mounted again 3-6 or so and steamroll ******. Monks are your chaff/objective holders but can also buff the Priestesses' abilities. Allegiance abilities and spells with be powerful but more focused on tactical bonuses, these aren't your mindless warriors but the best of the worst, so movement shenanigans, things that let you move units after set up, create illusions, that kind of thing, to represent these are tactical martial geniuses whose lives are devoted to destruction. Slaves to Darkness Chaos Lord on Manticore (Ld, B) / also builds - Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (Ld, W, B) Chaos Lord of Daemonic Mount (Ld) Chaos Lord (Ld) Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Ld, W) Exalted Hero Of Chaos (Ld) Chaos Chosen - Smaller units (5-10) but much more buffed stats Chaos Warriors* (Bl if General StD) - new more dynamic models and slightly more buffed stats Chaos Knights (mounted) (Bl if General StD) - buffed stats Chaos / Gorebeast Chariot 6 x new Warcry Warbands* Chaos Warshrine Chaos Spawn Notes: Not a huge amount of new additions here but they get the Warcry war bands and your basic Chaos Warriors get new sculpts and are buffed up to be semi-elite, not Varanguard level but still they should hit like a truck if not a tank. Spell lore and allegiance abilities focused on raw strength and destruction. Darkoath Darkoath Queen (Ld) Darkoath Queen on Chariot* (Ld) / also builds Darkoath Chariots* Darkoath Chieften (Ld) Thedra + Godsworn Hunt (U, Ld, W) Darkoath Shaman* (Ld, W) Darkoath Witches* (W, U) - 3 witches + a cauldron, acts a bit like a Gobbapalooza Darkoath (were Chaos) Marauders* - (Bl if general Darkoath) new sculpts, dual kit with melee/ranged options Darkoath Beserker/Were-creatures* - Kind of like Goblin fanatics they hide inside units and then burst out in a rage of fur, claws and fury Darkoath (were Chaos) Marauders Horsemen - (Bl if general Darkoath) Darkoath Packmaster + Chaos Hounds* Notes: Your Frazetta barbarians unleashed. Can be run as their own force or to pack out and provide numbers to more elite armies. Spell lore and allegiance abilities focused on fast movement, berserk rages etc with some more nods to corrupted natural magic. Chaos Untamed Chaos Gargants (B) Furies* Raptoryxes* Slaughterbrute (B) Mutalith Vortex Beast (B) Notes: Your random other chaos stuff to add some spice Terrain Wicker Man* - Giant burning wicker man where slaves are funnelled into and burnt as sacrifices to the primordial ones, provides a bravery buff/debuff plus as the fires burn hire and the cries of the scarified pierce the veil between dimensions it can help summon daemons. Endless Spells Locus of Corruption* - A giant 8 pointed star that acts like a damage bomb/area control with bonus of chance of creating Chaos Spawn from models it kills Wave of Mutilation* - Chaos flavoured version of vermintide, scuttletide etc Vortex Arcanum* - Opens a mini rift in reality that sucks magic out of the mortal realms and into the Realm of Chaos, makes non Chaos magic harder to cast/easier to dispel Allies Beasts of Chaos, Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Legion of Azgorh, Maggotkin of Nurgle * = New models Ld = Leader U = Unique W = Wizard P = Priest Bl = Battleline B = Behemoth A - Artillery
  2. weirdly, for me at least, the English versions haven't updated yet, change the flag in the top right to some (not all) of the language options like Italian, Chinese etc and they all come up updated. but obviously you'll need then to speak that language. give it ten minutes or so, sure it will all be up in a bit.
  3. and looks like we, finally, have another FP week ahead of us... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/07/08/tales-of-forbidden-power-root-and-stem/ so I guess a new battleplan, some new lore etc to follow imminently... that it looks like it's Sylvaneth focused which might also explain the long gap since the last one, possibly.
  4. Also, personally, it's a small point but at least when it comes to objective control I see a difference between something like a Troggoth focused army where you're deliberately picking and choosing from a wide selection to create a low model count army and ignoring the available options for personal/aesthetic reasons and something like BCR where your biggest unit can only be 12 models. Whilst the easy, obvious fix is, as above, changing how control of objectives is determined if I was in charge of AoS I'd want every proper faction to have access to at least one unit that can be taken, without busting the bank points wise, at up to 20 models. So not necessarily a 'horde', but big enough to contest. Easy enough to do even for factions focused on bigger models like Ogors. I could easily imagine something like a BCR Packmaster, essentially like a Squig Herd maybe with Frost Sabre pups or some equivalent fanged beasts. You could make it a dual kit and have exactly the same for vanilla Ogors, (though I also like the idea of a normal Ogor gang boss driving a mob of ragged multi-species slaves into battle at the business end of a whip). Then if the player doesn't want to include them, for reasons, then that's on them but they have the option.
