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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Seems like an awful lot of investment which cripples the rest of the army. It’s 555 points wasted and easily wiped off the table. why not simply use 20 Saurus buffed by a scar vet and/or a skink priest? Add the Slann +1 rend spell and it’s a blender unit with 40 Attacks, hitting on 2s, wounding on 2s rend -2 and 6s deal mortals. In addition: 3+ save in your territory and near objectives.
  2. Agreed. In addition GW could release several models of a single god: Aspect of war, aspect of death and the real god for 1k+ points (just as an example)
  3. Oh, I am very much in doubt of that. Okd players will use their old armies, which remain up-to-date modelwise (big lol there) New Players (from what I could gather) aren’t keen on old models and the lack of desperately needed model updates. And then there’s me: They can go and old world themselves for all I care. They‘ve taken the wind out of the sails for that ship by daring to show me those old f*gly Bretonnian Knights - now only thrice the price!
  4. Kroxigors sadly didn‘t hit the mark. They have stupid, weird rules that will never happen like getting +1 attack for the phase in which a Skink died. They can’t issue commands to themselves. Their wounds are 50% lower than expected. Their attacks are too few to matter. Their heavy scaly skin only protects against shooting (they have only 4 wounds fir christ‘s sake). Their exploding 6s are only on a single weapon and the target has to gave 10 or more models They are slow They are overcosted They’re also worse than rat ogres and they cost more I‘d love to make them work somehow, but as sadly many Warscrolls in this tome there’s simply no saving them.
  5. AoS does not use common logic for its rules. All of the warscrolls get rules for game design purposes: - Consistent Damage: Mortal Wounds - Hammer: At least one source of Morgal wounds The best example of inconsistencies due to game design (other words: To make the unit perform as the rules writer sees fit, not to make the unit perform on some common sense or logical level) are lances: Wildly different stats. Some add a bonus for charging, others don’t, and others again add a different bonus altogether. I miss universal special rules. They added common sense and would free up space on Warscrolls for thematic rules.
  6. They do too little their points though. at 4 attacks, hitting on 3s, 6 wounds and -1 to wound against melee snd shooting this would be another conversion
  7. Warscroll Cards are another issue. I tossed three packs into the bin within 2 months - there’s just no use gor outdated ones. WSC were fine when their price was low. Nowadays I print my own since the price has skyrocketed without any increase of actual value. (+Throwing those away hurts me for sone reason ;() Most people I know get their rules online. I even print mine and put them into a binder (1 Binder with rules for 8+ armies + Scenarios - just amazing).
  8. Funnily enough we've had this discussion in our local gaming group lately. We concluded the same as you. We'd rather have Lore-Books to collect, with awesome new art, that do not become outdated, than books that are full of rules that become outdated within months. One of the biggest re-selling points of the old Warhammer Fantasy Army Books was the fact that they were rich of lore and characterful stories which made them retain their value even across editions. Nowadays AoS books: Tossed into the trash bin once a new one is out.
  9. You tell me! The Skinks are useable (chargers > javelins) Core: Slann Hero: Skink Priest Rest: Go wild!
  10. It’s just a noble. An elf would never wear such crude armour Does anyone have time to photoshop those Knights in the colors of the Knights of the blazing sun?
  11. I‘d have preferred if they gained cummulative abilities in combat: Combat turn one: +1 save, Turn two: 5+ ward, turn three: exploding 6s etc. @RuneBrush That should be easy! Slann Skink Priest Hunters of Huanchi raptadon Lancers 2x Spawn of chotec 965 pts
  12. I am curious why no one has commented on the Snail with legs?
  13. Units of a size greater than 10: Spears 10 or less: Clubs
  14. Could I convert him to a Vampire Lord on Zombie Steed 🤔
  15. CoS Knights: Simply amazing Heroes for the Campaign: Neutral. The FeC hero has too strong Anime vibes. I might be selling my 4K of FeC before they destroy their style entire. Lord of Decay: I usually hate Nurgle, but that guy will be a Chaos Lord for my S2D army ❤️ Campaign: Amazing! I loved Malign Portents, this will be great! Old world: The heroes look solid. But they’re made of resin. It’s just too little too late at this point for me to care.
  16. Concerning the Stormcast: I‘d love to have a unit of Questors.
  17. Mhm. Not a fan of the FeC at all. To me Vampires are Bat related. The moment they become were-apes I lose all interest (not a fan of Apes at all. Imo they‘re just stupid). The Vargskyr is an awesome concept, stick to it. The overall design is too noisy and all the bone clutter makes them look like a cave men tribe, not like FeC. I just hope that’s due to Ghur and not the general direction of the range.
  18. Oh, Hammers of Sigmar again. I like this amount of diversity for all the Stormhosts. It really fleshes them out.
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