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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. The last I remember was the Stormcast being beaten on every front They don't seem overly powerful (story-wise - they're just too few) and rules-wise ^^
  2. Same. I also don't want a 1 to 1 conversion of the old Vampire Counts to AoS
  3. The old Krell is very cool. I especially love the mix of ancient Greek/Roman, medieval and gothic elements!
  4. Corrupted by Death, not Chaos judging by the last BR Story
  5. Agreed! I thought the horde bonus referred to saving points for buying a maxed out unit 🥲
  6. It‘s a big I am also encountering. Just ignore it ^^
  7. Not sure I‘d like a centaur Vamp with a bigger torso than a normal vampire 🤔 but let‘s wait and see
  8. You might be right! It‘s very hard to tell from that blurry image!
  9. looks to me like a Sigvald + Akhelian king kitbash. (Pose and Cape gives it away imo)
  10. looks like an easy conversion for Aos! (Bonesplitters!)
  11. Where's that image from? I am really happy for all the Orc Boyz out there! You're finally getting new models!
  12. maybe battalions will stay but there will be a list of generic battalions for everyone? (Like they did with command abilities)
  13. The real change about the new Skeletons is not their size, but their scale. The new skeletons were taken a notch away from heroic scale towards true scale (less huge hands etc.)
  14. So it's save to assume that Grave Guard will stay
  15. It's REALLY weird, that no one leaked the contents of Soulblight I mean we already got solid rumours for AoS 3.0, but nothing for SBGL
  16. „The power of bad internet -thanks Merkel“ double post
  17. Please no, by the realms, No. by Sigmar, NO! I already plan to toss Ironclads full of gold at GW when they put up all the soulblight -good- bloodness up for preorder! I can‘t survive such a release this close to SBL.
  18. It's the skull of a forest Dragon, you can see it in the video. I really love this model. It's graceful, it's floating and it has a dragn on its base! ❤️
  19. That was the only reason I want to play Settler's Gain as well XD I'd love a city in which you can 1 in 4 all kinds of aelves (and Fyreslayers)
  20. Iirc you have to ally the battalion and all the units in it count as allied as well. So you can't combine Living City Sylvaneth with actual Sylvaneth battalions
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