  5. they've just spent a week or so doing all the Apocalypse promo, how to play videos, faction walkthroughs etc. would have been a bit messy for them to do both at once. I was expecting them to start this week but since they've found a slot for Sylvaneth I'd expect that to be this week's AoS 'content' now. so maybe some very light news this week and then I'd guess the full Becca Scott 'how to play', new website etc treatment next. we'll see soon enough.
  6. aye, though a massive dragon on 1 wound is also be a massive dragon that has been hacked, stabbed, burned, impaled and bludgeoned to within an inch of its scaly life and is a stubbed toe away from being a massive dragon corpse. so scary, yes, but not necessarily more effective at controlling a space than the 2 Gitz that would be required (or in fact 3 if using the patented JPjr formula).
  7. Remove points discount for max sized units, seems crazy that bigger units not only tend to get attack/damage bonuses but are cheaper too. and/or Add penalties as well as buffs for max sized units, nothing crazy but from a 'well yeah I guess that makes sense' POV it's easy to justify something like a +1 to hit against units of 30+ or something (certainly with ranged attacks) to represent the increased chance of just hitting something when attacking a large blob of troops. Making behemoths better at controlling objectives feels like a no brainer to me. I know a lot of people talk about wounds remaining, personally I'd have zero issue with behemoths counting as 2x wounds remaining as that makes the large model more powerful to start with but weaker the closer to death they get. Saying that I think the push should always be towards making people create more balanced lists so neither horde or behemoth heavy, but anyway...
  8. More fun with contrast paints, bashed through this Poxwalker in about 25 mins. Obviously not going to win any awards but with just a couple of touch ups and the base done I’d happily slap this manky lad down on the table. (incidentally feels very odd they didn’t just remove one or 2 very small, inconsequential, details from the ETB PW models as they’d have been great for AoS too).
  9. Yeah I suspect the warband rollout might be a little faster than say Underworlds, at least the first 4 anyway (2 in box set, then 🐍 & 🦅 following reasonably quickly, seeing as they’ve been previewed for ages now). Final 2 late summer I would guess, get it done before both the new Underworlds season starts and we’re back on battletome rollout (& hopefully a new medium/big army release). Anyway not long to wait to we’ll see soon. Plus silver lining of having waited so long for this game now is that I’ve spent several months thinking about small Skirmish game mechanics, mixing up ideas from AoS, Kill Team, Underworlds & other games that if it doesn’t come close to my platonic ideal i’ll be more than 50% towards having an entirely home made rule set to mess around with too. 🧐
  10. Next White Dwarf could be interesting (well for slightly different reasons than usual). Looks like it features a couple of AoS battle reports, one of which is Hedonites of Slaanesh versus Sylvaneth, knowing print deadlines I guess it would have been written a fair while ago when they would have assumed the Bark Brigade's Battletome would have long been out. In fact now I look in the preview pic you can see the new models, so yes it definitely was.
  11. Yeah if we’re getting in dead authors then the list becomes endless, TP of course would be worth a read, and a straight up comedy would be refreshing, but he’d have to get in line behind Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K ******.
  12. We have a Sylvaneth battletome truther! We should demand to see GW’s longform import documents, or publish a YouTube video on how cog-fort fuel can’t burn wyldwood trees etc etc. Seriously though, as far as I’m aware there’s nothing to explicitly say it’s China -> UK that’s causing the problems. (Though of course could well be) I’m not exactly sure of their global logistics because, well frankly I don’t really care, but I would guess there’s every chance they ship goods from China bound for countries like the US or Aus direct rather than to Nottingham to be blessed and then onwards. Also, of course, things may have been delivered but now they need a suitable schedule gap to slot the release into, rather than just chucking it out there.
  13. @EccentricCircle never read anything by him before, will give him a go. Nice one! i also just thought what an amazing story China Miéville could do set in somewhere like Hammerhal or, even better, the Greywater Fastness.
