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Everything posted by a74xhx

  1. Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90): The Hand of Gork Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90): Itchy Nuisance 9 x Rockgut Troggoths (420) Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280): General / Fight Another Day / Clammy cowl Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110) 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 10 x Boingrot Bounderz (200) 40 x Stabbas (260): stabbas 12 x Squig Herd (140) 20 x Shootas (120) 6 x Sneaky Snufflers (70) Suffocating Gravetide (20) TOTAL: 2000/2000 WOUNDS: 198 MODELS:111 Ok, so what am I doing wrong in my list? 😁 I wanted to make a mixed GG list. Trying to maximise variety, whilst still having buffs, and using the stuff I've got. Main plan: Assume I'm going second. ASAP, 9 Rockguts are gorked into the enemies backline. Squigs stay in a group, shielded by stabbas/herd. Charge into enemy as soon as it's viable to do so. Stabbas and herd fill out the middle. Shootas stay at the back. Fungoids go wherever is safe. Snufflers buff wherever is needed (wish this worked on the shootas bows!) Gravetide just to fill the points because I couldn't fit a scuttletide and it will have some use. Considered dropping out 5 or 10 bounderz or 6 or 12 herd for other stuff. I worry about my spell reliability, especially for gorking. Considered switching a fungoid (or two) for Skragrott, or maybe squeezing in a balewind. Only after doing that I'd consider increasing my endless spells too. Not sure if fight another day and clammy cowl together is a waste. But didn't have any other good choices due to lack of expensive leaders.
  2. I like this idea. It fits quite nicely. Needs to be able to break faction scenery rules. Possibly it should be an allegiance ability and not a warscroll ability. My other issue with our own terrain is what rules would they have. Don't need bravery or spell bonuses. Lack of models means we won't want to be restricted to hanging around a single backline piece for bonuses. Teleportation and resurrection I suspect would break the game. A healing station might work (terrain is placed within 9" of your back edge, you heal D3? wounds per turn if within 1" it and are more than 3" of enemy units).
  3. Given the size of the models, how big would a gargant piece of scenery have to be?! 😁
  4. Well sure, but that's 200 points. Might not seem much if you have 1800 points of squigs. But in a mixed Gitz list it feels a much harder sell. Let's say my squigs are just a loonboss mangler and 2x10 boingrots. How much support do they need to be effective as a single block?
  5. Squig Lure on a madcap/fungoid OR Loonboss on cave Squig? You need at least one of them if you have squigs, right? Lure is better if I only have a few squigs, but can get shut down. The boss is much safer, but won't get me far, and costs slightly more. Which one to take?
  6. Sadly we have none. No endless spells or scenery either.
  7. .....And this all assumes we don't get the Bonegrinder
  8. Points. 2x3 mancrushers plus 3 individual mancrushers is 1500 points. That leaves you with 500 points to fill with a hero. 9 individual mancrushers is 1620 points. That leaves you with 380 points to fill with a hero. We have no way of filling that. I guess if you really really want you mancrushers to be solo you could do 8 individual mancrushers and a mega garagant and then buy a CP. EDIT: Exactly what @Ganigumo just said
  9. My theory is that Squigs are always fast. They are just really difficult to control. When you roll a low move it's just simulating them going in the wrong direction then getting redirected to where you actually wanted them to go (hence the herders or guys ontop)
  10. > is a matt / gloss / satin varnish really able to protect our models? Yes. Try scratching the paint off a test model. Now varnish it, it'll be a lot harder to remove. Now try on a metal model. It'll come off even easier. I've also found the new contrast primer can scratch off too. I usually can't scratch off the standard GW primers. If you do lots of gaming then all that oil in your dirty sweaty fingers is going to eat into the paint over time. Even if the varnish was no better than paint, then you've got an additional layer it has to get through. >From the vallejo matt varnish product info Quick warning that over time I've found vallejo matt is a little too shiny for me. I've switched to W&N varnish which seems much better, plus it comes it a giant tub that'll last me forever. > I mean its waterbased and acrylic , just like the colors . > How can it "protect" , can somebody maybe explain the science part behind that to me ? As I understand it, the varnish is completely different than paint. It dries a lot harder. I'll also leave the science part for someone else. We'll probably also run into the argument that gloss protects better than matt. Many people are quite vocal about that. But there's a smaller, quieter group that insists that's rubbish. Personally I just stick with matt.