  14. With no disrespect towards current Black Library authors, who have consistently surprised me the past year, if you could loosen the purse stings and publishing policies and give any writers absolute free reign to create stories in the Warhammer universe(s) who would you love to see have a go? I feel like Jeff Vandermeer was born to write a novel about a city that gets sucked into Tzeentch's demesnes in the Realm of Chaos. Neil Gaiman to deliver a book of tales from the dawn of the Age of Myth would be a shoe-in, as would N.K. Jemisin on some epic epoch/realm spanning story. Kim Newman always does good vampire, so bring him back into the fold and get him to do a vampire spy romp featuring Neferata's secret service. Or just go full body horror and get Poppy Z Brite out of retirement and into the realm of chaos. Neal Stephenson would probably be best saved for 40K but ****** it I'd read the ****** out of that, likewise I'd love to read what Margaret Atwood would come up with in that setting. All these are a bit obvious though, any not explicitly fantasy/sci-fi related writers you can think of? I'd love to read a really visceral, no punches pulled 'war is hell' novel based around ordinary grunts facing unimaginable horrors, or some heavy magic realism or the like. Hell, I'm sure Haruki Murakami has an Ulgu based novel in him...
  15. For a game where apparently normal people openly discuss the damage output of their little models to several decimal places, as if that was a normal thing to do, people are just straight up embarrassing themselves with these garbage, unscientific, rankings. Let's be a little less basic please. Anyway I propose... Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Tier: Daughters of Khaine Skyfather Tier: Flesh Eater Courts Demi-god Tier: Legions of Nagash AAA Tier: Skaven AA Tier: Fyreslayers BDSM Tier: Hedonites of Slaanesh The Seventh Wave: Idoneth Deepkin Magic 8 Ball Tier: Maggotkin of Nurgle Stop! Hammer Tier: Stormcast Eternal Branchline Tier: Sylvaneth A Tier: Blades of Khorne B Tier: Disciples of Tzeentch B.1 Tier: Gloomspite Gitz B.2 Tier: Beasts of Chaos Obsidian Tier: Seraphon Tiers for Fears: Nighthaunt Oh look at me I'm really different Tier: Legion of Azgorh C Tier: Bonesplitterz Chris Tomlin Tier: Phoenix Temple π Tier: Gutbusters Salty Privatier: Scourge Privateers I'm Only Here for the Beer Tier: Ironjawz Tiers of a Clown: Kharadron Overlords Refusing to buy new models Tier: Free People 2 Start Collecting sets and I'm done Tier: Beastclaw Raiders Z Tier: Wanderers Trash Panda Tier: Darkling Covens BrexiTier: Slaves to Darkness I now have kids older than I was when I started playing this game Tier: Fimir American Healthcare Tier: Dispossesed Stop It, Get Some Help Tier: Aelves Dead never ever coming back, please get over it Tier: Bretonnians & Tomb Kings
  16. Seriously though can you imagine the sheer OUTRAGE if GW announced... 'oh here's a really cool new Fyreslayer to Ironjawz hero, amazing sculpt, nice little story behind him and some cool rules, I know you've been desperate for new models so enjoy! oh yes one small thing it's literally only available to buy for just one day a year in each physical shop, and that day is different for every shop and might not be for 11 months for you. oh yes and it'll be pretty limited too so there's every chance your store might only get a couple. HAVE FUN!' I like to think of myself as pretty level headed and I was mildly peeved when my local shop (Bruxelles) didn't have any ltd models available on their store birthday back in May. We would be able to solve the world's energy crisis with the amount of blind rage that would be unleashed worldwide at this. EDIT: Actually the more I think about this, the more I realise that it would be hilariously funny to watch. So yeah count me in, GW please make the next store anniversary a Dispossed Wizard. cheers!
  17. Personally I'd say it's because these models are never really wholly about appearing on tabletops, sure they have rules and can be worth having (Guardian of Souls I'm looking at you) but really they're just interesting alt models to collect & paint. With that in mind, to me, it makes perfect sense for them to normally be of the most generic factions and normally fairly low-level characters and/or remarkably un-super powered in regards to rules (looking at you, Gorkarr, a bladegheist whose only special ability is making you recoil in abject terror when you remember how much you paid for him). Make them too powerful and the hilariously petulant fanbase would (actually for once rightfully) complain that it's not fair such an auto-include model is only available to select people I'm even more sure that if they made these one off very hard to get hold of models for factions that are generally/desperately in need of new models then people would lose their ****** even more that... "I haven't had any new models for years and now the only one they've made is limited edition and not generally available and this is a slap in the face, oh woe is me, games workshop hates me and they don't know how to run a company or make rules or do anything at all, ever. worst company in the world. booohooo hooo."
  18. First model done, first thoughts from a not particularly talented painter... Wraithbone went on so much better than the last couple of models I did with Corax White. So massive thumbs up there. Snakebite Leather is WONDERFUL. Such a lovely effect and will make doing little leather details so much easier. Skeleton Horde is another total winner, used it on the furry trim on the boots and his hair, love it. Darkoath Flesh ended up making the dude look like he’d fallen asleep under a tanning bed so had to do a major correction with that, just ordered Guilleman Flesh to try that out. DoF wasn’t bad just too dark and made his little leather panties blend into his skin, not quite what I wanted. Initially tried Black Templar on the silver metals and Iyadan Yellow on the contrasting metallics. BT was ok but I went over with proper metallics in the end. IY just looked like a plastic gold so bombed that. Consistency and opacity seems to vary a lot, I had to do a bit of tidying up around the Red I used (Blood Angels Red) as it flows everywhere very easily. Anyway just a quick, simple go but I was pleased with the results, didn’t take me long at all to get something I was just about happy enough with and then I had more time to tidy up a few bits and add some details. With practice and getting the hang of all the different paints and how they work, I should hopefully get quicker and with better results. This for me is the real selling point, I can get something basic over the whole model that won’t make me totally gag quick enough that my monkey mind doesn’t get bored, and then I have time to go back and add details at my leisure. I purposefully picked this chap as I thought he’d suit it and 100% this will be amazing for anyone painting loads of models with lots of bare skin, fur etc. I’ve around 50 squigs sat here now waiting to be built & painted and I reckon I’ll smash through them. Tempted to buy some models like Plaguebearers or Ghouls just to paint them as I reckon this will be great for them too.
  19. Counterpoint: 3 month point changes could actually lead to less 'kneejerk' changes. If you update more regularly there's less need to immediately change things or be as drastic with those changes. Instead if something has been noted as not working as it possibly should but it's a bit of a borderline case you can give it another 3 months to bed in and review, or you can be more incremental, try a smaller points change, see how that works and then review again, maybe keeping as is, maybe upping the points or maybe even reverting to the original values. With 3 month changes I wouldn't envisage it being a sweeping review every quarter, more just an ongoing process where things get flagged and subtly shifted where needed.
  20. Whilst you could well be right, the thing about that chart is it only tells you what you can bring in with each wave of your army, but it's not actually proscribing what you have to bring. Now maybe they're not using the normal requirements for this but tbh I suspect they are. So as it stands, and as I read it, you have to include at least one battle line unit in the main body of your army (1+), but in the Spearhead & Rearguard it's left at 0+ so you can choose to place your other other legally required Battleline unit in any of the 3 sections. Otherwise they'd have to put 1+ in either or both of the other sections and you end up with less flexibility or a min requirement of 3 BL units.
  21. yeah nice, I could definitely think of a few units where it might make sense for a smaller unit to have some kind of buff. A while ago I had thought about trying out a rule that maxed size units should have a penalty against ranged attacks (+1 to hit for the attacker maybe) as obviously you're more likely to hit something/anything when you're shooting into a blob of 40 troops, I guess a case could be made to do the reverse -1 to hit at range for certain min sized units, maybe ones that are 5 troops or less or that have some kind of scout role (actually SCOUT as a keyword with various rules is something else I've been toying with but that's for another day).