  11. Looking at the last page of the arcanum, it says march 2020 and the points are pre-ghb2020.
  12. To be even safer I'd recommend rinsing your models in a bucket of bleach whenever you pick them up. When they're killed, just store them in the same bucket too. (Edit: disclaimer: don't do this!)
  13. I'm assuming the team (or more likely person) working on the builder doesn't know anything more than we do, and will only know the additional points when the FAQs drop.
  14. Totally read that wrong at first. Hot Aelves are looking for single Duardin in your area.
  15. How is everyone feeling about the loss of the realm artefacts? Ok every faction has the same loss, but the lack of "tribes" with mandatory artefacts in our book makes me feel that we relied on realm ones more than other factions. Do you think we are realistically down to one or two artefacts used in 95% of lists? Our battalions are gong to feel even less useful now if you struggle to find a second useful artefact. That doesn't feel like a big loss though.
  16. I'm shocked that people on an AOS forum generally prefer AOS to WHFB. Who would have thought it?
  17. Have factions not updated in GHB2020 changed in the builder?
  18. Agreed. How much of a points drop does the Branchwych need before anyone would play her? Say she was 40 points. Maybe I'd think about it, but I'd most likely prefer to max those Kurnoths. But now we have a problem. 40 points for a wizard. That's crazy. Suddenly you've completely broken the price of a wizard across AOS. It's a race to the bottom. 80 feels right as the minimum price of a 5 wound hero. It feels initially counter intuitive, but dropping points on the units we are going to play feels much more beneficial in the long run. These new points give me an extra 5 spites or endless spell in a 2k list. Maybe we'll get FAQ changes to tweak our warscrolls. It wouldn't take much (2 spells on an ancient etc). We wouldn't go to the top of the charts, but it'd be help. (Edit: I missed a page worth of posts when replying. Seems like we're mostly all in agreement)
  19. 3.99 a month for all the battletome/codices then maybe. That's what, a medium size model per year? Not too bad. 3.99 a month plus I have to buy each book. And those books go out of date and I have to buy the new versions. No, not a chance. So close GW, you almost nailed it.
  20. Yeah... that's definitely a smaller, less potent set 😅 😪 It's possible that an upcoming GG FAQ could change the wording of the Troggoth artefacts to remove Dankhold keyword. Or, more likely, the Hag warscroll is updated to include Dankhold keyword. But assuming it doesn't - Is the Hag worth taking now? (I have a vested interest here - it's my birthday soon, and with Behemat not coming anytime soon, was considering getting myself the Hag)
  21. Is that confirmed? I know the realm artefacts are being dropped, but I thought they were being replaced with a smaller, less potent set?
  22. What are the chances that there will be battletome FAQs dropping at the roughly the same time as GHB with warscroll rewrites/tweaks? Might explain some of the odd point choices.
  23. I wonder if there will be something special added for us. I forgot before there is the FW Bonegrinder. But assuming he stays at 400 then that leaves at most 160 to fit something else in 2k. Maybe he'll get a total rewrite and go up to roughly 480 to match the others. Or he could go down a little to allow squeezing in another Mancrusher.
  24. Looking at the math, an SoB allegiance army 2000 list will always have: Exactly 4 choices to make (one for each 500 point "slot") Min 6 models, max 10 models. Min 1920 points, max 2000 points. Adding in a CP for anything <=1950, gives 1970 as the cheapest list Possible lists: 3 Mancrushers, 3 Mega-Gargants 6 Mancrushers, 2 Mega-Gargants 9 Mancrushers, 1 Mega-Gargant Mancrushers: One set of three can be split however you like, the rest must be taken in threes. No allies
  25. Mancrushers: "In a Sons Of Behemat army, battlefield role is Battleline (not Behemoth) and maximum sized units count as 3 battleline units" The new guys are Leaders+Behemoth (not unique)
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