  22. Like the absolute idiot, scatterbrained, hobby butterfly/magpie I am even the basic new Meeting Engagement rules we've seen have got me excited about starting a few new smaller armies over the next 12 months. So anyway I've just ignored all the work I have to do and spent the past hour daydreaming about what to start (and also ignoring my existing Gloomspite and Nighthaunt armies that need to be finished 🤔). I figured the best and cheapest way to start would, obviously, be with the Start Collecting kits so had a look through all these and put the details into one place (where there's more or less models provided than is regulation for that unit I've just given the points for them as if they were 1 regulation min sized unit). Also there were a fair few of the sets that give you a few options which I've noted where it was obvious and I could be bothered (hey no one's paying me to do this, in fact quite literally the opposite). So keeping in mind people can also have 1 unit of up to 200 points of Allies (so maybe from your existing collection) what would you add to these to have a cheap and fun (not necessarily super-duper smash face tournament winning) little army for a 1000pt game that hits the requirements (so minimum of 4 units including 1 Leader and 2 Battleline)? I'm definitely thinking a BCR, Beasts of Chaos or Tzeentch army might lay in my future, or of course something that can be knocked through with the new contrast paints quickly, FEC for instance... So what are you thinking? CHAOS Beasts of Chaos 1 x Great Bray Shaman / 100 (LD) 1 x Cygor or Ghorgon / 180, 200 (BH) 10 x Bestigors / 120 (BL) 10 x Ungors / 60 (BL) or Ungor Raiders / 80 Total Points: 460 - 500 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- Daemons of Khorne 1 x Herald on Blood Throne / 120 (LD) 3 x Bloodcrushers / 140 (BL if Skullmaster General) 10 x Bloodletters / 110 (BL) Total Points: 370 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Daemons of Nurgle 1 x Herald of Nurgle / 120 (LD) 3 x Plague Drones / 200 3 x Nurglings / 100 10 x Plaguebearers / 120 (BL) Total Points: 540 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Daemons of Slaanesh 1 x Exalted Seeker Chariot / 220 (LD) 5 x Seekers of Slaanesh / 120 10 x Daemonettes / 110 / (BL) Total Points: 450 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Daemons of Tzeentch 1 x Herald of Tzeentch / 140 (LD) 1 x Burning Chariot / 160 (BL if General is Herald on Chariot) 3 x Flamers / 160 3 x Screamers / 100 10 x Pink Horrors / 200 (BL) Total Points: 760 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Khorne Bloodbound - Goreblade 1 x Mighty Lord of Khorne / 140 (LD) 1 x Bloodsecretor / 140 (LD) 1 x Bloodstoker / 80 (LD) 1 x Khorgorath / 100 5 x Blood Warriors / 100 (BL) 10 x Bloodreavers / 70 (BL) Total Points: 630 Price : €65 ----------------------------------------- Maggotkin of Nurgle 1 x Lord of Blights / 140 (LD) 5 x Putrid Blightkings / 160 (BL) 2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords / 220 Total Points: 520 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- Skaven Pestilens 1 x Plague Priest on Plague Furnace / 180 (LD, BH) 1 x Plague Claw / 160 (A) 10 x Plague Monks / 70 (BL if General is Masterclan or Pestilens and all other units are Pestilens) 10 x Plague Monks / 70 (BL if General is Masterclan or Pestilens and all other units are Pestilens) Total Points: 480 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Slaves to Darkness 1 x Chaos Sorcerer Lord / 160 (LD) 1 x Chaos Chariot / 80 (BL) 5 x Chaos Knights / 160 (BL) 6 x Chaos Warriors / 90 (BL) (Min unit size is 5) 6 x Chaos Warriors / 90 (BL) (Min unit size is 5) Total Points: 580 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Slaves to Darkness Godsworn Warband 1 x Chaos Lord on Manticore / 250 (LD, BH) 1 x Chaos Warshrine / 160 (BH) 1 x Chaos Chariot / 80 (BL) Or 1 x Gorebeast Chariot / 100 1 x 5 Chaos Knights / 160 (BL) 1 x 5 Chaos Knights / 160 (BL) 1 x 5 Chaos Warriors / 90 (BL) 1 x 5 Chaos Warriors / 90 (BL) 1 x 6 Chaos Warriors / 90 (BL) (Min unit size is 5) Total Points: 1080 - 1100 Price : €130 ----------------------------------------- DEATH Flesheater Courts 1 x Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist / 400 (LD, BH) 3 x Crypt Horrors / 160 (BL if Crypt Haunter Courtier General or Hollowmourne) 10 x Crypt Ghouls / 100 (BL) Total Points: 660 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Malignants 1 x Bloodseeker Palanquin or Coven Throne / 320, 260 (LD, BH) or 1 x Mortis Engine / 180 (BH) 3 x Spirit Hosts / 120 (BL in Nighthaunt) 5 x Hexwraiths / 160 (BL in Nighthaunt) Total Points: 460 - 600 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Skeleton Horde 1 x Arkhan, Neferata or Mannfred on Dread Abyssal / 320, 400, 420 (LD, BH) 5 x Black Knights / 120 10 x Skeleton Warriors / 80 (BL) Total Points: 520 - 620 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- DESTRUCTION Beastclaw Raiders 1 x Frostlord/Huskard on Thundertusk/Stonehorn / 420, 360, 340 (LD, BH) Or 1 x Beastrider on Thundertusk/Stonehorn / 340, 320 (BH) 2 x Mournfang / 160 (BL) 2 x Mournfang / 160 (BL) Total Points: 640-740 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Ironjawz 1 x Orruk Warchanter / 80 (LD) 3 x Gore-gruntas / 140 (BL) 10 x Ardboyz / 160 (BL) Total Points: 380 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- ORDER Fyreslayers 1 x Auric Runefather on Magmadroth / 280 (LD, BH) 1 x Auric Runesmiter / 120 (LD) 1 x Auric Runeson / 100 (LD) 10 x Vulkite Berserkers / 160 (BL) Total Points: 660 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- Idoneth Deepkin 1 x Isharaan Soulrender / 100 (LD) 3 x Akhelian Guard / 140/160 (BL if General Akhelion) 10 x Namarti Thralls / 140 (BL) Total Points: 380/400 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Kharadron Overlords 1 x Endrinmaster / 120 (LD) 1 x Grundstok Gunhauler / 160 (A) 3 x Skywardens / 120 5 x Grundstok Thunderers / 100 Total Points: 500 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- Seraphon 1 x Oldblood on Carnosaur / 260 (LD, BH) 8 x Saurus Knights / 90 (BL) (Min unit size is 5) 12 x Saurus Warriors / 100 (BL) (Min unit size is 10) Total Points: 450 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- Stormcast Thunderstrike 1 x Lord Celestant on Dracoth / 220 (LD) 1 x Lord Relictor / 100 (LD) 3 x Retributors / 220 (note min unit size is 5) 3 x Prosecutors / 100 5 x Liberators / 100 (BL) 5 x Liberators / 100 (BL) Total Points: 840 Price : €65 ----------------------------------------- Stormcast Vanguard 1 x Lord Aquilor on Gryph Charger / 200 (LD) 3 x Vanguard Palladors on Gryph Chargers / 200 3 x Gryph Hounds / 140 (min unit size is 6) 5 x Vanguard Hunters / 120 (BL if general is Lord Aquilor) Total Points: 660 Price : €80 ----------------------------------------- Sylvaneth 1 x Spirit of Durthu, Treelord Ancient / 380, 300 (LD, BH) or Treelord / 240 (BH) 1 x Branchwych / 80 (LD) 16 x Dryads / 100 (BL) (Min unit size is 10) Total Points: 420-560 Price : €70 ----------------------------------------- LD = Leader BL = Battleline BH = Behemoth A = Artillery EDIT: As @Sonnenspeer pointed out there's also the Battleforces, looks like only the StD Godsworn Warband is currently available online now though so I've just added that.
  23. In terms of every faction being viable/good I honestly don’t think we should shed too many tears if not all factions work perfectly for this format. At some point, with so bloody many factions available from fully worked out ones with dozens of units to one’s with just a couple, you just have to say sorry maybe this one just isn’t for your little toys, why not try something else (though for all that I do actually think most will be capable of putting together something decent or at least fun). After all you should be able to put something together fun and usable starting completely from scratch with most of the start collecting kits & just a couple of extra models. This is definitely just the threadbare excuse I need to collect and paint a few models from factions I haven’t considered yet. Similarly in terms of a couple of factions slipping through with ridiculously strong options, with so many variables and not re-writing warscrolls & several rules from scratch to suit the format there will always be a few weird things that slip through, especially when people will be actively looking for ways to break it. It’ll take time to bed in and sort out unexpected wrinkles but I’d like to think, despite all evidence to the contrary, most people aren’t total arseholes and will play it in the spirit intended.
  24. Nah, way I read it you still need at least 1 unit in each element/detachment of your force. the 0 in the requirements is just so you have freedom to choose what they are from all the available options.
  25. Yeah, I mean who knows, we'll have to wait and see, just messing around with options in my head for now. Also I have a really good workaround for this in that I'd pretty much only ever play this amongst mates anyway so...
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